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Those yearly medicals could be harming you.

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Why be poked, prodded and palpated every single year?

Dr. Blaylock

Respected Medical ExpertSays 'NO' to AnnualPhysicals for Most People...

PLUS... Read on to see why Dr. Blaylock warns that you could be getting the wrong set of medical tests... Dear Newsmax Reader, Let’s face it... Yearly physical exams are intrusive, time-consuming and expensive... but are they necessary? I know, I know... You’ve always been told how much you need these annual check-ups to protect yourself from disease. Yet, here’s something you probably haven’t been told: Very few doctors have regular physicals or testing done on themselves. What do these doctors know that you don’t? Newsmax medical editor Blaylock, M.D. calls annual physicals for most people “hunting expeditions.†And in this issue of the Blaylock Wellness Report, “Health Exams That Can Save Your Life,†he’ll share several very good reasons why you could be much better off forgoing these physicals in favor of a more laser-focused strategy… A sensible exam strategy that is less frequent, less costly overall — and far less hazardous to your health! In fact, Dr. Blaylock will show you why having a yearly exam could lead to unnecessary testing resulting in complications… even death. And that’s not all… With yearly check-ups — even with follow-up exams — you may not be getting the most accurate tests to root out diseases before they have a chance to sap your energy and your vitality — or even take your life. REVEALED: The Medical Tests You Really Need — and When You Need Them

Yes, it’s quite probable that some of the tests you’ve been subjected too are not the very best (or safest) tools to get the job done. In this issue, Dr. Blaylock alerts you to which tests you need — and when you need them. Near-secret tests you’ll never get — unless you specifically ask your doctor for them… Don’t just take my word for it. Just take a quick look at just a few discoveries you’ll make in this exciting report:

Your lab tests came back normal, so you’re OK, right? WRONG! Dr. Blaylock spills the beans on so-called “normal†value ranges in common tests… What a “period-of-life†exam does for you that your average physical can’t (and how that annual physical could actually do you more harm than good)… CAUTION: Those yearly mammograms may not be necessary for most women… (Plus, 3 ways they could actually increase your risk of breast cancer)… The 4 “EXTRA†cardiovascular tests you must have to minimize your risk of heart attack and stroke (unfortunately, your doctor probably won’t do them unless you ask for them by name)… Those “trendy†whole body CT or MRI scans: Are they REALLY worth the money? SPECIAL WARNING FOR MEN: Why the PSA test for your prostate may be misleading (and 10 supplements to help you kiss that prostate inflammation goodbye)… Better than mammograms! 4 near-secret tests that are better & safer — and no more “smashed breasts,†either… The 9 critical things your doctor should check when you get a physical exam (how does your doctor’s bedside manner measure up?)… Why common liver screening studies may not reveal significant abnormalities you need to know about (and how to make absolutely sure this crucial organ is functioning properly)… The little-known “dysbiosis index†that instantly informs you about your risk of developing gastrointestinal disease (including GI cancer)…

Click Here Now for Crucial Health Exam Secrets

Why having too much iron may be worse than too little (Plus, 3 tests to measure your iron level your doctor will probably never tell you about)… The 8 special “period-of-life†tests you should have at age 21 and then again around age 45 (and a few other vital tests specific to your sex)… Do you have a “leaky gut� Here’s how to find out if you’re likely to develop a food allergy, inflammatory bowel disease, or other harmful immune reaction… 2 essential reasons why even non-drinkers need liver detoxification testing… Are you imbalanced? Discover the critical omega ratio that plays a major role in your risk of developing diseases such as strokes, heart attacks, cancer, diabetes and Alzheimer’s… The truth about melatonin and its link to sleep disturbance, brain chemistry and maybe even cancer (Plus, when you may be at increased risk, even if you’re under 45)… Male menopause — truth or fiction? (and 4 things to check before popping those impotence drugs)… Don’t fall victim to “hit or miss†hormone replacement: 7 hormones to monitor BEFORE you start hormone treatment… The simple blood test that is more effective and safer than an x-ray bone density scan…


