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An interesting article from Atie. Blessings. Joy

Safe Sungazing PracticeSungazing is a one-time practice of your lifetime usually for a periodof 9 months. You can break up the practice in three phases. 0 to3months, 3-6months and 6- 9months. You have to walk barefoot for 45minutes for the rest of your life. Food makes us commit the maximumpain to others and exploit others. The practice entails looking atthe rising or setting sun one time per day only during the safe hours.No harm will come to your eyes during the morning and evening safehours. The safe hours are anytime within 1-hour window after sunriseor anytime within the 1-hr window before sunset. It is scientificallyproven beyond a reasonable doubt that during these times, one is freefrom UV and IR rays exposure, which is harmful to your eyes. Todetermine the timings of sunrise or sunset, you can check the localnewspaper, which also lists the UV Index as 0 during these times. Bothtimes are good for practice - it depends on individual's convenience.Sungazing also has the added advantage of getting vitamin A and Dduring the 1-hour safe period window. Vitamin A is necessary for thehealth of the eye, the only vitamin that the eye requires. If you sungaze, the spectacles and the associated power in the eye will go awayand this will provide better eyesight without glasses. For those who cannot initially sungaze during the safe periods,sunbathing is an effective method for receiving the sun energy at aslower pace until one is able to sungaze. Best times to take sunbathis when the UV index is lower 2 or below. This usually occurs withinthe 2-hour window after sunrise or before sunset. Sun bathing duringthe day is to be avoided, except for during the winter months, whenthe UV index usually remains at 2 all throughout which is safe forsunbathing. Ccheck your local newspaper to see the published resultsfor UV Index to be sure. Also do not use sunscreen. When body getsheated up you perspire and sweat is a waste product and needs to goout of the body. When you are painted or coated with lotions andcreams -- they get degenerated and the chemicals enter your body. Itis our malpractice -our wrong use- why we blame the sun for skincancers. 0 - 3 MonthsFirst day, during the safe hours, look for a maximum of 10 seconds.Second day look for 20 seconds at the rising sun adding ten secondsevery succeeding day. So at the end of 10 continuous days of sungazing you will be looking at the sun for 100 seconds i.e. 1 minuteand 40 seconds. Stand on bare earth with bare foot. Eyes can blinkand/or flicker. Stillness or Steadiness of the eyes is not required.Do not where any lenses or glasses while sungazing.Why don't you watch the sun instead of the TV? The intensity of the TVis much more than the rising or setting of the sun. If you can watchTV at close ranges for extended periods of time, you can easily watchthe rising or setting sun safely. Have a belief that the sunrays orlights that you are getting into your eyes are of immense benefit andwill not harm you. This will give you earlier, quicker and betterresults. Even without a belief component also you will get theresults provided that you follow the practice, however, it will takelonger time. On the other hand, you need not restrict any of yournormal daily routines. There are no restrictions. You can enjoy yourfood while applying this practice. Hunger will disappear eventually byitself.You may consider gazing from the same place at the same time daily.Following circadian patterns has its advantages. If you pray, you canhave any prayer of your choice. No particular one is suggested and itis not a requirement. As a precaution, have your eyes examined by adoctor. This is to err on the side of caution from a scientificstandpoint. Also, you should have periodic check ups. Additionally,you can buy photo sun-cards to monitor UV and IR radiation, which arepriced at about $2. (when cards are kept in the sunlight). There isno need to buy an expensive $500 photosensometer. If your cheeks getheated up then stop gazing. Use common sense.When you reach three months you will have gazed at the sun 15 minutesat a stretch. If you can watch TV for 3 hours, surely you can see thesun for that long. What is happening as you go up to 15 minutes? Thesun energy or the sunrays passing through the human eye are chargingthe hypothalamus tract, which is the pathway behind the retina leadingto the human brain. As the brain receives the power supply throughthis pathway, it is activated into a brainutor. One of the softwareprograms inherent in the brain will start running and we will begin torealize the changes since we will have no mental tension or worries.Besides, we will have the self-confidence to face life problems bymeans of developing a positive mindset instead of a negative one.Moreover, we