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Black Cohosh

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What is Black Cohosh?

By Wong

Latin names: Cimicifuga racemosa, Actea racemosa

Black cohosh is a tall perennial plant in the

buttercup family that grows in eastern and central

areas of the United States. Black cohosh was used by

Native Americans as a traditional folk remedy for

womens' health conditions, such as menstrual cramps

and hot flashes, arthritis, muscle pain, sore throat,

cough and indigestion. The juice of the plant was used

as an insect repellent and was made into a salve and

applied to snake bites.

Today, black cohosh is used primarily as a nutritional

supplement for hot flashes, mood swings, night sweats,

vaginal dryness and other symptoms that can occur

during menopause, as well as for menstrual cramps and


The parts of the plant used medicinally are the fresh

or dried roots and rhizomes (underground stems), which

are available in health food stores, some drug stores

and online in tea, capsule, tablet or liquid extract


The active compound is believed to be 26-deoxyactein.

How Does Black Cohosh Work?

How black cohosh works isn't understood. It was once

thought to have estrogen-like activity, but there is

growing evidence that it does not.

Why Do People Use Black Cohosh?

Menopausal Symptoms

Black cohosh is one of the more popular herbal

remedies for menopausal symptoms, such as hot flashes,

night sweats, migraines, mood disturbances, heart

palpitations and vaginal dryness. Initial research on

black cohosh suggests that it may improve some

menopausal symptoms for up to six months. In fact, in

2001, the American College of Obstetricians and

Gynecologists stated that black cohosh may be helpful

in the short-term (less than 6 months) for menopausal

hot flashes.

A recent, year-long study on black cohosh, however,

didn't find that it had any significant benefit in

women with hot flashes or night sweats. Researchers

from the National Institute on Aging and the National

Center for Complementary and Alternative Medicine gave

351 peri-menopausal and post-menopausal women either

black cohosh, black cohosh combined with other herbs,

the black cohosh/herb blend plus a soy-enhanced diet,

hormone replacement therapy or a placebo.

Although this is the longest study to date, there were

some serious limitations, such as the small number of

women in each treatment group. The study authors

acknowledge that changes may not have been detected.

Side Effects and Safety Concerns

The safety of black cohosh in pregnant or

breastfeeding women or children hasn't been

established. Black cohosh is sometimes used by

nurse-midwives to induce labor, but it should never be

used by a pregnant woman without supervision by a

qualified healthcare provider because it could

stimulate uterine contractions and result in


People with hormone-sensitive conditions, such as

cancer of the breast, prostate, ovaries or uterus,

endometriosis or uterine fibroids, should avoid black

cohosh until more is known about how it works and

whether it has a hormonal effect.

Side effects of black cohosh may include:






Heaviness in the legs

Weight gain

Low blood pressure

Excessive doses of black cohosh may cause seizures,

visual disturbances and slow or irregular heartbeat.

There have been a number of cases of liver damage

suspected to be associated with black cohosh use. In

most of the cases, there were other medical problems

present and other medications used that may have

contributed to the liver damage. Also, the quality and

purity of the black cohosh products used isn't known.

Some black cohosh products, for instance, have been

found to contain a Chinese cimicifuga (Cimicifuga

foetida) instead of black cohosh.

Still, in August 2006, Health Canada advised consumers

of the possible link between black cohosh and liver

damage. In June 2007, the United States Pharmacopeia

proposed that black cohosh product labels contain a

cautionary statement. The American Botanical Council

has countered that there is insufficient evidence to

warrant the proposed caution.

Black cohosh should not be confused with the herb blue

cohosh (Caulophyllum thalictroides), white cohosh,

bugbane, Cimicifuga foetida, sheng ma or white

baneberry. These species have different effects, and

blue cohosh and white cohosh, in particular, can be

toxic. There is a case report of neurological

complications in a post-term baby after labor

induction with a herbal blend of black cohosh and blue


People with allergies to plants in the buttercup

(Ranunculaceae) family should avoid black cohosh.

Black cohosh contains small amounts of salicylic acid,

so people with allergies to aspirin or salicylates

should avoid black cohosh.

People with a history of blood clots or stroke,

seizures, liver disease and those who are taking

medications for high blood pressure should not use

black cohosh.

Possible Drug Interactions

Because it may act like the hormone estrogen in the

body, black cohosh could interfere with hormone

replacement therapy or oral contraceptives.

Black cohosh may interfere with the effectiveness of

the chemotherapy drug cisplatin.

Theoretically, black cohosh may interfere with the

effectiveness of hormone replacement therapy or oral




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Guest guest

The presumption is that if Black Cohosh acts through the

opioid receptor and LDN blocks this receptor then the Black

Cohosh may simply not work. Hard to say since LDN blocks the

receptor for only 4-6 hours. I would take the Black Cohosh

at a different time of day just as a precaution.


Janet Kunselman wrote:




> Hi All,


> I've been taking a herbal blend of supplements to ease my

> menopausal symptoms. One capsule has some black cohosh in it. I read

> on here that black cohosh is a no-no with LDN?? I've been taking LDN

> as long as I've been on black cohosh. As far as I know, there's been no

> problems. Anybody else in this same situation?


> Thanks,

> Janet Kunselman

> RRMS 1994 LDN May '07




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