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In a message dated 6/20/100 5:32:52 PM EST, okieleah@... writes:

<< a friends son who is autistic is prescribed this drug??????/ anyone heard


it.....mom says that is like risperdal, but side effects are less and

easier.........any input.........thanks, leah======asking for another



Hi Leah,

I take seroquel for depression/anxiety/moodswings/pre-menopausal problems and

for just plain goin out of my mind. I have had many other drugs in the past

that have had no effect on me other than side effects that made me feel

worse. Seroquel on the other hand has seemed to ease some of my PMS feelings

and I'm not as anxious as I used to be. I don't feel drugged and I take it

only at bedtime now. It also has no sexual side effects which most

anti-depressants are notorious for, in case any body's interested. But that's

only how it has been for me.


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leah,i could look in my drug guides, off hand i know haldol is of the same

family but it is more for behaviors and usually only prescribed in

emergencies, usally will put anyone to sleep for awhile, especially if

injected, ive had to haldol a resident or two inmy career, its a life saver

in proper need,anyways i can see what i can find out for you, shawna, mom to

nathan 8yrs w/ds pdd, and nicholas 7yrs.

>From: okieleah@...



>Subject: seroquel

>Date: Tue, 20 Jun 2000 18:31:25 EDT


>a friends son who is autistic is prescribed this drug??????/ anyone heard


>it.....mom says that is like risperdal, but side effects are less and

>easier.........any input.........thanks, leah======asking for another




>Old school buds here:





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In a message dated 6/21/100 5:39:16 PM EST, ckc@... writes:

<< Several times in the past couple of days, when I've downloaded email from

this list, I've received a message saying I can't read the message without

first downloading a program that will read Japanese characters. Anyone know

why this is going on? I don't do the download, and yet the letter comes

through fine.


Mom to Ian (2/89),


and Rose (6/94)


This hasn't happened to me. It sounds pretty freaky!!!


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Several times in the past couple of days, when I've downloaded email from

this list, I've received a message saying I can't read the message without

first downloading a program that will read Japanese characters. Anyone know

why this is going on? I don't do the download, and yet the letter comes

through fine.


Mom to Ian (2/89),


and Rose (6/94)

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  • 4 months later...

is already switched over from Risperdal. I like the fact that it seems to

be (for lack of a better word) less harmful than the Risperdal. 's

Psychiatrist said he was less likely to have any of the side effects on

Seroquel. He did lose 2 pounds! He also doesn't seem to need the 1/2 dose at

3pm as he did the Risperdal.


Wife to Dewight

Mom to , 10 years, DS-ASD, ADHD, ODD

And , 16 months and Strong Willed

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In a message dated 11/14/00 10:40:03 PM Pacific Standard Time,

egroups writes:

> well i am outta here, mayonaise queen, i mean ashton is flicking and

> licking.......




Leah, how is Ashton doing on the increased dose of Seroquel??

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HOORAY, ashton had a great day!! went to her school at noon while she was in

reg ed, her autism teacher told me she had a GREAT DAY, it's like the " wow "

affect kicked in.....ashton was WILLINGLY wanting to do academics, took

turns, her speech is on overdrive, she is initiated the conversation and

using appropriate manners.....i stayed for three hours and helped, didnt ever

phase her i was there.....what a great feeling and joy to have...... just

thought i would share...... leah

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has been on Seroquel for a couple of weeks now. At first he was really

moody, crying over little, stupid things. He was a bit more unstable, too,

getting angry over little things. That has finally evened out. He's a bit more

aware of what he shouldn't do, because when he does say or do something wrong,

he looks at me and does that quick in-draw of breath, like ahhh, ah-oh, I wasn't

supposed to do that, and then immediately says he's sorry. But on the other

hand, it's like he can't stop himself, and does it again, and gets mad at me

when I punish him (by turning off the TV), and says, " Me good boy! " like he's

saying he'll be good from now on.

I have noticed an increase in the lining things up, so I guess it's a trade-off.

He's appetite is down, and he might even be losing a couple pounds. This is

good because he's gained 31 pounds in a year and a half, with only 1-1/2 inches

in height.


