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My Mission is: to help you defeat your cancer.There is a cure for cancer and you just found evidence of that truth!


Science of Bloodroot


ATP Stops Starvation

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If you are reading this page, you, or someone you love has cancer. Dan Raber's goal is to provide hope and an alternative to the unsuccessful common treatments offered by the medical field.

TumorX Paste, TumorX Capsules, TumorX Tincture, TumorX ATP, TumorX Pancreatic Enzymes And TumorX Plant Enzymes

This is a web site where one can find alternative cancer treatments using anticancer herb ...(Click Here), anticancer enzymes...(Click Here) and nutritional supplements that stop Cachexia Syndrome (Starvation from cancer)...(Click Here). These are used in conjunction to eliminate the cancer from one’s body, to support and rebuild the metabolic processes of the body.

TumorX Paste, Formula Apoptosis, and Formula 203X contains the apoptotic and anti-proliferative ingredient Bloodroot, i.e. Sanguinaria Canadensis L. Bloodroot's anti-cancer compounds have been known historically since the 1750's-1760's as the secret Plunkett family remedy. Rush M.D. in the late 1700's, Dr. J. Weldon Fell in the 1850's, Dr. Pattison in the 1860's, Harry Hoxsey’s salve in the 1940's, Dr.Mohs Chemosurgery salve in the

1950's, and Dan Raber's TumorX Paste in the 1990's. All of these people have promoted a paste to kill cancer that used bloodroot as the active ingredient. These pastes have been known historically as black salve, bloodroot salve, other names, and unfortunately as escharotic salves. TumorX Paste is used in conjunction with TumorX Enzymes that can, in most cases, defeat one’s cancers.

Pancreatic Enzymes (TumorX 103X and Formula 303X) have been used in Western medicine dating back to 1900's, then later incorporating plant-based enzymes, i.e. TumorX 403X. Pancreatic enzymes were first researched by Dr. Beard.in the 1890's. Dan Raber in the 1990's combined Dr. Beards work with the historic bloodroot herb that yielded unprecedented results.

Dan Raber

The formulas are manufactured exactly to Dan's specifications. This is because only the finest herbs and enzymes will work when a person's life is in the balance. Dan has developed and refined his TumorX Protocol since the early 1990's. Dan Raber's expertise has

been cited in a number of books, including (click on text to buy book at Amazon.com) "Cancer Salves" by Ingrid Naiman; and (click on text to buy book at Amazon.com) "One Answer to Cancer" by Dr. Kelley. With 1,000's of cases, the TumorX Protocol will work ... if used according to directions in qualified hands.

TumorX Bloodroot and Enzymes Work On All Types of Cancers

Although called by many names (referring to origin and type), all cancers be they named, i.e. carcinoma, cancer aux deux, carcinoid, carcinoid tumor, carcinoma in situ, carcinomatous, carcinoma simplex, carcino, or carcin; and/or malignant cancers that are categorized by new growth that arises from epithelium, found in skin, or more commonly, the lining of the body organs - for example in the breast, prostate, lung, stomach or bowel. Carcinomas tend to infiltrate into adjacent tissue and spread (metastasize) to distant organs, for

example to bone, liver, lung or the brain, hence the need to take an oral pancreatic enzyme to stop this process. To sum it up, cancer is just cancer. One's doctor has limited training using natural products, thus they focus on what they were taught in medical School, i.e. surgery, radiation, or chemotherapy is basically all they know to do for such malignancies. Dan Raber has, however, perfected and continues to discover, rediscover, and promote these almost unbelievable results from a so-called "alternative" cancer protocol that works!

You Working With Your Doctor:

As to the efficacy of the TumorX Paste formula and the TumorX Enzymes formulas, it is a very real option most doctors are uninformed about. Medical schools teach about the new drug not the ancient herb, thus the M.D. is ignorant of the efficacy of natural products. In fact most progressive doctors are looking for a safe alternative to the toxic pharmaceutical drugs they were taught to practice with. Some medical doctors have been so misinformed that they believe they can not tell their patient about safe and effective natural products, thus they violate the very principles of Medical ethics (Click Here). As most physicians are ignorant of how the TumorX paste and or Enzymes work, they will recuse themselves from helping ailing clients with a treatment they know little-to-

nothing about. The use of TumorX Paste is painful during the process of apoptosis and anti-proliferation. Pain management will be one of the earliest and ongoing conversations you will need to have with a licensed medical doctor.

Most medical doctors understand their moral responsibility when it comes to pain management, their patient does not need to suffer needlessly or buy black market drugs to attempt to mitigate their pain. Pain is a disease that needs to be properly treated. The aspect of pain management is a subject the M.D. knows thoroughly, allowing them to properly treat the pain their patient suffers from. This makes the entire process easer. This allows the doctor to help the patient take care of their health in the way the patient sees fit!

TumorX Products are Avaliable World Wide

Jade Del Mundo Md. From the Department of Health invites you to the Philippines for your healing.

Excising news from the Philippine College For The Advancement In Medicine Foundation Inc. During their fourth annual meeting November 13-16, 2005 held at the Subic International Hotel, the Philippine Undersecretary of Health of the Office for Special Concerns, Dr. Jade F. Del Mundo M.D., F.P.B.O., F.P.C.S. ... announced that natural alternative cancer treatments like the TumorX Protocol are welcome to be practiced by qualified practitioners in the Philippines.

TumorX Paste has been used in the Philippines since 2002. The first patient who used the TumorX Paste was a lady with an ulcerated breast cancer, she had already used

radiation and chemotherapy with no positive results at a local Manila hospital. Dr. Merced decided after reviewing her case, and consulting with peers in the Philippines and around the world, that her patient’s only hope of survival ... was to use an alternative protocol. Dr. Merced successfully use the TumorX Paste Protocol. After numerous applications of the paste the treatment was a complete success!

