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Wyatt's feeling better...for now

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Hi all!

Well, our episode ended on day 5 (Christmas) as predicted. We took

him into the doctor on day 3, his fever was high and his tonsils so

swollen they were bleeding. The doctor would not let us refuse an

antibiotic shot. Within hours his fever lowered, but didn't break,

and stayed lower (101) until day 5.

His pediatrician has 4 doctors working there, so he has now been to 3

out of 4 during these episodes. I'm not certain if we can take him to

see a specialist. My husband is a graduate student (finishing up his

PhD in physics hopefully sometime within this upcoming year), so our

insurance is state provided.

Anyone with CA state insurance knows it is nearly impossible to see a

competent doctor whatsoever, much less a specialist. This summer when

I had a nose bleed that lasted over 2-1/2 hours, they told me to go

to the ER, they had to put a balloon catheter in my sinus cavity. 3

days later, I was told I needed to go imemdiately to an ENT to get it

taken out or infection would set in. It was like pulling teeth to get

into any ENT to get that thing out of my face - it was horrible.

So hopefully we will be back on a nice lil' PPO soon where we can

refer ourselves. We mentioned to our doctor, who proceeded to

focus on Wyatt's tonsils, diagnose him with severe throat infection,

and order the antibiotic shot (despite us telling him he has the same

symptoms each time AND it repeats exactly every 3 weeks for 5 days).

Plus, we had just given him 10 days on Amoxicillin to appease them

that it was not an inner ear infection last month.

We didn't realize these fevers weren't normal, our oldest didn't have

them but we figured Wyatt might have been different. We just always

passed it off as " teething " pain causing fever (his molars are

pushing through). The next time this happens, assuming in or around

the 2nd weekend in January, I will specifically request a referral to

the CHOC ENT specialist. I'm not sure why an infectious disease

specialist would know anything? This doesn't seem to be infectious

whatsoever, actually, that is what first convinced me that this

wasn't a " virus " afterall - no one else gets sick from him ever. Can

anyone tell me about what the differences in specialists? That would

help with my request, so I can sound a bit more educated on the

topic. :)

For now, Wyatt is taking his first steps - he turns 15 months old on

the 11th of January! :) We just took the boys to the Los Angeles

forest to play in the snow, I'll try to post a photo so you can all

see our little bundle of joy (and fevers). :)

Happy New Year!


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Hi there. I think I can help. Your dr. can put in a request for c.c.s the

state of California has insurance for chronically ill children to see a

specialist. They will approve for the child to see that specialist for one year

at a

time. Check into it. My son has it. Good luck char.



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