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Re: My wife just started LDN, have a few questions

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This is my results with LDN. I have SPMS. Started on 10/23 at 3mg for

1 week, been on 4.5mg since. No problems at all. Does she take it

after 9pm? Do not take any during the day. I also take some liquid

supplements from Eniva. I posted info on that the other day. No one

was interested. I'm not pushing them. I've been fealing better. Can

do some things better than I could do before LDN & ENIVA products.

But that's me. I have to lay down late in the afternoon, so maybe she

might be pushing a little to much. Hang in there, give it some time

and have her go easy. I personally would stay away from the avonex.

They may countermand each other.


> My wife has started LDN. She has MS, although I am not sure which



> She has taken 3mg for 2 days now. She feels great in morning and

> early afternoon. She has lots of energy and is very active, much


> so than before the LDN.


> Come around 5pm she declines quickly and usually has to hit the bed

> around 7. She has some shaking of her arms and other misc MS

> symptoms.


> We decided to bump up to 4.5 mg to see if that might help. We will

> see how she does on Friday.


> Has anyone seen this type of reaction? Where the first part of the

> day is great and the second half isn't? I know the literature says


> won't help. but perhaps another dose around noon would help.


> Her doctor doesn't mind her trying the LDN, but he also wants her on

> Avonex, and I don't blame him. He had another patient that wanted


> try LDN and did. Kept putting off Avonex. Felt terrific for a


> and then got hit with his worst relapse and from then on he was

> confined to a wheel chair.


> I think there is something to LDN, but it hasn't quite been figured

> out. We will experiment gently with her dosing and try anything we

> can think of to maximize it's effect. Also, one more question, has

> anyone tried more than 4.5? It seems some people react much

> differently to the dose.


> Also, I have seen some people mention other suppliments. Would

> DL-Phenylalanine potentially help? She isn't taking any



> ...Thanks...

> ......

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hi:i hve only been on it for 2 weeks so far,but i am quite sure it

is one dose in 24 hr period.i have no idea,or have read anything to

support more than that.i am also started on 3mg,but next script will

probably go up to 4mg.a lot less fatigue a better leg movement are

the main benefits so far.i seem to fall asleep around 10pm each

nite,but ia still work an 8 hr day,so maybe i am just tired .Maybe

some help to you.>neil

> My wife has started LDN. She has MS, although I am not sure which



> She has taken 3mg for 2 days now. She feels great in morning and

> early afternoon. She has lots of energy and is very active, much


> so than before the LDN.


> Come around 5pm she declines quickly and usually has to hit the bed

> around 7. She has some shaking of her arms and other misc MS

> symptoms.


> We decided to bump up to 4.5 mg to see if that might help. We will

> see how she does on Friday.


> Has anyone seen this type of reaction? Where the first part of the

> day is great and the second half isn't? I know the literature

says it

> won't help. but perhaps another dose around noon would help.


> Her doctor doesn't mind her trying the LDN, but he also wants her


> Avonex, and I don't blame him. He had another patient that wanted


> try LDN and did. Kept putting off Avonex. Felt terrific for a


> and then got hit with his worst relapse and from then on he was

> confined to a wheel chair.


> I think there is something to LDN, but it hasn't quite been figured

> out. We will experiment gently with her dosing and try anything we

> can think of to maximize it's effect. Also, one more question,


> anyone tried more than 4.5? It seems some people react much

> differently to the dose.


> Also, I have seen some people mention other suppliments. Would

> DL-Phenylalanine potentially help? She isn't taking any



> ...Thanks...

> ......

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> I think there is something to LDN, but it hasn't quite been figured

> out. We will experiment gently with her dosing and try anything we

> can think of to maximize it's effect. Also, one more question, has

> anyone tried more than 4.5? It seems some people react much

> differently to the dose.


> Also, I have seen some people mention other suppliments. Would

> DL-Phenylalanine potentially help? She isn't taking any suppliments.

More than 4.5 has been tried (6mg) by some with mixed results. My

consult with Dr. Bihari led me to beieve he feels 4.5 is optimal if it

can be tolerated. You can look back at past posts on dosages, there is

lots of info.

I was tired as well. Tested very high for mercury and was chelated

(DMPS by IV) and feel somewaht better. This Dr. has me injecting B12

and taking fish oil among other supplements. I beleive B12 as

Methylcobalomin is most helpful energy wise and may have other

benefits. It can be taken sublingually but is not as effective. B12

swallowed in pill form evidently does little.

