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Re: Ped Med: Compelling Clues To Autism Puzzle

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Based on our current understanding,

in more than 85% of all cases, the

real puzzle is " Mercury (from

Thimerosal [49.55% mercury by wt.])

Causes Mercury Poisoning, " and

" autism, " a " causeless " disorder,

is but one mislabeled piece in

the mercury-poisoning puzzle.

Until mercury is removed from all

of medicine for at least 5 years,

the true extent of the harm will

remain concealed and, as is the

case in California, the " healthcare "

establishment is intent on the

ongoing mercury poisoning of

pregnant women (to damage the

fetus) andf young children even

if they have to use ineffective

Thimerosal-preserved influenza

vaccines and " emergency exemptions "

to accomplish their goal as they

are currently doiing in California.

And the mainstream media does not

even report the facts that the

influneza vaccines are ineffective

as the articles:

1. A. Geier, G. King &

Mark R. Geier. Influenza Vaccine:

Review of Effectiveness of the

U.S. Immunization Program, and

Policy Considerations. JAP & S

(Journal of American Physicians &

Surgeons) 2006 Fall; 11(3): 69-74.

2. Tom Jefferson. Influenza vaccination:

policy versus evidence. BMJ (British

Medical Journal) 2006 October 28; 333:


have clearly established.

Hopefully, some of the California

attorneys will these articles and

understand the culpability of the

groups pressing for the use of an

ineffective vaccine.

Obviously, neither the " healthcare

establishment " nor the mainstream

media care that an ineffective

influenza vaccine is the vector

that is being used to mercury-

poison fetuses and young children

as well as the elderly.


Dr. king


At 02:23 11/4/06 -0000, schaferatsprynet wrote:


> Kirby, Evidence of Harm quoted, cited on Jill research.


> Ped Med: Compelling Clues To Autism Puzzle


> By Lidia Wasowicz for UPI

> http://tinyurl.com/y3w3ho


> Some provocative, though not proof-positive, clues to the autism

> puzzle are starting to emerge from research investigating differences

> in children with the disorder.

> Among the most compelling results for those who see a link

> between vaccination and a rise in autism diagnoses, scientists

> reported up to 80 percent of autistic children are low in glutathione,

> a key antioxidant for expelling heavy metals from the body.

> Glutathione acts as a shield against cellular harm by

> neutralizing both oxygen-free radicals -- the damaging byproducts of

> metabolism thought to underlie aging and suspected of contributing to

> heart disease and cancer -- and toxic metals.

> The youngsters' metabolic shortfall came to light in blood tests

> conducted by a team led by S. Jill , a former Food and Drug

> Administration research scientist who now works as a professor of

> biochemistry and pediatrics at the Arkansas Children's Hospital

> Research Institute at the University of Arkansas for Medical Science

> in Little Rock.

> The glutathione deficit could leave the children unprotected

> " may contribute to the development and

> " one study concluded.

> However, the authors cautioned that at this stage they do not

> know for certain whether the abnormality precedes or proceeds from the

> disorder.

> The discovery may explain why so many autistic children have

> intestinal problems; glutathione is vital to a healthy gut, the

> researchers said.

> The studies suggest supplements, such as folinic acid and methyl

> B12, might bring the protective antioxidant back to normal levels, the

> authors said.

> While some anecdotal reports have suggested such treatment may

> lead to improved mental and social functioning, no conclusive research

> has determined whether the compounds might extend any benefits to

> youngsters with autism.

> To those who see a link between neurodevelopmental disorders and

> a mercury-based preservative called thimerosal, once commonly used in

> childhood shots, 's studies shed a telling light on some other

> puzzling aspects of autism.

> Glutathione levels are naturally lower in males, which could

> help explain the disproportionately high number of boys affected by

> the disorder, they said. In addition, the female hormone estrogen is

> an antioxidant like glutathione, so girls possess a mightier chemical

> arsenal against metal toxins, they added.

> The findings renewed claims that the population-based studies

> that have provided the preponderance of evidence against a

> vaccine-autism link have overlooked groups of children susceptible to

> neurological damage from mercury.

> The research not only supports such a connection but also offers

> a biological explanation for it that could never be gleaned from

> epidemiology, the thimerosal doubters asserted.

> Others, however, said the metabolic defect does not seem to be

> specific to autism, also making an appearance in children with Down

> syndrome, among others, raising the possibility the irregularity is a

> symptom rather than a cause of autism and similar disorders.

> In addition, they found fault with the low number of

> participants -- 55 in one study, 170 in another -- and the failure to

> account for dietary and behavioral differences that could alter blood

> chemistry.

> The author herself, while acknowledging the findings are

> suggestive and warrant a follow-up, cautioned against making too much

> of them.

> " Evidence of

> " (St. 's Press, 2005) -- a best-selling book that presents

> a partial-to-parents portrayal of the autism-vaccine controversy --

> overstated the case.

> The marketing material, sent to reporters and posted on author

> " is hugely significant in

> the effort to link mercury exposure to childhood disorders such as

> "

> " (T)he work of Jill , which shows how a

> genetically altered metabolism can play a role in blocking the body's

> ability to excrete heavy metals such as mercury, is 'one more piece of

> this complicated puzzle that is dovetailing into a workable theory.'

> The work of Jill is explained in great detail in 'Evidence of

> "

> " She found that autistic children cannot properly

> shed mercury that they received through vaccines, maternal fish

> consumption, and other sources, because of extremely low levels of

> sulfur-based proteins, such as glutathione. 'These sulfur-based

> substances naturally bind with heavy metals to eliminate them from the

> system,' Kirby says. 'Without them, mercury exposure becomes much more

> problematic. "

> " I'm afraid Mr. Kirby is overstating our

> conclusions -- which did not mention mercury. We simply showed for the

> first time that children with autism have lower levels of the major

> intracellular antioxidant, glutathione, which incidentally happens to

> "

> " We did not show any genetic data ... Although it may be a

> logical assumption that children with low glutathione would be less

> able to excrete mercury, we did not evaluate that in our study, and

> " she continued.

> " It also must be taken into consideration that our study

> evaluated children who already have autism, so we do not know whether

> " she added.

> " Our study is provocative but not definitive -- it does warrant

> "

> Next: Mixed bag of mercury test results




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