Wife to Dewight

Mom to , 10 years, DS-ASD, ADHD, ODD

And , 16 months and Strong Willed

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> HOORAY, ashton had a great day!! went to her school at noon while

she was in

> reg ed, her autism teacher told me she had a GREAT DAY, it's like

the " wow "

> affect kicked in.....ashton was WILLINGLY wanting to do academics,


> turns, her speech is on overdrive, she is initiated the

conversation and

> using appropriate manners.....i stayed for three hours and helped,

didnt ever

> phase her i was there.....what a great feeling and joy to

have...... just

> thought i would share...... leah

I'm soooo happy for you Leah!!!!! I still haven't heard back from

the UW about having evaluated. I think I'll call again

today. Keep us posted on your good news. I love to hear it!

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  • 2 weeks later...

In a message dated 12/1/00 9:32:39 AM Pacific Standard Time,

egroups writes:

> started Seroquel over Thanksgiving. We were to adjust the dose from 25 mg

> twice a day to as much as 100 twice a day- giving each dose a couple of

> days

> to work. well, for the time being we settled on 50 at night and 25 for

> school. Seems to be working nicely. thanks for the heads up about

> cataracts. the doc didn't mention it and neither did the info I had

> researched.


> Sara















Thanks for the info! You can go to WebMD and look up any med to see the side

effects also, if the doc doesn't tell you everything. So far, this is the

only serious side effect; at least it doesn't damage kidneys, liver,

etc....did you notice any off the wall behavior before the Seroquel kicked

in, as Leah did with Ashton??

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What concerns me the most is the " hangin in there " part where Ashton went

nuts before the Seroquel really " kicked in " ....what behaviors did you see and

how long did this last before you upped dose and/or she became better??

Thanks for all your information.......doc wants him on 25 mg at bedtime and

again in the a.m......I'm concerned this is too low a dose for for the

next two weeks!

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I wasn't sure wether to post this or not but here goes for what its

worth. One of the moms who has been there done that with nearly every

med and has been advising me (she has a 14 yr old dtr " only " autistic:-)

gave me a strong heads up about seroquel. Apparently her daughter had a

very rare but recognized reaction to it (while they were at a party

hoho). She began to hallucinate and scream, thought someone had stolen

her sneakers which were on her feet, and that people were trying to stab

her~ whatever...anyway just one isolated incident of a bad acid trip

type reaction to watch out for. She told me if I ever tried it on

just to make sure we were somewhere I could control her. I don't know

where the hell that is, Rikers island maybe.

We're doing the clonidine thing now at bedtime. We'll see. Jim went away

for 3 days and went off the frigging wall....NO sleep, peed all

over her room one day, next day pooped in her pants reached in and

grabbed some and flung it at the walls. I ended up giving her melatonin

again to try to get her to sleep. Well, she slept for 7 hours and woke

up in a pool of blood...16 days since her last period. Everything

covered with blood. Looked like a crime scene. Sheesh. I've had it.

I just comfort myself with how blessed I am to have been chosen to be a

SPECIAL PARENT ahahahahahahahahahahaha

Sherry the maniac

hey Joan and why don't you stop over here while you're in Miami and

check out our new Christmas decorations. Deck the halls with blood and

poo poo fa la la la la la la la la

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I am so sorry that you are going through this...I hear your

desperation. I think that all of us who have kids with severe

behavior problems can identify with the " ...they're coming to take me

away, ha ha... " syndrome! You are in my prayers. Hang in there.


Mom to , 13 yrs.

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Have you considered deproprovera for the periods or some other modulation

of the timing of them? What does the good doctor have to say about her

frequent periods? (I sure hope the answer isn't " it's just one of those odd

things kids with disabilities can have " because that's not an acceptable


I would have to wonder that the hormonal issues aren't a big part of her

behavior at times.? I don't have any articles about depo provera, but maybe

there is one at ds-health.com, or perhaps someone can find some info?

I know *I* want to go nuts the days before mine.......