She, the patient is teaching at a prominent college in Manila thanks to the dedicated work of her doctor Fe Jocelyn G. Merced, M.D.

To see contact information and Biographer data on a potential Philippine Doctor click on their name.

Dr. Carmencita R. Yap, M.D.

Dr. Merced, M.D.

Dr. Lemuel Tocjayao, M.D.

Patient Rights

If one does not have the right to refuse some or all of a particular treatment, one’s doctor and/or an agency, i.e. the F.D.A., F.T.C. or a State Medical Board become the masters, and they, by default, are the slave to ignorance. The good intentions of the master have nothing to do with this or that supposition. The simple fact is when one makes a decision for a presumed

autonomous being, they are forcing their despotic will upon that person, depriving them of their rights and dignity. The truth is a citizen is an autonomous being, with all the rights and responsibilities that carries. The question is not ....does a citizen have the right to refuse an imposed or toxic treatment? The simple answer is, Yes. Does a person have the right to refuse part of a treatment? The simple answer is, Yes.

Success Rates of a Natural Anticancer Paste

The facts speak for themselves, bloodroot mixed with zinc chloride has had a reported 97.7 percent success rate in a

12,000-person study that was completed in the 1950's (Click Here) ... with outstanding safety.

Hippocrates Would Be Ashamed

Facts speak for themselves; medical doctors practicing under draconian pressures have a death rate that would shame Hippocrates (Click Here) the father of medicine, with 12,000 unnecessary surgeries per year, 80,000 people die from infections in hospitals per year, 106,000 people die from negative

side effects from the drugs the doctors prescribe but only 7,000 people die from the wrong medication given while they are hospitalized and an astonishing 20,000 die from general hospital errors, for a grand total of 250,000 deaths per year according to the Journal of the American Medical Association, 284(4), 483-485.

Allopathic Treatment / Verses Naturopathic

Surgical treatment requires removing good tissue with bad, in the name of "getting it all," which the surgeon seldom does, hence the usual follow-up with radiation therapy. By contrast, TumorX Paste is a very selective cancer and pathogen treatment, eradicating mostly

malignant tissue. Since the TumorX Paste formula and TumorX Enzyme formulas are selective, destroying cancerous mass, through the apoptotic and anti-proliferative effects, with a minimum of damage to surrounding tissue, it is hence, much less invasive, while at the same time very thorough.

Big Pharma on the Attack

Tort intimidation from non-government organizations/NGOs (Click Here) have been the hallmark against alternative cancer treatment providers in the U.S. Special interest groups have used and are

currently using outside non-governmental organizations to harass, lobby and conspire against Medical Doctors & Alternative Practitioners, manufacturers and distributors. ...Click here to see your freedom currently under attack!

Your Opportunity to Knowledge and Action

So look around, and realize that one has a choice in the matter of one’s life, treatment, and survival. If one wants to take full responsibility for their own body,

the information offered on this web site will be their ally in defeating their cancer. Please keep in mind that cancer tends to become progressively worse over time and will result in a person's death if the cancer is not completely destroyed.

Books & DVD's to read on the anti-cancer effects of bloodroot ... (Click Here)

Testimonials! From Thailand

Hi CancerX.org Team,

I feel the cancer is gone, from my forehead. I am sincerely grateful for the help given from all of you. The service that you provide is a blessing from God. You are all angels (!) and I am forever grateful for you generous, caring and educational support.

May the gifts of your devoted service to

truly help people claim their inner personal power to heal themselves be without obstruction, hindrance or delay.

Divine Blessings to You All, Love,HillaryKoh SamuiThailand

Testimonials! From USA

Dear Raber Family,

First I would like to thank my precious God in heaven for giving me the guidance and ability to help mom. I would like to thank the Raber family for their TumorX products. From my experience they are very powerful and effective. TumorX products have not only helped mom with her cancer, but also helped with arthritis in her hand. The end of November 2004, mom was diagnosed as having B-cell, non-Hodgkin’s, follicular, indolent lymphoma late stage III. The oncologist believed mom had the cancer two years prior to diagnosis. For a year mom was being treated for a severe infection. After a year of heavy antibiotic treatment, mom’s lymph nodes swelled more and the infection was still present. The doctor referred mom to an oncologist. At the time of diagnosis, there was no treatment for mom because the

cancer was slow spreading. It responds better to chemo and radiation once it becomes aggressive. I was not satisfied sitting back and doing nothing. I searched the internet for treatment. The conventional site was depressing. However, the natural site was very positive. I talked to people all across this country that took natural therapy and was healed. The first therapy I had mom on was definitely effective, but not strong enough. I had been viewing your web-site for about a year. I prayed about it and ordered it. After 3 ½ months on TumorX therapy, mom’s blood work, the nurse at the oncologist's office said was normal. I asked her what this meant; she said “normal means normal.”

Sincerely,T. Krites

Comment! From INDIA

Dr.K.R.RAO. Consultant Surgeon.

The pictures were quite good and were ideal for teaching purpose .

Thanks. BHEL. TRICHY-620014. INDIA.

Testimonial ! From USA

Dear CancerX.org

In the fall of 2000, I had Basil Carcinoma surgery on my nose with 4 layers of skin removed.

Mid year of 2002, I noticed scaly cells along the suture line just above the original site.

For three years I applied Vitamin E in AM & PM with a few occasional flare-ups.

In the summer of 2005 the area seemed to be consistently scaly with slight bleeding.