Lastly, I started hormone therapy about 12 weeks back and feel it has

made a definite difference in my general health, coordiantion and

stamina (yes there has been sexual benefits as well). I urge you all

to find a Doc to check your hormones and check to see that they are in

the upper 1/3 of the " acceptable " ranges.

I hope you take the time to look back through this arhive because

there is some excellent information - even though you'll need to wade

through some misc " stuff "

Also make sure thorough testing has been done for Lyme. Tests are

notoriously inacurate and the FDA has slotted a bunch of money to

create better testing.



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Your wife is on the right track just keep on taking it but I have to tell you that LDN never works the same for all of us.If your wife is only just starting to take LDN it is quite soon to see dramatic results.

Maybe taking your dose later would be better?

For instance I have been trying to take my maximum amount which is only three mgs. after eleven as I find way better results if taken later than 10:30p.m.

Now what is the reason for this I can not say but after a year of 3.0 mgs. @ 9:30p.m. I thought I should try adjusting my time of taking even later as in the past I found some improvement with taking it later.

It has worked better for me but still not fantastic! I too am chronic progressive( kindof lumps all former groups of non remitting MS in one I believe)

Yesterday I pushed myself too far and fell down onto a very hard, frozen ground which broke (or at least damaged seriously a couple of ribs), so yes the energy was good to have but watch what you can do with it, If I would have only accepted that guys offer of help before I fell........


-- [low dose naltrexone] Re: My wife just started LDN, have a few questions

,This is my results with LDN. I have SPMS. Started on 10/23 at 3mg for 1 week, been on 4.5mg since. No problems at all. Does she take it after 9pm? Do not take any during the day. I also take some liquid supplements from Eniva. I posted info on that the other day. No one was interested. I'm not pushing them. I've been fealing better. Can do some things better than I could do before LDN & ENIVA products. But that's me. I have to lay down late in the afternoon, so maybe she

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> My wife has started LDN. She has MS, although I am not sure which





the only thing I'd change would be to go from Avonex to Copaxone.

copaxone works with your body while the others don't. Dr Bihari

perfers Copaxone with LDN if you feel the need to use one of the CRABs.

also LDN works only above 3mg. Under 3mg it doesn't stop progression.

this is what Dr B has said.

Johanne F

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Hi There

When I started on LDN (3.0) I would feel great in the morning and

evening, but around mid afternoon, my symptoms would return. Not bad,

but enough to know they were there. So after about 10 days or so I

increased up to 4.5 and my symptoms went away completely. Felt great

except when (excuse the indelicacy) on my period.

After a while, maybe 2 - 3 months, I decided I would up my dose, just

to see what would happen. I upped it to 6.0. I felt awful. Terrible

headaches and just in general miserable, so after only maybe 4 days I

went back to 4.5 where I have stayed since with good results.

I have RRMS, been on LDN for 245 days. I did have a flair up at about

6 months, with a completely new symptom, but it remained milder than

my previous attacks, lasted a shorter time and has completely

resolved with no permanent disability.

I would think that if the person who your doctor is treating had a

new attack only a month on LDN that there were other issues there,

and blaming the LDN is probably not fair. It has been reported that

Dr. B says that a 6 - 9 month trial is fair for LDN. Maybe the

patient was under stress, continuing a CRAB drug that conflicts with

LDN or even getting bad compounded LDN.

Whatever, I would not give you wife an dose in the middle of the day.

That would not be helpful. If you want to up the dose to 4.5 (the

dose Dr. B is reported to say is best for most) give it at bedtime.

Best of Luck to both you and your wife - Cinders

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Dr. B put me on 6mgs because he thought I was slightly resistant to it. I was started on 4.5 and after 6 months was increased to 6mg by him. I was on 6mgs for almost a year when I started to have insomnia and getting up to visit the bathroom 3-4 times a night. (This had stopped when first upped to the 6mgs ) . My dose was lowered back to 4.5mg and the sleeping and bathroom visits stopped immediately. So now I am on 4.5 again and just guessing that something normalized and the higher dose is not needed. I will ask him at my next visit why this happened and report back.(Am making appt for January)

I was only one of two patients on 6mg . I also must tell you that I have not progressed at all since starting LDN. I am either SP orPP, not sure. Hope this helps Kiki

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