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Re: mercury did not cause my son's autism

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measles is the only virus used in infant vaccination that binds to immune cells, crippling thier function/

Oldstone Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci, 1997

From: "Kerbob" <robertbloch@...>Reply-EOHarm To: <EOHarm >Subject: Re: Re: "mercury did not cause my son's autism"Date: Mon, 1 May 2006 00:05:20 -0400

In many of the cases by the time the MMR jab comes along ethylmercury has to diverse degree disabled the immune system.

Each virus comprising the MMR individually is an immunosuppressant independent of each other derived from generation after generation of attenuated viral strains in cultured media. One researcher told me that it seems to be the measles and mumps combination that causes the problems, each is strongly immunosuppressive. As is rubella.

That's three immunosuppressant challenges to an infant immune system in various stages of development all at the same time. Here in the U.S., MMR is usually accompanied by a fourth immunosuppressant, the chicken pox jab, in the other thigh. So the immune system takes a quadruple whammy.

That's the typical recipe for regressive or vaccine-induced autism.

From: Debi


Sent: Sunday, April 30, 2006 10:59 PM

Subject: Re: "mercury did not cause my son's autism"

I heard the Geiers give a talk before my state Senate. While Icertainly could have misunderstood them, it was my understanding thatthe MMR reaction is the result of the thimerosal weakening the immunesystem, and that they felt the remaining small percentage had issuesnot related to mercury, but I don't recall them still stating it wasMMR related, but I could be wrong. I know my child regressed from hepBat 9 mos while still scabbed from chicken pox. Debi

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True, but I think it's pretty well established that this epidemic was caused by

thimerosal in

vaccines. Certainly for some children it doesn't help that momma may have had 10

or 20

amalgams, rhogam and/or flu shots... and several tuna-fish sandwiches a week.

But I

suspect that those other factors are responsible for such a small number of kids

who are



> .....My son's autism was absolutely caused by thimerosal. I had RhoGam,

> and he had thimerosal in every vaccine except live virus (MMR,

> Varicella) and oral polio. I believe the majority of kids were

> injured by thimerosal, however not all of them were.


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And in faact, air, water and life are killing us. Just look at the environment. PS I am glad I did secretin with my grandson-because after it-for the first time in his life his diarrhea stopped..Holly Bortfeld <maximom@...> wrote: So could air, water, life. Do you have an real reason for the leap you’ve made to secretin? Is that the ONLY treatment you ever did with your kid? Ever? I doubt it,

so I guess neither of us can know that. From: EOHarm [mailto:EOHarm ] On Behalf Of hostler cheriSent: Sunday, April 30, 2006 10:45 PMEOHarm Subject: RE: Re: "mercury did not cause my son's autism" You can't know that. There haven't been any studies to follow up on any of the kids that used secretin longterm. There could be kids out there having problems now. My son is a perfect example. He did daily transdermal secretin for months back in 1999 and today he is suffereing greatly. There could be a connection. He had a diagnosis of JRA but two pediatric rheumatologists have examined him and pointedly

said "we're puzzled. JRA is not this aggressive." He has contractures in his neck, shoulders, elbows, wrists, fingers, hips, knees, and ankles. Right now there's no explanation why. For all we know, secretin could be a time bomb. Holly Bortfeld <maximom@...> wrote: No one has ever shown any ill effects from real secretin long term.

From: EOHarm [mailto:EOHarm ] On Behalf Of hostler cheriSent: Sunday, April 30, 2006 8:08

PMEOHarm Subject: Re: Re: "mercury did not cause my son's autism" Nobody knows what the long term effects of secretin are. Love cheap thrills? Enjoy PC-to-Phone calls to 30+ countries for just 2¢/min with Messenger with Voice.

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Note the backdrop in this absolutely wild discussion of all of the tremendous problems that mercury poisoning can cause is the fact that:





RE: Re: "mercury did not cause my son's autism"

Is JA juvenile arthritis? One of the first 11 children to have a documented case of autism (one of Kanner's original group) had a severe later onset case of arthritis, that he almost died from. Later onset in this case was around age 10. Juvenile arthritis has also sky rocketed since 1988.

