Guest guest Posted March 27, 2006 Report Share Posted March 27, 2006 I didn't have time to read and digest all of Mark's article on aluminum hydroxide. What surprises me, is that this article appeared here tonight, upon the heels of news from Dr. Shaw, in Canada, that aluminum hydroxide may be a contributor to various neurological disorders such as Alzheimer's, Parkinson's, and ALS. What gives here? Aasa "Mark Sircus Ac., OMD" <director@...> wrote: Another Poison Pediatricians Inject in BabiesAluminum HydroxideInternational Medical Veritas Association Medically a poison can be any substance applied to the body, ingested or developed within the body, which causes or may cause disease. The word poison was first recorded in Middle English in a work composed around 1200. A poison is any substance which, when introduced into or absorbed by a living organism, destroys life or injures health. Poison is defined as any substance capable of producing a morbid, noxious or deadly effect. A poison is a material that inhibits other substances, especially enzymes, and the vital biochemical processes they are involved in. Enzymes are crucial because every chemical change that takes place to repair tissue or to assimilate food involves the activity of enzymes. Without enzyme activity there is no biological activity, no life. Since 1934, aluminum hydroxide has been used as an adjuvant to boost the immune response from vaccines. The effects of poisons can be quick or extremely slow - building gradually up creating low grade debilitation diseases like in chronic fatigue syndrome or devastating neurological disorders like MS, ALS, and Alzheimer’s disease. Though neurodegenerative disorders have several pathways in their creation but nothing will burn up a neuron faster than mercury. This is also the case for aluminum hydroxide, just to a lesser extent. Vancouver neuroscientist Dr. Shaw just finished his research that shows a link between the aluminum hydroxide used in vaccines, and symptoms associated with Parkinson’s, amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS, or Lou Gehrig’s disease), and Alzheimer’s. Autopsy reports on Alzheimer's patients found 70% more aluminum in the brain. Aluminum is just harmful to life. Aluminum is a protoplasmic poison and a deadly, persistent neurotoxin. Aluminum is a known toxin that can cause encephalitis, bone disease and anemia in susceptible people. Though aluminum is less toxic than mercury, arsenic, lead or cadmium, it is a persistent poison that increases the toxicity of other heavy metals. Dr. Shaw found in animal studies that aluminum hydroxide shows statistically significant increases in anxiety (38 percent); memory deficits (41 times the errors as in the sample group); and an allergic skin reaction (20 percent). Tissue samples after the mice were “sacrificed” showed neurological cells were dying. Inside the mice’s brains, in a part that controls movement, 35 percent of the cells were destroying themselves. No one in my lab wants to get vaccinated. This totally creeped us out. We weren’t out there to poke holes in vaccines. But all of a sudden, oh my God—we’ve got neuron death! Dr. Shaw Yet we find Baltimore University of land researchers beginning testing bird flu vaccines with aluminum hydroxide, a common vaccine additive that is “an immune enhancer that can help the immune system to respond better," says Dr. . The researchers hope the addition of aluminum hydroxide, will improve the immune response enough that “only” one smaller dose will be needed. According to Dr. Fauci, the National Institutes of Health's infectious disease chief aluminum hydroxide dramatically lowers the amount of vaccine needed. A heavy metal has a density at least 5 times that of water and cannot be metabolized by the body, therefore accumulating in the body. Heavy metal toxicity can cause our mental functions, energy, nervous system, kidneys, lungs and other organ functions to decline. Yet we have medical and health officials endorsing the use of heavy metals in vaccines given to little children without any care to the downside, to the toxicity, to the poisonous nature of such practices. Toxic effects of chemical agents are not well understood or appreciated by doctors, which amounts to a staggering betrayal of the trust we have given them. Medicine has struggled pitifully to understand the toxicities of individual chemicals and has failed in an absolute sense to understand the threat that comes when chemicals and metals are mixed uncontrollably in the body. It is known for instance that aluminum and lead increase the toxicities of mercury by a 100 fold yet that does not stop doctors from mixing aluminum with mercury in children’s vaccines. Crimes against humanity, against human decency, against basic intelligence, against the basic purpose of medicine are committed when poisons are injected into our children. Aluminum inhibits Na-K-ATPase and hexokinase enzymes into the brain. It blocks the electrical discharge of nerve cells, which reduces nervous system activity. According to Dr. Blaylock, “Removal of thimerosal, even if complete, will not solve the problem of autism. It will help tremendously, but will not stop the epidemic of autism. Though mercury, even in sub toxic doses has been shown to strongly activate microglia causing the secretion of two powerful excitotoxins, glutamate and quinolinic acid, in concentrations that are neurotoxic. Aluminum has a similar mode of action, though less potent. When combined with mercury, there is at least additive toxicity if not synergistic toxicity.” Dr Ellis agrees with Blaylock stating that “autism is upon us because it’s the outcome of the 50-year experiment of dousing every living being with an overload of toxic substances, including vaccines.”