I had a biopsy done in November 2005, the diagnosis again was Basil cell carcinoma and I was advised to schedule surgery. Rather than repeat the cycle I elected the blood-root protocol, using TumorX paste. Note: When the scab fell off from the biopsy I observed a small cell of blood remaining on the fresh wound which I assumed to be the source of cancer in that area.

Beginning Dec. 8, 2005; days 1-12.

I began applying a small ball of salve daily to the core as instructed on the DVD. After the Tegaderm was applied I pressed down on the ball and the salve spread nicely to the rest of the effected areas. During the entire time I felt no pain though the area was sore and at times for hours I experienced a stinging and drawing. The area got puffy and rosy

in coloration.

Day 13; I began using Vaseline on a larger water proof dressing since the white ring which had appeared on the 5th or 6th day was beginning to separate, by evening the dressing had slipped and as I

re-adjusted it, the eschar came off on the bandage. I observed that there was a large crater and as I looked to the underside of the eschar there were three distinct peak nodules of gray formed slime. 9/16 of an inch eschar, 5/16 was size of largest nodule as I looked back at my nose in the mirror I was better able to observe the two smaller craters which I missed on my first quick observations.

Day 16; I have continued to clean the area daily with cleanser of peroxide, saline, and Vaseline, the area is still slightly flushed.

Three weeks later: Had area examined with a high powered magnifying glass and only a pin head size area was not filled in.

Seven weeks after treatment began: I am applying Vitamin E oil to skin daily. Texture of skin is slightly rough and a little lumpy. At first there was a small raised line along the wound, now that line is shorter by ½ of original length and has softened to the touch. The scar area is only slightly pinker than the rest of my nose.


Comments From Readers of The Web Site Just Like You

from Ohio wrote:

Your web-site is most informative. Keep up the good works. I'm appalled at the type of information that is out there. Yet the hospitals keep adding on wings for cancer patients. After burning, chemo, then they send you home to die as there is nothing more that can be done for you. I'm going to make sure as much people I know read this site. Keep up the good works. I'll like to be on your mailing list, if there is one. Thank you kindly.

Someone from North Carolina wrote:Herbal cures for various human and animal diseases are well-documented throughout history, including your excellent site on Bloodroot and other protocols for cancer from the herbal world. Bloodroot, from Cherokee and other Indian Nations of ancient America, is more than real, was and is used in Cherokee Medicine from healers and those before them in Cherokee Nation. People may debate various methods, but Bloodroot was and is used in medicinal ways. Herbs are sent from God for the cure of man.

New Delhi in India

Sangeeta from New Delhi in India wrote:My husband who is going to turn 40 next year had esophagectomy in April 2004. Prior to the surgery he had chemotherapy as well as the radiation. He had cancer of the esophagus, i.e.at the GI junction. Now after a year he got it back in the lungs for which he went for two rounds of chemotherapy. My question is, can your medicine help him? I would really appreciate if you can e-mail me. I read your article in one of the newspapers in India, so there must be something about your medicines. Thanks a ton for doing a wonderful job for others

Doris from Illinois wrote:I think the information found on this site is awesome. I just wished I could have found it a little earlier, because my mom passed away from cancer. I know now that there is a cure, and I wish that every one would at least try this way.Thank you.

Comments From Readers of The Web Site Just Like You

from Ohio wrote:

Your web-site is most informative. Keep up the good works. I'm appalled at the type of information that is out there. Yet the hospitals keep adding on wings for cancer patients. After burning, chemo, then they send you home to die as there is nothing more that can be done for you. I'm going to make sure as much people I know read this site. Keep up the good works. I'll like to be on your mailing list, if there is one. Thank you kindly.

Toni from Montana wrote:I came to this site by reading of the accusations on the Internet news, I hope you are able to continue with this. I had cancer on my face next to my eye. I would have used this had I known about it.

Frederick from the U.S.A. wrote:I am sad that the Government seeks to place you in jail as it has so done to others.May the living God of Heaven and Earth prevent you from going to jail.Claim the power of the Constitution Amendments IX and X, and Remember you are a Religion, of which Congress shall pass no law against an establishment of Religion.Law schools teach that our Constitution may be changed by three methods: First by formal voting; Second by the Judiciary Branch handing down judgments; and Third because We The People accept them into our society habits.We shall no longer stand with a daze look in our hearts and say, "HOW DID THEY DO THAT?"SINCERELY, Frederick

Carl from Florida wrote: Dan,I used a bloodroot product on eight squamous cell and several basal celllocations on my arms. Not only have those cancers been cured, but thebeneficial side effects I have noted are as follows:1. Many smaller pre-cancerous patches around my neck are gone or arecontinuing to reduce in size2. Several squamous cell in my scalp are continuing to reduce in size3. Age spots (pre-cancerous or sun-damaged skin) areas all over my body arecontinuing to vanishWhile it was not your product that I used after reading the article on MSNBCvia Associated press dated Aug. 29, 2005 which states that the "imagespurport to show tumors being treated," this is in fact the same result andappearance I experienced. My largest area effected was approximately thesize of a half-dollar.... As support in litigation to support your claim that bloodroot does effect cancer ... I will provide you with sworn statements from not only myself, but from not less than five persons that were daily eyewitnesses to the entire event.

Foot note: I fully agree that the drug companies are driving the chargesagainst Dr. March in an effort to suppress an effective low-cost treatment for skin cancer. Seeing is believing. For the first time in over five years I do not have a single open len on my arms or scalp.

Comments From Readers of The Web Site Just Like You

from Ohio wrote:

Your web-site is most informative. Keep up the good works. I'm appalled at the type of information that is out there. Yet the hospitals keep adding on wings for cancer patients. After burning, chemo, then they send you home to die as there is nothing more that can be done for you. I'm going to make sure as much people I know read this site. Keep up the good works. I'll like to be on your mailing list, if there is one. Thank you kindly.

