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PLEASE ALL READ!!!__Grouply is stealing info - snopes.com

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It has been brought to my attention that some of our members are receiving emails from people on here that want them to join them on Grouply. Until I hear differently, if you are a member on Grouply I will sadly have to unsubscribe you until you unsub from Grouply. Grouply is known as a spam site. I found the article below that snopes.com is doing and it explains it very well. Until I hear from our owner this is what I'm doing to try and protect us all.




From Snopes.com

Comment: here is what I got:There are a few new services coming online which are social"networking" sites similar to My Space and Facebook. One of these newservices is called "Grouply". Grouply is tapping lists andreposting the messages to Grouply members. As soon as ONE list memberjoins this service, all of our messages will then be archived byGrouply. Grouply changes your email address to (yourname)@grouply. com.for the purpose of your list mail only. They will also go intoyour account and change all of your preferences regarding howyou view your mail, whether you get individual posts or digests, andwhether you can be directly added to any of a million other .In order to do this, Grouply requires that you give them your IDand password. I am truly hoping that most of our members are smartenough not to hand over that information to ANYONE--especially toanother web service! There is no guarantee that this information thatGrouply is aggregating is secure, thus leaving your sign-in infoavailable to spammers and hackers--including all of our list files andphotos.At this point, there is no way for us to block Grouply's access to ourlist (although that is being worked on). Until there is, I will bechecking daily for list members who may have innocently joinedGrouply. I will be unsubbing and banning them, plus making directcontact with them explaining why we will not allow this in ourmembership. They will be welcome to rejoin once they unsub from Grouply.

Click here: Grouply is stealing info - snopes.com


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