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Re: Digest Number 363

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NO, my comments were not said w/ sarcasm about the lengths you went to

breastfeed. I was simply stating that by overcoming these obstacles it

was obvious how strongly you feel about breastfeeding.

I am not against breastfeeding by any means, but I just think there are

alot better reasons for choosing it than IQ!

However, I do take offense to the remark you made about my son. It was

out of line!

Also,check your resource on the comment you made on members of Mensa!

And, lets just agree to disagree!!!!!!!!


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In a message dated 8/27/99 5:32:21 AM CST, staceyduncan@... writes:

<< However, I do take offense to the remark you made about my son. It was

out of line!

Also,check your resource on the comment you made on members of Mensa!

And, lets just agree to disagree!!!!!!!! >>

I don't remember making a remark about your son. And I don't even know what

Mensa is. I am all for just agreeing to disagree.

Dani--who wouldn't purposefully say anything about someones child on purpose.

I am harmless...

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  • 3 months later...

Hi MIke

I am from southwestern PA.....40 miles east of Pittsburgh.......have

lived here all of my life...am still working but it is a sruggle with

the fatigue I have. Hoping the medication will soon kick in because I

don't want to give in to this disease.....never heard of the raisin

thing. Las Vegas sounds good. Hope to get there someday! Love those


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Welcome to Nevada! I live in Elko, Nevada, which is in Northeastern Nev.


>From: gosman@...

>This is an open request to all of the Pacers out there. I was just


>where everyone lives.

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Hello, Is there any one from Canada on the list? I was wondering if anyone

has had the experience of applying for the Canada Pension Disability because

of PA. We live in Waterloo,Ontario,Canada. I have had PA for about 17

years now and am pretty well debilitated. If Pat reads this, I now have

started MS-CONTIN 30mg for pain. My doctor thought we would try this instead

of Oxycontin. Roy



and :) :) :) :) :)

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  • 1 month later...


Thanks for the welcome.

* yo was diagnosed when she was six and i was very bad. She went to

theray and learned to talk about what she was afraid of and I was taught

to help her through it. At one point Dr was about to put her on meds,

but she got better. So, she still has fears and panics, but we work on

it together and try to get past each one.

Like when she drops a cookie on the floor and saya she cant eat it now

cause of germs. I am getting used to eating ,touching and doing weird

things for her without a thought now. haha

Have a great day. Im on digest version, so will take awhie to read any



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Good for you! Not only did you get treatment for your daughter while she

young, but you seem to be doing the E & RP that we all advocate for here!!

wendy in canada


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  • 5 months later...
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Hi all

Gretchen I am like you seem to trip much less than I use to....I wonder

why that is? Could be I watch my feet more?LOL!! Does anyone think

easy spirit shoes are worth trying as walking shoes? I would like to

hear about them before I go and purchase tham because they are kind of

expensive here. Thanks

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Hi all

This is Patsy here,

In reply to s asking if anyone else has had spinal problems. I'm 60

now, but when I was 9, I woke up one Sun. morning & was is so much pain.

At that time we had an outhouse for a toilet, remember that was 51 yrs

ago. Anyway I could not walk to it, because oof the pain. I remember it

all like it was yesterday!! The Drs. took lots of x-rays, but didn't

know what it was, told my parents I had had polio, but my folks said no.

Finally, they called in a Dr. Crossland & he said it was Lumbar

Scoliosis. I was in hospital for 17 days w/ weights on my legs, because

one leg was shorter than the other. After that I wore a cast for 6 or 8

wks, from under arms to my hips. I came out straight, but now I think my

spine is not straight, but maybe curved again, but MD I see now says

no, but he never conducts any tests, just observes himself. I have

breathing problems too. This MD says I have Fibromyalga & Osteoarthis,

but ignores the fact that I have CMT. He didn't diagnose it so he

doesn't acknowledge it. Drs. are very vain!! My bro, Jim, 70 had a

larnjectomy last Aug., because of breathing & weak voice. They said it

was a tumor wrapped around the larnx, but I suspect it was from CMT.

