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Re: MANDY__ Rant about my effing father

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Hi Mandy,

I know its hard, but try to ignore the unaccepting people, family or not... It really doesn't matter what they think, you know your ill and you need to take care of you... Stress does not help any of us, it just makes us worse at times... When ever they start in on you, just tune them out... Its hard at first, but then it comes easier as they will back off when they can't get a rise out of you... Its a shame that we have to Prove we're ill, I'm at the point I don't have to prove Anything to anyone! Whether they accept me as I am or not really doesn't matter anymore, it will be their lose...

My girlfriend (We met in jr. high) of 40 years told me at one point, she was tired of listening to all my ailments and how bad I was, so was her husband, SO after that statement I never told Anyone how I felt nor how I was feeling again, maybe they were tired of hearing about it, so now my answer when asked how I feel or am doing is always Fine! It doesn't matter if I'm at deaths door, I will never tell them any different... Now the same girlfriend has fibro, which is one of the many I have, and all she does is complain on how she feels and she hurts so bad, do I tell her I'm tired of hearing about it? No! I listen and and help out as best I can, when and if she asks me how I'm doing? I just say fine. She finally told me sorry about how she treated me so many years ago and said how have you put up with all the pain all these years?

I told her, "one day at a time..."

Keep a positive outlook, always look for a little ray of sunshine even in the darkest times to keep yourself afloat.

The friends on here are what keep me going, at least here I can complain and no one will tell me to stop.

((( Caring Hugs )))Helen

Hiya everyone

If you've got young eyes around then close this message now as I'm not in a very good mood!

We've just got back from seeing my parents and, as always, my father was a real <insert swear word of choice> about me being ill! He said that my illness was all in my head and that I wasn't really ill as no-one else in the family had and I'm too young (I'm 31) to get either MS or Muscular Dystrophy which, if I'd thought about it at the time I could have said "yeah, that's why I was referred to a Neurologist!" but dumbo me didn't think of that at the time!

I guess I've got to get used to people saying that though as when I'm sitting down you wouldn't have a clue that I was ill!

Has this happened to any of you? If it has, what did you say in reply?


MERRY CHRISTMASTO ALLWHOBELIEVE!!!One site keeps you connected to all your email: AOL Mail, Gmail, and Mail. Try it now.

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OMG thank you so so much for this! I'll try and follow your advice from now on!

From: angelbear1129@...

Sent: Monday, December 22, 2008 6:59 PM

Subject: Re: MANDY__ Rant about my effing father

Hi Mandy,

I know its hard, but try to ignore the unaccepting people, family or not... It really doesn't matter what they think, you know your ill and you need to take care of you... Stress does not help any of us, it just makes us worse at times... When ever they start in on you, just tune them out... Its hard at first, but then it comes easier as they will back off when they can't get a rise out of you... Its a shame that we have to Prove we're ill, I'm at the point I don't have to prove Anything to anyone! Whether they accept me as I am or not really doesn't matter anymore, it will be their lose...

My girlfriend (We met in jr. high) of 40 years told me at one point, she was tired of listening to all my ailments and how bad I was, so was her husband, SO after that statement I never told Anyone how I felt nor how I was feeling again, maybe they were tired of hearing about it, so now my answer when asked how I feel or am doing is always Fine! It doesn't matter if I'm at deaths door, I will never tell them any different... Now the same girlfriend has fibro, which is one of the many I have, and all she does is complain on how she feels and she hurts so bad, do I tell her I'm tired of hearing about it? No! I listen and and help out as best I can, when and if she asks me how I'm doing? I just say fine. She finally told me sorry about how she treated me so many years ago and said how have you put up with all the pain all these years?

I told her, "one day at a time..."

Keep a positive outlook, always look for a little ray of sunshine even in the darkest times to keep yourself afloat.

The friends on here are what keep me going, at least here I can complain and no one will tell me to stop.

((( Caring Hugs )))Helen

Hiya everyone

If you've got young eyes around then close this message now as I'm not in a very good mood!

We've just got back from seeing my parents and, as always, my father was a real <insert swear word of choice> about me being ill! He said that my illness was all in my head and that I wasn't really ill as no-one else in the family had and I'm too young (I'm 31) to get either MS or Muscular Dystrophy which, if I'd thought about it at the time I could have said "yeah, that's why I was referred to a Neurologist!" but dumbo me didn't think of that at the time!

I guess I've got to get used to people saying that though as when I'm sitting down you wouldn't have a clue that I was ill!

Has this happened to any of you? If it has, what did you say in reply?



One site keeps you connected to all your email: AOL Mail, Gmail, and Mail. Try it now.

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