The label for thimerasol says danger of delayed effects. Couple that with the fact that just about every mercury poisoning webiste documents arthritis as a long term side effect of mercury poisoning. It is not a coincidence that many autistic kids have a grandparent with rheumatoid arthritis. CP and a whole host of other "goodies" are documented side effects of mercury toxicity.

Also, I am not aware of any studies that have looked at the long term side effects of Prozac on children.

One study examined the DNA of 8 year old boys who were put on Ritalin (and drugs in the same family) -- 100% of the boys experienced a significant increase in the chromosonal abnormalities that would predisopose them to cancer and heart disease.

I really think we need to stay as far away as possible from criticizing any parent for trying to recover their child == the problem is no research has done because the evil doers at the AAP, AMA, CDC and Pharma who control the research are the same ones who poisoned this generation of children in the first place.

VeraHolly Bortfeld <maximom@...> wrote:

Sorry, no. I don’t need to feel defensive about secretin because I did my research before I used it. But, are you kidding me? prozac can’t be the cause but secretin could? What about vaccines? It could be a billion things. Is there a REAL reason you think it might be secretin INSTEAD of prozac? Instead of a vaccine, or one of their many dangerous ingredients? Instead of a virus? Instead of, oh heck, I think you get my point, whether you want it or not. You have no idea what’s caused his horrible JA, so to make such a leap is just grasping. I am truly sorry for his pain, truly. But it gets no one anywhere to blame treatments with no basis other than it’s convenient. I like my science a little more tangible than that. I hope you do find a real treatment for his JA, regardless of the cause.

From: EOHarm [mailto:EOHarm ] On Behalf Of hostler cheriSent: Sunday, April 30, 2006 11:09 PMEOHarm Subject: RE: Re: "mercury did not cause my son's autism"

I think what's really going on here is that you've used secretin on your child and are feeling defensive that someone is now challenging it and questioning it's safety. Sure, I've done other treatments on my child. But it would be wierd if anyone considered ABA an invasive therapy capable of crippling someone. He used prozac at one point too but there are plenty of studies on that and nobody's physically crippled from it either. I don't think FastForWord ever caused physical injury. Do I have any real reason for making the leap I've made to secretin??? I think a child that suffers in severe pain daily and is now crippled is a pretty good reason to question his previous offlabel usage of a drug where the long term effects of it being used in that way remain a big fat unstudied question mark.Holly Bortfeld <maximom@...> wrote:

Do you have an real reason for the leap you’ve made to secretin? Is that the ONLY treatment you ever did with your kid? Ever? I doubt it, so I guess neither of us can know that.

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Know what secretin is. Expect it to act in the body consistent with what it does.

Act accordingly.

A little bit of critical thought and an understanding of cause/effect goes a long way in any treatment regimen.

I've found that it also sometimes provides a rational basis for discourse.

RE: Re: "mercury did not cause my son's autism"

So could air, water, life. Do you have an real reason for the leap you’ve made to secretin? Is that the ONLY treatment you ever did with your kid? Ever? I doubt it, so I guess neither of us can know that.

From: EOHarm [mailto:EOHarm ] On Behalf Of hostler cheriSent: Sunday, April 30, 2006 10:45 PMEOHarm Subject: RE: Re: "mercury did not cause my son's autism"

You can't know that. There haven't been any studies to follow up on any of the kids that used secretin longterm. There could be kids out there having problems now. My son is a perfect example. He did daily transdermal secretin for months back in 1999 and today he is suffereing greatly. There could be a connection. He had a diagnosis of JRA but two pediatric rheumatologists have examined him and pointedly said "we're puzzled. JRA is not this aggressive." He has contractures in his neck, shoulders, elbows, wrists, fingers, hips, knees, and ankles. Right now there's no explanation why. For all we know, secretin could be a time bomb. Holly Bortfeld <maximom@...> wrote:

No one has ever shown any ill effects from real secretin long term.

From: EOHarm [mailto:EOHarm ] On Behalf Of hostler cheriSent: Sunday, April 30, 2006 8:08 PMEOHarm Subject: Re: Re: "mercury did not cause my son's autism"

Nobody knows what the long term effects of secretin are.

Love cheap thrills? Enjoy PC-to-Phone calls to 30+ countries for just 2¢/min with Messenger with Voice.