Drs. don't know everthing, even from tests taken. The testing is not

always accurate. I told his 3 kids, all older adult kids, to get a 2nd

oppinion, making the Dr. he had very angry at me. They told him they

wanted a 2nd. oppinion, but all he did was to send tem to his cohort in

IL. I told the first Dr. about CMT, because I had just read in CMT

International that therecan be voice problems w/ CMT. But this Dr.

ignored me. I think they wanted to use my bro. as a guinnea pig, as both

Drs. teach about larngectomies at Loyola Hosp. in IL. Sorry this is so

long & drawn out. Thanx for listening!


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Hi, Patsy. You are right about " Doctor Vanity. " I would add arrogance

and extreme egotism, or inflated ego to the list. Now, having said

that, I would add that there are some wonderfully sensitive,

compassionate docs out there. It just takes a while to find them.

Glad to know there's someone else out there in my age range - I'm 61 -

CMT II and osteoarthritis in knees are main problems.

I'm glad that many younger folks at least have a diagnosis and have

research results, etc. because nobody knew when I was a kid why I

fell all the time. They just said I was clumsy! Well, I was (am) but

there's a reason and it's not because I'm inferior somehow.

When I was in college I was supposed to be a piano major. I had

teacher after teacher berate me severely for not practicing hard

enough, etc, etc, all to no avail, because my fingers could never

support all the technical stuff. I grieved that issue greatly after I

found out about the CMT. Thought a lot about all the wasted time....

But grateful now that I can still play the piano - I just play

different things now and enjoy it immensely!


> Hi all

> This is Patsy here,

> In reply to s asking if anyone else has had spinal problems.

I'm 60

> now, but when I was 9, I woke up one Sun. morning & was is so much


> At that time we had an outhouse for a toilet, remember that was 51


> ago. Anyway I could not walk to it, because oof the pain. I

remember it

> all like it was yesterday!! The Drs. took lots of x-rays, but didn't

> know what it was, told my parents I had had polio, but my folks

said no.

> Finally, they called in a Dr. Crossland & he said it was Lumbar

> Scoliosis. I was in hospital for 17 days w/ weights on my legs,


> one leg was shorter than the other. After that I wore a cast for 6

or 8

> wks, from under arms to my hips. I came out straight, but now I

think my

> spine is not straight, but maybe curved again, but MD I see now


> no, but he never conducts any tests, just observes himself. I have

> breathing problems too. This MD says I have Fibromyalga &


> but ignores the fact that I have CMT. He didn't diagnose it so he

> doesn't acknowledge it. Drs. are very vain!! My bro, Jim, 70 had a

> larnjectomy last Aug., because of breathing & weak voice. They said


> was a tumor wrapped around the larnx, but I suspect it was from CMT.

> Drs. don't know everthing, even from tests taken. The testing is not

> always accurate. I told his 3 kids, all older adult kids, to get a


> oppinion, making the Dr. he had very angry at me. They told him they

> wanted a 2nd. oppinion, but all he did was to send tem to his

cohort in

> IL. I told the first Dr. about CMT, because I had just read in CMT

> International that therecan be voice problems w/ CMT. But this Dr.

> ignored me. I think they wanted to use my bro. as a guinnea pig, as


> Drs. teach about larngectomies at Loyola Hosp. in IL. Sorry this is


> long & drawn out. Thanx for listening!

> Patsy

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Ruth ,

This lawyer is very informative and will send you info.He deals alot with

this.He even wrote an article for hepatitis magazine.


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  • 3 weeks later...

At 11:28 PM 8/14/00 +0000, you wrote:

> >Cross reference your supplier prices, I bet you'll see a pattern, a range

> >of costs that Bulgarian lavender falls into most often, also another one

> >for French lavender... any major differences in that range will be caused

> >by method of extraction, or because it's either conventionally farmed or

> >organic. That's when eo prices start making more sense.

great info in that message. the only other thing I'd add would be to

request samples. Most suppliers will supply samples for a minimal charge;

and I'd not ever buy an oil I hadn't sampled first.