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Depro-provara has one big side effect that needs to be taken into

consideation: It is a calcium depletor and causes bone pain. used

occasionally it is safe enough, but on a regular basis it is NOT a good





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Sara and Joan re: depoprovera. I have questioned many moms on several

lists about this treatment and have gotten 95% negative response. What

research I have

done thus far has frightened me enough to not consider it a possibility

for . We are returning to our beloved endocrinologist in Miami in

January (thank you medicaid) and I will counsel with her and see what

she advises. I am soooo happy to be leaving the endo we have had to use

these past three years. Thanks for your input. Sherry

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Admittedly I know little about depo provera (sp)....cuz I got all boys. We

have other issues....

Our commjunity skills trainer (actually dear friend--except her mother is

MY age...) uses it. If you want I can connect the two of you. I'm not sure

why she does or how long she has, or what kind of research she's done.....I

just konw she's my dear friend who once was in teh Army and I want

her to go to college....

let me know

So what's with all the clouds?


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  • 5 weeks later...

> Hi All Just had a question about seroquel, has anyone had any

good/bad side effects from it? mY 10 yr old is on anafranil and the

serquel was just added @25mg. He was doing good on the anafranil

except for the stamach aches and alot of mental thoughts, telling him

to cut his hair, throw a match on the wood pile-starting a fire and

now shave off his eye brows--good thing hes blond. I guess it

convinced the dr to try something along w/the anafranil.We watched

the 48hrs show and it was great, my 2 non-ocd kids watch ed w/me and

hopefully they understand it more and will have more

patience/compassion w/their brother. God Bless Nellie

Hi my son with ocd takes prozac and zyprexa. Zyprexa is like

seroquel. The main side effect I see is drowsiness.I think he may

have some slowing from the med too. He has gained a lot of weight

also from the zyprexa. I am not sure if seroquel has the weight gain


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> > Hi All Just had a question about seroquel, has anyone had any

> good/bad side effects from it? mY 10 yr old is on anafranil and the

> serquel was just added @25mg. He was doing good on the anafranil

> except for the stamach aches and alot of mental thoughts, telling


> to cut his hair, throw a match on the wood pile-starting a fire and

> now shave off his eye brows--good thing hes blond. I guess it

> convinced the dr to try something along w/the anafranil.We watched

> the 48hrs show and it was great, my 2 non-ocd kids watch ed w/me


> hopefully they understand it more and will have more

> patience/compassion w/their brother. God Bless Nellie

> Hi my son with ocd takes prozac and zyprexa. Zyprexa is like

> seroquel. The main side effect I see is drowsiness.I think he may

> have some slowing from the med too. He has gained a lot of weight

> also from the zyprexa. I am not sure if seroquel has the weight


> problem.


Hi, I read my post & think I should clarify. Seroquel is a different

drug than zyprexa. They are in the same classification, the

atypicals, but they are different drugs. My son has not taken

seroquel so i have no experince with that particular drug. I would be

sure to ask the doctor & let him know your observations about your



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  • 2 years later...
Guest guest

In a message dated 7/22/2003 2:16:33 PM Eastern Daylight Time,

pjand3kids@... writes:

<< It was a dream come true for my doctor's son as well. Because of this, he

was sure it would help my son. It was the worst drug ever, and Clonidine ran

a close second. So far, we have never discovered anything that has been a

dream come true. Celexa has been quite helpful for the compulsiveness and


a >>

It was on seroquel when my daughter first displayed signs that lead to a

psychologist hinting that she was on spectrum. Prior to that she had been

diagnosed with ADHD, CAPD and after starting the stimulants Bipolar. She also

appeared to have some seizure like happenings while on it, although I have no

evidence the seroquel was causing this. The episodes stopped when I removed the

seroquel. She also told me she could not dream while on the seroquel and always

felt tired. I don't think she was getting quality sleep even though it made

her fall asleep. Sleep issues have always been a major problem for her and she

is now controling this with melatonin, valerian and occasionally a gaba. I

did discover some brands of melatonin do nothing for her. The best is the Kal

sublingual. It seems to be the only one that works. I do remove it for a

nite or two about every two weeks and then restart as I read another parent


it more beneficial that way.


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