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Hi folks:

I had a conversation today with someone about CR. Their BMI is between 27 and 28. When I suggested CR to them their response essentially was: "Well I enjoy food too much to starve myself eating bran for the rest of my life just for a couple of extra years of lifespan."

Of course I didn't have a prepared script ready for what to say in reply to this, so I simply said what came to mind, and the following was what came out:

"Well look, there is an issue about food quality, and I don't know whether you eat food that is essentially healthy or not. But let's suppose you do eat basicly healthy food, then look at CR this way: right now you are probably eating three meals a day of food you thoroughly enjoy. To do CR all you need to do, in essence, is eat exactly the same foods, in exactly the same amounts at each meal as you are right now, and enjoy it just as much as you always do. All you have to do differently is do it twice a day instead of three times. Is there any reason to believe you wouldn't be capable of that?"

The response to this was silence. He didn't want to admit he might be eating unhealthy food. And he dare not say: "No I am not capable of that". So now it may have sunk in as a sort of challenge. Probably this will have had no effect at all. But just possibly this may have set a thought process in motion, entailing the idea: "Well that isn't much different is it? Perhaps I *could* do that."

Who knows. But just a thought about one way to handle that particular kind of 'objection'. fwiw.


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