Blaylock, M.D. edits the Newsmax.com Blaylock Wellness Report. He is a nationally recognized, board-certified neurosurgeon, health practitioner, author and lecturer. He attended the Louisiana State University School of Medicine in New Orleans and completed his internship and neurosurgical residency at the Medical University of South Carolina in ton, S.C. For the past 26 years, he has practiced neurosurgery in addition to having a nutritional practice. He recently retired from his neurosurgical duties to devote his full attention to nutritional studies and research. Dr. Blaylock has authored three books on nutrition and wellness, including Excitotoxins: The Taste That Kills, Health and Nutrition Secrets That Can Save Your Life and his most recent work, Natural Strategies for The Cancer Patient. An in-demand guest for radio and television programs, he lectures extensively to both lay and professional medical audiences on a variety of nutrition-related subjects. He is the 2004 recipient of the Integrity in Science Award granted by the Weston A. Price Foundation. He serves on the editorial staff of the Journal of the American Nutraceutical Association and is a member of the editorial board of the Journal of American Physicians and Surgeons, official publication of the Association of American Physicians and Surgeons. He previously served as Clinical Assistant Professor of Neurosurgery at the University of Mississippi Medical Center in , MS, and is currently a visiting professor of biology at the Belhaven College, also in .

4 proven and medically-recommended resources for getting the lab tests you really need… And more, much more…

Just think about it. Where else can you go to get this “missing link†of information that will protect you and your family from debilitating and disabling disease? Why You Should BelieveDr. Blaylock

Listen… I know you hear a lot of contradictory medical stuff out there today, especially in the mainstream media. And I certainly don’t blame you if you’re skeptical about what you hear, read and see. That’s why we brought in a respected medical doctor from beyond the bounds of the “traditional†medical model... And if you’ve been around Newsmax for any time at all, you’ve probably heard of Dr. Blaylock. During the 26 years he spent treating patients in his medical, neurosurgical and nutritional practice, Dr. Blaylock became more and more fed up with the direction traditional medicine was headed in America. The indoctrination of medical students (and practicing physicians)… The unprecedented greed of the giant pharmaceutical companies… His dissatisfaction led him to take positive action. He began researching the real answers to major health problems plaguing the American public — not just the “spin-doctored†answers you’ve been spoon-fed by the traditional media. Dr. Blaylock wants to give you:

Sound advice to prevent and deal with disease… Accurate information to make smart and economical choices about foods, drugs, health remedies and nutritional supplements…

And he puts in the time studying the latest medical and scientific research — so you don’t have to… You can believe what he says, because Dr. Blaylock:

Takes no money from the multi-billion dollar drug companies. Gets no kickbacks on any health products, supplements or anything he recommends. Does no “funny business†research conveniently funded by the pharmaceutical industry.

So, because Dr. Blaylock has no conflicts of interest, you can count on him to tell you the God’s honest truth… Click Here Now For Dr. Blaylock’s UnbiasedHealth & Wellness Information Every month — like clockwork — you can count on Dr. Blaylock and The Blaylock Wellness Report to provide you with… The Alternative Health Answers You Need

Each & every issue of The Blaylock Wellness Report gives you the “untold story†behind today’s major health issues… the ones that impact you and your family the most… You’ll find out how to become pro-active against diseases in safe and effective ways.

BESIDES cutting them out… BESIDES burning them out BESIDES taking dangerous drugs that may not even work BESIDES feeling “totally overwhelmed†by them…

We’re talking about diseases like cancer and diabetes. And don’t forget heart disease and stroke, Alzheimer’s and other brain disorders, Parkinson’s, high cholesterol, acid reflux, impotence, obesity and other threats to your well-being… even your life. With so many potential diseases out there, it’s just downright impossible for the “average Joe†to keep up with the latest news — even your own doctor doesn’t have enough time to read up on all the newest research coming out. Because we know you truly need this information, we at Newsmax want to make it next-to-impossible for you to pass up this opportunity… Newsmax Readers 50%-Off Discount

