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Natural treatment of acid reflux (GERD)

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Natural treatment of acid reflux


Acid reflux, also known as " reflux esophagitis " , is an

inflammation of the esophagus caused by regurgitation

of the contents of the stomach. Acid reflux is most

often recognized by its symptom of " heartburn " which

reportedly affects 1 out of every 10 adults in the

U.S. on a daily basis.

Also called " Gastroesophageal Reflux Disease " (GERD),

as well as " reflux " or " reflux esophagitis " , it is a

problem almost everyone experiences at some time - it

occurs when acid from the stomach backs up into the

esophagus - some people experience it in a severe and

frequent manner.

Today, in our drug-oriented society, the treatment of

acid reflux is mostly based on the suppression of

acid. These drugs are promoted as miracle cures for

heartburn for millions of people and are major

moneymaker$ for the drug companie$. Consider the mass

marketing tactics of " Prilosec " , the original “Purple

Pill” for heartburn that became the #1 selling

prescription drug for seniors in the world.(1)

" Prilosec " earns its manufacturer AstraZeneca $6

billion dollars/year.

When the patent on " Prilosec " expired, its maker,

AstraZeneca, embarked on a $500 million marketing

campaign to move consumers onto their next expensive

“Purple Pill " , " Nexium " . It's hard to watch TV for 30

minutes without seeing a “Purple Pill " ad. AstraZeneca

even hired 1,300 new sales representatives just to

promote the new “Purple Pill " .

Even though studies indicated, and many experts

concurred, that " Nexium " was hardly more effective

than the original drug, AstraZeneca managed to

successfully transfer 42% of patients taking

" Prilosec " over to " Nexium " . It is important for you

to be aware of when a drug is truly a necessity, and

when it is simply a tool to increase a drug companie's


Drugs are rarely the best solution for the common

ulcer and other related stomach problems. It is clear

that " Prilosec " , and other drugs similar to it, are

indeed effective at what they do. If they were not, it

would be impossible for these drug companies to

convince people to buy them. But drugs do NOT solve

the acid reflux problem. In fact, they actually make

it worse.

The so-called " proton pump inhibitors " such as

" Prilosec " and " Prevacid " , and the H2 blocker agents

such as " Zantac " , " Pepcid " and " Tagament " , are some of

the worst drugs you could possible take.

Here's why: these drugs dramatically reduce the amount

of hydrochloric acid you have in your stomach, thereby

diminishing drastically your ability to digest your

food properly. This reduction in the amount of stomach

acid also reduces a very important defense mechanism

against food-borne infections and increases your

likelihood of food poisoning. Not digesting your food

properly also increases your risks for nearly every

other chronic degenerative diseases. Two studies (2)

with laboratory mice, conducted by

Medical Institute scientists at the University of

Michigan Medical School, indicate that reducing the

amount of hydrochloric acid you have in your stomach

could be exactly the wrong thing to do.

Natural remedies for acid reflux

Drugs are not the answer in this case. Many of us may

have forgotten that the drug " Propulsid " was often

used for this acid reflux and subsequently pulled from

the market a few years ago after causing many deaths.

What should one do to remedy acid reflux? Following a

detoxification diet, drinking about 1 gallon of

filtered water daily along with high doses of quality

probiotics goes a long way toward restoring normal

stomach function for most people. Normally, you should

try to drink enough water each day to keep your urine

a light yellow shade. However, when you suffer from

acid reflux, more water may be necessary to dilute the

acid and normalize the pH in your stomach.

Also, many people find relief in the wormwood herb

Artemisia asiatica. Another effective option, is

GARLIC. Garlic is one food that you should be eating

every day. It has a wonderful ability to optimize

bowel flora and kill pathogenic organisms such as H.

pylori. H. pylori is the only bacterial organism in

the stomach that cannot be killed by hydrochloric

acid. 75% of people with gastritis test positive for

Helicobacter pylori, although many other species of

bacteria can trigger inflammatory changes too, and

often co-exist along with Helicobacter.

It's important to remember that the garlic must be

fresh. You need to CHEW the garlic or crush it using a

spoon before swallowing it, if you are not going to

put it in your juice. If you swallow the cloves intact

you will not convert the allicin in the garlic to its

active ingredient.



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