JAMES from Georgia wrote:


Hogan from Texas wrote:Please continue your good work.

Carol from the U.S.A. wrote:I think it is ironic that if there had not been a news article online against Dan and the bloodroot product, I would not have known about this site and this particular alternative treatment. By being so vocal the FDA and its cronies are providing good advertisement for you!!!

I am very thankful that, to my knowledge, I do not suffer from cancer. If I ever found I was, this is the kind of treatment I would go for - no chemo for me. So, I have book marked this site in case of need it for myself or others.

I have not had time to read the info in depth as yet, but what I have read is very much akin to the treatments that a couple of doctors I know use. Their book is about surgery using herbs, and they have before and after pictures like yours.

I firmly believe that the Lord has provided cures among the plants he created for any disease we humans, in our foolish gratification of our own tastes and desires, might succumb to. In His mercy He takes care of us even when we disobey the laws of nature that He set in motion for our health and pleasure.

I pray that you and others like you will not be deterred or silenced by those money-grasping health tyrants.

Comments From Readers of The Web Site Just Like You

from the U.S.A. wrote:Dan - I wish you great success! You are doing a wonderful thing. It's a crying shame that entities such as the FDA / AMA and many others stifle such truths and efforts. They promote themselves as protectors, but instead act as evil enforcers for the money machines - Drug companies, who want us to take a "Purple Pill" every day for the rest of our lives rather than cure us. God bless you and protect you!

from Georgia wrote:Glad someone trying to fine a cure our doctors are not.

Comments From Readers of The Web Site Just Like You

Fogon from the U.S. wrote:Dear sir,Loads of good blessings in your bloodroot herbal healing medicine. I 100% percent agree with you and all the herbs that you are using to detoxify and rebuild human life. God our creator made every plants and other mother nature’s things for it’s own purposes and uses in the bible psalm 105 and psalm 104. Read about grass for the animals and herbs for mankind, it only a matter of time before the whole world will soon start to use herbs to heal and rebuild their body (using) every plants responsible for everything in our body. Ok, so God bless you with knowledge and wisdom he gave you to give people life again as me. I use many many many herbs, so my encouragement to people is to keep working with you.

Elwood from West Virginia wrote:My God! I just wish that affordably-priced computers and the Internet would have been available to me back in the 1980's. My dear wife might have had a chance then. She died at the age of 33 years old of Breast Cancer. I spent many years, watching her agonizingly die.When I was diagnosed with Heart-Disease and 'needed' to have By-pass surgery ... I happened to have a friend who told me about an alternative procedure called CHELATION. I found a Dr. nearby who administered the procedure. It was expensive ... $120.00 per treatment, once a week, for months. Finally, because Insurance didn't cover it ... I had to stop the treatments. But, I will say this ... when I was getting the treatments ... I FELT LIKE 'SUPERMAN’!!! Nothing stopped me ... I felt great!! I felt like a 'young man’ again!!

This country is called 'The Land of the Free' Try to get the Government (Local or Federal) or Medical establishment to help you get ”the Treatment ... YOU decide on." It just won't happen!!!"Land of the FREE ... my ass!!!" If someone in Medicine can't make a buck from your ailments, which they are more than likely responsible for ... they don't want you to survive. Just so they can make MONEY!!!Surgeons are fine ... but these 'Pill-Pushers' --- I have nothing but disdain for. I'm really surprised that they don't ask you how much money you have first, before you become a patient of theirs.

We did it back in 1776 ... maybe its time for another Revolution. This time we get rid of the Pharmaceutical Kings. We see it in the news all the time how much they like stealing money from the general populace.

Joyce from Arkansas wrote:

I WAS SO GLAD TO SEE THIS ON MY COMPUTER THIS MORNING!!! When I was 10-12 yrs old (I'm 62 now) my Grandmother lived with us. Although I was young I still recall very vividly that she loved her gardening. During the spring/summer we all worked long hours in the sun chopping cotton in the Missouri boot-heel. I also recall "vividly" the small mole on her forehead that grew to the size of a half dollar. I remember that my parents took her to a Dr. ?? who worked in Blytheville, Arkansas. I remember well my mom opening a can that held a black salve. She would clean the area on granny's forehead and put the salve on thick. Then she would cover the area with a square bandage. In about 3-5 weeks we, my three sisters and I, saw that the cancer was getting smaller and there were gaps between it and the skin. As best I can remember in late September, school let out for cotton picking vacation, granny's cancer was now the size of a quarter and had changed color. It would just hang there, until one day when the bandage was removed we all got the shock of our lives. The cancer just fell out of the hole in her head. It was so ugly, white legs attached to the dead cancer. My sisters and I recall this and talk about it often. We always wondered what the black salve was? NOW WE KNOW ... I saw this with my on eyes and should I ever have anything that resembles a cancer on my body, will be ordering the BLACK SALVE that saved my Grandmother's life. P.S. She lived another 15 yrs. Had she not had the life-saving salve, she could not have lived with this thing's legs growing into her brain.THANK YOU AGAIN

Sir ... I suggest you see Trudeau. Maybe he can help you with your quest to bring this product to the attention of the suffering AMERICAN people.

from Virginia wrote:Dear Dan,

I thank God every day for courageous people like you and Dr. Hulda and Dr. Hoxley who were prosecuted by the U.S. Courts for providing and treating cancer patients with natural herbal treatments and cures for cancer. My family lost our mother to ovarian cancer in 1995 that was misdiagnosed in 1991 as a "stomach ailment" due to "benign fibroid cysts" at Walter Army Hospital . In 1992, she was rushed to the emergency room at Potomac Hospital with severe intestinal pain-from cancer masses that had cemented her colon almost completely shut. "Treatment" involved the removal of 3 feet of large intestine and aggressive chemotherapy - she was not a candidate for radiation therapy because the cancer had spread into her bones. I believe that if she had been given the proper treatment of enzymes and topical treatments, she would still be with us today. I will do what I can to spread the word about your research and treatments so that others may help themselves. God bless you! in andria, Virginia

Comments From Readers of The Web Site Just Like You

Gail from West Virginia wrote: Ye Ha! I'm so happy to see someone step up to the plate! I own a talent and promotional company and have represented large U.S. companies such as Proctor & Gamble, and to name a couple. I have been in fear for our nation since Detroit 's car manufactures stopped being our top industry, and the "drug companies" took over!

