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Less protein gives longer life

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CR and protein intake discussed in this article.



Less protein gives longer life

Tuesday, 19 February 2008

University of Sydney

The key to longevity is eating less protein - and not just fewer calories, as

has previously been thought - scientists have discovered. But the catch is that

while cutting protein may help you live longer, it may mean you'll have fewer


" Animals that eat less live longer - up to a point, " says Professor

Simpson of the University of Sydney's School of Biological Sciences. " Our

research using animal models shows the balance of protein to carbohydrate in the

diet is critical. "

The idea that restricting food intake without malnutrition prolongs life has

become a core belief in gerontology research, Professor Simpson says. " We know

dietary restriction extends life in yeasts, fruit flies, worms, mice and

monkeys, and it is widely held that the same affect should be true for humans. "

But scientists couldn't be sure whether it was the restriction of calories in

itself, or the restriction of specific nutrients, that affected ageing. But now

Professor Simpson and colleagues at Seoul University, Auckland University, UNSW

and Macquarie have measured for the first time in any organism the relationship

between diet, nutrient intake, lifespan and reproduction

Using new techniques developed by Professor Simpson and Professor

Raubenheimer (Auckland) the team showed in the fruit fly that calorie

restriction is not responsible for extending lifespan: rather the balance of

protein to carbohydrate in the diet was critical

" Flies lived longest when the diet contained a low percentage of protein, and

died sooner the more protein they consumed, " says Professor Simpson. " But

protein is needed for reproduction - so flies are faced with a conundrum: eat

less protein and live longer, or eat more protein and lay more eggs? "

Professor Simpson said his team 'asked' the flies what they preferred. " When

offered a choice, flies behaved like nutrient-seeking missiles, unerringly

mixing a relatively high protein diet that maximised their lifetime egg

production. In other words, flies preferred to achieve maximum evolutionary

fitness rather than live as long as possible. "

" In demonstrating the role protein plays in determining both lifespan and

reproduction, my co-authors and I have united a body of apparently conflicting

work within a common framework and provided a new platform for studying ageing

in all organisms, " Professor Simpson said.

The research has been published online in Proceedings of the National Academy of

Sciences of the United States of America (PNAS).


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