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Re: Liver Cancer

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thanks for your very informative message. My husband has pancreas cancer.

It was totally removable 2.5 tumor. No spread to other areas nodes or

margins. Very fortunate. However, recurrence remains a HUGE threat. He

chose to go the conventional route. (I wanted alternate but will support him

all the way.) However, we're supplemeting his treatment w/diet -- no red

meat - fish and organic chicken in sml amts - raw vegetable drink (made in

juicer) Low carbohydrates. No potatoes, sweet potatoes OK one slice of

brd per day (baker's bread) Whole wheat pasta only (again sml amt -

surrounded by fresh vegetables. (of course deserts, which we both LOVE are

HISTORY) Herbs and supplements are a very large part of his therapy.

Provided by a very qualfied nutritionist. However, we are going to see a

herabist for continuing therapy.

Health food stores are moneymakers as well, especially w/expensive glossy

brochures that tout certain vitamins so we should all beware Sometimes the

health food store is the only place to obtain a particular item. Which

should be researched before you spend your hard earned $$$$s. And compare

prices and strengths. Supermarkets will sometimes carry the same thing for

much less. I'd still rather visit a health food store than the

radiation/chemo lab.

There will NEVER be a cure for most types of cancers as long as the $$$$

being made are in the multi-billion dollar category (not to mention all the

peripheral businesses that also amass HUGE PROFITS and a certain well-known

company has the patent on the chemo drug. (Vitamins such as Laetrile and

herbs cannot be patented.....results smaller profit potential. When

mammographies (and I'm not advocating to GO FOR ONE OR NOT GOT FOR ONE) are

advertised on prime time TV. We all know that the return on the investment

has to be HUGE. And the promotions are cleverly geared to emotion and


P.S. (The upscale import car company I worked for for 15 years couldn't

afford prime time TV. I was part of the mktg team.)

Re: [dentalcleanse] Digest Number 38

From: Thurston_Kiang@...

Thurston Kiang

05/17/99 01:44 PM

Mike on the bike,

1) It is more than obvious that prices in health food stores can NEVER

compare with medical bill. Like I said the cost of many alternative

medicine is less or equivalent to 1% of cancer-related drugs. I cannot

help but think that the big companies do not want people to have cheap

cancer cure because they CANNOT survive if there is such a solution existed

and known to the public. Some of them will shut down overnight if this

happens. That is why it is against their interest to have cheap solutions,

like herbs or food, etc.

2) Penicillin is a bad example. It is a PROCESSED natural drug. Most

herbs' potency exist in the plant itself without process. The potency of

echinecea can vary but there is still no monopoly opportunity for big

companies. Unless they convert echinecea into a form which has stronger in

potency, they are on a uphill battle for profit.

3) You think curing cancer is hard but I don't. You will not think that

way if you have seen someone who did it. Have you ever do research and

talk to people who got healed? Are you always struck at the double-blind

approach? China has the biggest population without double-blind test for

thousands of year. Their traditional medicine has its role in it. ***Let

me tell you how my friend's brother-in-law fought cancer. After he was

told that he had three months to live and the conventional medicine could

no longer help, he went to see a Chinese herbalist and took herbs. When he

finally felt much better, he went back to see his doctor. His doctor who

thought he was dead was completely shocked. He found no signs of liver

cancer anymore. The response to the medicine, however, was only to keep

doing whatever you were doing. It has been five years. Why didn't the

institutes look into this kind of instances and explore what happened?

Should he not try, he would be dead by now. And remember, this is after

the conventional medicine gave up.***

4) The way that health food stores sell things only tells me that the

public are eager to look for solutions. Do you consider them as quacks? I

don't think they are qualified. They are like cosmetics salesperson to me.



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In a message dated 5/24/99 7:24:56 PM Central Daylight Time,

jonesd@... writes:

<< Can anyone help me???

My mother had colo-rectal cancer in which she needed her colon removed. The

cancer then spread to her liver and is now in her lymph nodes and liver. She

has been through radiation and chemo-therapy. I tried to convince her to try

an alternate means of building up her immune system but she would only do

what her doctor prescribed. She is not doing well and her doctor says she has

3 to 4 weeks to live.

Is there anything I can do to help her?? Anything would be appreciated.

Dave >>

please read what Dr. Lorraine Day did for her cancer. Even shows her tumor


Pastor Malkmus had colon cancer and his story is here:


Hope this helps,


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Dear Dave,

So sorry to hear about your mother. My advice is to get the book " Cancer

Battle " by Anne Throm (not sure about last name) See if you can get her to

follow it, it is easily followed and written in layman terms. God Bless your



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also, try www.worldwithoutcancer.com for laetrile treatments. Mention Cancer

Cure Foundation for a discount.

for her immune system, consider colostrum concentrate - see

www.health-world.com/colostrum1.html or your local health food store.

for lymph, try 714X. See http://www.cerbe.com/ and e-mail them, or fax them

at (819) 564-7883

or, if she can go to one of the clinics in Mexico, let me know and I can

give some referrals. For example, Manner Clinic is great for body and

spirit. Toll free

(877) 676-5000. Mention Cancer Cure Foundation for a discount.



