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for educators and families of children with autism

Special Issue - June 13, 2010

IN THIS ISSUE - FEATURED CONFERENCESMilestones Annual Conference - June 22, 2010

Topics in child development 2010 conference at Kent State University - June 24-25, 2010

2010 Summer Institute - Youngstown State University - June 29, 2010



While the quest to find the cause of autism continues, thousands of families in Northeast Ohio struggle daily with the enormous stress and expenses that caring for a child with autism poses on them. The overall lack of financial supports prompted some of these families along with area autism advocates and professionals to establish a non-profit organization, the National Autism Association - Northeast Ohio (NAA-NEO) Chapter, with the goal to provide sorely needed monies to help with medical treatment costs, therapies and respite services.

Our Beliefs

NAA NEO's founders also believe that autism is a bio-neurological disorder and that an integrated, whole-child philosophy to treatment and care is the optimal approach with the best outcomes.

The founding members of NAA NEO decided to form a local chapter of National Autism Association (NAA) also due to NAA’s successful track record in a short period of time in implementing its Helping Hand Program and due to NAA's advocacy for more meaningful autism research on a national basis.

How is NAA NEO different from other autism groups in the region?

The Helping Hand Program, NAA NEO's central service, provides direct financial assistance to parents to help defray the costs of autism treatment through grants.

NAA- NEO does not endorse individual programs, therapies, treatments, schools or facilities, or the theories or practices of any one individual or entity. Rather, families are empowered to seek and choose the most appropriate treatment or program for their child with the help of the resources provided by the NAA- NE Ohio.

NAA NEO is unique in that it is open in terms of the services that it supports through its Helping Hand Grant Program, thus allowing the parents to decide what services they feel are most important for their child. Services covered under the Helping Hand Grant Program therefore range widely from camp costs, tuition assistance, speech therapy, behavioral intervention to therapeutic horseback riding and medical/biomedical treatments.

We require that the family works with a licensed physician or therapist who recommends the particular service that the family would like to implement with NAA NEO's financial support.

NAA – NE Ohio operates autonomously from the national organization (NAA) in program implementation.

Our Mission

The mission of NAA-NEO is to help families that have a child or children diagnosed with Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD) to access necessary treatment interventions. We will fulfill this by providing financial assistance to help defray the costs of such interventions and by connecting families to existing resources.

What is Autism

Less than every twenty minutes today there is a child diagnosed with autism spectrum disorder in the United States. Autism is not an uncommon developmental problem anymore as it affects about 1 in 100 children in the US. Autism is a bio-neurological developmental disorder that may severely impair a young child’s communication, behavior, sensory processing, cognition, socialization, sleep, digestion, and immune function.

Whom We Serve

NAA – NE Ohio serves families affected by autism in Ashtabula, Columbiana, Cuyahoga, Erie, Geauga, Lake, Lorain, Mahoning, Medina, Portage, Stark, Summit, and Trumbull counties of Ohio.


NAA NEO's services include the annual Helping Hand Grants, ongoing service linkage, and the organization of workshops and support group meetings.

2010 Helping Hand Grant Update

Applications are now being reviewed by the NAA NEO Board. You will be notified via email/mail by June 1st, 2010 if you are awarded by a grant this year. Please email Pattison with any questions.


Life Long Strategies for Success

Only a few days left to register! Reserve your spot today!

Tuesday - June 22, 2010

Choose from 22 workshops including interactive, hands-on learning opportunities:

Using Errorless Learning for New SkillsJaclyn Chrissinger, M.S., BCBA Positive Education Program Nameth Connor, M.Ed., BCBA ABA Outreach Services

Making Visuals Work for Better Behavior and Improving Outcomes Stafford Monarch Teaching Technologies

Decreasing Problem Behavior with Positive Behavioral Support (PBS): Team Buy-In Difficulties and Successes Austin, BCABA Step by Step Academy

Discrete Trials: Classroom Application for Groups of Students Sweeney , M.A., BCBA Solutions Behavioral Consulting Leah Gongola, Ph.D., BCBA-D Youngstown State University

Keynote Speaker: Jane Weiss, PhD, BCBAAuthor of Reaching out, Joining in: Teaching Social Skills to Young Children with Autism

Jane Weiss is an expert on promoting successful inclusive experiences. Three conference workshop sessions with practical tips on fostering social interaction and academic inclusion: Practical Solutions: Successful Inclusion of Individuals with High Functioning Autism/Asperger’s Reaching Out and Joining In: Strategies for Understanding the Social World Fluency: Making Skills Accurate, Fast and Meaningful

Targeted workshops for parents and professionals:

Early Intervention/ElementaryMiddle/High SchoolAdultAdvanced Research Based (BCBA)

Pre-Registration ends June 14

Walk-ins accepted on June 22 conference day for an additional $10 fee

For more information and to register please click here!