[ii] Speaking of her autistic patients, Dr Cave said, “You would be amazed at the devastation in their chemistries when you get down to the cellular level.” She also said, “I think in later years we are going to look back at aluminum the way we are looking at mercury now.”[iii] “Aluminum salts are used as vaccine adjuvants based on their ability to improve dendritic cell response to presented antigens. The aluminum concentration of vaccines varies from 0.125 to 0.85 mg/dose, which would produce concentrations of approximately 0.7 to 4.5 uM, if uniformly distributed in the body water of a seven kg infant,” reported Dr. M. Waly at Northeastern University, who found that at these low concentrations cellular problems are created independently and in combination with mercury.[iv] Aluminum given to a healthy subject will bring on symptoms of tremors, forgetfulness, disorientation, a very dry, or weeping eczema and skin rashes, as well as other nerve and brain tissue disorders. The symptoms listed of aluminum poisoning go on endlessly. Dr. Boyd Haley reported from his laboratory experiments that “Aluminum is not nearly as toxic to neurons in culture as is thimerosal.” At the University of Kentucky he did experiments to determine if aluminum would increase the toxicity of very low levels of thimerosal. “The results were unequivocal: The presence of aluminum dramatically increased the rate of neuronal death caused by thimerosal. Therefore, the aluminum and thimerosal combination found in vaccines produces a toxic mixture that cannot be compared to situations where thimerosal alone was the toxic exposure.”[v] Mercury and aluminum not only are directly toxic to brain cells but also over stimulate the brain’s immune system. Dr. Russel Blaylock According to Doctor Hugh Fundenburg if an individual receives too many consecutive flu shots his/her chance of developing Alzheimer's Disease is 10 times greater than if they had one, two or no shots.[vi] When asked why, Dr. Fudenberg stated that it is due to the mercury and aluminum buildup that are in many flu shots and in many other childhood vaccines. The gradual mercury and aluminum buildup in the brain causes eventual cognitive dysfunction. Symptoms and Diseases of Aluminum: Flatulence, headaches, dry skin, weak and aching muscles, senility, spleen pain, stomach pain, liver dysfunction, kidney dysfunction, neuromuscular disorders, osteomalacia, colitis, anemia, Alzheimer’s disease, amyotrophic lateral sclerosis, hemolysis, leukocytosis, porphyria, heartburn, memory loss, numbness, paralysis, Parkinson's disease, excessive perspiration, leg twitching, cavities, colds, behavioral problems, constipation The kidneys eliminate Aluminum from the body and so people with renal problems are at risk of Aluminum toxicity. All infants have reduced renal function and may not be able to effectively excrete excessive Aluminum. Kidney function is low at birth and reaches adult level by 1-2 years of age. The presence of Aluminum in a vaccine can cause small nodules to develop under the skin of some babies. These nodules are usually transient in nature and disappear spontaneously after a few weeks. In rare cases extreme hypersensitivity to Aluminum results in persistent nodules. Lead increases the toxicity of mercury by a hundred fold, so does aluminum. A Chinese student receives treatment at a hospital in Lingbi County, East China's Anhui Province, March 23, 2006. More than 30 students falls ill after measles vaccination at a primary school in the county, according to the website of the Xinhua News Agency. [vii] More than 3,000 children aged 1-14 in Lingbi's Xiangyang Township were vaccinated on March 14, 2006 by the county Center for Disease Prevention and Control in China. The township hospital reported to the county government that 32 students developed steady high fever after vaccination. But a reporter sent by a newspaper to schools in Xiangyang found the figure was at least 150. Treatment continued for the victims, all primary school students, whose fevers were as high as 41 degrees Celsius. (105.8 degrees Farenheit) More and more we hear of such vaccine reactions and sometimes kids do die. The medical authorities pretend there is nothing wrong with vaccines and act surprised when kids get hurt. Most vaccines in the third world contain thimerosal (mercury) and aluminum hydroxide. Why was poisoning such a popular way of offing one's adversaries? Because both the methods and the list of poisons themselves were numerous, the implementation could be very easy, and the action was often difficult to detect – a subtly poisoned drink was generally