Look, here’s the deal in a nutshell… The Blaylock Wellness Report goes for $8 per month — only $96 per year. And even if you invested that much, you’d be getting quite a bargain. But, as a Newsmax reader, you qualify for a whopping 50% Newsmax “family†discount. You can try out The Blaylock Wellness Report for only $4 a month — $48 for the entire year! And you know, 13 cents a day is all it adds up to — chump change, really… You waste that much every day — probably a lot more… Maybe you’re wondering why we would practically give this newsletter away. Well, it’s no big mystery. We’re so sure that once you see the value of Dr. Blaylock’s health and wellness strategies, you’ll become another one of his many devoted readers, who count on him for information that really matters. And after all, our goal at Newsmax is to help you, not soak you! But that’s not all… If you thought that $4 a month sounded affordable (and it is), we have an even better bargain for you. If you subscribe for two years right now, you’ll get our rock-bottom deal — only $3.29 a month, or $79 for 24 monthly issues — two full years of health-enhancing advice. For your convenience, you’ll receive The Blaylock Wellness Report as a handy e-mail pdf attachment, or you can access it easily over the web. And for those of you who prefer receiving a physical product you can hold in your two hands, you’ll have the print edition mailed to you for only 50 cents additional per month (or even a bit less with your 2-year subscription). Shoot, that doesn’t even cover our postage costs… So right now, while you are mentally committed to ensuring your good health, go stake a claim to your own Blaylock Wellness Report (you’ll have it in less than 5 minutes). Click Here Now For Better Health Completely Risk-Free (Plus a Bonus Too)

Here’s the clincher: you have absolutely no risk. If, at any point, you do not feel that you are getting much more in value than your small investment from The Blaylock Wellness Report… Go ahead — cancel your subscription — with no obligation… and keep ALL the reports you’ve received.But just to make a sweet deal even sweeter, now you also get: Free access to ALL previously-published Blaylock Wellness Reports.

This $100+ value includes a whopping 25 reports on literally hundreds of health-impacting topics you need to know about. Like these:

"Eliminate Hypertension Forever! The Natural Approach to Curing High Blood Pressure"You are among the 50% of Americans at risk. Do you know which natural supplement will lower your blood pressure inexpensively — and with no dangerous side effects? VALUE $15

"Cholesterol Drugs Are Dangerous"Do you have a cholesterol problem? Then you must read Dr. Blaylock's report and learn about the ONE all-natural supplement that reduces cholesterol without using dangerous statin drugs. VALUE $15

"Omega-3: Nature's Miracle Panacea"Do you worry about having a heart attack or stroke? Do you or a loved one suffer from depression? This one disease-preventing nutrient can put a skidding stop to these problems (and many others) - and change your whole life. VALUE $15

"Prevent Cancer Before It's Too Late"Cancer is not inevitable. You can avoid this deadly disease if you have the right information. Read Dr. Blaylock's special double report now! VALUE $30 These Free Bonus Reports alone are worth more than double your discounted investment in The Blaylock Wellness Report, making your subscription the best bargain out there. I'm sure you'll agree - that's about as fair as it gets. Just promise me you'll start using this information to enrich your life right away, as soon as you subscribe. Your Active Lifestyle Demands a Pro-Active Health Approach

So don’t miss out on this chance to boost your own health (and that of your loved ones), with unbiased alternative information, recent research, and intelligent tips to extend and enrich your life. If you’ve been subjecting yourself to an annual physical exam (or been putting it off), this could be the most eye-opening information you’ve read this year… Grab your hard-hitting report: “Health Exams That Can Save Your Life†right now, and your Free Bonus Reports, with your 50%-off, no-risk subscription. Click Here For Your Guaranteed No-RiskTrial Subscription Right Now!

Some of the topics Dr. Blaylock discusses in this report are: physical exams, heart, lungs, cancer, high blood pressure, hypertension, cholesterol, mammograms, CT scan, MRI scan, PSA test, liver screen, dysbiosis index, x-rays, testosterone, iron, cardiovascular, gastrointestinal, pulmonary, bone density, detoxification profile, Total Cholesterol, HDL cholesterol, LDL, Triglycerides, C-reactive proteins, LP(a), lipoprotein (a), homocysteine, fibrinogen level, Oxidative Stress Test, Comprehensive Melatonin Profile, thermograms, ultrasounds, self-examination, hormone replacement, total body scan. Go Here to order Now!

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