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MND/ALS Sufferer's Letter To 60 Minutes (in Australia)

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Background: 60 Minutes here did a story on the weekend about a young

mother dying of Motor Neurone Disease (MND or ALS). The full transcript

of the story is at



if anybody is interested. They mention 14,000 sufferers in Australia -

that should be 1,400.

Below is what a fellow MND sufferer who has been taking LDN for almost a

year now wrote to the presenter. In particular note what he says about

his progression in that time.


I have a great deal of sympathy for Stacey Crawford, I know first hand some

of what lay ahead of her. I was diagnosed in 1994 with Limb Onset and told

that I had 2 - 3 years to live.Currently I have no use of my limbs but my

speech is unaffected, every sufferer is different. Over the years as one

would expect I have tried numerous things to arrest the progression, the

latest and by far the most successful and least expensive is www.ldninfo.org

Low Dose Naltrexone (LDN), I have noticed practically no decline in the last

12 months. I'm also a member of an internet support group (Ozpals) a number

of which also are taking LDN and are very positive about it. Unfortunately

neurologists will poo-hoo LDN but had I known of it years ago I truly

believe I would be in better shape today. I would suggest to to look

at the LDN web-site and if she would like to talk to others taking it to

join our group, she has nothing to lose.

The reply from the producer:

RE: Stacey Crawford's MND

Thanks - I have passed your letter on to Stacey.


Cliff Neville

Producer 60 Minutes



,-._|\ Covington

/ Oz \



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