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Re: Probiotics linked to lower oxidative stress

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Hi Dave:

It would be helpful to know what the tests are that are used to

determine the levels of oxidative stress and antioxidant status, and

whether we could have them done on ourselves to determine how we, on

CRON, compare with the rest of the population.

Does anyone have any thoughts about this? Might they be the same or

similar to tests related to inflammation status?



> Formerly only shown in mouse studies, this soon-to-be-published


> study links probiotics to reduced biomarkers of oxidative stress,

> better antioxidant status.



> ++++++++++++++++++++++++++


> Link:


> http://www.nutraingredients.com/news/ng.asp?

n=82418 & m=1NIE109 & c=lqeudkujayvvlpc



> Full text:


> Pre- and probiotic combo linked to better antioxidant status


> By ls

> 09/01/2008- Supplements of pre- and probiotics can reduce levels of

> biomarkers linked to oxidative stress, suggests new results from

an EU

> study.


> The synbiotic formulation containing oligofructose prebiotics

> (Beneo-Orafti) and a mixture of Lactobacillus and Bifidobacterium

> probiotics was associated with a reduction in oxidation of LDL,


> to, amongst other things, the development of atherosclerosis or

> hardening of the arteries.


> " The improvement in biomarkers of anti-oxidative activity seen with

> the synbiotic supplementation in this study is promising and


> further research, especially since high oxidative stress is known


> cause harm to our bodies, " said Dr. Anne Franck, vice president of

> research and development at the Beneo-Group.


> Talking to NutraIngredients.com, Dr. Franck confirmed that this is


> first time that a link between prebiotics (and synbiotics) and

> oxidative stress has been reported in humans, despite previous


> demonstrated in rodents.


> Results of the study - the EU and MicroFunction Project - were

> presented recently at the University of Ulster at last year's

> Nutrition Society meeting and the abstract is published in


> of the Nutrition Society. The full results - not seen by

> NutraIngredients.com - are set to be published in a peer-reviewed

> journal in the coming months, said Dr. Franck.


> The randomised, double-blind (cross-over), placebo-controlled trial

> included fifty-three healthy Estonian adults. The subjects were

> randomly assigned to receive either the daily supplements of

> oligofructose (Orafti P95, 6.6 g/day) and probiotics (Lactobacillus

> fermentum ME-3, Lactobacillus paracasei 8700:2 and Bifidobacterium

> longum 46) or placebo (maltodextrin) for three weeks.


> The researchers, from the University of Reading (UK), the

University of

> Tartu (Estonia) and Orafti, report that the total antioxidant


> of the subjects receiving the synbiotic supplements was higher than

> the corresponding placebo subjects: 42.4 versus 41.9 per cent,

> respectively.


> Furthermore, levels of oxidation of LDL were reduced in the


> group, compared to placebo, reported the researchers (12.6

compared to

> 14.6 micromoles, respectively.


> Faecal measures of bifidobacteria were also higher after synbiotic

> supplementation, compared to placebo, and the researchers report


> these increases were more pronounced when baseline levels were low

> before starting supplementation.


> Significantly, higher faecal butyrate concentrations were reported

> with the synbiotic (10.0 vs. 8.1 mm for the placebo).


> " The improvement in antioxidative-stress biomarkers and the


> in both bifidobacteria and butyrate on ingestion of the test


> in this prophylactic study may warrant further research in

diseases in

> which oxidative stress plays a role (such as CVD) or in

populations in

> which the gut microbiota composition has been disturbed, " concluded

> the researchers.


> Dr. Franck confirmed to this website that the company was


> to support studies in this area, with a focus on obesity, metabolic

> syndrome and healthy ageing.


> The EU and MicroFunction Project was established through a network


> extensive collaborations between eight partners from seven


> countries, and supported by the European Commission.


> Source: Proceedings of the Nutrition Society

> 2007, Volume 66, Page 101A

> " Effects of a synbiotic on biomarkers of oxidative stress and


> microbiota in healthy adults: results of a cross-over double-blind

> placebo-controlled trial "

> Authors: D.M.A. Saulnier, P. Hutt, M. Mikelsaar, D. Bosscher, G.

> Gibson, S. Kolida


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