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Re: to Mandy/ette

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Thank you! You said just what I needed to hear. It helps knowing I'm not the only one with these issues. More than you know...


Christy :-)

Re: to Mandy

I read your email earlier, however, did not know just how to answer it without coming across as a fool, ignorant or mean person. It's hard to deal with family, especially when you love them so much which is what they expect. For years I would just go along with the family so I would not make trouble. During those years I was fairly healthy and hid the major depression coming over me, etc...My mom was almost an angel at times, however, she had her moments when she made me feel a fool and stupid due to an incident during Christmas vacation when I actually died for a couple of minutes. My older sister brought me back by blowing air into my lungs until dad got me to the hospital. That's when everything changed on how I was treated. It would take too long to go explain, however, my parents started changing after I had my hip replaced when I was around 48 I think. I had been going to counseling and the doctor advised me to live my life the manner in which I wanted to be treated. If there were negative people to exclude them, even if they are family members. I spoke with my parents individually and explained how I felt after dad had retired. Mom is the one who changed, as dad was brought up on the farm and never taught social etiquette. Since Mom's untimely death in 2004 dad is coming around slowly as he's now listening.If you have an opportunity to speak with your father, tell him until he is ready to face reality that you are sick, then he will be excluded from your life, but not his grandchildren. The reality is your illness and apparently he's ignorant about what you are going through. Don't permit him to take you down or worse. It's your life Please live it and enjoy your children and immediate family.My sister suffers migraines, which I believe are brought on by her mentally abusive husband, and I fear at times physical abuse. I used to suffer these headaches while I was married, early divorced and staying around negative people. I have not had an attack for about three years since being unemployed, my mom's death and extensive distance between my what I call former sisters and brother. One sister is still in my life and trying to mend fences with dad and I.Live your LIFE to how it is BEST FOR YOU!! DO NOT Live your life as you feel others feel or want is BEST for YOU! They are wrong and do not know you better than yourself or your maker. Remember, they are ignorant about you totally!!!Please take careHugs Love & PrayersetteMerry Christmas and Happy New Year :-)

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(((((Christy))))))I have learned that none of us are alone, even when there are hundreds of miles between. It's taken a long time for me to start learning who ette is in this life. Remember, we are here during all hours of the day and night. We might not answer immediately, but will as soon as possible. :-)

I am happy that I helped you through my reply. Hugs Love & Prayersette

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