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Doctors Told to Stop Giving Antibiotics for Colds

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Antibiotics are for infections. If I get an infection, I will take fenugreek. I will also take echinechea to build my system up and if I know the cold is actually an allergy, I will also take yucca. My sinus infections always come from allergies and so does the bronchial asthma, so I take all three. Now, if I am smart, I will make my tea when a cold, allergy, sinus, or anything that affects upper and/or lower respiratory system and nip it in the bud before it can get out of hand. Blessings, Joy

Doctors Told to Stop Giving Antibiotics for Colds

Doctors in Britain will soon be told to stop prescribing antibiotics for coughs, colds and sore throats. Overuse of the drugs is fuelling the spread of deadly antibiotic-resistant super bugs. A new government program aims to diminish the use of the drugs.

Most colds, coughs and flu are caused by viruses, which cannot be treated with antibiotics since antibiotics only work on bacteria.

Overuse of antibiotics has been blamed for the rise of drug-resistant tuberculosis. If antibiotic use is not curbed, doctors could run out of effective treatment for some diseases.


The Telegraph January 9, 2008

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