If there is a need for my services (promotional or trade shows) & getting the word out, please please contact me! (I remember as a very young child my grandmother having Black Salve, and it worked even on a little girl's bee stings!) I have said to many many people: "The people of Japan have a cure for several types of cancer, and the U.S. government would not let it be tested for ever so long. When they finally did get testing approved (even though they were warned to test on beginning stages of cancer)

they tested on patients in the FINAL STAGES OF CANCER and of course the numbers/percentage rate wasn't there so it was considered a failure by the FDA."I believe if we don't wake up and stand up we will just have to wait until THIRD WORLD COUNTRIES HAVE A CURE, AND IT IS SO OBVIOUS TO THE REST OF THE WORLD HOW THE U.S. IS MURDERING THEIR OWN PEOPLE FOR THE SAKE OF DRUG MONEY that maybe then out of embarrassment, then and only will they allow the development of REAL CURES?"Please let me know how I or my company can help. Time is of the essence! The "powers that be" will be looking for a way to get Blood Root off the shelves just like they have the cancer-fighting herb Chaparral (a GNC rep told me the government demanded it off their shelves).God help us! I feel as though I'm living in a King flick!

Comments From Readers of The Web Site Just Like You

Katrina from the U.S.A. wrote:

People should have the right to combine the best of both worlds to heal themselves, the government should not have the right to control natural herbs that have been used for centuries BEFORE the AMA took over. Good luck to you, many others have fought the good fight to enlighten people, or offer help when the medical community tells you there is no cure, or if you try alternative medicine they wash their hands of you.

It’s just Rich people getting richer, Big money is what this is all about. If they were smart they would embrace this knowledge and really try and cure somebody, but that would mean less money in their pockets. What they can’t control they try to squash. God forbid you heal yourself without a license! Why don't they do a trial with the best natural healers supervising, bring in the hopeless. What do they have to lose? Money! They will only do that if they can patent it.

Comments From Readers of The Web Site Just Like You

Jodie from F\orida wrote:3 years ago, I was diagnosed with systemic papergirl. This is not cancer, but is usually fatal. The drug I was given was toxic, and I was told that it probably would not help me. I started to take large dose Vitamin C powder, I juiced vegetables, wear magnets and sleep on a magnetic mattress. Prayer was also a big factor in my healing. It took time to heal, and today I am living a normal, healthy life. I would have died on conventional therapy.

Betty from Georgia wrote:Please carry on with your work. There are lots of people behind you.

from Pennsylvania wrote:I support any type of treatment that can save a life. But the FDA does not want a cure for cancer because too many jobs could be lost.

Comments From Readers of The Web Site Just Like You

from Florida wrote:

Good for you for marketing your product. It’s a real shame that the FDA has so many close and illegal ties with the pharmaceutical companies that do not care about the health of its citizens. To me Doctors should HAVE to know medicinal plants and utilize their properties as well as their crackpot pharmaceutical drug schemes and kickbacks from these same pharmaceutical companies. They take an oath to help and try to heal and cure people of illnesses. They should lose their licenses for NOT trying natural

ways of healing. I know hundreds of cases, including my own, where herbal medicine has helped or cured people of their ailments. It is OUR responsibility as citizens of a "free" society, where we are supposed to have freedom of choice, to stand up to such government organizations before we lose all of our rights and our health. Your story sounds very similar to the Dr. that found a combination of herbs in a tea, who was forced to Canada because he was curing people of cancer through the use of his herbal tea.Good luck with your products.

Comments From Readers of The Web Site Just Like You

An unsigned message from here in the U.S.A. wrote:When the FDA makes a press release to give the appearance they are protecting the public from dangerous cancer treatments, they neglect to mention that chemo has NEVER undergone standard FDA testing to prove it is more effective than a placebo. That's because if chemo were ever tested, chemo would fail against a placebo and fail against doing nothing at all. According to Ralph Moss, who has studied chemo for about 30 years, only 7% of those who take chemo survive. Surviving chemo is far different than being cured of cancer.

One study revealed 85% of cancer

doctors admit they wouldn't take chemo if they personally had cancer. (The other 15% were probably not telling the truth.

Cancer doctors are not required to tell the truth. If they were, they couldn't honestly talk anyone into taking chemo) What is needed is a very large study to make sure chemo is safe for human use. Giving chemo in the test only to cancer doctors who give their patients poisonous chemo would prove once and for all that chemo is not safe for human use, and at the same time reduce the future cancer death toll. If Ralph Moss is correct, only 7% of cancer doctors will survive the test. And those who survive will be prevented from using chemo after the test shows chemo is too dangerous for use on humans.

Comments From Readers of The Web Site Just Like You

Debra from Florida wrote:

My English grandmother was considered the village wise woman around the turn of the last century. According to my mother people would come to see her for the "black tar" she created from the herbs in her garden for skin problems. I later learned it was what turned into the Hoxsey formula, which I believe is basically the same recipe as the product you have used to help yourself and others. All her clients were positively affected by the 'tar'.It is a shame that in a country where we have so much freedom, taking responsibility for our own health and seeking other ways can become an issue of law. I, for one, think it is unfair. I have used herbal preps for years, and so have members of my family and with complete success when orthodox ways didn't seem to offer much hope.I was scheduled for surgery, as was my father (two separate issues), and after 10 days of using various natural means neither of us needed to go under the knife. BUT we must make informed decisions and know what we're doing.

