Guest guest Posted February 17, 2006 Report Share Posted February 17, 2006 Well done. See Internat.J. Clin. Invest. 13, ,p1-4 2005. An analytic review of the published literature on Hazards of vaccines and Mercury. Sincerely H.H. Fudenberg, M.D., D.D.G., I.O.M. 864-592-8076 From: " Barry" <kevanne88@...>Reply-EOHarm To: EOHarm Subject: Excellent testimony in WA legislature today...Date: Fri, 17 Feb 2006 03:55:40 support of a Thimerosal ban. Well done Tami Giles. KB________________Madam Chair and members of the committee, I am Tami Giles from Auburn,WA. I am here representing myself and my mercury damaged son .I am asking you to consider the language of the original SB 5305-banning mercury vaccines for pregnant women and children that states:Beginning July 1, 2006, a person who is known to be pregnant or who isunder three years of age shall not be vaccinated with a mercury-8containing vaccine or injected with a mercury-containing product thatcontains more than 0.5 micrograms of mercury per 0.5 milliliter dose.I am asking you to strike out:(2) Notwithstanding subsection (1) of this section, an influenzavaccine may contain up to 1.0 micrograms of mercury per 0.5 milliliterdose.I am passing around pictures taken of my son Giles at ages 4,5, 6, and 7. The first 3 pictures show my son, at happy events in achild's life—yet my son was unable to enjoy these events because hewas left emotionless and expressionless, a barely functional member ofsociety after I received a flu shot on the recommendation from mydoctor while pregnant. then received 237.5 micrograms of mercury thru his childhoodvaccines. The final picture shows my son taken recently- after a yearof chelation treatments to remove mercury and from his body. The chartyou see if the actual chart showing the amount of mercury excretedfrom my son after a treatment known as chelation- to remove mercuryand other heavy metals from the body.Not one person in my family for 4 generations had autism before my son.It's not the genes. The very term "genetic epidemic" defies nature.You can not change the gene pool in a population in a mere 20 yearperiod- the same amount of time the autism rates became epidemic inproportion.Thimerosal has been used for 75 years and has never been tested by anygovernment health care agency for toxicity. Furthermore, theseagencies and the medical community have long promotedmercury-containing vaccines. With everything at stake, it can hardlybe expected that there will be a sudden announcement that vaccineshave caused an epidemic of neurological disorders among our children.Our own government denied the connection of Agent Orange to theinjuries of soldiers for 20 years before admitting damage. They alsodenied the Gulf War vets compensation for 10 years. Our own Governmenthas been wrong more than once.I realize the issue of thimerosal and autism is an explosive one.Highly-credentialed scientists such as Mady Hornig of ColumbiaUniversity, Burbacher of the University of Washington, Dr Deth, professor of Pharmacology, Northeastern University, andBoyd Haley of the University of Kentucky among others have producedthe research that shows thimerosal is a most likely the cause for theepidemic of neurological disorders in our country. Mercury is the second deadliest element on Earth. It's a knownneurotoxin. It destroys the wiring in the brain.The FDA and CDC have no evidence of safety for thimerosal. All theyhave are flawed and manipulated population studies that they claim "proves" mercury is safe when injected into babies. Thimerasol was introduced by Eli Lilly in 1930, thimerosal was testedonly once, by the company that invented it, Eli Lilly, on 22 adultpatients suffering from meningitis. There was no chance for follow-upto observe long-term effects, as all of the patients in this "study"died of meningitis within a month. Even if follow-up had beenpossible, damage to the developing brains of very young children wouldhave remained an unknown. From this short and small study, Thimerosalwas pronounced "safe" and later grand-fathered in when the FDA wascreated. This is an unconscionable oversight failure and we are now overwhelmedwith a generation of children with neurological disorders. If I dropped a bottle of flu vaccine on the floor of this room, wewould be required to call a hazmat team and evacuate the building.This is because the "Trace" amount of thimerosal in the flu vaccineare actually 50,000 parts per billion in concentration. On contrast,the EPA states anything over 200 parts per billion MUST be disposed ofin a hazardous waste dump. The EPA states drinking water is unsafe at2 parts per billion.We are regulating fish consumption at levels of 400 to 500 pats perbillion- and the mercury in fish is far less biologically availablefor toxicity. Thimerosal is a direct injection of organic mercurywhich readily passes the blood brain barrier and becomes trapped inthe brain. Burbacher of the University of WA found thatthimerosal concentrates in the brain at levels 2 to 3 times the amountthat the mercury in fish accumulates. In his recent book, Evidence of Harm, journalist Kirby pointsout that "...many researchers had sent the company--Eli Lilly--documents dating back to the 1930's, each raising a red flag aboutthimerosal." (EOH 207-209). Mr. Kirby chronologically lists over 70years of scientific research on the damaging and deadly effects ofthimerosal that was willfully ignored by Eli Lilly and the CDC. CDC and FDA should be utterly embarrassed to make safety claimsbased on such a pathetic history of oversight. Our federal healthagencies are also the ones whose members have over 700conflict-of-interest waivers for direct financial ties to the vaccinemanufacturers. Asking a vaccine manufacturer if thimerosal in vaccinesis safe is as ludicrous as asking if smoking causeslung cancer. We need to remove all chance of neurological damage by thimerosalinjection until the government fully investigates this tragedy andpresents the facts to the public. As the mother of an autistic sonsaid, "This is perhaps such a horrible mistake, that maybe the peoplewho caused it can't come to terms with it. Everyone needs to wake upand realize what happened. If we had one in 166 kids with leukemia,it'd be on the news every night.".Please protect the children of Washington from brain damage as well asfrom infectious diseases. By removing mercury from vaccines, you havethe power to avoid immeasurable heartache and save millions in futurespecial education costs.Mercury is not an essential ingredient in vaccines. Rather, it is apreservative giving shelf life to 10 dose vials. Single dose vialsare available. Please value the health of our children over the shelf life of the vial.Thank you, Tami Giles Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
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