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Multi-colored arm bands~ Research

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Great going, Joanne :))

You are awesome. I applaud your effort and willingness to take

action! I believe a list exists of who accepts requests for

consideration for charitable causes for financial consideration. I

have been away since Friday and frankly can't remember where. Maybe

the mind goes first? LOL

As regards professional fund raisers, I don't mind if someone makes

a living raising funds. Even if many do. What matters, I feel, is how

much is made available to the cause. I'm sure that the " Pro's " would

know how to construct an appeal in a manner that works. Likely, a

non~profit group or organization would have to be established

specifically for the cause. Clearly, the existing ones haven't done

an adequate job! Nor can they be trusted to do so! Do I question

their motovation? Perhaps this LDN group, I see there are 1299 of us

now, could be the sponsor? First priority, pay for

(FUND) " Publishable " study.

My experience has caused me to know that only " Accredited, previously

published " researchers even get published. I wont go there now…The

good news is that researchers are in a " Publish or perish " situation.

I spent years attempting to bring a viable medical product to

acceptance but lacked the then $ 80,000 required necessary to fund a

little 12 person " Legitimate " study which would have " Gotten the ball

rolling. " I was young, naïve, eager, and thought just because

something worked, it would be accepted. After seven years of trying

other ways, I went broke. I would likely have had the money to fund

our MS research if I had played by the " Rules " of funding

the " Initial, " " Legitimate " research study, and millions of

arthritics would be enjoying a higher quality of life, diabetics

undergoing fewer amputations, and the researchers clamoring for funds

to do more " Necessary follow~up " studies. As my father used to

say, " Too soon old~ too late smart. "

I guess what I am suggesting is that if the dollars are available,

and I don't mean a mere

$ 80,000 anymore, researchers can be motivated to confirm what users

already know. The drug companies are standing in line with millions,

approaching the same " Accredited, published researchers, " for studies

to authenticate their pills and/or injections. They are our

competition. I feel sadly that, as traditional medicine and Pharmacia

has billions to loose if MS is brought under control or eliminated,

we cannot look to either one for support. By the way, Dr B's

research, clinical studies, and previous patient experience doesn't

count. Only " Double blind " studies are considered to have any merit

in the getting published arena. Sorry to be the barer of bad news. Of

course, this is only my opinion,


From: " Joanne Longley " <painter907@...>

Subject: RE: multi-colored arm bands

Hay Russ, I just passed the Multi-colored arm band idea to bank


friend " it sounds good to him " . He told me to write letters to ask for

sponsorship from companies like " Nike " . I questioned " Coke? " I would

talk to

MS society but I don't want to pay professional fund raisers. I want


fund raised to go straight to research. CVS raised 20million for the


show to feed the hungry. Which is great! I will gladly write the

letter to

ask for sponsorship maybe someone has an idea who to ask. Joanne L.

[low dose naltrexone] multi-colored arm bands


I think your idea for multiple colored arm~bands to draw attention


the multiplicty of the MS problem is beautiful. Now, all we need is


sponser that will get some press.


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Sorry Russ the MS society is already selling multi colored wrist bands. I am 48 years old and through the years I have been employed as a non-disabled worker at a number of non-profit organizations. I do mind that people make there living from the hurt and pain of others. It up-sets me for example that Easter Seals ( a former employer) gives pennies to disabled children and charges insurance companies high rates for patient care. I had the idea of ms'ers selling one dollar anything, wrist bands, pins, paper flowers so money could go straight to research. I believe a cure is at hand. I am not all that awesome I my driven. Thank-you but if you don't mind I think you are the one to be labeled awesome! keep on working Russ. have a great day and Bless you always. Joanne L.

[low dose naltrexone] multi-colored arm bands Joanne:) I think your idea for multiple colored arm~bands to draw attention to the multiplicty of the MS problem is beautiful. Now, all we need is a sponser that will get some press. Russ:))

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Just a thought on some sponsors, I may have missed it, but how about

Meredith Vieira from Who Wants to be a Millionaire. Her husband

Cohen has suffered from MS since his early 20s, and has also

successfully battled colon cancer.


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