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Daily Exercise Dramatically Lowers Men's Death Rates

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Daily Exercise Dramatically Lowers Men's Death Rates

ScienceDaily (Jan. 23, 2008) — Increased exercise capacity reduces the

risk of death in African-American and Caucasian men, researchers

reported in Circulation: Journal of the American Heart Association.

The government-supported Veterans Affairs study included 15,660

participants and is the largest known to assess the link between

fitness and mortality.

" It is important to emphasize that it takes relatively moderate levels

of physical activity -- like brisk walking -- to attain the associated

health benefits. Certainly, one does not need to be a marathon runner.

This is the message that we need to convey to the public, " said

Kokkinos, Ph.D., lead author of the study and director of the Exercise

Testing and Research Lab in the cardiology department at the Veterans

Affairs Medical Center in Washington, D.C.

Professor Kokkinos and colleagues investigated exercise capacity as an

independent predictor of overall mortality for African-American men

(6,749) and Caucasian men (8,911) and also examined whether racial

differences in exercise capacity influence the risk of death. Veterans

were tested by a standardized treadmill test to assess exercise

capacity between May 1983 and December 2006 at Veterans Affairs

medical centers in Washington, D.C., and Palo Alto, Calif. The men

were encouraged to exercise until fatigued unless they developed

symptoms or other indicators of ischemia. These individuals were then

followed for an average of 7.5 years and death rates were recorded.

Researchers classified the subjects into fitness categories based on

their treadmill performance, expressed as peak metabolic equivalents

(METs) achieved. Technically, a MET is equivalent to oxygen

consumption of 3.5 milliliters per kilograms of body weight per

minute. One MET represents the amount of oxygen the person uses at

rest. Anything above one MET represents work. The higher the MET level

achieved, the more fit the individual.

Based on this concept, the researchers divided the participants into

four categories:

1. 3,170 men were " low fit, " achieving less than 5 METs;

2. 5,153 men were " moderately fit, " achieving 5 to 7 METs;

3. 5,075 were " highly fit, " achieving 7.1 to 10 METs; and

4. 2,261 were " very highly fit, " achieving more than 10 METs.

The study found that " highly fit " men had half the risk of death

compared to " low fit " men. Men who achieved " very highly fit " levels

had a 70 percent lower risk of death compared to those in the " low

fit " category. For every 1-MET increase in exercise capacity

(fitness), the risk for death from all causes was 13 percent for both

African Americans and Caucasians.

Kokkinos said, " These findings are important for several reasons:

First, we were able to quantify the health benefits per unit increase

in exercise capacity. Second, this is the first study to provide

information on physical activity and mortality in African Americans,

information lacking until now. Keep in mind that death rates in

African Americans are much higher when compared with Caucasians, in

part because race and income negatively influence access to healthcare. "

" The Veterans Affairs' health system is unique in that it ensures

equal access to care regardless of a patient's financial status, " he

added. " Thus, it provides us with a unique opportunity to assess the

impact of exercise or physical activity on death without the influence

of healthcare differences. "

According to Kokkinos, most middle-age and older individuals can

attain fitness levels with a brisk walk, 30 minutes per day, five to

six days each week. " I do not advocate that everyone can start with 30

minutes of physical activity. In fact, 30 minutes may be too much for

some people. If this is the case, split the routine into 10-15 minutes

in the morning and another 10-15 minutes in the evening. The benefits

will be similar if the exercise volume accumulated is similar, " he said.

" Our findings show that the risk of death is cut in half with an

exercise capacity that can easily be achieved by a brisk walk of about

30 minutes per session 5-6 days per week, " he added. " Physicians

should encourage individuals to initiate and maintain a physically

active lifestyle, which is likely to improve fitness and lower the

risk of death. Individuals should also discuss exercise with their

physician before embarking on an exercise program. "

Co-authors are: Myers, Ph.D.; Kokkinos; s

Pittaras, M.D.; Puneet Narayan, M.D.; Athanasios Manolis, M.D.; Pamela

Karasik, M.D.; Greenberg, M.D.; Vasilios Papademetriou, M.D.;

and Singh, M.D.

Adapted from materials provided by American Heart Association.

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American Heart Association (2008, January 23). Daily Exercise

Dramatically Lowers Men's Death Rates. ScienceDaily. Retrieved January

26, 2008, from http://www.sciencedaily.com­


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