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and prednisone?

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Just got a date for my son's T & A!!! The surgeon is so booked it is scheduled for

beginning of Feb (had to take the first available time). After going through the

calendar Tommy would be due to have an episode around that time (if he gets on

in January when I think he will). He is not always exact (sometimes 3 weeks

apart and sometimes 5 weeks apart). I do not want to reschedule the surgery.

Many of you notice the cycles are closer with the prednisone. So my thought is

(and I'm asking if anyone has done this...) If I do not give him the prednisone

at his next episode (which is due next week), do I have a greater chance that

the next cycle would be closer to 5 weeks (sometimes its been longer apart).

I've never noticed if I give prednisone or not how his cycles go so not sure

this works. Any one have experience with this?? Am I being cruel to make him

suffer through an episode w/o the pred???



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I'm not sure about the timing, my son was in the middle of an episode when he

had his tonsils removed. My understanding is that predisone is OK to take

before surgery. Our ENT even allowed us a small amount of Motrin the day before

surgery, which most don't, but since we did not manage with predisone, we needed

to do something and canceling surgery was not an option, as sometimes

cycled every 2.5 weeks.

Being creul to not give predisone? No, I don't think it is mean. I never gave

it to my son ever...I actually thought I was doing him a favor by declining this


Hope the surgery works for you. I know it has been the BEST thing that every

happened to us. I would do it over again in a heartbeat. It is wonderful for

to be normal just like everyone else. We've been fever free since May.

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I'm not sure about the timing, my son was in the middle of an episode when he

had his tonsils removed. My understanding is that predisone is OK to take

before surgery. Our ENT even allowed us a small amount of Motrin the day before

surgery, which most don't, but since we did not manage with predisone, we needed

to do something and canceling surgery was not an option, as sometimes

cycled every 2.5 weeks.

Being creul to not give predisone? No, I don't think it is mean. I never gave

it to my son ever...I actually thought I was doing him a favor by declining this


Hope the surgery works for you. I know it has been the BEST thing that every

happened to us. I would do it over again in a heartbeat. It is wonderful for

to be normal just like everyone else. We've been fever free since May.

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I'm not sure anyone can answer your question.  What I've read here suggests that

the prednisone brings the cycles closer in at first, but if you continue to use

it, the cycles spread back out over time.  Now how long does it take for them to

spread back out, I don' know.  I also don't feel that you are doing something

wrong by not giving the prednisone as many parents on this site don't give it

due to worries over the side effects.  Hope this helps and good luck!


Nick Handrinos

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I'm not sure anyone can answer your question.  What I've read here suggests that

the prednisone brings the cycles closer in at first, but if you continue to use

it, the cycles spread back out over time.  Now how long does it take for them to

spread back out, I don' know.  I also don't feel that you are doing something

wrong by not giving the prednisone as many parents on this site don't give it

due to worries over the side effects.  Hope this helps and good luck!


Nick Handrinos

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Amy - just a thought, my son had an episode which started on the Monday

before his surgery on Wednesday morning. After talking to his surgeon we

went ahead and gave him the prednisone and he was fine for the surgery. I

know some other families who post here have had the same thing happen. So

it may not mean he can't have the surgery if he has an episode around the

same time. You may want to talk to your surgeon now so you have a plan in

place. Alyssa

On Mon, Dec 29, 2008 at 11:09 PM, Amy R Ryken

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Amy - just a thought, my son had an episode which started on the Monday

before his surgery on Wednesday morning. After talking to his surgeon we

went ahead and gave him the prednisone and he was fine for the surgery. I

know some other families who post here have had the same thing happen. So

it may not mean he can't have the surgery if he has an episode around the

same time. You may want to talk to your surgeon now so you have a plan in

place. Alyssa

On Mon, Dec 29, 2008 at 11:09 PM, Amy R Ryken

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My son had an ear infection during his surgery and they originally

said he had to be perfectly healthy. He had two doses of prednisone

within days of his surgery. The ENT knew that getting it scheduled

when he would be healthy would be hard. She just didn't want him to

be coughing a lot. So they checked him over the morning of surgery

and proceeded with the T/A. Best of luck

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