much harder to trace to its source than a crossbow bolt in the back. Nothing has changed really and in modern times and the problems and deaths that vaccines containing poisons like mercury and aluminum cause are difficult to trace. Most poisoning today is not seen as deliberate or done on purpose. In fact it is usually done with government approval and the applause of society. We live in a celebrated society that goes so far as to put poisons in children’s toothpaste and collectively parents go out and buy it by the ton. How long do we expect our children’s mental and physical health to hold up under massive chemical assault that starts even before they are born? Most -- if not all -- chronic infectious diseases are not caused by a failure of the immune system, but are a conscious adaptation of the immune system to an otherwise lethal heavy metal environment. Dr. Klinghardt In the early days of medicine doctors such as Paracelsus (a Swiss 1500s physician) advocated the use of metals, such as mercury and antimony. Many schools of medical thought rest on the bedrock of Paracelsus and his thinking that “It depends only upon the dose whether a poison is a poison or not. A lot kills - a little cures.” When dealing with an element as dangerous as mercury there is little room for error. Actually there is no room for error yet we have a massive belief in both medicine and dentistry that the mercury they use is too little to do harm. With dentists using it literally by the ton we really need to wonder about their thinking. Most of the thinking that comes out of the dental area seems to be a reflection of the massive mercury poisoning they are suffering from. You would think they would be at least concerned about their own health but their brains are so damaged by the constant exposure to mercury, which combined with the cultish conditioning in dental school, we end up with a profession that has a lot of apologies to make. The synergism of toxic metals is well known to everyone except doctors and dentists who do not want to know about this subject for it endangers their very way of life and professional practice, not to speak about their self-images. With so much use of poison in the world one could easily come to think that some groups of people are actually trying to poison the human race. And though mind boggling to think or believe this, we find this is the case. A careful examination shows that there are many companies and people who are in for fantastic profit and power and collectively we could call this pharmaceutical terrorism, medical insanity, and genocide all rolled into one. In reality there are no words that can truly describe the agony of being that is created, the death and destruction and the personal hells on earth that millions, even billions of people are being forced to live through. What sort of consciousness does it take to continue deliberately poisoning ourselves and our families? What sort of consciousness does it take to manufacture these poisons and sell them? And what kind of consciousness lives with the illusion that it’s safe to use them in our medicines, dental fillings, and vaccines? Some people make a big fuss about which poison to protest and get the government to stop using. When it comes to drugs and vaccines it is best to stay away from poisons that hurt our kids. Almost ninety percent of the public support the poisoning of children, they let their pediatricians get away with horrors against their children. The medical establishment has led the general public to swallow hook line and sinker that the best thing is to poison the kids. A national panel of scientists reported on March 22, 2006 that the federal government is allowing too much fluoride in drinking water, which leaves children at risk. Los Angeles Times Many who are aware of the neurological damages done to children (autism epidemic) via the mercury (thimerosal) in the vaccines do not realize as Dr. Blaylock does that it’s not enough to remove the mercury. Chemical rape is chemical rape and it really does not matter which one or how many of them are involved in the dirty deed. It is not ok to chemically rape children with mercury or aluminum or any of the other heavy metal. The FDA is the great proponent of the use of poison, they ok the poisoning of the water supply with fluoride and then go into psychotic fits when someone promotes something that is not poisonous. Aggressive pharmaceutical marketing has resulted in almost 3 million children being prescribed strong, adult anti-psychotic drugs. Meanwhile the FDA has nothing better to do than now attack the cherry industry.