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Drug Companies

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Shari - re drug companies - for starters - and the tip of the iceberg - have

you been reading the paper lately about Vioxx and other pain medications?

The drug companies knew a looong time before they pulled the stuff that it

was dangerous and heaven knows how many people were affected. Even died.

But perhaps Bee could weigh in on the subject.

In the meantime, I don't mean to sound harsh but it sounds like you have put

up barriers to " alternative " medicine. If you are here to get yourself

well, it would help if you were a tad more open-minded to various treatments



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Also to Sheri, this is the morning after my garlic/coffee enema and my

eczema is better, and I also don't feel tired like I have been. If

that is quackery I'll take the quackery over modern medicine any

day...because they haven't been able to help me in 9 years. All

they've been able to do is give me drugs to suppress my immune system.

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  • 2 years later...

Drug companies

46% of Americans take at least one prescription drug



Although drugs are sometimes appropriate and at times

can save a person’s life, most of the time they are

unnecessary, expensive and harmful. My advice would be

to recognize that you should seek natural therapies

which address the cause of the disease before choosing

a drug-based solution.

I can assure you that the number of people who

actually need drugs is a small percentage of those

taking them. For example, people are being prescribed

drugs for heartburn when it is one of the easiest

health problems to treat. Most people ignore the fact

that heartburn is an important clue from their body

and rely on a drug instead to suppress the symptoms.

In case you haven't figured it out by now, the major

reason for the traditional medical paradigm is the

influence of the most powerful industry in the United

States, the drug companies.

Drug companies exert a major influence on the majority

of studies published and nearly all of medical

education. This influence is what causes doctors to

use their expensive symptomatic 'patch-up' drugs as

solutions for people's problems.

Drug companies have been able to get away with their

high prices because the vast majority of people do not

pay for their medications anymore. It's insurance

companies that are picking up the tab. Since most

people do not pay for it directly, drug companies are

able to get away with charging outrageous prices.

Drug companies are the most profitable industry

The drug companies claim that they need large earnings

- 125,835,595,000 in 1999 (2) - to conduct their

research and development. They have a point - only up

to a degree. Aggressive research is indeed needed. The

medications produced by the pharmaceutical industry

have improved the quality and length of life of many

people. But this justification loses credibility when:

1. Just 1 out of every 5 dollars the drug industry

collects goes to drug research.

2. Some drug companies spend almost twice as much

money for advertising and marketing as they spend for


3. Drug industry profits are so large they outstrip

every other industry's profits by far (3).

Drug companies are the most profitable industry. In

2001, a year which saw a drop in employment rates, a

plunge in the stock market and symbols of America's

economy literally come crashing down, the drug

companies continued their reign as the most profitable

industry in the annual Fortune 500 list.

While the overall profits of Fortune 500 companies

declined by 53%, which was the 2nd biggest dive in

profits the Fortune 500 has taken in its 47 years, the

top 10 U.S. drug companies increased their profits by

33% (3).

Collectively, the 10 drug companies in the Fortune 500

topped all 3 of the Fortune magazine's measures of

company profitability for 2001, according to the

magazine's annual analysis of America's most important


These drug companies had the greatest return on

revenues, reporting a profit of 18.5 cents for every

$1 of sales, which was 8 times higher than the median

for all Fortune 500 industries, easily surpassing the

next most profitable industry, which was commercial

banking with a 13.5% return on revenue)(3).

The system is badly broken and in need of a change. We

cannot spend over one trillion dollars for health care

just to improve profits for drug companies. We have

the capital to more than adequately treat nearly all

people. What we need to do is shift our perspectives

and priorities.

This emphasis on drugs is one of the main reasons why

spending for prescription drugs is the fastest-growing

category of health care expenditures.

It is also one of the major factors contributing to

the fact that doctors are a major leading cause of

death in the United States, due to the fact that they

have an over reliance on using drugs as 'patch-up'

solutions, rather than seeking the cause of the


How safe are prescription drugs?

In 1998 an extensive study published in the reputable

Journal of the American Medical Association (JAMA)

showed that 106,000 people die each year in American

hospitals from medication side effects (4).

Let's look at this statistic a different way: 106,000

deaths a year averages out to nearly 300 deaths per

day, every day. Deaths from all major airline crashes

in the U.S. average less than 300 annually, but 1

airplane crash gets more media attention and

governmental scrutiny than the 300 medication-related

deaths which occurred not only on the same day as the

airline crash, but also every day before and after for


(and these drugs are legal given by physicians)(MH)

Why has this epidemic of side effects gone

unrecognized? Deaths from medication reactions rarely

look any different from natural deaths. There's no

visible wreckage to videotape, no crash sites to

fascinate and horrify TV viewers. As media people say,

'No film, no story'. Media and public relations firms,

and how they shape the public's awereness, are

discussed in more detail here.

Medication deaths often occur quietly in hospitals,

emergency rooms and private homes. When

medication-related deaths occur, it's often unclear at

first whether the cause was the medication, the

illness, or some other factor. In other words, to much

of the media, there is nothing sexy about side


The reported adverse effects of drugs are only the tip

of the iceberg. Consider 'Digoxin', the best-selling

heart drug. According to an article in JAMA, the Food

and Drug Administration (FDA) receives about 82

reports each year involving Digoxin, yet a systematic

study of Medicare records reveals 202,211

hospitalizations for Digoxin adverse effects in a

7-year period (5). That's more than 28,000 reactions

per year, 82 of which the Food and Drug Administration

(FDA) hears about.

Read about 10 prescription drugs withdrawn from the

market since 1997, after being used by millions of

people, on page 2 of this article.