Re: [ ] liver cancer

>From: Es9525@...


>In a message dated 5/24/99 7:24:56 PM Central Daylight Time,

>jonesd@... writes:


><< Can anyone help me???

> My mother had colo-rectal cancer in which she needed her colon removed.


>cancer then spread to her liver and is now in her lymph nodes and liver.


>has been through radiation and chemo-therapy. I tried to convince her to


>an alternate means of building up her immune system but she would only do

>what her doctor prescribed. She is not doing well and her doctor says she


>3 to 4 weeks to live.

> Is there anything I can do to help her?? Anything would be appreciated.

> Dave >>


>please read what Dr. Lorraine Day did for her cancer. Even shows her tumor




> Pastor Malkmus had colon cancer and his story is here:



>Hope this helps,




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In a message dated 5/24/99 9:38:20 PM Eastern Daylight Time,

Es9525@... writes:

<< Is there anything I can do to help her?? Anything would be appreciated. >>

Hello Dave,

Even though I am an alternative medicine practitioner, I would have to

say that the BEST thing you can do for you mother is love her until her last

minute, and let her live it out the way she wants to.

Warmest regards,


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My father has a primary liver tumor.  He is taking 20+ apricot seeds a day

plus B-17 rich foods such as millet, fava beans, organic blackberries,

currants and the like.  All diary products were eliminated, as well as

coffee, alcohol, etc.  Liver-friendly supplements such as Milk Thistle and

pancreatic enzymes are taken. Green herbal tea, shitake mushrooms, mitake

mushrooms and aloe vera has been known to control and/or shrink tumors. 

Natural pancreatic enzymes are found in papaya and pineapple are a must to

break down the walls of tumors.  Stay with organic all the way. Distilled

water/bottled water. More expensive/time consuming, I admit but worth the

price/effort.  We have become so commercialized that anything beyond popping

something in the microwave is a " chore. " .


6 months later, his doctors are perplexed as to why the tumor is not

attaching itself elsewhere.  In fact the latest CAT scan shows shrinkage. 

Of course the doctors, in their infinite wisdom, keep urging chemo.  And we-

the family - keep taking a " wait and see " attitude.  We don't bring up the

" A " word with the medical profession (alternative) because sometimes in

their defensive stance, they abruptly refuse to treat the patient any

further knowing someone or something is " interfering " with the prescribed

orthodox treatment.  Translation:  " I know squat about nutrition with my

million-dollar degree on the wall. "


If your mom only has a few weeks, you need to get an admission of failure

from the physicians to somehow get your mother " weaned " from the " Doctor is

God " mentality.  Then you need to try to get the maximum amount of vitamin

B-17 in her in the shortest amount of time.  There is always the possibility

her immune system is so far gone from a combination radiation/chemo.  At

this point you have nothing to loose.  It does not sound like you have much

time to research all the marvelous therapies.  Keep in mind Dave, that under

the best of circumstances, if one alternative method does not work, there

are others to try, but in this situation - instead of suggesting a plethora

of possible treatments from A to Z, I will only suggest what worked for my



In any event, if you can somehow get ground apricot seeds mixed in organic

applesauce and get 1000 mg (3x day) of B17 supplements in her along with

Milk Thistle and fresh pineapple and other herbs into her, you may be able

to arrest her downslide enough and buy more time to fine tune her diet and



By all means, go to www.apricotsfromgod.com <http://www.apricotsfromgod.com>

and read every word.  That was my starting point 6 months ago  During that

time I have fine tuned the diet and approach a lot to match my Dad.  I have

since - found other additions and therapies that would probably work equally

well, but as of now, get the doctor(s) to say they were not able to save

your Mom and that there is " nothing more to be done. "   Then kick into high

gear and do what you can with B17 to see if you can stave of the downslide. 

Don't expect a miracle cure.  Cancer is never cured.  It is only held in

check by our immune systems.  Some people - like my Dad will probably live

for a couple more quality years (he's 72).  Remember organic, organic,

organic.  The air, food, and water is polluted.  We can't do much about the

first, but we certainly can about the last two.


Good luck Dave. My thoughts are with you.  Email if you want more detail

about particulars.







[ ] liver cancer

Can anyone help me???

