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Re: worse bio-markers? Can it be possible?

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Hi :

I cannot give you the categorical answer you would like. But I can

make some observations:

Your apparent issue is the LDL. The rise is surprising and I cannot

provide an answer. Perhaps Tony can, based on what you say about

your diet. But your HDL and triglycerides have improved


Look at it this way. Two ratios are considered by many to be much

more important than the individual values:

A) Ratio total cholesterol:HDL. In your case that has improved

from 3·71 to 3·26. Not to be sniffed at.

B) Ratio of triglycerides:HDL (calculated in US units). This has

improved from 2·00 to 1·15. That is a HUGE improvement.

You might also want to take a look at what has happened to your

blood pressure, C-reactive protein and fasting insulin. If they

have improved also (or, if you do not have a previous value, are

they good or poor?) then consider the possibility that the lab

messed up the tests or mixed up your blood with that of someone else.

In tests I have had done very recently I am convinced they screwed

up at least three of them. One (fasting blood glucose) has been

proven by several subsequent tests (another FBG, Hb1Ac and fasting

insulin) to have been totally fictitious. A second one they

admitted they had messed up and asked for another sample. The third

was my C-reactive protein result which is they claim to be less than

0·2 mg/L, which simply is not credible given my not-extraordinary

degree of CRON.

So, I suggest you have the lipid tests done again BY A DIFFERENT

LAB. And check CRP and insulin also if you do not have results for

them already. If you get roughly the same LDL result from a

different lab, came back here and we can continue the discussion,

because if your LDL really has gone up it would be very interesting

and helpful for everyone here to try to figure out why.

Hope this helps.


--- In , " Mock " <andiemock@...>



> Hello -


> My lipid profile got worse after a year of CRON, six months

seriously using

> the CRON-O-METER with both fat and protein set at 10%. I've lost

15 pounds

> and have a great BMI and good waist-to-hip ratio. I'm 52, 5' 7 "

and weigh

> 122 lbs. I exercise 1.5 hours 3xs week (Bikram yoga - a strenuous



> The first number is current, the second number is the last

measurement from

> a year ago.


> TOTAL = 277 252

> Triglycerides 98 136

> HDL 85 68

> VLDL 20 (no record)

> LDL 172 155


> About the only fat in my diet comes from nuts, a quarter cup a day


> measured almonds or walnuts about 17g. of fat serving. Ornish says

to not

> eat anything over 3 grams of fat at a serving but I figured that

since I

> eat so little added fat, this would be okay.


> My HDL to LDL ratio is quite good but NP and doc say there is


> about whether this is truly protective or not.


> Has anyone else seen this problem before? Do I have a problem? My


> died at 69 from a heart attack.


> Thanks for your perspective.


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My first impression is that I can't tell really whether you are following a CRON regimen or the Ornish diet. I'm assuming that your calories are restricted (though you don't mention it) and that your nutrition is optimal (though you don't mention it)? Without recommending anything, I'll throw out some ideas.

CRON is not a low-fat diet necessarily, nor does it require strenuous exercise. In certain respects, you may be "barking up the wrong tree" calorie-restriction-wise. Just something to think about, but what about fiber and whole grains? Is there a reason why you have set your protein at only 10%? That seems unusually low.

I agree with Rodney's comments, and all I can add is that without knowing what you're eating as a rule, and how much, it's hard to tell what is "wrong", if anything.


[ ] worse bio-markers? Can it be possible?

Hello -My lipid profile got worse after a year of CRON, six months seriously using the CRON-O-METER with both fat and protein set at 10%. I've lost 15 pounds and have a great BMI and good waist-to-hip ratio. I'm 52, 5' 7" and weigh 122 lbs. I exercise 1.5 hours 3xs week (Bikram yoga - a strenuous workout)The first number is current, the second number is the last measurement from a year ago.TOTAL = 277 252Triglycerides 98 136HDL 85 68 VLDL 20 (no record)LDL

172 155About the only fat in my diet comes from nuts, a quarter cup a day or measured almonds or walnuts about 17g. of fat serving. Ornish says to not eat anything over 3 grams of fat at a serving but I figured that since I eat so little added fat, this would be okay. My HDL to LDL ratio is quite good but NP and doc say there is controversy about whether this is truly protective or not. Has anyone else seen this problem before? Do I have a problem? My mother died at 69 from a heart attack. Thanks for your perspective.

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I'd like to make what I consider to be a very important and general

point about test results. Did you ever notice that while scientific

papers give the 1-sigma margin of errors on results, your doctor does

not provide such guidance for you? I personally wouldn't believe any

numbers without knowing the margin of error. Are the numbers you

present precise to +/- 5% . . .or maybe it's +/- 20%?? If we don't

know, then how can the numbers be taken seriously? Also, were both

tests done after the same number of fasting hours and at the same time

of day?


--- In , " Mock " <andiemock@...>



> Hello -


> My lipid profile got worse after a year of CRON, six months

seriously using

> the CRON-O-METER with both fat and protein set at 10%. I've lost 15


> and have a great BMI and good waist-to-hip ratio. I'm 52, 5' 7 " and


> 122 lbs. I exercise 1.5 hours 3xs week (Bikram yoga - a strenuous



> The first number is current, the second number is the last

measurement from

> a year ago.


> TOTAL = 277 252

> Triglycerides 98 136

> HDL 85 68

> VLDL 20 (no record)

> LDL 172 155


> About the only fat in my diet comes from nuts, a quarter cup a day or

> measured almonds or walnuts about 17g. of fat serving. Ornish says

to not

> eat anything over 3 grams of fat at a serving but I figured that

since I

> eat so little added fat, this would be okay.


> My HDL to LDL ratio is quite good but NP and doc say there is


> about whether this is truly protective or not.


> Has anyone else seen this problem before? Do I have a problem? My mother

> died at 69 from a heart attack.


> Thanks for your perspective.


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> My lipid profile got worse after a year of CRON, six months

> seriously using the CRON-O-METER with both fat and protein set at 10%.


This is another reason why the other day, I said that just knowing

macronutrients, or their ratio, is not enough.



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