will become fearless since our psychosis will havedisappeared so will have all the ills of the mind. This is the firstphase of the method and lasts around 3 months.Humans have good and bad qualities, which are 2 sides of the samecoin. In the absence of the sunlight we develop bad qualities. Whensunlight enters the brain, good qualities come into appearancereplacing bad ones. Eventually, even spiritual ignorance goes away. Sometimes, you get confused from what you hear and read. You getcontradictory information such as red wine is good for you and alcoholis bad for you. You are baffled with life's problems and detestdecision-making. But after 3 months of sun gazing, you develop a senseof confidence and know the answers for yourself spiritually. There isa balance of the mind, where you are in a position to judge personalanswers - the correct answers. You develop powers that are alreadyinherent in you. Bad qualities disappear, anger, greed, jealousyleave you. You become a lovable creature. Everybody likes you. Youwill do no wrong. If you are positive or fearless, you will not harmanybody nor pain anybody. You will become a compassionate person. This is a great contribution to world peace. A positive approachcreates solutions to problems and waste in society. There will be noneed for environmental engineers. We won't throw waste, as there isno away. By 3.5 months everything changes.Besides, mental depression will go away. Psychiatrists are observingthat sadness is caused by lack of sunlight. With the practice ofsungazing you will not have depression in your whole lifetime. Youwill achieve a perfect balance of mind. Fear of death will go away. The state of mind is such that you will welcome death. What is tohappen, you will be able to let it happen. There will be no worries.Everyone has some sort of mental disorder, which is the biggest humanproblem, which can be removed by the proper use of sunlight. 3 - 6 MonthsNext, Physical diseases will start being cured. 70 to 80% of theenergy synthesized from food is taken by the brain and is used up infueling tensions and worries. With a lack of mental tension, braindoes not require the same amount of energy as before. As you proceedin sun gazing and as your tensions decrease the need for food intakewill go down.When you reach 30 minutes duration of continuously looking at sun, youwill slowly be liberated from physical disease since by then all thecolors of the sun will have reached the brain through the eye. Brain regulates the flow of color prana appropriately to therespective organs. All the internal organs get ample supply of therequired color prana. The vital organs are dependent on certain suncolor prana. Kidney red, Heart yellow, Liver green etc. Colors reachthe organs and address any deficiencies. This is how color therapieswork --Reiki and Pranic Healing. There is a lot of informationavailable on color therapy. This is the process of getting liberatedfrom physical ailments over a six-month period. After 3-4 months youcan become cured of your physical ailments with autosuggestion, whichis imagining and visualizing healing your ailments while gazing at thesun. Scientific methods such as the Solariums, crystals, colorbottles, natural stones, gems, all utilize sun energy, which is storedin these natural stones. You can keep natural color stones indrinking water to further hasten healing.In solariums there is usually a platform at the height of 100 feetwhere each of the 7 glass cabinets is constructed for each of theVIBGYOR colors. This platform revolves around the sun whole day andaccording to the nature of the disease diagnosed, the patient isplaced in the appropriate color for healing. Similarly, glassdrinking water bottles with different colors are kept in sun for 8hours. The water gets solarized and water develops medicinal valueand is used to treat different diseases. Photosynthesis, which we misunderstand, does not in fact needchlorophyll. Only the plant kingdom needs chlorophyll. Human bodycan do it with a different medium. Photosynthesis is transforming thesun energy into a usable energy format. This is how Photovoltaiccells work and electricity is produced, similarly water is heated,food is cooked in solar cooker, and solar batteries run automobiles. Eyes receive the entire spectrum of the sunlight, which is distributedto the different parts of the body by the brain on a need per basis. As a result, you are cured from all diseases. A 3rd intermediatemedium is avoided. As you continue gazing at the sun, energy is nolonger being used up for mental impairments or physical ailments; thusits storage level increases in your body. You are your own masterwithin 6 months. 