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Stopping Smoking

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From Healthy-Lane.com

January 28, 2008

Stop smoking technique

Stop smoking techniques can help smokers to break the smoking habit. It helps if you make the decision to quit smoking yourself. Believe in the benefits of giving up smoking and commit yourself to making an honest attempt to quit.

According to the Stages of Change Model, there are stages in changing behavior. In the pre-contemplation stage, the smoker is not thinking seriously about quitting.

In the contemplation stage, the smoker is considering quitting, but is not ready to make the attempt at that time. In the preparation stage, the smoker is serious about quitting and may have a plan.

The first 6 months when the smoker is quitting is known as the action stage. The maintenance stage is the period of 6 months to 5 years after quitting. The ex-smoker is aware of the danger of starting to smoke again and takes steps to avoid it.

If you want to quit smoking, you need to have a plan and decide on a date when you want to quit. You can pick a date at random, or a birthday or anniversary.

Most smokers like to quit abruptly, while some do it in stages by progressively reducing the number of cigarettes they smoke everyday. You can prepare for the big day by telling everyone about your intention and making a plan about nicotine replacement therapy, support groups, classes, etc.

On the day when you quit smoking, keep yourself active and drink lots of water and juices. Dispose off all your cigarettes, ash trays, lighters, etc. Avoid alcohol and situations where you may be tempted to smoke. You can commence counseling sessions and nicotine replacement therapy, if you choose.

Deep breathing and oral substitutes like carrot sticks, raw vegetables, sunflower seeds, or hard candy can be useful. If you feel an uncontrollable urge to smoke, abstain for at least 10 minutes. This may allow you to regain control of yourself.

You may face strong urges to smoke, months, or even years after you quit. Even if you do revert to smoking, don't lose heart. Learn from your experiences and prepare to make a stronger attempt the next time

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