The Hoxsey formula is a tried and true prep and should be available for anyone desiring to use it. Sadly, I believe Mr. Hoxsey was run out of the U.S., as was Rene Caisse for her Essiac tea, due to the powers that be being upset that someone might have created something that actually works.We do have the right to take care of ourselves if we so choose and if someone creates a product that can help then why not?I hope and pray that nothing horrid happens due to the 'officials' stepping in on this. If I recall, an off-shore company putting out a product called Cansema - the Hoxsey formula - were shut down, too.Next we won't be allowed to create these preps in our own kitchen for fear of being caught. A terrible shame.It's time it was considered complementary rather than alternative medicine because we can all work together, and sometimes there are ways to fix problems without being cut open or having noxious poisons pumped into our veins.Godspeed!

Comments From Readers of The Web Site Just Like You

Jeff from Florida wrote: I just read the article emailed to me from a friend in Maine. I fully support your fabulous efforts to help people. I know a lady who had used your salve several years ago, and her breast tumor came out, leaving a "crater," which healed up completely, with a very faint scar. It was painful she reported, but she kept ongoing pictures of its progress. I have a video with her talking about her experience. She lives in Fort Myers, Florida.

Anyway, as an R. N., I am familiar with the conventional treatments that mainstream doctors offer. My best friend died of ovarian cancer, and her one regret before she died was that she wished she never let the doctors talk her into chemotherapy. So, thank you for all the wonderful work you are doing! The FDA and AMA will stop at nothing, in using their "Gestapo tactics" to stamp out true healers, who use God's healing plants from nature.

Comments From Readers of The Web Site Just Like You

Connie from California wrote:Please don't give up. I am a believer in herbal supplements and ointments. I am not a believer in prescription drugs or doctors. I've done a lot of research on my own to address the causes of eczema and corrected my diet over the years to eliminate this nasty skin problem. I've resisted steroids and over-the-counter medications which doctors push so freely. I believe the AMA and FDA are ignorant and that the decisions they make are all about the money.

Gladys from New Mexico wrote:You are doing a wonderful job, my daughter was one of your patients that was helped with this process. God bless you.

Comments From Readers of The Web Site Just Like You

Carl from North Carolina wrote: I'm 66 years of age. In November of 2004, during my yearly check-up my doctor found my prostate serum analysis (PSA) level at 4.7. This alarmed my doctor, he told me to come back for a biopsy, the results were positive for prostate cancer. I told some friends about my cancer test results. Lester and both had used the TumorX Enzymes in the past to defeat cancer. I started using the TumorX enzymes on December 22, 2004. On March 8, 2005 only 72 days

later my PSA levels dropped below one to only .05. This is below normal for my age, but I decided to take my doctors advice and use radium treatments along with the TumorX Protocol. Today my PSA level is 0 and I'm cancer free.I'm convinced using TumorX Enzymes defeated my cancer and intend to continue taking them as a preventive measure to ward off cancer. I'm telling all my friends, and hope to share my experience with you of the life-saving enzymes.

Comments From Readers of The Web Site Just Like You

Bill from Oklahoma wrote:Our founding fathers and all the brave souls who have given their life and limbs to free us from tyranny, would be sad indeed to know of the conspiracy for profit in the medical establishment today, right here in the U.S. of A. Thousands upon thousands of people are dying every year on our shores because they are being denied proper, available treatment, and forced to chose between dying

without proper treatment or choosing very expensive and painful, torturous treatment that is slow death. No cures allowed. Only a very small percentage of the population are able to sort out and find a pathway to knowledge of value through a few brave souls like you, who are willing to have the courage to buck the system. Unfortunately for some, only to find it’s too late. May the Source provide and bless your endeavors.

Comments From Readers of The Web Site Just Like You

Jeff from Oklahoma wrote:I wrote several weeks ago about my success with bloodroot salve ...

I encourage ANYONE who has cancer to try the salve. I am sending three photos. The first photo is of the tumor, the second is the day the tumor came out, and the third is what it looks like now; completely healed. I have done a second treatment, but did not have near the reaction as I did the first time. Just two, small, BB sized tumors came out. This stuff works, and the "doctors" think I'm a whack-o for using it. To me, the whack-o's are the ones murdering people with chemo and radiation, and the people who know about the salve, but will not try it. Had I known about the salve nine months ago, my mother would probably be alive now, but we buried her on the 8th of June. The radiation speeded up her death. She wanted to try the salve, but was thinking the radiation would shrink the growth in her throat, and wanted to give it a chance

first. She never got to try the salve. So, I am trying to inform and help everyone that I can about bloodroot salve. Don't believe the doctors when they tell you that your only chance is chemo or radiation. That's a lie!! That is the shortest route to the grave, I promise you that. You have absolutely nothing to lose in trying the salve. Don't allow yourself to be butchered and poisoned by these "doctors." It's all about the money, folks. The quacks and big drug companies can't make a dime off your cancer if you use the salve, and do you think the FDA or un-American Cancer Society will ever endorse such a product? NEVER! It cuts out their profits. They feed off the suffering and misery of people dying of cancer, and other diseases that are curable. Don't be one of the ones who could have been saved, be one who WAS saved. Use the salve.Jeff .. OK.

Bloodroot has saved1000's of lives, tell the word of this life-saving herbal product.