My mother had colo-rectal cancer in which she needed her colon removed. The

cancer then spread to her liver and is now in her lymph nodes and liver. She

has been through radiation and chemo-therapy. I tried to convince her to try

an alternate means of building up her immune system but she would only do

what her doctor prescribed. She is not doing well and her doctor says she

has 3 to 4 weeks to live.

Is there anything I can do to help her??  Anything would be appreciated.



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At 05:55 25.05.99 -0700, you wrote:

>attaching itself elsewhere.  In fact the latest CAT scan shows shrinkage. 

>Of course the doctors, in their infinite wisdom, keep urging chemo.  And we-

>the family - keep taking a " wait and see " attitude.  We don't bring up the

> " A " word with the medical profession (alternative) because sometimes in

>their defensive stance, they abruptly refuse to treat the patient any

>further knowing someone or something is " interfering " with the prescribed

>orthodox treatment.  Translation:  " I know squat about nutrition with my

>million-dollar degree on the wall. "

The main reason for doctors not wanting to use or explore alternative

treatment is fear.

90% of doctors hates vord alternative.

Not because it is bad, but becaus it is non scientific.

80% of people who are fighting cancer or AIDS, do not dare to say to their

doctor that thay are also taking some supplements on their own.

It is of course understandable why, it is doctor that is taking

responsibility for their life, and if thigs go wrong, he don't know if this

is becaus of those supplements, or because of something else.

He, Dr. will be the one to take blame.

He can not take that responsibility, because those supplements have not

been tested with therapy that he is offering, and he think that those

supplements may produce unexpected results.

The problem is, even when they see that thing help, or even cure, they just

can't accept it.

" It is not a scientific proof "

That's why, medicine will never manage to cure " incurable " diseases,

because, it is impossible to scientifically proove that something is cure.

Cure for cancer is very much individualy different, as much we are different.

What works for one person, does not have to work for another.

Until people decide to take responsibility for ther own health, they will

always have to depend on doctors and on science.

Unfortunately, science will never discover either cuse , or cure for all

cancers, beacause ther is no one cause for everyone, and there is no one

cure for everyone.



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At 05:55 25.05.99 -0700, you wrote:

>From: " Coughlan, E " <.Coughlan@...>




>My father has a primary liver tumor.  He is taking 20+ apricot seeds a day

>plus B-17 rich foods such as millet, fava beans, organic blackberries,

>currants and the like.  All diary products were eliminated, as well as

>coffee, alcohol, etc.  Liver-friendly supplements such as Milk Thistle and

>pancreatic enzymes are taken. Green herbal tea, shitake mushrooms, mitake

>mushrooms and aloe vera has been known to control and/or shrink tumors. 

>Natural pancreatic enzymes are found in papaya and pineapple are a must to

>break down the walls of tumors.  Stay with organic all the way. Distilled

>water/bottled water. More expensive/time consuming, I admit but worth the

>price/effort.  We have become so commercialized that anything beyond popping

>something in the microwave is a " chore. " .



>Good luck Dave. My thoughts are with you.  Email if you want more detail

>about particulars.






Hello Tom, (imortant also for Dave)

treatment (supplements) that you have just described, are very powerfull,

and good.

But , if person is not cured within 6 months ,it does tell you that it may

not be enough.

Not everyone can cure cancer just with this approach.

I don't mean that approach is bad, I just mean that it could be incomplete.

Liver cancer can be hard and persitant one.

It is very much caused by internal pollution and it starts inside bowel and

inside bile ducts.

Your father's liver is full of gallstones, and without good gallstones

flush, it is hard to cure liver cancer.

His small and large intestine ca be exteramly dirty, and his digestion and

absorption may be very poor.

Even he is taking a lot of supplements and anti cancer compounds, he may be

absobing very little of it.

I would suggest doing cleanses:

-bowel cleanse + parasite cleanse (apricot seeds does kill some parasites,

but may not be enough without bowel cleanse )

-liver/gallbladder cleanse

-dental cleanse

-house cleanse

and also some other supplemets that will keep bowel clean:


-Flaxseed oil


-colloidal minerals

-wkame soups (seaweed)

-komby tea (seaweed)



Also, it could be smart to try to adjust his diet for his blood type.

Also , some work on emotions and psychological level may be necessery.

Read more here:


Do not neglect cleansing!

For some people, only diet is not enough !

With cancer, it is important to not vaste time.

Every day is important, and you shoud do every day maximum you can, until


My be this letter sounds negative, but I realy wish the best to all of you,

and because of that, I say:

" Do every day maximum you can, don't do only half ! Don't waste your time. "

Bowelcleanse, fasting, liver cleanse, ... are very cheap and simple

procedures, and most people can easily do it. Health benefit is as big as

all the other things (diet and supplements) together .

You could also purchase some book about Shiatsu therapy and learn and begin

treating your father.

