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Re: Re: Introduction and Anxiety

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Have you tried steroids? It really helps my daughter (now 4, fevering since 16

months) the fever subsides within 6-12 hours and she is back to her old self in

no time.

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We haven't tried the steroids yet. is on Singulair and it has helped a

great deal with the severity and length of the episodes. Since it started

snowing here though--His episodes seem to be a bit harsher. The Singulair does

keep his temps at 102 degrees though vs. in the past they hit 105 degrees. He

also eats better while on Singulair and he did skip one episode while on it.

With the Singulair I also don't feel the large lymph nodes in his neck anymore.

But, he still suffers through the night when fevering. The days seem better than

the nights.

I have mixed feelings about the steroids. The Infectious Disease Dr. I take

him to prescribes Prednisone for many of the kids she sees...but her

personal opinion is to not use them if you can. 4 Pediatricians and an Allergist

said the same thing to me. He is already a very aggressive child...so I fear the

steroids will bring the episodes closer and make his behavior more aggressive. I

do understand why you use them though :). If they work for you than do what


I just get overwhelmed cause I can't cure him. I wish there was a way to stop

it completely. I love him so much. If he does not improve within the next year,

I will explore a tonsillectomy. I haven't decided what I want to do yet? The

limited options for treatment are what frustrate me.

I have gotten use to the fevers...and I have an action plan for when they

occur. I just want them to stop for his sake. I guess we all would like that for

our little ones! Thanks for listening.

Amy- Mom to -age 2.5


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God bless you! You are in our prayers :). My son just ended his episode

today...so I understand your anxiety. I'm not an expert on the

Prednisone...hopefully one of the other parents will answer you question. Just

wanted you to know we are thinking of you! Hope your child gets some relief


Amy- Mom to -Age 2.5


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nna, Our little girl is almost four and weighs

about thirty five pounds. We give her .5 ml (teaspoon)

of prednisone and it works within one hour. Also we

give it at the start of the fever and it usually

works, a couple of times the fever came back the next

day so we dosed her again and the second dose did the

trick. We were fevering every 14 days for quite a

while then the fevers spread out (after we started the

prednisone) so our ? was do we use the pred or is this

just a regular childhood illness? A man on this site

suggjested that as a rule of thumb is that if the

fevers are high (over 101)then its usually the ,

we use this now and give the pred right away for the

high fever. P.S. your anxiety will fade with the

control the prednisone will give you and remember its

only a small dose occasionally.Some people live daily

with prenisone for asthma, etc. Steve(Dad to Randi


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nna, Our little girl is almost four and weighs

about thirty five pounds. We give her .5 ml (teaspoon)

of prednisone and it works within one hour. Also we

give it at the start of the fever and it usually

works, a couple of times the fever came back the next

day so we dosed her again and the second dose did the

trick. We were fevering every 14 days for quite a

while then the fevers spread out (after we started the

prednisone) so our ? was do we use the pred or is this

just a regular childhood illness? A man on this site

suggjested that as a rule of thumb is that if the

fevers are high (over 101)then its usually the ,

we use this now and give the pred right away for the

high fever. P.S. your anxiety will fade with the

control the prednisone will give you and remember its

only a small dose occasionally.Some people live daily

with prenisone for asthma, etc. Steve(Dad to Randi


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Hi Steve

A quick question - how far are your daughter's fevers spread out now while on

the Prednisone. We are thinking of trying the Prednisone, as even without using

it, our son's fevers have now been coming closer together. The fevers used to

arrive every 24 days, without using anything other than Tylenol and Advil. Then

we started our son on Singulair this past August and after a fever free time of

35 days, we are now experiencing fevers every 17-8 days. We are not sure if it

is the Singulair causing the fevers to come a bit closer together, or if it

could be the way the fever pattern is just progressing.

