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Re: vegetarian diet

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I am a vegetarian and have been for 20 years. I keep

having people tell

me I need to eat meat to be healthy, but I consider

that a bunch of baloney.

Millions of people throughout the world are

vegetarians and most of them

are much more healthy than people who eat animal

flesh. By the way,

if you eating meat, you are ingesting all of the

toxins that the animals take

in - including antibiotics and growth hormones. That

is, unless you are

fortunate enough to be able to afford buying the meat

from farmers who

don't feed their animals a bunch of chemicals.

Vegetarians have much less illness in general,

especially chronic illnesses

like heart disease, diabetes, cancer, etc.

I would advise anyone who is going to become a

vegetarian to take a good

multi-vitamin and mineral supplement and probably

B-complex. It is a little

bit harder for vegetarians to get enough B-12, but a

supplement will cure

that problem.

For those reading this who are Jewish or Christians,

did you know that

the Old Testament says that God's preferred food for

his creation did

not include meat consumption? Genesis 1:29 - " And God

said, see,

I have given you every herb that yields seed and every

tree whose

fruit yields seed so it shall be for food. And to

every beast of the

earth, bird of the air and to everything that creeps

on the Earth,

in which there is life, I have given every green herb

for food. "



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Your post is what I have heard several times. Animal flesh has alot of

toxins, pesticides, diseases, etc.

" I " quit eating meat in 94, not bec. of health, but because of moral

reasons, (I love animals.) Every blood panel I have done (calcium,

protien, iron, cholesterol, etc.) comes back with flying colors. I,

too, get people saying that I should eat meat. I would literally throw

up if I ate animal flesh at this point. I agree also that we need to

make sure we take a good vit/mineral. I love your quote from the bible

and will use it for other people that condemm me for not eating meat. ;)


Love and take care,

ReneƩ and Jerry


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  • 6 years later...

Vegetarian Diet Affects Genes of Oxidative Metabolism and Collagen Synthesis.

Karlic H, Schuster D, Varga F, Klindert G, Lapin A, Haslberger A, Handschur


Ludwig Boltzmann Institute for Leukemia Research and Hematology, Hanusch Hospital, Vienna, Austria.

Background/Aim: A vegetarian diet is known to prevent a series of diseases but may influence the balance of carbohydrate and fat metabolism as well as collagen synthesis. This study compares expression patterns of relevant genes in oral mucosa of omnivores and vegetarians. Methods: Quantitative reverse transcriptase polymerase chain reaction was applied for analysis of mRNA levels from carnitine transporter OCTN2, hepatic CPT1A and nonhepatic CPT1B isoforms of carnitine palmitoyltransferase and collagen (CCOL2A1) in oral mucosa. Results: Compared with volunteers with traditional eating habits, carbohydrate consumption was significantly higher (+22%) in vegetarians. This was associated with a significant stimulation of CPT1A (+50%) and OCTN2 (+10%) and a lowered collagen synthesis (-10%). Conclusion: These novel findings provide further insight into the association of a changed fat metabolism and reduced collagen synthesis

in vegetarians, which could also play a role in the aging process. S. Karger AG, Basel.

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The 10% lower collagen synthesis could be bad, especially as you get

older. As we discussed recently, bones consist of a collagen matrix

that binds calcium phosphate crystals. Lower collagen synthesis could

result in bone loss and osteoporosis.



> Vegetarian Diet Affects Genes of Oxidative Metabolism and Collagen


> Karlic H, Schuster D, Varga F, Klindert G, Lapin A, Haslberger A,

Handschur M.

> Ludwig Boltzmann Institute for Leukemia Research and Hematology,

Hanusch Hospital, Vienna, Austria.

> Background/Aim: A vegetarian diet is known to prevent a series of

diseases but may influence the balance of carbohydrate and fat

metabolism as well as collagen synthesis. This study compares

expression patterns of relevant genes in oral mucosa of omnivores and

vegetarians. Methods: Quantitative reverse transcriptase polymerase

chain reaction was applied for analysis of mRNA levels from carnitine

transporter OCTN2, hepatic CPT1A and nonhepatic CPT1B isoforms of

carnitine palmitoyltransferase and collagen (CCOL2A1) in oral mucosa.