[viii] The FDA recently told 29 cherry companies that by claiming their products could prevent, treat or cure disease, they were in effect calling them drugs, which are covered by the Food, Drug and Cosmetic Act. New drugs require FDA approval and testing to confirm safety and effectiveness. The FDA admits that there are almost 1,000 safety and effectiveness studies that have not been done for countless numbers of drugs permitted into the marketplace by the FDA, drugs that all contain poisons that create serious side effects. It’s a cruel joke that we have allowed the FDA to approve the safety of poisonous drugs while we allow them to break the backs of companies promoting healthy foods that prevent and even cure disease. Darth Vader and his storm troopers have found a happy and well financed home at the FDA. Mark Sircus Ac., OMDDirector International Medical Veritas Association http://www.imva.info ID: marksircus International Medical Veritas Association Copyright 2006 All rights reserved. IMPORTANT Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest guest Posted March 27, 2006 Report Share Posted March 27, 2006 Andy Cutler spoke of the alum long ago. Perhaps he could be Dr. Steamy since he has benn right on all along. don't know if he's hot or not though, Dot Another Poison Pediatricians Inject in Babies > Aluminum Hydroxide > International Medical Veritas Association > > > Medically a poison can be any substance applied > to the body, ingested or developed within the body, > which causes or may cause disease. > > The word poison was first recorded in Middle English in a work composed around 1200. A poison is any substance which, when introduced into or absorbed by a living organism, destroys life or injures health. Poison is defined as any substance capable of producing a morbid, noxious or deadly effect. A poison is a material that inhibits other substances, especially enzymes, and the vital biochemical processes they are involved in. Enzymes are crucial because every chemical change that takes place to repair tissue or to assimilate food involves the activity of enzymes. Without enzyme activity there is no biological activity, no life. > > Since 1934, aluminum hydroxide has been used as an > adjuvant to boost the immune response from vaccines. > The effects of poisons can be quick or extremely slow - building gradually up creating low grade debilitation diseases like in chronic fatigue syndrome or devastating neurological disorders like MS, ALS, and Alzheimer's disease. Though neurodegenerative disorders have several pathways in their creation but nothing will burn up a neuron faster than mercury. This is also the case for aluminum hydroxide, just to a lesser extent. Vancouver neuroscientist Dr. Shaw just finished his research that shows a link between the aluminum hydroxide used in vaccines, and symptoms associated with Parkinson's, amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS, or Lou Gehrig's disease), and Alzheimer's. > Autopsy reports on Alzheimer's patients > found 70% more aluminum in the brain. > Aluminum is just harmful to life. Aluminum is a protoplasmic poison and a deadly, persistent neurotoxin. Aluminum is a known toxin that can cause encephalitis, bone disease and anemia in susceptible people. Though aluminum is less toxic than mercury, arsenic, lead or cadmium, it is a persistent poison that increases the toxicity of other heavy metals. Dr. Shaw found in animal studies that aluminum hydroxide shows statistically significant increases in anxiety (38 percent); memory deficits (41 times the errors as in the sample group); and an allergic skin reaction (20 percent). Tissue samples after the mice were " sacrificed " showed neurological cells were dying. Inside the mice's brains, in a part that controls movement, 35 percent of the cells were destroying themselves. > No one in my lab wants to get vaccinated. > This totally creeped us out. We weren't out there to poke holes > in vaccines. But all of a sudden, oh my God—we've got neuron death! > Dr. Shaw > Yet we find Baltimore University of land researchers beginning testing bird flu vaccines with aluminum hydroxide, a common vaccine additive that is " an immune enhancer that can help the immune system to respond better, " says Dr. . The researchers hope the addition of aluminum hydroxide, will improve the immune response enough that " only " one smaller dose will be needed. According to Dr. Fauci, the National Institutes of Health's infectious disease chief aluminum hydroxide dramatically lowers the amount of vaccine needed. > A heavy metal has a density at least 5 times that of water and > cannot be metabolized by the body, therefore accumulating in the body. > Heavy metal toxicity can cause our mental functions, energy, > nervous system, kidneys, lungs and other organ functions to decline. > Yet we have medical and health officials endorsing the use of heavy metals in vaccines given to little children without any care to the downside, to the toxicity, to the poisonous nature of such practices. Toxic effects of chemical agents are not well understood or appreciated by doctors, which amounts to a staggering betrayal of the trust we have given them. Medicine has struggled pitifully to understand the toxicities of individual chemicals and has failed in an absolute sense to understand the threat that comes when chemicals and metals are mixed uncontrollably in the body. It is known for instance that aluminum and lead increase the toxicities of mercury by a 100 fold yet that does not stop doctors from mixing aluminum with mercury in children's vaccines. Crimes against humanity, against human decency, against basic intelligence, against the basic purpose of medicine are committed when poisons are injected into our children. > Aluminum