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New Down Syndrome Book

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I've personally now received FIVE of your emails promoting " Bus Girl. "

I especially do not appreciate your soliciting on our discussion list. You

took the time to become a member solely to push this book--a lot of work

and not appreciated.

Please do not do this again. If you have a child with ds/autism or

something similar and want to join in the discussion or listen in for

support, GREAT. But somehow, I don't think that was your motivation.

Joan Medlen, List Owner


sentto-410305-6461-967347758-jmedlen=teleport.comreturns (DOT) onelist.com Sun

Aug 27 03:43:06 2000



sentto-410305-6461-967347758-jmedlen=teleport.comreturns (DOT) onelist.com












>From: <dkamen4492@...>

>Mailing-List: list egroups; contact -owneregroups

>Delivered-mailing list egroups

>List-Unsubscribe: <mailto:-unsubscribeegroups>

>Date: Thu, 24 Aug 2000 11:52:02


>Subject: New Down Syndrome Book



>E-Mail us for poems written by woman born with Down Syndrome from Bus Girl.


>Or call us:


>Brookline Books



>Ask for Milt






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At 06:23 PM 8/26/00 -0000, you wrote:

>I agree and from the list of people she sent it to, she's hitting all the

ds lists. That was worse than my shame promotion of my poems on themestream.

LOL! LoriAnn, you are *always* welcome to tell us about your stuff on

themestream!!! I'd love to know what people are up to outside of our kids.

I wound up with a grand total of 11 emails from this person whose email box

is of course full---though I'll bet their email address is deleted by


Any of you AOL members care to send her email to TOS for me? It's either

TOSSPAM@... or TOSpam@.... :) (can you tell I once worked for 'em?)



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  • 2 weeks later...

I just got the book, " Bus Girl " . Haven't read it yet.

This is kind of a strange message. Are they

promoting more poems from " Bus Girl " ? Has anybody

emailed or called? Just curious.

Judi-Mom to Sam & , 3 1/2, Identical Twins



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Yeah, there were about 6 announcements in my email about this book, some

from different lists, but some were repetitive. I don't know if the person

had lost it, or what.

But no discussion of it.

Mike Grossman


Judi Grossman

<judig2@ Multiples-DSegroups

.com> cc:

Subject: Re: New

Down Syndrome

09/05/00 Book

01:04 PM


respond to


I just got the book, " Bus Girl " . Haven't read it yet.

This is kind of a strange message. Are they

promoting more poems from " Bus Girl " ? Has anybody

emailed or called? Just curious.

Judi-Mom to Sam & , 3 1/2, Identical Twins



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