Shiatsu itself can do a miracle. And it is not that hard to learn.

If you can afford, I would suggest visiting professional Shiatsu therapist.

best of health

Dusan Stojkovic

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Tom: I'm was so glad I read your message. My husband had surgery for a

malignant pancreatic tumor 2.5 cm 4/9. Fortunately all nodes and margins

were clear. He is 66 and in excellent health. Very active, does not look

his age. Drs couldn't believe how quickly he recovered from major surgery.

We received the usual " marketing strategy " re: chemo and radiation. DRS




CHEMO/RADIATION and the devastation I've witnessed with close friends that

have had these treatments to no avail.

We all know chemo been used for 30 years (without success) and is patented

by Bristol Myers Squibb. Of course, it's a multi billion $$$ industry. The

BMS execs are on the board of Sloan Kettering. NO CONFLICT OF INTEREST HERE


Vitamin B17 is Laetrile. Cannot be patented so does not have the potential

for mega $$$'s. Apricot seed also will definitely NOT make the medical

professionals rich either.

My husband was only comfortable with the prescribed chemo and radiation

started 5/17. Needless to say, I have severe misgivings and reservations

(NOT TO MENTION SLEEPLESS NIGHTS). My pursuit of the alternates was

stressing him out severely. So I'll support him all the way on the

treatments he has chosen. Psychologically and physically he is doing great.

We (at MY INSISTENCE) are at least also going to a nutritionist/Chiro who

also has an MD on staff. Who took him off dairy proucts, red meat, etc. .and

put him on a regimen of anti oxidents milk thistle and vitamins. We're

going to go thoroughly organic as well with chicken and vegetables. We also

have a vegetable drink made in a juicer with chickory, arugala, watercress,

spinach, etc. Very potent cancer fighter and high in nutrtion. IF YOU CAN


VITAMINS, EXERCISE) EVEN USED A WATER FILTER. I cured my daughter's chronic

bladder infections when all doctors (toP urologist, top allergist top

internist) all said nothing could be done: very common in females, she'll

outgrow it by the time she's 16 (she was 11 at the time) (she's now 37 w/3

children and hasn't had a bladder infection since).


The wrenching part is that my husband was cancer-free after surgery. Most

of the time a pancreas tumor is silent and painless and is only diagnosed

after it has spread. There is a high recurrence rate to be sure even for

tumors that are totally resectable, but I feel the chemo and radiation (as

you say) will reduce his immune system and only increase his chances of a

recurrence. Also I'm in the very difficult position of trying to research

and recommend alternatives that may or may not arrest this devastating

disease and (heaven forbid) do not have the blessings of the professionals

who " walk on water " but can't provide an effective cancer treatment.

Carol Bilz

[ ] liver cancer

Can anyone help me???

My mother had colo-rectal cancer in which she needed her colon removed. The

cancer then spread to her liver and is now in her lymph nodes and liver. She

has been through radiation and chemo-therapy. I tried to convince her to try

an alternate means of building up her immune system but she would only do

what her doctor prescribed. She is not doing well and her doctor says she

has 3 to 4 weeks to live.

Is there anything I can do to help her?? Anything would be appreciated.



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From my experience, the drs are afraid of incurring criticism from their

colleagues AND THE AMA. (this is the kiss of death). CURRENT CHEMO








Re: [ ] liver cancer

From: Dusan Stojkovic <dusan@...>

At 05:55 25.05.99 -0700, you wrote:

>attaching itself elsewhere. In fact the latest CAT scan shows shrinkage.

>Of course the doctors, in their infinite wisdom, keep urging chemo. And


>the family - keep taking a " wait and see " attitude. We don't bring up the

> " A " word with the medical profession (alternative) because sometimes in

>their defensive stance, they abruptly refuse to treat the patient any

>further knowing someone or something is " interfering " with the prescribed

>orthodox treatment. Translation: " I know squat about nutrition with my

>million-dollar degree on the wall. "

The main reason for doctors not wanting to use or explore alternative

treatment is fear.

90% of doctors hates vord alternative.

Not because it is bad, but becaus it is non scientific.

80% of people who are fighting cancer or AIDS, do not dare to say to their

doctor that thay are also taking some supplements on their own.

It is of course understandable why, it is doctor that is taking

responsibility for their life, and if thigs go wrong, he don't know if this

is becaus of those supplements, or because of something else.

He, Dr. will be the one to take blame.

He can not take that responsibility, because those supplements have not

been tested with therapy that he is offering, and he think that those

supplements may produce unexpected results.

The problem is, even when they see that thing help, or even cure, they just

can't accept it.

" It is not a scientific proof "

That's why, medicine will never manage to cure " incurable " diseases,

because, it is impossible to scientifically proove that something is cure.