6 - 9 MonthsIn 6-months time you will start to have the original form of microfood, which is our sun. Additionally, this can avoid the toxic wastethat you take into your body while you eat regular food. 7.5 months and 35 min of sun gazing is when hunger starts going downpalpably. Need for food intake decreases. No one needs to eat morethan his or her hunger levels. Hunger comes because of energyrequirements of the body, which is a must for its existence. Food isnot a necessity for the body to function, only energy is. Conventionally, you are indirectly getting the sun energy while eatingfood, which is a by-product of sun energy. If there is no sunlight, nofood will grow. Therefore, as you consume the original form of food, hunger goes downstarting to disappear eventually. By eight months, you should seehunger almost gone. For a dull or weak student or with no belief, thistime period may be 9 months or 44 minutes. After that time, hungerdisappears forever. All mechanisms associated with hunger like aroma,cravings, and hunger pangs also disappear. Moreover, energy levels areat a higher level. There is a judgment (having had this experience)that the brain is well activated with the sun energy. Welldone, youhave become a solar cooker.After 9 MonthsAfter nine months or when you reach to a 44 minutes level, you shouldgive up sun gazing since solar science prohibits further gazing forthe sake of eye care. The body will get discharged when you stoppracticing, which has to be recharged. Now you have to start walkingon bare foot on bare earth for 45 minutes daily for a total of 6 days.Relaxed walking only. No need to walk briskly, jog or run. Anyconvenient time of the day is all right, however it is preferred to dothat when the earth is warmer and the sunlight is falling on yourbody. When you walk bare foot, an important gland in the brain'scenter called the pineal gland or the third eye is activated. The bigtoe of the foot represents this gland. 25 years ago it was considereda useless gland. Now it has become an important gland for study andup to now, about 18,000 papers have been published about it. It hasalways been known as the Seat of the soul. The Pineal gland has opticnerve endings. The remaining four toes represent glands too --pituitary, hypothalamus, thalamus and amygdala. Amygdala for the last2 years has been gaining importance in medical research. It's anucleus of the sun or cosmic energy and plays an important role in thephotosynthesis via the sunlight reaching the brain through the eye.When you walk bare foot, your body weight stimulates all these 5glands through your toes. This is strengthened by the earthheat/energy and the sun prana falling on the head or the crown chakra.The chakras are not in the spinal cord that is an imaginary location;they are definitely in the brain. All these create a magnetic fieldand the body/brain recharges with the energy of the sun entering inyou. Relax. Walk 45 minutes for one year and food continues to beaway from you. After one year of recharging, if you are satisfiedwith your progress you can give up barefoot walking. Few minutes ofsun energy falling on you once in 3-4 days will be enough from then on. But if you want the immune system to strengthen, then keep on the barefoot walking. Also if you want memory power or intelligence toincrease, continue the walking practice. As you increase the sun'sheat on your feet the brain will activate more and more, which willresult in the more activity of the Pineal gland. The Pineal gland hascertain psychic and navigational functions. Navigational means onecan fly like the birds. You can develop psychic skills of telepathy,television and have your body at different places simultaneously. Science has validated human psychic functions and medical experimentsare being done to ascertain this. Different body parts and its organsget purified once you stop eating due to detoxification. Thedifferent internal organs play different mechanical parts for thepurposes of space travel and flight. There is another utility value(other than food digestion) for the internal organs. All the glandshave a lot of functions and can perform at optimal level via sunenergy. If you are fortunate to activate the brain optimally yousurely will reach enlightenment. You can read past, present, andfuture. This method can be safely applied to control obesity. Almostall problems get solved.Historically, a lot of people have remained without food. Accordinglyin 1922, the Imperial Medical College in London decreed that solarrays were the ideal food for humans. However, no one has mentionedwhat their technique was-- For e.g. Yogananda in his book'autobiography of yogi' interviewed many saints and mystics to findout the secret of their lack of eating food.common reply was that thesun energy entered through a secret door and reached the medullaoblongata in the brain. They did not divulge their secret. Thisknowledge was lost to common folk at the time.Read it all here ...http://www.solarhealing.com

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