Results: Compared with volunteers with traditional eating habits,

carbohydrate consumption was significantly higher (+22%) in

vegetarians. This was associated with a significant stimulation of

CPT1A (+50%) and OCTN2 (+10%) and a lowered collagen synthesis (-10%).

Conclusion: These novel findings provide further insight into the

association of a changed fat metabolism and reduced collagen synthesis

in vegetarians, which could also

> play a role in the aging process. S. Karger AG, Basel.


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  • 1 year later...
Guest guest

Hi Jane,

Welcome to Bee's group! I'm glad you found us! We're a helpful supportive group

all working towards to getting healthy again.

I used to be a vegetarian for 16 years prior to starting Bee's program nearly

two years ago, so I have some idea of what you must be going through at this

point. Of course, I understand that people are vegetarians for different

reasons. Mine was because I had a strong aversion to meat (it grossed me out)

and my husband wanted to be kind to animals.

I'm sure you are not going to want to hear this, but eating meat is really your

best shot at getting healthy. I tried to do many versions of a 'vegetarian

Candida diet' but I never saw any results. I understand now the reason is that

body requires animal protein and good fats in order to heal.

I was born with Candida and I believe now that my vegetarian diet is what made

my Candida even worse. Contrary to the claims, it is really not a healthy way

to eat because no matter what you eat as a vegetarian, it is going to be high in

carbs and we know that all carbs feeds Candida. Your meal of beans, rice and

tofu, for example, is all carbohydrate. [Remember that all foods not classified

as protein or fat are carbohydrates.]

I would encourage you to continue eating eggs and to start with something

perhaps a little more easy for a vegetarian to accept like fish. We have (had?)

one young man in our group whose parents wouldn't allow him to eat meat since it

is against their religion, and he has tried doing Bee's program by only eating

eggs as his protein source. He hasn't checked in for a while, so I can't say

for sure how he's doing, but it is possible (in theory) to do this program by

consuming eggs as your only protein source. Of course, eating meats would be


When I first started on Bee's program, I couldn't tolerate eggs (they made me

vomit), so I ate fish for every meal until I gained enough courage to try

poultry and finally red meats. It was a process for me, but I am so glad I made

the switch because it gave me my life back. I was so sick I could barely get up

off the couch and now I am much healthier. My sister used to walk with a cane

(when she was only 40 years old). She just turned 43 and runs 12 laps around

our high school track! The only thing she's done differently is followed Bee's


If anxiety is a problem, perhaps it's better to stick to the eggs in the

beginning, like I did with the fish and then gradually add in meats as you feel

more comfortable with the idea. Stress can be counterproductive in the healing

process, so take it easy in that respect.

Make sure you read two important articles so you understand candida, and know

what you need to do and why:

How to Successfully Overcome Candida


Curing Candida, How to Get Started


For encouragement and inspiration see these wonderful Success Stories by members

of this group: http://www.healingnaturallybybee.com/success/index.php

Once you've had a read through these articles, let us know if you have any


Good luck! This program really does work!

(a group moderator)


> Hi Bee,

> I'm new to this site, but it seems wonderful. I'm pretty sure I have candida

and would like to make some of the changes you suggest, but I'm a vegetarian and

can't quite figure out what I'll eat following your diet!


> At the moment I eat either oatmeal or sprouted bread with almond butter for



> Then some version of rice and beans or a tofu dish for lunch/dinner.


> Everything is organic, much of it local, all of it cooked, but I think it all

has to go. Yes? I have recently started eating eggs, but it's not easy. In

the past, for health reasons, I've tried meat but simply couldn't get it down.

And had a huge kick up in anxiety even trying to.


> Thoughts? Insights? Suggestions?


> Thanks heaps and heaps for helping all of us. I've just been scrolling

through the blog and I don't know how you have the time to even blink!


> Jane


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