Tumorx Paste (Bloodroot) has saved 1000's of lives, tell the word of this life saving herbal product. We need your help! Write a testimonial about bloodroot, and or enzymes and how they have helped cure you or your family member, or a loved pet. A couple of minutes of your time could save one’s life or a pet’s life. Your experiences are invaluable top share hope to the rest of the world.

Roxanne from Oklahoma wrote:I've heard of many successes with the use of bloodroot in fighting many different cancers, and I'm hopeful it will help my oldest brother (48 yrs. old) fight colon cancer.

Cliff from Georgia wrote: Keep up the good work!

Comments From Readers of The Web Site Just Like You

Sue from Oklahoma wrote:I personally know a man who has used this paste and other of your products, and I have seen photos of him during his treatment. He was told this week he is cancer free.

Dave from the U.S.A. wrote:I have been cured 7 times with the bloodroot salve, and it is the safest, most effective way of ... defeating cancers that I know of.

Comments From Readers of The Web Site Just Like You

Philip from Florida wrote:

My uncle used these products to fight his cancer. If he had not discovered these cures he would not be alive today. I would just like to thank who ever for this opportunity, and I cannot wait to receive my booklet. I am strongly interested in all of the products, and I am too eager to learn. Thank you and good luck.

Will from California wrote:Bloodroot has cured me of skin cancer ... and I have heard of manyother bloodroot victories. Bloodroot is God's gift to heal cancer!

Comments From Readers of The Web Site Just Like You

from Colorado wrote:Dan,Thank you for being there and doing what you are to get information and truth to the public. I have been to your site many times and have yet to purchase products. I need to. I thank God that you are there, please keep up the work, your information and products are saving lives.


Comments From Readers of The Web Site Just Like You

On 04/18/2005 Marlin from California wrote:All I can say is I truly believe in bloodroot and have a lot more faith in it than I do the medical field! Two doctors told me that a mole I had was nothing to worry about. I went to Mayo Clinic and found it was melanoma. While I did have surgery on that mole, I have treated many more with bloodroot and think it is a miracle.

On 04/14/2005 a person from the U.S.A. wrote:Keep up the good fight. If they had their way, anyone who developed or had a cure for something that did not involve pharmaceuticals would be in prison. My Dad is 89, still drives his own car, still has all his senses and is not on any medication. Why ... I make sure his diet is fantastic, he uses herbs instead of drugs and he exercises.Good luck and God speed!

Comments From Readers of The Web Site Just Like You

f from Texas wrote:

Please keep on helping people against this dreadful disease.

From Oregon wrote:

Praise God for his natural treatments.

Comments From Readers of The Web Site Just Like You

Yvette from California wrote:... have returned to school and have a persuasive speech due in 2 weeks.I am very familiar with "black salve" and just found your site.I think you have a terrific site ... your information is incredible.

I have been in the natural products industry since 1981. I first heard of "black salve" in 1984, and then again in 1987 while working in Mexico at St.

Jude's Clinic ... and then in 1997 I met the woman and her daughter - who I first heard about back in 1984; they market the product as Can-X.I have been telling many people about black salve especially since 1997.I used it myself for a "pre-cancerous" cervical condition.I need 6 resources for this speech. How fast could you get material out to me? 818-000-0000.Thank you, Yvette

Elaine from Scotland

Betty from Wyoming wrote:

Thanks for the info!!!

Elaine from Scotland wrote:

Thanks for making public "surgical" alternatives to those who have the courage to look for them.

Comments From Readers of The Web Site Just Like You

Jerry from California wrote:My wife has had breast cancer for nine years and has only followed alternative treatments. She still has the cancer in her left breast, it has grown to nearly cover the full breast. It is internal not on the surface. We are looking to use an

escharotic's treatment to get rid of if completely, once and for all. Looking forward to receiving information on your products and process. The pictures on your site tell a wonderful story of the success that you and others have had. Sincerely, Jerry.

Comments From Readers of The Web Site Just Like You

from Ohio wrote:I just found your site, and haven't had time to see and read all of it but from what I have seen so far you are doing a great job. I first read about bloodroot in Dr. Weil's book Spontaneous Healing. Keep up the good work. Thank GOD for people like you and the internet,

maybe some day the American people will wise up and vote for a party who represents their interests, and who will do what's right for all the citizens and not just those who come up with the big bucks ... but that's just wishful thinking. Again thanks for the good job you've done. .

Comments From Readers of The Web Site Just Like You

a health caregiver Janice wrote:The information is very interesting but I found your comment "pain is a disease" very disturbing. Pain is not a disease in and of itself, but an indication something abnormal is going on in the body. It's a warning system. When a person comes

into my hospital complaining of pain, it's ludicrous to think we'd treat the pain and send the patient home without looking for the cause of the pain. JM. Another thing I just read on this site. That you contracted cancer from changing other patient's dressings. .I'm sitting here shaking my head.

Pam from New Zealand

Regina from New York wrote:Bless you for telling your story, and what these herbs, etc. can do.

Pam from New Zealand wrote:I'm amazed at the epics. It seems that you have to really condition your mind and be totally determined to start something that seems small on the surface, but can have far reaching tentacles. I want to find out how much it all costs, and can I get this product in NZ or sent out to NZ. I'm sure God smiles on all those people who've trusted nature and not bought into the medical profession's fear tactics.

Comments From Readers of The Web Site Just Like You

from Oregon wrote:Yes, I sure would. I could write a book if I had the time. My husband recovered from lung cancer in 1984 and this was because he was on laetrile and other "golden goodies" (herbs, vitamins, Selenium, etc.) via chelating (administered legally in Reno, Nevada from a naturopathic physician. He also was put on a strict diet, received colonics, etc. His regular M.D. who had performed gallbladder surgery 2 years prior could

not believe he was still alive after one year as he refused surgery, etc. He is now 73, still alive now. I have a friend who just called me today and asked about what to do about pancreatic cancer, and I told her I would look it up for her. I called the "Life Tree" people and they gave me your web site. Thanks so much for all this wonderful info which I will put to good use. I know my friend would want to get the products right away. Thanks so much. .

