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Re: Re: Lifestyle and Lifepan

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I've practiced hatha yoga for more than 35 years, now typically after

I've done some kind of other exercise (when the body is warmed up),

and the benefits of a simple and fast (ten minutes or so, the last

decade or so) routine have been enormous. The flexibility and comfort

in my body that I have is greater than that of any of my age peers

that I know of in my unscientific survey, so I can offer an amen to

your observation.


At 03:35 PM 9/5/2008, you wrote:

>Rodney .. for me, this ties-in with your ADL post (#27858). There,

>you wrote [[Various types of exercise are also likely to be

>beneficial. One paper I read - which I can no longer locate - found

>that specific targeted exercises were likely to be more useful than

>generalized fitness activities.]]


>And from this study, " CONCLUSION: Modifiable healthy behaviors during

>early elderly years, including smoking abstinence, weight management,

>blood pressure control, and regular exercise, are associated not only

>with enhanced life span in men but also with good health and function

>during older age. "


>When I think, " specific targeted exercises " , and " modifiable healthy

>behaviors..elderly years " , I think, " Yoga " .


>Ok .. Im biased .. admittedly, but in India, for example, Yoga is

>considered in two ways: to improve health, as a retirement exercise.


>Most people in India (if not attached to a Western-based /

>Americanized program) start Yoga around the age of 50. Simply, it is

>easy to do, is low impact, can be done by or to the infirmed (as

>physical therapy), and emphasizes overall bodily movement.


>Works for me, and has for over 30 years. And during that time, while

>teaching, I have seen it return health and vitality to many.



>Then there is Yoga's philosophy that the human body was meant to

>live - happy, healthy and holy - for 120 years. So for me, Yoga is

>all about " Lifestyle and Lifespan " , and so ties-in neatly with CRON.


>Om Peace!

>Valarie Devi

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