I should note however, that while on the Singulair, our son's fevers have been

more manageable and shorter in duration, usually subsiding after 2 days. So, we

have decided to keep him on it. has also suffered from some ear

infections and a mild case of the croup, which could have also thrown off his

fever schedule a little.

It is interesting, when he had two ear infections in October, that is when his

fevers were the highest - 40.8 degrees. So, we have been told to have our son

checked for any possible infections, including ear or throat, before

administering the Prednisone, as an infection can also cause a high fever.

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Hi Steve

A quick question - how far are your daughter's fevers spread out now while on

the Prednisone. We are thinking of trying the Prednisone, as even without using

it, our son's fevers have now been coming closer together. The fevers used to

arrive every 24 days, without using anything other than Tylenol and Advil. Then

we started our son on Singulair this past August and after a fever free time of

35 days, we are now experiencing fevers every 17-8 days. We are not sure if it

is the Singulair causing the fevers to come a bit closer together, or if it

could be the way the fever pattern is just progressing.

I should note however, that while on the Singulair, our son's fevers have been

more manageable and shorter in duration, usually subsiding after 2 days. So, we

have decided to keep him on it. has also suffered from some ear

infections and a mild case of the croup, which could have also thrown off his

fever schedule a little.

It is interesting, when he had two ear infections in October, that is when his

fevers were the highest - 40.8 degrees. So, we have been told to have our son

checked for any possible infections, including ear or throat, before

administering the Prednisone, as an infection can also cause a high fever.

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I did not want Cade on Steriods either and neither did his immunologist. That

is the big reason we did the T & A and thank goodness we did.


Cade 5 yrs old

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I did not want Cade on Steriods either and neither did his immunologist. That

is the big reason we did the T & A and thank goodness we did.


Cade 5 yrs old

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Thank You Amy! You are a sweetheart. The Pred knocked it out in an hour so I was

happy and imeditaly relieved.. as always. This time however he was still grey

even up until today b4 school. He gets greyish withg dark circles under his eyes

when he has an attack. I guess he is technically still " sick " from the

even tho the Pred lowere his fever, so I ma hinking that's why he is grey.

Is it true that the Pred lowers his immunity? We took him to a Bday party the

next day thinking he's be OK, but after reading a recent post stating it does, I

don't think I would have done that. He actually got a resportory infection on

the tail end of his last fever, so I guess that it makes sence.

nna Wolff Photography



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, Her fevers went almost four months apart and

then Two within a couple of months. That sure is

better than the 14 days we were getting. Also, I think

when these kids start to get some regular childhood

illness that its a positive sighn. Seems like these

little Pfapers dont get sick (maybe because of the

amped up immune)so when they do maybe their system is

getting in line with each other and allowing them to

become sick. I cant tell you how many times I prayed

that my little bug would just have an ear infection or

something instead of a doctor looking at me and saying

" shes fine " . Before the diagnose we were crazy

with worry about what this could be. Steve.

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, Her fevers went almost four months apart and

then Two within a couple of months. That sure is

better than the 14 days we were getting. Also, I think

when these kids start to get some regular childhood

illness that its a positive sighn. Seems like these

little Pfapers dont get sick (maybe because of the

amped up immune)so when they do maybe their system is

getting in line with each other and allowing them to

become sick. I cant tell you how many times I prayed

that my little bug would just have an ear infection or

something instead of a doctor looking at me and saying

" shes fine " . Before the diagnose we were crazy

with worry about what this could be. Steve.

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, Her fevers went almost four months apart and

then Two within a couple of months. That sure is

better than the 14 days we were getting. Also, I think

when these kids start to get some regular childhood

illness that its a positive sighn. Seems like these

little Pfapers dont get sick (maybe because of the

amped up immune)so when they do maybe their system is

getting in line with each other and allowing them to

become sick. I cant tell you how many times I prayed

that my little bug would just have an ear infection or

something instead of a doctor looking at me and saying

" shes fine " . Before the diagnose we were crazy

with worry about what this could be. Steve.

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