Cure for cancer is very much individualy different, as much we are


What works for one person, does not have to work for another.

Until people decide to take responsibility for ther own health, they will

always have to depend on doctors and on science.

Unfortunately, science will never discover either cuse , or cure for all

cancers, beacause ther is no one cause for everyone, and there is no one

cure for everyone.




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Hi Joan: I just read your message that you are an alternative medicine

practitioner. This type of service is very difficult to access in our area

NY/NJ metro area (unless you are part of a clinical trial and have not had

prior treatment). On 4/9 my husband (66 yrs old - excellent health - non

smoker-non-drinker 5' 10 " 180 lbs.) had a malignant pancreatic tumor

removed 2.5 cm. The mass was pressing on a bile duct (therefore symptoms of

jaundice appeared) (pancreatic head was removed...modified Whippled

procedure) No spread to nodes or margins. Technically, he is now

cancer-free, but there is a high incidence of recurrence. Of course

chemo/radiation was prescribed (which I have severe misgivings about) But

since my pursuit of alternatives was stressing him, I relented and will

support him 100% in his choice which started 5/17 as follows:

650 mg of chemo for 3 days + radiation for 5 1/2 wks. 4th week another 3

injections of chemo. Then one injection of chemo per week for 5 mos. He is

doing very well physically and psychologically, has many interests and

hobbies + good family and friends. However, I've known other people in very

similar circumstances, who did not survive this disease.

I've read so much about alternatives and the abysmal failures and dangers

of chemo/radiation. If he does not complete the treatment, or if he

continues, do you know any regimens that have had some success with keeping

a person

cancer-free, if only for a period of time????. I've found a

chiropracter/nutrionist with MD on staff. He was put on a veg diet with

organic chicken and fish. No dairy products or red meat.... Rice Milk one

slice of bread per day (baker's bread) Whole Wheat Pasta. Veg drink. -

made w/juicer.spinach, chickory, spinach, arugula. bean soups and brown

rice w/kidney bean dishes. + anti oxidents, milk thistle and other vitamins.

Also starting yoga and meditation sessions.

We've always taken a regimen of vitamins and had a healthy diet + exercise

complete w/water tap filter. SO THIS SHOULD NOT HAVE HAPPENED. I've read a

lot about laetrile, apricot seed, milk thistle and other things, but would

appreciate and welcome any advice he could start with at this stage or if

the cancer should recur. The chiro/nutritionist also leaned toward the

the alternatives, but understandably would not advise. He's also taking

kelp everyday in salads for the excess radiation.

I feel like I'm in a vacuum with no way out. Please help me.

Re: [ ] liver cancer

From: Jplane1@...

In a message dated 5/24/99 9:38:20 PM Eastern Daylight Time,

Es9525@... writes:

<< Is there anything I can do to help her?? Anything would be appreciated.


Hello Dave,

Even though I am an alternative medicine practitioner, I would have to

say that the BEST thing you can do for you mother is love her until her last

minute, and let her live it out the way she wants to.

Warmest regards,



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I feel the first and best thing you can do for yourself in any

cancer battle is to do a cleanse. I've seen that repeated over

and over here, and I know from personal experience that it makes

a difference. You can take supplements, herbs, and organic foods

all day long, but if your system is too dirty to absorb it, it's

not going to work.

Dr. Schulze has a terrific two-part cleansing program. Although

he does not advocate enemas or colonics, I feel that in a toxic

situation (i.e., cancer) it is practically indispensable - at

least at first.

In spite of all we may say negatively about " regular " doctors,

remember, they do what they do because they know cancer is a

serious foe and they give it all they've got.


Irene K.

Out of my mind...Back in five minutes.



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also www.worldwithoutcancer.com

[ ] liver cancer



>Can anyone help me???

>My mother had colo-rectal cancer in which she needed her colon removed. The

>cancer then spread to her liver and is now in her lymph nodes and liver.


>has been through radiation and chemo-therapy. I tried to convince her to


>an alternate means of building up her immune system but she would only do

>what her doctor prescribed. She is not doing well and her doctor says she

>has 3 to 4 weeks to live.

>Is there anything I can do to help her?? Anything would be appreciated.






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Thanks Tom. I'll see if she'll try it

[ ] liver cancer



>Can anyone help me???

>My mother had colo-rectal cancer in which she needed her colon removed. The

>cancer then spread to her liver and is now in her lymph nodes and liver.


>has been through radiation and chemo-therapy. I tried to convince her to


>an alternate means of building up her immune system but she would only do

>what her doctor prescribed. She is not doing well and her doctor says she

>has 3 to 4 weeks to live.

>Is there anything I can do to help her?? Anything would be appreciated.






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  • 1 year later...
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You must tell us what is being done now, what is the diet amd manymore

things There are many ways to go.