inhibits Na-K-ATPase and hexokinase > enzymes into the brain. It blocks the electrical discharge > of nerve cells, which reduces nervous system activity. > According to Dr. Blaylock, " Removal of thimerosal, even if complete, will not solve the problem of autism. It will help tremendously, but will not stop the epidemic of autism. Though mercury, even in sub toxic doses has been shown to strongly activate microglia causing the secretion of two powerful excitotoxins, glutamate and quinolinic acid, in concentrations that are neurotoxic. Aluminum has a similar mode of action, though less potent. When combined with mercury, there is at least additive toxicity if not synergistic toxicity. " Dr Ellis agrees with Blaylock stating that " autism is upon us because it's the outcome of the 50-year experiment of dousing every living being with an overload of toxic substances, including vaccines. " [ii] Speaking of her autistic patients, Dr Cave said, " You would be amazed at the devastation in their chemistries when you get down to the cellular level. " She also said, " I think in later years we are going to look back at > aluminum the way we are looking at mercury now. " [iii] > > " Aluminum salts are used as vaccine adjuvants based on their ability to improve dendritic cell response to presented antigens. The aluminum concentration of vaccines varies from 0.125 to 0.85 mg/dose, which would produce concentrations of approximately 0.7 to 4.5 uM, if uniformly distributed in the body water of a seven kg infant, " reported Dr. M. Waly at Northeastern University, who found that at these low concentrations cellular problems are created independently and in combination with mercury.[iv] > > Aluminum given to a healthy subject will bring on symptoms of tremors, > forgetfulness, disorientation, a very dry, or weeping eczema and skin > rashes, as well as other nerve and brain tissue disorders. > The symptoms listed of aluminum poisoning go on endlessly. > > Dr. Boyd Haley reported from his laboratory experiments that " Aluminum is not nearly as toxic to neurons in culture as is thimerosal. " At the University of Kentucky he did experiments to determine if aluminum would increase the toxicity of very low levels of thimerosal. " The results were unequivocal: The presence of aluminum dramatically increased the rate of neuronal death caused by thimerosal. Therefore, the aluminum and thimerosal combination found in vaccines produces a toxic mixture that cannot be compared to situations where thimerosal alone was the toxic exposure. " [v] > Mercury and aluminum not only are directly toxic to > brain cells but also over stimulate the brain's immune system. > Dr. Russel Blaylock > According to Doctor Hugh Fundenburg if an individual receives too many consecutive flu shots his/her chance of developing Alzheimer's Disease is 10 times greater than if they had one, two or no shots.[vi] When asked why, Dr. Fudenberg stated that it is due to the mercury and aluminum buildup that are in many flu shots and in many other childhood vaccines. The gradual mercury and aluminum buildup in the brain causes eventual cognitive dysfunction. > Symptoms and Diseases of Aluminum: Flatulence, headaches, dry skin, weak and aching muscles, senility, spleen pain, stomach pain, liver dysfunction, kidney dysfunction, neuromuscular disorders, osteomalacia, colitis, anemia, Alzheimer's disease, amyotrophic lateral sclerosis, hemolysis, leukocytosis, porphyria, heartburn, memory loss, numbness, paralysis, Parkinson's disease, excessive perspiration, leg twitching, cavities, colds, behavioral problems, constipation > The kidneys eliminate Aluminum from the body and so people with renal problems are at risk of Aluminum toxicity. All infants have reduced renal function and may not be able to effectively excrete excessive Aluminum. Kidney function is low at birth and reaches adult level by 1-2 years of age. The presence of Aluminum in a vaccine can cause small nodules to develop under the skin of some babies. These nodules are usually transient in nature and disappear spontaneously after a few weeks. In rare cases extreme hypersensitivity to Aluminum results in persistent nodules. > Lead increases the toxicity of mercury > by a hundred fold, so does aluminum. > > > A Chinese student receives treatment at a hospital in Lingbi County, East China's Anhui Province, > March 23, 2006. More than 30 students falls ill after measles vaccination at a primary school in the county, > according to the website of the Xinhua News Agency. [vii] > > More than 3,000 children aged 1-14 in Lingbi's Xiangyang Township were vaccinated on March 14, 2006 by the county Center for Disease Prevention and Control in China. The township hospital reported to the county government that 32 students developed steady high fever after vaccination. But a reporter sent by a newspaper to schools in Xiangyang found the figure was at least 150. Treatment continued for the victims, all primary school students, whose fevers were as high as 41 degrees Celsius. (105.8 degrees Farenheit) More and more we hear of such vaccine reactions and sometimes kids do die. The medical authorities pretend there is nothing wrong with vaccines