Thursday and Friday, June 24 – 25, 2010

Kent Student Center, Kent State University

Sponsored by the College and Graduate School of Education, Health and Human Services with the Office of Continuing and Distance Education

Co-sponsored by the Hattie Larlham Foundation

Gain insights from educators, therapists, parents and medical professionals as you learn effective, practical strategies to maximize intervention with those with Autism Spectrum Disorders at this exciting full-day conference.

THURSDAY, JUNE 24, 6:30 - 8:30 p.m.

Parent Round Table moderated by Dr. CowanRoom 306, Kent Student Center

FRIDAY, JUNE 25, 8 a.m. - 4:15 p.m.

Keynote PresentationsDiane Twachtman-Cullen, Ph.D., CCC-SLPEditor-in-Chief, Autism Spectrum Quarterly

Diane Twachtman-Cullen is a licensed speech-language pathologist specializing in autism spectrum disorders. She holds an M.A. in speech-language pathology, a sixth-year diploma in early childhood education and a Ph.D. in special education. She is the author of numerous chapters and articles, as well as four books:A Passion to Believe: Autism and the Facilitated Communication Phenomenon; Trevor Trevor, a metaphor for children designed to increase the sensitivity of typical peers toward their classmates with special needs; How to be a Para Pro: A Comprehensive Training Manual for Paraprofessionals; and How Well Does YourIEP Measure Up? (co-authored with Twachtman-Reilly).

Twachtman-Cullen is the editor-in-chief of Autism Spectrum Quarterly(www.ASQuarterly.com), a MAGAJOURNAL® that bridges the gapbetween the research and general autism communities. She is also amember and past co-chairperson of the Panel of Professional Advisorsof the Autism Society of America.

Breakfast Keynote: Theory of Mind: Where Communication,Social Understanding and Behavior MeetThe surprising ramifications of theory of mind difficultyare discussed along with intervention strategies toimprove outcomes.

Luncheon Keynote: An Intervention Potpourri: The Things I’veLearned about Reaching and Teaching Students with ASDOut-of-the-box thinking and common-sense ideas abound tohelp both parents and professionals reach and teach childrenwith ASD.

Breakout sessions will include the following topics:

• Visual Supports• Social Skills and Technology• Data Collection• Transitioning to College• Preparing for Worklife• Legal Considerations• Seizures and Medications• Creating Effective IEP Teams• Early Intervention• Home School Collaboration• Challenging Behavior … and more

Click here for more information about the conference and to register!

2010 Youngstown State University Summer Institute - Using Evidence Based Practices to Evaluate and Enhance Treatment Outcomes for Students Diagnosed with Low Incidence Disabilities

Kilcawley CenterYoungstown State University

Tuesday, June 29, 20108 am to 4:15 pm

Key Note Speaker - L. Heward, Ed.D., BCBA, Professor Emeritus,The Ohio State University


L. Heward, Ed.D., BCBA, is Professor Emeritus in the College ofEducation and Human Ecology at The Ohio State University (OSU) where he taught for 30 years. Dr. Heward has served as a Senior Fulbright Scholar in Portugal, a Visiting Scholar at the National Institute of Education in Singapore, a Visiting Professor of Psychology at Keio University in Tokyo, and given lectures and workshops in 14 other countries. His publications include more than 100 journal articles and book chapters and nine books, including the widely used textbooks, Exceptional Children: An Introduction to Special Education, 9th ed. (2009), and Applied Behavior Analysis, 2nd ed. (2007, co-authored with OSU colleagues and Tim Heron), which have been translated into several foreign languages. He is a recipient of OSU’s highest honor for teaching excellence, theAlumni Association’s Distinguished Teaching

Award. Dr. Heward’s contributions toeducation have been recognized by the American Psychological Association’s Division 25, which awarded him the 2006 Fred S. Keller Behavioral Education Award. A Past President and Fellow of the Association for Behavior Analysis International, Dr. Heward’s research interests include “low-tech†methods for increasing the effectiveness of group instruction and adaptations of curriculum and instruction that promote the generalization and maintenance of newly learned knowledge and skills.

Keynote Address IApplied Behavior Analysis: Using Science to Improve the Education of Students with Autism Spectrum Disorders

The prognosis for a child diagnosed with autism used to be extremely poor with more than 90% of individuals having severe problems with communication, social interaction, and selfcare persisting into adulthood requiring intensive supervision and support. That grim outlook has improved considerably in recent years because increasing numbers of educators, school psychologists, and parents are using evidence-based methods derived from applied behavior analysis to improve the quality of life for children with autism. This presentation will a) define ABA and some common misconceptions about it, B) provide examples of ABAderived procedures for teaching communication, social, and independence skills to students with ASD, and c) identify seven characteristics of high-quality education programs for children with ASD and the critical role that school psychologists and other low incidence educators play in developing and maintaining such


Keynote Address IITen Faulty Notions about Teaching and Learning that Hinder the Effectiveness of Special Education

Like all learners, students with disabilities progress best when they actively participate in well-executed instructional programs informed by scientific research. Unfortunately, many students with disabilities spend their school days in programs that are (mis)informed by a set of widely held beliefs about teaching and learning. Ten well intentioned (but misguided) notions will be identified (e.g., Teaching discrete skills trivializes education and ignores the whole child). Reasons why each notion is mistaken will be provided. Also, suggestions will be given on how school psychologists and low incidence educators can help administrators and other teachers respond effectively to such misinformation.