Haorld-- Original Message -----

From: <debwheel@...>

< >

Sent: Wednesday, March 21, 2001 11:35 PM

Subject: [ ] Liver Cancer

> Hi,


> I've just found this list, and need some help for a family member

> with liver cancer.


> Have any of you any experience with night sweats caused by the

> cancer, and if so, any words of wisdom as to anything that helped?


> Thank you,

> Debora Wheeler




> Learn more about cancer:

> http://home.online.no/~dusan/diseases/cancer/

> http://home.online.no/~dusan/diseases/cancer/faq.htm

> http://www.geocities.com/~mycleanse/

> http://www.geocities.com/HotSprings/1158


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It is terminal cancer. He is now just getting shots for strength. Chemo will not help now. He was told the sweats are a by product of the liver cancer. Diet is what ever he feels like eating!

[ ] Liver Cancer> Hi,>> I've just found this list, and need some help for a family member> with liver cancer.>> Have any of you any experience with night sweats caused by the> cancer, and if so, any words of wisdom as to anything that helped?>> Thank you,> Debora Wheeler>>>> Learn more about cancer:> http://home.online.no/~dusan/diseases/cancer/> http://home.online.no/~dusan/diseases/cancer/faq.htm> http://www.geocities.com/~mycleanse/> http://www.geocities.com/HotSprings/1158>> You are receiving this email because you elected to subscribe to the egroups.

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Are you worried for sweating ?!

Don't be sorry for sweat.

Let it go.

It is good!!!

Be happy for it!

More sweating, the more poisons are out of the body.

From hundreds of known carcinogens, more then 50% can leave our body

ONLY through sweating.

It is the best therpy !

Double your water intake.

Use only non refined whole ocean salt in foods (soups)

Most foods for cancer patient should be liquid or soft!

Explore cottage cheese and flaxseed oil.

Explore parasite killing herbs.

Explore wheat grass and carrot juices.

Explore essiac tea.

Explore soups with seaweed and miso.

Learn about non-harmful cancer therapies:



> Hi,


> I've just found this list, and need some help for a family member

> with liver cancer.


> Have any of you any experience with night sweats caused by the

> cancer, and if so, any words of wisdom as to anything that helped?


> Thank you,

> Debora Wheeler

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The sweating is so bad it is making sleep restless and difficult.

We've done the cottage cheese and flax seed oil, and it made him ill. I don't understand why just sweating at night?

[ ] Re: Liver Cancer

Are you worried for sweating ?!Don't be sorry for sweat.Let it go. It is good!!!Be happy for it!More sweating, the more poisons are out of the body.From hundreds of known carcinogens, more then 50% can leave our body ONLY through sweating.It is the best therpy !Double your water intake.Use only non refined whole ocean salt in foods (soups)Most foods for cancer patient should be liquid or soft!Explore cottage cheese and flaxseed oil.Explore parasite killing herbs.Explore wheat grass and carrot juices.Explore essiac tea.Explore soups with seaweed and miso.Learn about non-harmful cancer therapies:http://home.online.no/~dusan/diseases/cancer/faq.htmAgnes> Hi,> > I've just found this list, and need some help for a family member > with liver cancer.> > Have any of you any experience with night sweats caused by the > cancer, and if so, any words of wisdom as to anything that helped?> > Thank you,> Debora WheelerLearn more about cancer:http://home.online.no/~dusan/diseases/cancer/http://home.online.no/~dusan/diseases/cancer/faq.htmhttp://www.geocities.com/~mycleanse/http://www.geocities.com/HotSprings/1158You are receiving this email because you elected to subscribe to the egroups.

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> Diet is what ever he feels like eating!

It could be of great help if he would develop feeling for juice

fasting. (carrot, wheat grass, bralley grass, red beat, parsley

leaves, apple juice, celery, cabbage, ... )

I would try to develop feeling for juices. I would purchase good

juicer, something like " Green Power " .

I would feel to combine it with bowel cleanse, as it may be cruical

for his survival.

I am sure it would help me if I would " feel " not to eat any

industrial foods.

I would also try to develop feeling for miso soup, made with seaweed.

It takes 2 weeks to develop feeling for foods that we are not use to


People often feel to eat the same foods as they eat all their life.

To cure cancer, it is important to make changes, lifestyle changes,

dietary changes, change way of thinking, sometimes even change a

house, job, city, friends, pets, hobby, furniture, cosmetics, bed,

room, ...

Terminaly ill people who eat whatever they feel, usually live

too short to share their story with others.

Success stories I read usually came from people who completely

changed their life.

I would first try to learn from those that succeded to regain health:


I would also get some book, from someone who is healthy today.

