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Compulsive Behavior

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From Healthy-Lane.com

January 28, 2008

Understanding the Etiology of Obsessive Compulsive Disorder

You may have experienced repeated unnoticed behavior like washing your hand s over and over again or unconsciously rubbing your hands with alcohol whenever a new item is touched by your skin. You may not be aware of it but you may be suffering from a psychiatric disorder called Obsessive Compulsive. What is Obsessive Compulsive?

OCD or Obsessive Compulsive is characterized by persistent thoughts and urges to perform repeated acts or rituals. It is usually a way to release tensions and anxiety. The frequency and intensity of the ritualistic behaviors such as hand washing, checking or ordering are time consuming because it takes more than an hour to perform the following rituals per day. These rituals will obviously cause marked distress, significant impairment or interfere with daily living. The people who experience these rituals treat it as normal but actually it's unreasonable and excessive.

OCD are simply the thought that is uncontrolled. If you are experiencing OCD, you may suffer from persistent, unwelcome and unreasonable urges that needs to be performed. It is sometimes performed into rituals that are excessive.

If you are obsessed with germs or on dirty things, if you happen to touch them, you will have the urge to wash your hands over and over again. You may have the doubt on everything so you tend to check everything in frequency. Sometimes, you may have the feeling of harming people around you because you fear them. You are obsessed with perfection. You may always want to perform sexual acts that are disgusting to you. Or you may be doing things that are prohibited by your religion or by law. These are some of the example of uncontrollable feeling called compulsion.

A person may have the obsession if the feeling of persistent and recurrent thought, impulses, images that are disturbing and inappropriate that sometimes triggers the anxiety. The thought and images that comes in mind are sometimes connected to the reality or maybe experienced with previous life problems. The thoughts and images that are seen are coming from the mind itself.

A person may have a compulsion if he or she performs repetitive behaviors and acts that people feels driven to that are usually adhered to the rigid and specifically defined routine. The performances of the rituals are done to reduce the feeling of anxiety and prevent from behaviors that are occurring. But in many ways these things may not be connected to reality.

Most of the people that suffer from OCD are those that are educated in the manner but they overdo it. Some people are aware of the bad effect of dirt in the body that is why they tend to do repeated action such as frequent hand washing to reduce the anxiety they feel .Sometimes these rituals are senseless and may result into more serious diagnoses. Usually, it is not the rituals that you should be worried about but the effects of it to the health of the person who suffers from it.

Children are sometimes the ones who experiences OCD. Mostly, kids that go through a difficult childhood are the ones that experience OCD. Sometimes kids are obsessed to perfection as what the parents have implanted in their young minds.

These are the information you need to earn about OCD, if you experience one of the following, it is important for you to consult a psychiatrist to assess whether you need to undergo medication regarding the eradication or treatment of OCD.

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