and act surprised when kids get hurt. Most vaccines in the third world contain thimerosal (mercury) and aluminum hydroxide. > > Why was poisoning such a popular way of offing one's adversaries? Because both the methods and the list of poisons themselves were numerous, the implementation could be very easy, and the action was often difficult to detect – a subtly poisoned drink was generally much harder to trace to its source than a crossbow bolt in the back. Nothing has changed really and in modern times and the problems and deaths that vaccines containing poisons like mercury and aluminum cause are difficult to trace. Most poisoning today is not seen as deliberate or done on purpose. In fact it is usually done with government approval and the applause of society. We live in a celebrated society that goes so far as to put poisons in children's toothpaste and collectively parents go out and buy it by the ton. How long do we expect our children's mental and physical health to hold up under massive chemical assault that starts even before they are born? > Most -- if not all -- chronic infectious diseases are not caused > by a failure of the immune system, but are a conscious adaptation > of the immune system to an otherwise lethal heavy metal environment. > Dr. Klinghardt > In the early days of medicine doctors such as Paracelsus (a Swiss 1500s physician) advocated the use of metals, such as mercury and antimony. Many schools of medical thought rest on the bedrock of Paracelsus and his thinking that " It depends only upon the dose whether a poison is a poison or not. A lot kills - a little cures. " When dealing with an element as dangerous as mercury there is little room for error. Actually there is no room for error yet we have a massive belief in both medicine and dentistry that the mercury they use is too little to do harm. With dentists using it literally by the ton we really need to wonder about their thinking. Most of the thinking that comes out of the dental area seems to be a reflection of the massive mercury poisoning they are suffering from. You would think they would be at least concerned about their own health but their brains are so damaged by the constant exposure to mercury, which combined with the cultish conditioning in dental > school, we end up with a profession that has a lot of apologies to make. > > The synergism of toxic metals is well known to everyone except doctors and dentists who do not want to know about this subject for it endangers their very way of life and professional practice, not to speak about their self-images. With so much use of poison in the world one could easily come to think that some groups of people are actually trying to poison the human race. And though mind boggling to think or believe this, we find this is the case. A careful examination shows that there are many companies and people who are in for fantastic profit and power and collectively we could call this pharmaceutical terrorism, medical insanity, and genocide all rolled into one. In reality there are no words that can truly describe the agony of being that is created, the death and destruction and the personal hells on earth that millions, even billions of people are being forced to live through. > What sort of consciousness does it take to continue > deliberately poisoning ourselves and our families? > What sort of consciousness does it take to manufacture > these poisons and sell them? And what kind of > consciousness lives with the illusion that it's safe > to use them in our medicines, dental fillings, and vaccines? > Some people make a big fuss about which poison to protest and get the government to stop using. When it comes to drugs and vaccines it is best to stay away from poisons that hurt our kids. Almost ninety percent of the public support the poisoning of children, they let their pediatricians get away with horrors against their children. The medical establishment has led the general public to swallow hook line and sinker that the best thing is to poison the kids. > A national panel of scientists reported on March 22, 2006 > that the federal government is allowing too much fluoride > in drinking water, which leaves children at risk. > Los Angeles Times > Many who are aware of the neurological damages done to children (autism epidemic) via the mercury (thimerosal) in the vaccines do not realize as Dr. Blaylock does that it's not enough to remove the mercury. Chemical rape is chemical rape and it really does not matter which one or how many of them are involved in the dirty deed. It is not ok to chemically rape children with mercury or aluminum or any of the other heavy metal. The FDA is the great proponent of the use of poison, they ok the poisoning of the water supply with fluoride and then go into psychotic fits when someone promotes something that is not poisonous. > Aggressive pharmaceutical marketing has resulted in almost > 3 million children being prescribed strong, adult anti-psychotic drugs. > Meanwhile the FDA has nothing better to do than now attack the cherry industry.