Comments From Readers of The Web Site Just Like You

Martha from the U.S.A. wrote:

The information that I have read and heard has convinced me that if my cancer ever comes back, I will contact Dan to discuss a treatment plan with these products. I am a 3 year cancer survivor. To date there are no signs of cancer cells in my bones or other breast. I was treated with surgery as well as chemo. I

am now disabled because of the side effects from the chemo. I have lost my short term memory, I can not go to the store alone because I lose the car, and then I have Panic attacks.I have ulcers and a number of other medical problems as a result of the type of chemo that I was treated with. Thank God in heaven for people that are willing to give hope to people like me.

Comments From Readers of The Web Site Just Like You

Joe form Connecticut wrote:Hi Dan, I just used the salve on a lump on my neck that is cancerous. I thank you for the product. Joe.

On 03/21/2005 Marisa from Australia wrote:Don't give up the fight against bureaucratic monopoly and control of our health. By providing information Like you do on your web site you are doing just that.Best wishes

Mike from California wrote:Thank you for your web site and your work! ... They given my Mom about 5 months and I am looking for something that might buy her some more time, please advise.Thank you, Mike.

Comments From Readers of The Web Site Just Like You

Dee from land wrote:I saw how wonderful your products are and thought your enzymes could help me begin to feel better.

Barbara form California wrote:Thank you for your fascinating web site I have recently been diagnosed by biopsy done by a dermatologist (M.D.) with a rare form of breast cancer known as mammary Paget's disease. I believe my healing will come from alternative approaches and not the cut, burn and poison approach of allopathic medicine. I am currently taking a multi-pronged approach to healing and am considering the TumorX Paste program. I am now going to purchase the Bloodroot Tincture. Again thank you for your great web siteSincerely, Barbara

a from Portugal

a from Portugal wrote:Hello Dan! I am writing to you from Portugal. Found about you in cancerdecisions.com. I have read the whole page 1 time. Found the information very interesting and full of hope for people with cancer. You are doing great work. Thanks for the information who gives hope to cancer patients and relatives. And for your integrity and sincerity.We all need people like that to change this world.a

A visitor to the web site from the U.S.A. wrote ... THANK YOU ... for the down to earth information. I have a library of info at my home. Just learned about the BLACK SALVE today and my quest to find an holistic approach to my treatment needs has a new ray of hope.THANKS AGAIN!

Comments From Readers of The Web Site Just Like You

2005 Debbie from Wisconsin wrote:Thank you SO much for your web site!! God Bless!

from Arizona wrote ....Thank you for the information. I will contact Dan as soon as I can. I also have found a Doctor here in Prescott that treats people with the bloodroot ... Thank you for your concern and help..

West Indies

Deny's from the West Indies wrote:Keep up the good work! I was treated here on Nevis by Dr. Mc at the JADE Clinic with a Black Salve manufactured by an American Indian on a reservation near Phoenix Arizona . The lady cannot be located for additional supplies, however her "Black Salve" clearly attacked the malignant skin cancer that I had. Government agencies have no soul and have no responsibility for their actions. I commend your ability to inform the public while obeying the letter of the Law.Deny's.

Kathy from Oklahoma wrote:God bless you for saving lives!!! And thank you for your courage.

from Texas wrote:I have gone through this process ... Yes, it is a difficult process. Not for the faint of heart, but it works. I have lost too many people to cancer from traditional treatment and refuse to go that route.

from the U.S.A. wrote:Thank you for bringing this information to us ... I was referred by a person who used this, and I am thrilled to be aware of it. Your information is invaluable!!!!!!! Thank you!

Comments From Readers of The Web Site Just Like You

from the U.S.A. wrote:I'd like to know more about how you may be able to provide immediate help to a cancer patient whom the hospital has sent home. They say there's nothing else they can do. Please respond, ASAP. Please call me at 718-000-0000

from the U.S.A. wrote:

I am looking for alternatives for my husband. We were told by his oncologist that she would not treat a patient who used alternative med's. ... We do not want to use chemo at this time ... He was diagnosed with stage-one multiple melanoma. Are there other alternatives that will cure him?Thanks .

This kind of Medical Tyranny is becoming uncommon in the USA ... Medical Doctors with compassion still exist ....Md. need to keep up the Good fight!

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Cancer 'cure' stirs debate

August 30, 2005

a Quote from the Article......... "The herb does not kill healthy tissue," Raber said, smearing some of the paste on his nose. "Instead, it performs a process known as apoptosis that allows the [cancer] cells to self-destruct."....Click here to see the article.

See for yourself, type in Raber cancer cure (Click Here) you should find over 13,600 newspaper articles.

*Cure for Cancer explained; This is based on the personal testimonials of persons who through conventional medical diagnosis, were diagnoses with cancer ....after they used the Tumorx Paste they were retested to verify or disprove if cancer was still present in their body.

Please note: this page is constantly being worked on, check back frequently for updated versions and more information.

The cancerx.org information is based upon the research and opinions of Dan Raber et al.

As emerging and historical research is found and assimilated the web-site will change to encompass newly discovered thoughts thus effecting the opinions expressed. Simply said, the aspiration of knowledge is perpetual.

The opinions expressed on this web site are not approved by the Federal Trade Commission, or any other Federal or State agency or medical trade union (American Medical Association ).

All rights are reserved © 2006 Dan Raber

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