Morning Breakout Session 1 (choose one)

1) A Structured Protocol for Behavioral Data Collection, Analysis, and Inference: IF-BAPPresented by: D. Arnold, Ph.D., ABPP Director, The Center for Cognitive and Behavioral Therapy of Greater Columbus

2) A Collaborative Process, Part One: Working Together to Enhance Treatment Outcomes for Students with Autism Spectrum DisordersPresented by: Leah Gongola, Ph.D., BCBA-D, Assistant Professor, Department of Counseling and Special Education, YSURocio les, Ph.D., BCBA-D, Assistant Professor, Department of Psychology, YSU

Afternoon Breakout Session 2 (choose one)

3) Assistive TechnologyEvaluation and Assessment: Using AT for Students with Low Incidence Disabilities and Autism Spectrum DisordersPresented by: a Benson, M.Ed. (OCALI, Autism, Low Incidence and Assistive Technology Regional Coach and Assistant Professor at Urbana University)Jim Earnhart, M.S. (OCALI, Regional Assistive Technology Coach)

4) A Collaborative Process, Part Two: Working Together to Enhance Treatment Outcomes for Students With Autism Spectrum DisordersPresented by: McConnell, M. Ed., Assistant Director of Programs, The Rich Center for Autism Morgart, M.S., BCBA, Behavior Analyst, The Rich Center for Autism

Afternoon Breakout Session 3 (choose one)

5) Building Bridges Between Training and Practice, School Psychology Program Development at Youngstown State UniversityPresented by: W. VanVoorhis, D.Ed. NCSP, Assistant Professor,Department of Counseling and Special Education, YSU L. , Ph.D., Associate Professor, Department of Counseling and Special Education, YSUAudrey E. Ellenwood, Ph.D., Associate Professor

6) A Collaborative Process, Part Three: Working Together to Enhance Treatment Outcomes for Students with Autism Spectrum DisordersPresented by: Eslinger, MA, BCPC, NCSP; School Psychologist: Midview Local School District; Clinical, Behavioral & Educational Consultant: Arbor Education Center; Certified Autism/Aspergers ConsultantKierston , BA, Outreach Coordinator & Behavioral Consultant: Arbor Education Center; Autism/Aspergers Family Consultant, Aurora Education Center

7) Using Applied Behavior Analysis to Teach LanguagePresented by: Gerami, M.A. CCC-SLP; Speech-Language Pathologist; FIT Owner and Western Reserve Speech & Language Partners Co-owner


CONTACT Dr. VanVoorhis, Summer Institute Coordinator, at (330) 941–3266 (rwvanvoorhis@...) or le Matos, Summer Institute Project Assistant, (dmmatos@...) with any questions.

Summer Training Program for Parents, Teachers, and Caregivers of Individuals with Autism by Integrations Treatment Center (ITC)

Integrations Treatment Center (ITC) presents The S.U.C.C.E.S.S. Approach training program

This 6-week program offers an introductory overview of the 7 theories of The S.U.C.C.E.S.S. Approach, one of the newest and most effective transdisciplinary approaches available for children on the autism spectrum in the state of Ohio. Video analysis and weekly handouts support enrollees in easily applying content.

When: July 7th through August 11th Wednesdays 6:00 – 8:30pm

Where: Integrations Treatment Center 28700 Euclid Avenue Wickliffe, Ohio 44092 Cost: $180.00*

Couples rate: $140 per parent, $280 for the couple

Call ITC for more information at (216) 965-6106 or e-mail us at itcellenw@...

*Note: Financial assistance may apply – inquire at ITC!

The NEW training DVD in the S.U.C.C.E.S.S. approach is out and available for purchase at http://awetismproductions.com


This resource was brought to you by the National Autism Association - Northeast Ohio Chapter (NAA-NEO).

To learn more about the National Autism Association - Northeast Ohio Chapter (NAA NEO) please click on any of the links below to visit our websites.

National Autism Association - Northeast Ohio - official site

National Autism Association - Northeast Ohio - Frequently Updated Site

National Autism Association - NAA NEO's national parent organization

Contact NAA NEO


13111 Shaker Blvd Ste 210

Cleveland, OH 44120






Helping Hand Program Manager

©Copyright 2009 . Sample Child Care

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National Autism Association - Northeast Ohio (NAA-NEO)

Helping Hand Program Manager

13111 Shaker Blvd Ste 210

Cleveland, OH 44120

E-mail: apattison@...

Phone: (216)544-1231

Web: www.autismnortheastohio.org

Join our group for periodic newsletters/events/resources postings about autism by emailing: NAA-NEOhio-subscribe

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