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Actually the Doctor's Data test is the one that we did.Kerbob <robertbloch@...> wrote: The effects of mercury are cumulative. Mercury poisoning is difficult to determine because it hides very quickly after exposure. Severe damage to the brain can come from a single exposure, repeated, or chronic exposure. It's mainly up to you the parent to figure out what's up, and if you need to do something about it. My advice is what you need to do is get your hands on a Doctor's Data Inc. Hair Elements test. Not the toxic elements test. That one is for OSHA type of occupational

exposures. While the DDI hair test does give toxic element levels what you look for is something called "deranged mineral transport". You can read this through. It explains what to do. It includes "counting rules" for when you get the results in: http://home.earthlink.net/~moriam/HOW_TO_hair_test.html If you like you can join up and post the results, and ask lots of questions to the group called autism treatment. Re: Re: "mercury did not cause my son's autism" We did the hair elements test through a DAN! practitionerKerbob <robertbloch@...> wrote: Have you addressed the mercury issue through chelation therapy? Did you get a DDI hair elements test, apply the counting rules to dismiss mercury toxicity? goes everywhere you do. Get it on your phone.

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On the hair test, you don't look at excretion of metals, that tells

you nothing. You have to do the counting abnormalities in the

minerals. If it was a urine test, unless provoked with a chelator,

meaningless, or if methylation pathways opened according to the

genetics, you will not have any excretion. If he was vaccinated/or

environmental/in utero exposure, you can almost bet the house on it

being behind it.

Have you

addressed the mercury issue through chelation therapy? Did you

get a DDI hair elements test, apply the counting rules to

dismiss mercury toxicity?




> ---------------------------------

> goes everywhere you do. Get it on your




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That's all been ruled out. Before the autism diagnosis he had exhaustive neurological testing to rule everything else out. He was diagnosed in the early 90's. Back then it was something like 1:10,000 so the diagnosis was not given quickly or lightly. Kerbob <robertbloch@...> wrote: What about seizure activity? Was this ever ruled in or ruled out? Many autistic children do have an underlying seizure problem which if left alone IMO can lead to all sorts of degenerative things as parts of the brain get killed off with each seizure.

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Hi Cheri, I'm so sorry your little boy is so sick. I was following this thread and noticed you mentioned your son had elevated Uranium, my son also tested for high levels of uranium. He's 16 now and was diagnosed at 6 with autism, it took us 3 years to get his diagnosis because he also has mosaic down syndrome. His mercury levels were within the normal range but our DAN doctor explained that because so many of these kids can't excrete the mercury that the mercury level hair analysis is not how they would determine mercury poisoning, they go by all the test results, for example my son also had very low levels of vanadium which has been found to play a big role in promoting glutathione transferase activity which plays an important role in detoxication at the cellular level. He also had elevated yeast / fungal metabolites and B-6 deficiency along with a whole host of other problems. I guess what I'm

trying to say is that I don't think you should go by just one test result . We just started chelating about 3 months ago and are seeing some positive results, we have a long long way to go but I'm just so happy for the positive results because of his age I thought maybe it was too late but we'll take any improvements we can get. Good luck to you and your son. hostler cheri <cherielln@...> wrote: We did the hair elements test through a DAN! practitionerKerbob <robertbloch@...> wrote: Have you addressed the mercury issue through chelation therapy? Did you get a DDI hair elements test, apply the counting rules to dismiss mercury toxicity? goes everywhere you do. Get it on your phone.

goes everywhere you do. Get it on your phone.

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Some doctors will prescribe it, it's my understanding that it is still

used when other treatments fail, and by older doctors. Lol, you can

find a doctor to do anything, you just have to look for a while

sometimes! It's an old drug with an old protocol.


-- In EOHarm , Aasa <penas7ar@...> wrote:


> Right now, " gold salts " are something to be considered

" hypothetically " as a treatment for autism/RA, but no doctor will

prescribe this sort of treatment right now, as there is no protocol or

route to do this at this time.


> Aasa

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A friend found healing from RA following the I think it's called

" hunter's diet " . Nothing but fruits & veggies, many raw. She was in

her 20's and on a walker, now no sign of RA and it's been about 10

years, she still eats that way.


