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Re: Whine alert

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Oh, CK, I am so sorry to hear what you are going through. This must be

pure hell. I cant' imagine how hard this must be!

I so want to be able to tell you something that will make you feel

better, but I have no words of wisdom, or of anything for that matter.

Maybe Sara or Joan.........

Go ahead and keep whining, I will send lots of






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CK, I am so sorry for the 'disappearing act " . Glad he came when you

called! Am sure you were steaming.

& Garry, parents of (9 ds), (8 ds/g-tube), JJ (6

ds/autism/celiac), (5 ds), and Esther (3 ds). All adopted.


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My heart goes out to you CK. I hope you can get to the bottom of this

behavior and Ian will stop hiding. It must be very frustrating. I got a

chuckle out of your subject header though: Whine Alert :))

Take care,


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ck, oh my goodness............. i am so behind at readign mails......my heart

is poundign with yours......... sounds like something ashton would

do..............just be glad ian didnt go in someones house and steal

gatorade adn donuts, like ashton........ i cant believe he dug and buried the

video...... i guess he thought if he cant have it all to himself, sister's

not gettign the pleasure either........what a smart little rascal............

i am so glad all is safe adn well, except maybe your nerves..........take

care, elah

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