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Seperating the Wheat From The Chaff: HIgh Carb Plant Based Diets, Nutrient Adequacy & Lipid Levels

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The 3 studies I am posting today (with permission),

are older, but as there are only so few done on this

population, I think they are pertinent. I also don't

think they have been discussed here. They were

referenced in my Olive Oil article and some have asked

me off-list about them.

So here they are, and their relevance...

There is often discussion here about the " ideal "

ratios of protein/carbohydrate/fat, and the influence

of different recommended diets containing differring

macronutrient ratios, on weight and lipid levels. And

that the high carb (low fat) diets are bad, as they

increase cholesterol, and atherosclerosis.

In addition, because of lots of bad press over the

last decade, many of us are afraid of higher carb (low

fat)diets, due to confusing and misleading press

reports inditing the high carbohydrate diet Americans

have consumed over the last 30 years. This high carb,

low fat American diet is neither high carb, or low

fat, nor is it a healthy diet in anyway.

As i have often pointed out, while the diet is high

carb, it is mostly refined white flour, white sugar,

low in fiber, lacking in most nutrients, high in

saturated fat, cholesterol, and omega 3s. However,

this is not the high carbohydrate diet that many of

its true advocates (like me) would recommend nor do

they produce the same results in humans. High

carbohydrate diets that are based on unrefined,

unprocessed plants foods that are high in fiber,

nutrient dense and adequate in protein and fat, are

very healthy.

These 3 studies focus on one example of a population

living on a very high carbohydrate diet, the

Tarahumara Indians of Mexico. Their diet is mostly

corn, beans, and peppers with very limited food from

animal sources.


The protein average 87 g, and meets the

recommendations for all the essential amino acids. Fat

is only 12% of total calories, with 2% saturated and

5% polyunsaturated. The average dietary cholesterol

intake is less than 100 mg/day.

Carbohydrate comprised 75 to 80% of total calories,

however, unlike the typical American high carb diet,

only 6% of total calories were derived from simple

sugars. In America, it is ~20%. Their nutrient intake

met or exceeded national recommendations

In regard to its effects on lipid levels...


All lipid values were low (total cholesterol LDL,

VLDL, etc), including HDL, which was in the 20s.

Their life expectancy is low due to very high infant

mortality but, as the authors stated...

" Particularly notable was the virtual absence of the

hypertension, obesity, and the usual age rise

of the serum cholesterol in adults. Thus, the

customary diet of the Tarahumaras is adequate in

all nutrients, is hypolipidemic, and is presumably

antiatherogenic "

Now, some may say they are genetically predisposed to

low cholesterol levels and metabolize cholesterol

differently. Maybe, but either way, their high carb,

low fat diet is nutrient rich and is not hurting them.

but the real test would be, what happens when you put

them on the typical American high carb diet, for 5

weeks. Do they still maintain their low cholesterol

levels, or do their numbers change like typical


http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/entrez/query.fcgi?db=pubmed & cmd=Retrieve & dopt=Abstra\

ctPlus & list_uids=1944471 & query_hl=4 & itool=pubmed_docsum

As you can see, they reacted just as most Americans

do... Their cholesterol went up 31%, LDL, rose 39%,

HDL rose 31%, TGs, rose 18%, and their weight

increased 7%.

So, don't be misled or confused by simple comparisons,

criticisms (or praise) done on macro nutrient ratios,

without understanding the food that is contributing to

those macro-nutrient ratios and its effects on health.

There are many types of high fat diets, and high

protein diets and there are many types of high carb

diets. And there are many types of food that can make

up either of them.

Some are very toxic.

So, yes, there are some really bad high carb, low fat

diets out there. But some, are not only extremely

nutrient dense, but may be an extremely healthy, (if

not the healthiest) option.



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