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IF you haven't done any chelation, the hair test would not necessarily

show anything but normal. Your son may not have mercury poisoning, but

I'd hate to see a test be misunderstood to prevent a potential

treatment. Even hair tests can need chelation challenge to show if any

mercury is being excreted. And, sometimes it's other metals. My

daughter was off the charts in aluminum but showed nearly no mercury.

I'm about to do another hair test to see if mercury is now being

excreted. If the child cannot excrete metals properly there can be all

sorts sitting inside the tissues, a hair test only shows what's coming





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I think Cheri does make an excellent point that we need to consider

the longterm effects and scientific evidence of everything. The fact

is, we don't have it for lots of things. We assume many of the things

are safe, but in the end we really don't know, even with lots of

scientific studies. Remember, in the 1930's no one thought teething

powders laced with mercury was bad for babies. Mercury is an

" all-natural ingredient " after all. In the 1940s women thought formula

feeding was healthier than breastmilk. What could be better than Karo

corn syrup & condensed milk? What, fish isn't safe to eat? But it's

fish! There's all sorts of things we get used to that maybe aren't

what they appear.

The idea that secretin could have causes JRA is scary, but let's not

completely poo-poo the faint possibility, we need to be open to

everything in the autism community, the same as we ask the medical &

scientific communities about vaccine safety.


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for debi

That is one of the reasons red blood cell mer ury is more accurate than hair. Also some shampoos have ingredients that wash out mercury.

Website nitrf.org

From: "Debi" <fightingautism@...>Reply-EOHarm To: EOHarm Subject: Re: "mercury did not cause my son's autism"Date: Mon, 01 May 2006 15:35:38 -0000I think Cheri does make an excellent point that we need to considerthe longterm effects and scientific evidence of everything. The factis, we don't have it for lots of things. We assume many of the thingsare safe, but in the end we really don't know, even with lots ofscientific studies. Remember, in the 1930's no one thought teethingpowders laced with mercury was bad for babies. Mercury is an"all-natural ingredient" after all. In the 1940s women thought formulafeeding was healthier than breastmilk. What could be better than Karocorn syrup & condensed milk? What, fish isn't safe to eat? But it'sfish! There's all sorts of things we get used to that maybe aren'twhat they appear. The idea that secretin could have causes JRA is scary, but let's notcompletely poo-poo the faint possibility, we need to be open toeverything in the autism community, the same as we ask the medical & scientific communities about vaccine safety.Debi

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Well alright then. That's one less thing to worry about.

Re: Re: "mercury did not cause my son's autism"

That's all been ruled out. Before the autism diagnosis he had exhaustive neurological testing to rule everything else out. He was diagnosed in the early 90's. Back then it was something like 1:10,000 so the diagnosis was not given quickly or lightly. Kerbob <robertbloch@...> wrote:

What about seizure activity? Was this ever ruled in or ruled out? Many autistic children do have an underlying seizure problem which if left alone IMO can lead to all sorts of degenerative things as parts of the brain get killed off with each seizure.

Blab-away for as little as 1¢/min. Make PC-to-Phone Calls using Messenger with Voice.

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Did you compare it to the counting rules?

Re: Re: "mercury did not cause my son's autism"

We did the hair elements test through a DAN! practitionerKerbob <robertbloch@...> wrote:

Have you addressed the mercury issue through chelation therapy? Did you get a DDI hair elements test, apply the counting rules to dismiss mercury toxicity?

goes everywhere you do. Get it on your phone.

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What pray tell is accurate supposed to mean? You can't test blood for mercury except with most recent exposures. The mercury is sequestered as it hides in tissue right away.

In a hair test the actual mercury number is most often very misleading, too. Dr. Amy Holmes did the famous hair test study where she discovered the most severely autistic children had the lowest mercury levels in the hair analysis.

She told the story how she assumed that mercury wasn't a problem for the low mercury in the hair kids. Bewildered a bit, she called Boyd Haley who told her she just didn't get it. He said, "the reason the mercury is not showing up in their hair is because it's still in their bodies".

RE: Re: "mercury did not cause my son's autism"

for debi

That is one of the reasons red blood cell mer ury is more accurate than hair. Also some shampoos have ingredients that wash out mercury.