[viii] The FDA recently told 29 cherry companies that by claiming their products could prevent, treat or cure disease, they were in effect calling them drugs, which are covered by the Food, Drug and Cosmetic Act. New drugs require FDA approval and testing to confirm safety and effectiveness. > > The FDA admits that there are almost 1,000 safety and effectiveness studies that have not been done for countless numbers of drugs permitted into the marketplace by the FDA, drugs that all contain poisons that create serious side effects. It's a cruel joke that we have allowed the FDA to approve the safety of poisonous drugs while we allow them to break the backs of companies promoting healthy foods that prevent and even cure disease. Darth Vader and his storm troopers have found a happy and well financed home at the FDA. > Mark Sircus Ac., OMD > Director International Medical Veritas Association > > > +55-83-3252-2195 > ID: marksircus > > --------------------------------- > > International Medical Veritas Association > Copyright 2006 All rights reserved. > > > > IMPORTANT Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest guest Posted March 27, 2006 Report Share Posted March 27, 2006 Hi all, Please don’t forget that I post vaccination news every day on my website . The article referred to here, “Vaccines show sinister side” was posted around the 23rd of March. All the best, Sandy From: EOHarm [mailto:EOHarm ] On Behalf Of robbiev911 Sent: Monday, March 27, 2006 6:49 AM EOHarm Subject: Re: IMVA - Another Poison Pediatricians Inject in Babies - March 26, 2006 -I don't really think everyone only thinks mercury is the entire problem. I think everyone feels it was the origional problem. We know that the alum heats up the mercury making it 10x more toxic. Hep-b at birth had both mercury and alum. The testimony of Lilly reps.I viewed stated.The target areas for thimerisol were the brain and it's coverings, The liver, possible infertility. Bleezard went on to say that the purpose of the thimerisol was to prevent excetion and metabolism of the virus, thus allowing longer immunity.A tad bit incriminating I'd say. The thimerisol is holding the virus inside the cells. I think this is where most are coming from. I am glad you posted the study. Thank you, Dot -- In EOHarm , " Mark Sircus Ac., OMD " <director@...> wrote: > > What surprises me, is that this article appeared > here tonight, upon the heels of news from Dr. Shaw, in Canada, > that aluminum hydroxide may be a contributor to various neurological > disorders such as Alzheimer's, Parkinson's, and ALS. What gives here? > Aasa > > > Aasa, what gives is just more attention being placed on this important > vaccine subject. Some people live with the hallucination that the principle > issue is mercury and thing all our problems will be resolved with its > removal. That is simply not the truth. > > Mark > Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest guest Posted March 28, 2006 Report Share Posted March 28, 2006 Thank you for your reply, Mark. When I read the bad news about aluminum hydroxide, I recalled when I had taken my 2nd oldest son for his "well-teen" checkup when he was 15 years old, almost 2 years ago. He was due for a DPT booster, and I did my best to make sure there was no thimerosal in the Adacel he was to receive that day (read the package, bottle, and insert). I had already heard Dr. Boyd Haley talking about how thimerosal on its own, or combined with other heavy metals, is way more damaging than aluminum on its own. I did see that there was aluminum listed in the ingredients of Adacel, but I do believe it was aluminum phosphate as opposed to aluminum hydroxide. At that time, I had no idea that aluminum compounds could cause so much damage on their own. I just now realized too, that the hepatitis b shots my 2 oldest sons had at school, in Grade 7, contained thimerosal AS WELL AS aluminum hydroxide. I don't know how things are in the States, but here in Ontario, cerca 30% of secondary school students are at risk of dropping out before they complete their 4 years, and a greater proportion of these students are boys. I wonder how much these vaccines have had something to do with that. Anyway, my younger kids will receive no more of these vaccines, period (as long as I can help it)! It will be interesting to read more about Dr. Shaw's recent study. I hope that it passes the peer review stage. I am a little concerned, as his lab (although here in Canada) receives some funding from the US Department of Defence. I don't know how well his discoveries about the effects of anthrax vaccine will go over with them. Here's the link to info about the funding grants: Aasa "Mark Sircus Ac., OMD" <director@...> wrote: What surprises me, is that this article appearedhere tonight, upon the heels of news from Dr. Shaw, in Canada,that aluminum hydroxide may be a contributor to various neurologicaldisorders such as Alzheimer's, Parkinson's, and ALS. What gives here?AasaAasa, what gives is just more attention being placed on this important vaccine subject. Some people live with the hallucination that the principle issue is mercury and thing all our problems will be resolved with its removal. That is simply not the truth.Mark Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
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