About sweating:

He should change his clothes at least once a night, if not many times

and, if needed change bedclothes. (Yes, a lot of work in the day and

in the night, but that sweating is maybe the only thing that can make

a difference for his health. So, don't you even try to stop that

sweating ! Learn abot hyperthermia therapy. His body is, most likely,

doing it naturaly. )


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Dear Deborah,

I just spoke with a friend of mine that knows much about cancer.

I am not sure should I write down all he said, but I gues I should.

His advices did help to me a lot dealing with my mother's cancer, not

to say how much was that important for my mother.

Sorry, if this leter hurts you, it is not my intention.

My mother have had cancer, so I understand how you feel.

(I am sure that what he said sound strange,

but I think you should believe in it,

he have seen hundreds of people with cancer.)

He just laugh about what I told him about your case, and

about " eating whatever he feel " .

He said that both, you mainly, and me because I ask, are just wasting

our time.

" Cancer of the digestive organs can not be cured by eating whatever

you feel. "

He said that " adult people vith terminal liver cancer who let their

relatives look for miracle cure, and don't themselves start doing

something, are as good as dead " , and will not accept cures and

whatever else their relatives try to do with them.

He said that " those people have death wish - subconsciously " .

" It is like if they want to die. "

They will never say that, but they behave like that.

I reminded him that it was me who started looking for alternatives,

not my mother who needed it, so ...

Anyway, he told me a few things that may be of a great help for you.

He said that your father have most likely had liver full of

cholesterol stones - intrahepatic stones, for years before he got


Those stones have blocked liver and gallbladder function and have

afected bile flow.

It could have happened 1 or 15 years before cancer diagnoses.

Without bile flow, colon and intestinal function is afected, and

intestines work poorely.

Intestines are becoming toxic.

That posins the whole body, and cancer is there.

Parasites spread in that kind of intestines.

First thing is to make intestines work.

Your father should every evening make enema, wash his colon, to avoid

poisoning his blood overnight.

That will decrease sweating.

He said night sweating is caused by toxic feces inside colon.

Body absorbs liquid from colon, through night, and with that liquid

it takes also toxins.

He said " he should also do a coffe enema " .

Look on the web about it.

Other reason for sweat is that both liver and gallblader are full of


" Night is time when those organs acivly try to release toxins, that

is why sweating more overnight. "

" Each organ have its time (one or two hours) when it is at its peak. "

Both liver and GB are night organs.

He should go on strict cancer diet to stop liver cancer.

Best juice/tea fasting.

He shlould take one cup of water with 1 TBSP of Magnesium Sulphate,

Epsom salt, every morning, to make his intestines work better, and

to aid his liver.

He should take min one tbsp of cold pressed oil every day, best more

if he can tolerate.

He should take Hulda's parasite killing herbs every day regulary, to

keep toxicity of his bowels low, and to stop liver cancer.

He should do important dental work to remove amalgam, to stop

poisoning of his liver.

" When liver don't function, heavy metals (mercury) stay inside

body. "

" He should get acupuncture treatment. "

" He should start bowel cleanse, something like juice fasting, or

lemonade diet. "

You should, if you live with him, try the same, to understand how it


" He should follow bowel cleanse with liver/GB cleanse. "

I tried bowel cleanse and liver cleanse myself, and I felt great.

He said " this is just a begining, for him to stop tumor, gain time

to learn more himself, and start with other therapies. "

Hope this helps.

I wish your father wants to live, because of you.


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  • 3 years later...

This may help her, won't hurt her, and can be prescribed by any doctor you have a good rapport with. The only issue is that it is not used when opiate based pain killers are used, which can be a problem if the illness is causing pain. While most of our group uses LDN for MS there are several who use it for cancer or as a cancer preventative. Maybe your best move would be to have a phone consult with Dr Bihari... In case you haven't already been there this is the link for the LDN homepage. Lots of info there...

http://www.low dose naltrexone.org/

[low dose naltrexone] Liver Cancer

My wife had Ovarian Cancer, and was in remission for about a year. Shehas a re-occurance and now the cancer has spread to her liver andlung. Will this work for her and if so where would we go to get thisdrug or treatment.

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There are numerous lists of doctors and pharmacists I've seen on this

site. I also have also have a doctor and pharmacist, both in Ohio,

who have supplied me with 2 months worth of LDN, plus one 2-month


My wife has pancreatic cancer and I believe the LDN is helping, but

it's too early to know for sure. She's been on it for about a month

and seems to have stabilized and possibly improved a bit. Her cancer

had mets to the lungs and liver, so it's difficult to know for sure

how she's doing since her last PET showed a lot of tumors and we

haven't had any additional tests of any sort since then.

The 'specialists' have basically given up on her since they don't

really have anything to offer!

Let me know if you need and want the doctor and pharmacist.

Good luck and I'll keep you and your wife in my thoughts and prayers!