There is such a huge range in some oils that might look 'the same' until

you experience them...and see the difference that just a small geographical

shift can make, or the difference a different distiller can make...until

you've had a sample you won't really know.

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I hate rebatching (handmilling)and it hates me so try to avoid it like

the plague.

I have made soap with carrot juice for the liquid and have had no

problem with it ever. Still have some 2+ yr old carrotjuice soap that is


Havent' tried the cucumber,(ok, once but didn somthing else wrong and it

was a tosser) but have heard of others doing sucessful cucumber soaps.

Consider the constitution of a cucumber, nearly all water. Using the

pureed cucumber as your liquid or most of it will not leave much to go

bad especially after saponification.

I would use Coneys book as a sort of idea reference and not take a lot

of what she says literally. Just my opinion.

I have heard much on both sides of benzoin. Personally I have chosen to

not use it in soaps. Why add more variables to what already works.


> Has anyone done this? Norma Coney's book calls for (example)

> 1 med Cucumber and 2 tsp powdered beznoin; using the liquidfied

> cucumber in place of water for handmilled soap.


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Hello all, haven't written in a while, but just wanted to let you know that

my abs are also getting tighter, and I really feel it is due to LL breaths!

I am doing WW, and working out, but doing more LL than sit-ups, and I

noticed that the sides of my abdomen, what is that called again, LOL, are

getting tighter. My Mom says the same thing and she isn't working out, she

is just doing the LL!

Just a note of encouragement!

Lots of love


Digest Number 363



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> Rashelle - rashelle@...

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  • 2 months later...

when I read these posts ... ie erasmus ... which are supposed to be

" legitimate " ... which would be obvious to a 3 yr old that it is not ... I

seriously question the validity of this web site ... and moreover... where

is the supposed moderator of this site???!!!

----Original Message Follows----

From: Dregroups



Subject: Digest Number 363

Date: 12 Nov 2000 09:36:33 -0000

Learn more from:





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  • 2 weeks later...

Dear All:

Sorry the chart looks so jumbled. The actual chart has the headings

across the top, and the figures fall below. It works best on a normal

size paper that is turned sideways and the items easily fit in place. If

any one wants any further information, let me know and I'll try to post

it a different way. Marty

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  • 4 months later...
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' egroups' wrote:


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  • 1 year later...
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Great news about the girls' checkups! YAY! And you did great! Proud of you

-- 's is the place where I have to watch myself or else. What size

jeans are we talking about? I'd happily buy from a listmate. :-) I just

saw an ad for those WW sundaes. Thanks for sharing the results of your taste

test. :-) If the Skinny Cow ice cream sandwiches were cheaper I'd keep the

freezer stocked.

K. --

WOOHOO! You go you muclebound hottie mama!

re: Arby's

NOOOOOO!!!!!!!! I love the turkey Market Fresh but hubby and I always split

one. Guess we'll be making our own from now on. Bummer! You know, I knew

it was a bad choice just due to the size of it, but wanted to be blind.

Selective sight, lol.

Have a wonderful Thursday!




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In a message dated 7/24/02 11:41:27 PM Eastern Daylight Time, thoms13@...


> What size

> jeans are we talking about? I'd happily buy from a listmate. :-)

They are 26 BUT fit like a 24. My SIL gave them to me.


Mommy to Abby Liz 10-25-94

Mommy to Anne 7-1-99

START 6/1/02


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> In a message dated 7/24/02 11:41:27 PM Eastern Daylight Time, thoms13@a...

> writes:



> > What size

> > jeans are we talking about? I'd happily buy from a listmate. :-)


> They are 26 BUT fit like a 24. My SIL gave them to me.

> NH

> Mommy to Abby Liz 10-25-94

> Mommy to Anne 7-1-99

> START 6/1/02

> 238/222/199

Hmmm. I'm just getting into the 26/24 range, myself :) Need pants!



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  • 7 months later...
  • 1 year later...
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Even after 1 1/2 years, I still have the first 7 days, with a slow decline for

another 5 days, then a steeper decline the final two days until the next shot.


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