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2 servings of meat a day can increases risk of developing metabolic syndrome

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Two servings of meat a day can increase the risk of developing

metabolic syndrome by 25 percent compared to consuming meat twice a week.

Meat, in this case, does not include fish I guess, as they mention

fish as part of a healthy diet that prevents disease.

Dairy products were mentioned as beneficial, so maybe protein alone is

not the culprit?

Also fried foods and diet soda linked to increased risk of metabolic

syndrome. (Not earth-shattering news to me).




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Meat linked to diabetes and CVD risk

By Crowley

1/23/2008- Eating just two servings of meat a day can increase the

risk of developing metabolic syndrome by 25 percent compared to

consuming meat twice a week, according to new research.

Fried foods and soda were also found to present the same dangers,

while a diet based on vegetables, fruit, and fish did not show

advantageous effects on such a condition. However, dairy products

proved to have some benefits.

The study, conducted by researcher from the University of Minnesota,

School of Public Health, Minneapolis, and the University of North

Carolina, was published this month Circulation: Journal of the

American Heart Association.

Metabolic syndrome is a cluster of health risk factors that lead to

cardiovascular disease and diabetes. It includes symptoms such as

elevated waist circumference, high blood pressure, elevated

triglycerides, low levels of high-density lipoprotein cholesterol and

high fasting glucose levels.

The presence of three or more of the factors increases a person's

susceptibility to cardiovascular disease (CVD) and diabetes.

The study

The scientists, led by Dr Lyn Steffen, analyzed the dietary intake of

9,514 participants aged between 45 and 64, in a collaborative study

funded by the National Heart, Lung, and Blood Institute called the

Atherosclerosis Risk in Communities.

" We specifically studied food intake, " explained Steffen, comparing

this study to previous ones where the relationship between nutrients

and CVD risk has been investigated.

" When making recommendations about dietary intake it is easier to do

so using the framework of real foods eaten by real people. "

Researchers assessed food intake using a 66-item food frequency

questionnaire (FFQ). From the responses, they categorized people by

their dietary preferences into a Western-pattern diet or a prudent diet.

In general, the Western diet was heavy on refined grains, processed

meat, fried foods, red meat, eggs, soda, and was light on fish, fruit,

vegetables and whole grain products.

Prudent diet eating patterns favored cruciferous vegetables,

carotenoid vegetables, fruit, fish and seafood, poultry and whole

grains, along with low fat dairy.

Researchers also assessed associations with individual food items:

fried foods, sweetened beverages, diet soda, nuts and coffee.


After nine years of follow-up, 3,782 participants, equal to 40

percent, had three or more risk factors for metabolic syndrome.

" After adjusting for demographic factors, smoking, physical activity

and energy intake, consumption of a Western dietary pattern was

adversely associated with metabolic syndrome, " said Steffen.

" One surprising finding was while it didn't increase the risk of

metabolic syndrome, there was no evidence of consuming a prudent diet

either, " she added.

When Steffen and colleagues analyzed the results by specific foods,

they found that meat, fried foods and diet soda were all significantly

associated with increased risk of metabolic syndrome, but consumption

of dairy products was beneficial.

The study did not address the mechanisms involved in the increased

risk of metabolic syndrome seen with certain foods, but Steffen

speculated that: " It may be a fatty acid mechanism since saturated

fats are a common link and certainly overweight and obesity are

contributing to the development of metabolic syndrome. "

She said more research is needed on the relationship between diet soda

and metabolic syndrome, but the study results show a strong indication

that too much meat, fried foods and diet soda do not add up to a

healthy life.

Previous research

This study is the third in three months to flag up potential risks

with high meat consumption.

Last December, a study by the USA's National Cancer Institute found

that a high intake of red and processed meats may raise the risk of

lung and colorectal cancer by up to 20 per cent.

In November, the World Cancer Research Fund published a study which

directly linked diet to cancer, with alcohol and red and processed

meats posing particular risks.

Source: Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry

Published online ahead of print, doi: 10.1161/CIRCULATIONAHA.107.716159

" Dietary Intake and the Development of the Metabolic Syndrome. The

Atherosclerosis Risk in Communities Study "

Authors. Pamela L. Lutsey, Lyn M. Steffen, June s

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