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  • 2 months later...
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what are you talking about? estradiol? estriol? wild yam cream?

actually really truly bioidentical hormones at the right dose do not have

" side effects " . you are just replacing hormones your body needs and doesn't

make enough of. (like thyroid).

I would only take estradiol--well that's what I take, compounded in olive oil.

Bio-identical hormones are for sure wonderful.


and re the bio-identical estrogen cream that I am trying- it does have side

effects per my natural medicine MD. it can cause headaches, nausea, and

diarrhea. so far I have all 3 side effects' experiences, but I am still willing

to try it longer.

oh and the other natural medicine I take is armour.

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I am taking plant based estrogen in a bio-identical compound based cream which I

rub on the inside of the arm; alternating sides each day- and they do have side

effects. my md is board certified in internal medicine and natural medicine with

clinical training in both. I think she knows what she is talking about. It does

not have any progesterone in it. I am not taking progesterone right now. I have

to see if the estrogen works out. I am taking the smallest dose one can take and

still have benefits. I put a 1/2 tsp amount.

they are wonderful if you can tolerate them without them making you sicker as in

my case with my lupus.

From: Gracia

Sent: Friday, April 04, 2008 9:58 PM


Subject: Re: drug companies

what are you talking about? estradiol? estriol? wild yam cream?

actually really truly bioidentical hormones at the right dose do not have " side

effects " . you are just replacing hormones your body needs and doesn't make

enough of. (like thyroid).

I would only take estradiol--well that's what I take, compounded in olive oil.

Bio-identical hormones are for sure wonderful.


and re the bio-identical estrogen cream that I am trying- it does have side

effects per my natural medicine MD. it can cause headaches, nausea, and

diarrhea. so far I have all 3 side effects' experiences, but I am still willing

to try it longer.

oh and the other natural medicine I take is armour.

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yikes. I was not aware that plants make estrogen. you need to treat lupus

properly and then it will disappear.


I am taking plant based estrogen in a bio-identical compound based cream which

I rub on the inside of the arm; alternating sides each day- and they do have

side effects. my md is board certified in internal medicine and natural medicine

with clinical training in both. I think she knows what she is talking about. It

does not have any progesterone in it. I am not taking progesterone right now. I

have to see if the estrogen works out. I am taking the smallest dose one can

take and still have benefits. I put a 1/2 tsp amount.

they are wonderful if you can tolerate them without them making you sicker as

in my case with my lupus.

From: Gracia

Sent: Friday, April 04, 2008 9:58 PM


Subject: Re: drug companies

what are you talking about? estradiol? estriol? wild yam cream?

actually really truly bioidentical hormones at the right dose do not have

" side effects " . you are just replacing hormones your body needs and doesn't make

enough of. (like thyroid).

I would only take estradiol--well that's what I take, compounded in olive oil.

Bio-identical hormones are for sure wonderful.


and re the bio-identical estrogen cream that I am trying- it does have side

effects per my natural medicine MD. it can cause headaches, nausea, and

diarrhea. so far I have all 3 side effects' experiences, but I am still willing

to try it longer.

oh and the other natural medicine I take is armour.

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Why take hormones? Isn't it natural to decrease in hormones? Why replace



-- Re: drug companies

what are you talking about? estradiol? estriol? wild yam cream?

actually really truly bioidentical hormones at the right dose do not have

side effects " . you are just replacing hormones your body needs and doesn't

make enough of. (like thyroid).

I would only take estradiol--well that's what I take, compounded in olive

oil. Bio-identical hormones are for sure wonderful.


and re the bio-identical estrogen cream that I am trying- it does have side

effects per my natural medicine MD. it can cause headaches, nausea, and

diarrhea. so far I have all 3 side effects' experiences, but I am still

willing to try it longer.

oh and the other natural medicine I take is armour.

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for several reasons. 1. chemo shut down my cycle for good in my 30's, so my

natural MD thinks it would be healthier for me if I had normal estrogen levels

for my age. But, since I have sle it is rather controversial...

2. estrogen is involved in your cell's ability to not leak fluid into the

tissues and thus cause 3rd spacing. my Md believes that since I have a major

problem with 3rd spacing, increasing my estrogen levels will decrease it. the

estrogen helps make the walls of the cell stronger.

3. she is hoping that the estrogen will improve my bone density since I have

osteoporosis from the high dose decadron steroid I had to take for 10 years.

From: Crystal

Sent: Friday, April 04, 2008 10:36 PM


Subject: Re: drug companies

Why take hormones? Isn't it natural to decrease in hormones? Why replace



-- Re: drug companies

what are you talking about? estradiol? estriol? wild yam cream?

actually really truly bioidentical hormones at the right dose do not have

side effects " . you are just replacing hormones your body needs and doesn't

make enough of. (like thyroid).

I would only take estradiol--well that's what I take, compounded in olive

oil. Bio-identical hormones are for sure wonderful.


and re the bio-identical estrogen cream that I am trying- it does have side

effects per my natural medicine MD. it can cause headaches, nausea, and

diarrhea. so far I have all 3 side effects' experiences, but I am still

willing to try it longer.

oh and the other natural medicine I take is armour.

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Makes sense, but how about those people who have not been through any of


-- Re: drug companies

what are you talking about? estradiol? estriol? wild yam cream?

actually really truly bioidentical hormones at the right dose do not have

side effects " . you are just replacing hormones your body needs and doesn't

make enough of. (like thyroid).

I would only take estradiol--well that's what I take, compounded in olive

oil. Bio-identical hormones are for sure wonderful.


and re the bio-identical estrogen cream that I am trying- it does have side

effects per my natural medicine MD. it can cause headaches, nausea, and

diarrhea. so far I have all 3 side effects' experiences, but I am still

willing to try it longer.

oh and the other natural medicine I take is armour.

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