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Re: Interested in SIDE EFFECTS of PREDNISONE and CIMETINDINE...before we start them

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My daughter who is 9 and was put on cimeditine a year and half ago. She had 4

episodes the first year and none over the last 7 months.... She has had no side

effects. And, as a matter of fact, all of her stomach issues she had as a baby

and young child are now completely gone. She says to me...she has never felt

better. We are waiting until she is fever free for one year to start weaning her

off. The prednisone makes the fevers come back quicker (so, I have been

told--never tried it, though...too scared). Is the Children's Hospital in

Toronto? My daughter's issues clearly came from her stomach.. since the

cimeditine is working so well. It is worth a try. I did sooo much research prior

to putting her on it. I spoke to several pharmacists and doctors,and all said it

was very safe. So, with that being said...I would try it. But, it may not work

right away, so do not get discouraged.

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My son takes prednisone for his episodes.It works like a charm for the

fevers.Within an hour or 2 the fevers are usually totally gone.I have not seen

an increase in the frequency of the episodes since he has been on it.However,

his behavior tends to be awful for a few days.We have learned to just stay home

and deal with the behavioral issues.If we leave the house the results are

usually disasterous.If fevers are as big of a deal for your son as they are for

mine, I would try the prednisone.Since being on the pred he has not had any

febrile seizures( he used to have 2 or 3 per episode until he was finally

diagnosed).As far as long term side effects,I think that the pred in small doses

is completely safe.With my son,just one dose at the beginning of the episode

seems to do the trick.Good luck!! I hope this helps a little!

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Thanks so much

for your imput. My little guy has HUGE issues with the stomach pain /

upset ect and it seems to be the prodominate problem besides the fever

(although he gets mouth sores occassionaly ect). With the research I

have done so far i'm leaning towards the cimeditine because of the

severity of the stomach issues and because I too am not ready to have my

little guy take prednosine and be sick more often then he already is (

although he's only sick 3-7 days...it takes almost a week after taht to

get his mood and behaviour back in check and get well rested again).

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HI Cari

We decided to try predisone on reccomm. of rheumotologist.  When do you give it,

as soon as you notice a fever? Do you give motrin when you see notice the fever

or just the predisone?



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HI Cari

We decided to try predisone on reccomm. of rheumotologist.  When do you give it,

as soon as you notice a fever? Do you give motrin when you see notice the fever

or just the predisone?



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I always make sure his fever hits 101 or higher so i know its a legitimate

fever.  (he will randomly just run hot some days 99 & 100  for 24 hrs and I don't

want to give the Pred. unnecessarily)  I also give it in the morning because my

son will NOT sleep if I give it at night. 



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I always make sure his fever hits 101 or higher so i know its a legitimate

fever.  (he will randomly just run hot some days 99 & 100  for 24 hrs and I don't

want to give the Pred. unnecessarily)  I also give it in the morning because my

son will NOT sleep if I give it at night. 



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Hi Olga,

I give the prednisone as soon as I am sure that  the fever is . For Emory,

it stops the fever almost immediately.I do give motrin as well most of the

time.His fevers are the worst part of this illness, so I am sure to give motrin

to prevent the febrile seizures. Just a side note, the liquid pred tastes awful.

I tried mixing it with just about everything that you could imagine.He could

never get it all down.This past episode we got a tablet that dissolves under the

tongue,and it didn't bother him at all! I just wanted to let you know because

the GI

issues that sometimes accompany make nausea an issue.I hope that  this

helps a little!I don't know what I would have done without the advice of this

group at times!! Let me know how it goes.We will keep you in our thoughts and


Cari mom to Emory 3 .

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Hi Olga,

I give the prednisone as soon as I am sure that  the fever is . For Emory,

it stops the fever almost immediately.I do give motrin as well most of the

time.His fevers are the worst part of this illness, so I am sure to give motrin

to prevent the febrile seizures. Just a side note, the liquid pred tastes awful.

I tried mixing it with just about everything that you could imagine.He could

never get it all down.This past episode we got a tablet that dissolves under the

tongue,and it didn't bother him at all! I just wanted to let you know because

the GI

issues that sometimes accompany make nausea an issue.I hope that  this

helps a little!I don't know what I would have done without the advice of this

group at times!! Let me know how it goes.We will keep you in our thoughts and


Cari mom to Emory 3 .

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Hi Cari,

Thanks for all the information. It's good to know that the prednisone

comes in 2 forms. My little guy has nausea with every episode (and

vomiting for the first 24 hours) and after that he's so scared of

eating /drinking (and his a sore throat doesn't help) that getting

him to take anything (even advil or Mortrin)is nearly impossible

(hours of fighting and screaming..ect)..so I'll have to make sure to

discuss types of administration (liquid, pill ect) when we're back at


Many Smiles Kira

(mommy to 4 and a bit)

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Hi Cari

Thanks for the tip.  We will try it on the next episode.  How long have you been

doing the prednisone?  Do the cycles come earlier?  We are really interested in

a tonsillectomy, however, the ent we saw had concernes about michael's weight

(he is 31 lbs) and he will be 4 in December, he thought he was small and would

have complications with bleeding and dehydration...he suggested partial, but

can't guarantee it will work. (We'll just wait until he is a little older).  BUt

I was really curious to know if the cycles came earlier??

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Hi Cari

Thanks for the tip.  We will try it on the next episode.  How long have you been

doing the prednisone?  Do the cycles come earlier?  We are really interested in

a tonsillectomy, however, the ent we saw had concernes about michael's weight

(he is 31 lbs) and he will be 4 in December, he thought he was small and would

have complications with bleeding and dehydration...he suggested partial, but

can't guarantee it will work. (We'll just wait until he is a little older).  BUt

I was really curious to know if the cycles came earlier??

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Hi Olga,

In Emory's case it does not make the episodes come earlier.We have had him on

the pred since May and he actually went dormant for a few months.Emory will be 4

in December too and he only weighs 32 lbs.I have not talk to our Dr. about the

tonsillectomy since the pred seems to do the trick and I only have to give one

dose.I would wait if I were you too.Let me know how it works for you! It seems

like Emory and have a lot in common, so I have my fingers crossed that

it will work well for him too!!


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Hi Olga,

In Emory's case it does not make the episodes come earlier.We have had him on

the pred since May and he actually went dormant for a few months.Emory will be 4

in December too and he only weighs 32 lbs.I have not talk to our Dr. about the

tonsillectomy since the pred seems to do the trick and I only have to give one

dose.I would wait if I were you too.Let me know how it works for you! It seems

like Emory and have a lot in common, so I have my fingers crossed that

it will work well for him too!!


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