Website nitrf.org

From: "Debi" <fightingautism@...>Reply-EOHarm To: EOHarm Subject: Re: "mercury did not cause my son's autism"Date: Mon, 01 May 2006 15:35:38 -0000I think Cheri does make an excellent point that we need to considerthe longterm effects and scientific evidence of everything. The factis, we don't have it for lots of things. We assume many of the thingsare safe, but in the end we really don't know, even with lots ofscientific studies. Remember, in the 1930's no one thought teethingpowders laced with mercury was bad for babies. Mercury is an"all-natural ingredient" after all. In the 1940s women thought formulafeeding was healthier than breastmilk. What could be better than Karocorn syrup & condensed milk? What, fish isn't safe to eat? But it'sfish! There's all sorts of things we get used to that maybe aren'twhat they appear. The idea that secretin could have causes JRA is scary, but let's notcompletely poo-poo the faint possibility, we need to be open toeverything in the autism community, the same as we ask the medical & scientific communities about vaccine safety.Debi

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That's why they use attenuated ones in vaccines. I don't know about DNA swapping in the vials. Is this possible?

Re: "mercury did not cause my son's autism"

I heard the Geiers give a talk before my state Senate. While Icertainly could have misunderstood them, it was my understanding thatthe MMR reaction is the result of the thimerosal weakening the immunesystem, and that they felt the remaining small percentage had issuesnot related to mercury, but I don't recall them still stating it wasMMR related, but I could be wrong. I know my child regressed from hepBat 9 mos while still scabbed from chicken pox. Debi

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FOR KERBOB and Hostler, Cheri

Red blood cell mercury is far better correlated with total body mercury than is hair for many reasons.

1. people with genetic defect in mercury excretion have diminished excretion through the hair

2. certain shampoos contain ingredients which wash out mercury.

Labs which do a good job GREAT SMOKIES,


Immunoscience Labs, BEVERLY HILLS, CA

H. H.Fudenberg, M.D.,DDG.IOM

Inman, SC 29349

(864) 592 8076

Website nitrf.org

From: "Kerbob" <robertbloch@...>Reply-EOHarm To: <EOHarm >Subject: Re: Re: "mercury did not cause my son's autism"Date: Mon, 1 May 2006 13:05:12 -0400

Did you compare it to the counting rules?

Re: Re: "mercury did not cause my son's autism"

We did the hair elements test through a DAN! practitionerKerbob <robertbloch@...> wrote:

Have you addressed the mercury issue through chelation therapy? Did you get a DDI hair elements test, apply the counting rules to dismiss mercury toxicity?

goes everywhere you do. Get it on your phone.

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Gavin's did NOT show high level of mercury(the DDI hair test) --it didn't show any... but he is still dumping with chelation.

if itlooks like a duck, treat it like a duck.

Re: Re: "mercury did not cause my son's autism"

Actually the Doctor's Data test is the one that we did.

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Yes she does, but I have studied the long term effects of mercury poisoning

on my son --9 years. And now I am doing what ever I can b/c Iknow I cannot

make it any worse.

Re: " mercury did not cause my son's autism "

>I think Cheri does make an excellent point that we need to consider

> the longterm effects and scientific evidence of everything.

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You give two reasons why you don't like a hair test.

Why is a red blood cell test for mercury better when it can't possibly be diagnostic except in cases of most recent exposures? Many, many people will have completely normal blood mercury and still be very mercury toxic.

And also, from the way you describe them measles sound a little bit desperate. How do we know while the measles are sitting around in the quiet darkness of the vials next to mumps that they don't get curious and end up creating little off-springs of mumpsles or meaps? Is there anybody checking on that?

I have read about advances in science that might allow gene splicing little DNA bits and pieces of targeted bugs to create a super-stranded DNA bug which might offer more to the immune system.

Re: Re: "mercury did not cause my son's autism"

We did the hair elements test through a DAN! practitionerKerbob <robertbloch@...> wrote:

Have you addressed the mercury issue through chelation therapy? Did you get a DDI hair elements test, apply the counting rules to dismiss mercury toxicity?

goes everywhere you do. Get it on your phone.

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You don't look for mercury on the hair test. You look for the "scatter pattern" because the most severe kids usually are not excreting!


Re: Re: "mercury did not cause my son's autism"

Actually the Doctor's Data test is the one that we did.

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