> My wife had Ovarian Cancer, and was in remission for about a year.


> has a re-occurance and now the cancer has spread to her liver and

> lung. Will this work for her and if so where would we go to get this

> drug or treatment.

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  • 1 year later...

> hi :) , i'm new so bear with me,any advocates for the " breuss-juice

> cure,i've just found out about it and wonder about my suitability,the

> therapy goes for 42 days,but wieghing in at 47 kilos gives me doubts

> about whether to try it,drs gave me a death date in january 2005,but i

> told them and their chemo to take a hike...........

Rectal ozone insufflation three times a week, 80 grams or more of

cold-processed whey and 400-600 mcg selenium daily should be part

of your therapy in addition to whatever else you're doing.

Cold-processed whey is an anti-cachexia (wasting) tool listed in

the Physician's Desk Reference for Prescription Drugs. (NOTE --it's

in the DRUG BOOK). It's also the most effective glutathione

precursor. Cold-processed whey was used in many studies to shrink

cancer even on its own. One company got its pharmaceutically pure

product into the PDR, but because all low-temperature extracted

whey powders produce glutathione, when you use dosages ounces

required for cachexia you don't have to worry about whether you're

getting enough glutathione precursors. So, you can find effective

products costing 75% less!

Selenium is used to make the most-used form of glutathione,

glutathione is the body's main antioxidant and detoxifier and also

the liver's main support during Phase II detox. Liver and other

damage is reduced when glutathione levels are high. If you get too

light there is a risk for organ problems; it can be minimized, and

the elegance is that the whey provides the glutathione increase AND

the protein to keep mass on.

Glutathione also minimizes or eliminates chemo and radiation side

effects and supports the immune system.

This together represents a bio-oxidative program in which the

oxygen therapy is antagonistic to the cancer, supports biological

function and it also supports cancer cell differentiation to nomal;

to control the process you make sure the natural controls are

strengthened -- the antioxidant pool.

I've read anecdotal reports of people getting well after drinking

lots of ozonated water; of course ozone given rectally provides

much higher concentrations to the liver than drinking it would.

This provides the brief oxidative burst that does the direct

oxidative work, and also provides the stimulus for the body to

respond with a burst of antioxidant production, which itself is a

therapy. There are thus two ends to a bio-oxidative therapy.

Ozone therapy is used extensively in clinics in Europe, even for

cancer, and without side effects. This is explained in various

books and published sudies and some doctors are interviewed in the

video " Ozone and the Politics of Medicine "

I own the larger Plasmafire. The smaller one is fine for rectal



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thank you, Duncan, for your time and advice. i'm in australia and not sure what

is or how to get hold of " cold pressed whey " , a health food shop ? also, from

what i've read , cancer feeds off protein, so i've been keeping away from the

like and now a total vegan , what's your opinion? i recently went and had a

colon cleanse, she told me i could do it myself with a kit from the chemist,i

havent enquired as yet, are they so very necessary? i dont seem to be doing

much for myself, i feel a bit inadequate, specially since my family has no

faith in what i'm doing. my cousin has recently been treated for liver cancer

and opted for radio-therapy. he's recovered excellently in the 2 weeks since

treatment and eating everything. he's also put on a hefty 6 kilos in that time

! ! how can this be? initially i was 53 kilos,now stable on 47 kilos, how can

i put on weight if i eat like i do? i'm so damned thin, but feel fine. any

weight gaining advise would be appreciativly

listened to. thanks again, christine :)

Duncan Crow wrote:

Rectal ozone insufflation three times a week, 80 grams or more of

cold-processed whey and 400-600 mcg selenium daily should be part

of your therapy in addition to whatever else you're doing.

Cold-processed whey is an anti-cachexia (wasting) tool listed in

the Physician's Desk Reference for Prescription Drugs. (NOTE --it's

in the DRUG BOOK). It's also the most effective glutathione

precursor. Cold-processed whey was used in many studies to shrink

cancer even on its own.

Selenium is used to make the most-used form of glutathione,

glutathione is the body's main antioxidant and detoxifier and also

the liver's main support during Phase II detox. Liver and other

damage is reduced when glutathione levels are high. If you get too

light there is a risk for organ problems; it can be minimized, and

the elegance is that the whey provides the glutathione increase AND

the protein to keep mass on.

Glutathione also minimizes or eliminates chemo and radiation side

effects and supports the immune system.

I've read anecdotal reports of people getting well after drinking

lots of ozonated water; of course ozone given rectally provides

much higher concentrations to the liver than drinking it would.

This provides the brief oxidative burst that does the direct

oxidative work, and also provides the stimulus for the body to

respond with a burst of antioxidant production, which itself is a

therapy. There are thus two ends to a bio-oxidative therapy.

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