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Re: Fw: New colon cancer warning signs. If you have any of these…

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thank you Joy! Will do...Joyce Hudson <bjoyful@...> wrote: I purchased a two year subscription of Dr. Blaylock's Reports, which I will be sharing with Natural Remedies only. This is the first issue. Please be discreet if you share, as I do not want to get into any copyright problems. Thank You. Blessings and Love, Joy Dear Newsmax Reader: Each month Newsmax publishes The Blaylock Wellness Report. It is edited by a renowned nutritionist and medical doctor, Blaylock. In this issue, Dr. Blaylock tackles many important health subjects — for both males and females. He does so in a responsible way — providing information every adult must know. Please take a look at his information below or just, Go Here Now. Newsmax.com What You Don't Know aboutColon Cancer Can Hurt You Dear Friend of Newsmax, Tony's in trouble.I'm sure you know who Tony Snow is… he was President Bush's press secretary. He rocked the White House with news that his colon cancer has returned

— and has now spread to his liver. 51-year-old former White House press secretary Tony Snow reveals he has advanced colon cancer. Discover the truth about this deadly disease now with

The Blaylock Wellness Report. Of course, Tony has vowed to beat it. He has left his job at the White House Tony wanted to keep working. In a recent White House briefing, Dana Perino said that Tony Snow thought of his job as a "communications Disneyland." And while being press secretary to the President of the United States may seem like a Disneyland dream job... Colon Cancer is More Like a Halloween Horror House In fact, colorectal cancer is the third most common cancer in the U.S., with 151,500 cases reported in 2003. Along with 57,000 deaths. About 75% of cases develop after age 45. In most cases, the cancer arises from a polyp, an abnormal mass of tissue that develops on the inside wall of the colon or rectum. Tony, age

51, had his colon removed in 2005. He then underwent 6 months of chemotherapy. In Tony's case, his colon cancer returned — a not-uncommon occurrence. It has now metastasized, or spread to other organs, including his liver. This makes it a Stage IV (on a Stage 0—very early cancer— to Stage IV scale). Statistics indicate that the 5-year survival rate for Stage IV cancer is only about 8% — not good odds…According to the National Cancer Institute, a common symptom of colorectal cancer is a change in bowel habits. Symptoms could be something as simple as: Diarrhea or constipation… Gas pains, cramps or feeling full or bloated… Feeling very tired all the time, or losing weight for no reason… Nausea or vomiting… Of course, these symptoms don't necessarily indicate cancer. In fact, early cancer does not usually cause pain. That's why it's a smart idea to stay on top of your #1 strategy. Prevention of Colon Cancer —Your Best Game Plan Dr. BlaylockNewsmax Medical Editor It takes about 10 years for a polyp to develop into cancer. That's the good news.According to Dr. Blaylock, Newsmax medical editor of The Blaylock Wellness Report, recent campaigns for early diagnosis by testing your stool for blood, and by having regular colonoscopy exams after age 40 have reduced death from colon cancer — but not the incidence of colon cancer itself, which is on the rise.Most doctors will tell you that

the best chance for a cure is to detect colon cancer early. Dr. Blaylock agrees. Even better, he knows you'd rather prevent it from taking root in the first place.Because once you have colon cancer, you could be faced with a whole host of problems, just like Tony Snow has had to endure Endless rounds of tests and medical procedures… Surgery (even possible removal of your colon, requiring a permanent colostomy bag to collect fecal waste)… Chemotherapy or radiation therapy, with side effects like fatigue, nausea, vomiting, hair loss, pain, mouth sores, and infection… An inability to work or enjoy your favorite activities… Waiting to see if your cancer reoccurs… So How Can You Prevent Colon Cancer? Because this is such an important topic, Dr. Blaylock has devoted an entire issue of

The Blaylock Wellness Report to addressing this very question. And he'll tell you the straight truth. There's a very strong correlation between colon cancer and a poor diet.Of course, many other factors are involved — factors that can either work for you or against you. Plus, there are the myths and misconceptions. For example…Fiber reduces colon cancer, right? Not necessarily… Some types of fiber actually increase your risk. Dr. Blaylock will tell you about the powerful fiber sources that really prevent colon cancer…In this issue, "Colon Cancer: The Hidden Dangers," you'll also see: How to use sunshine to decrease your risk of colon cancer (This is especially vital information for the elderly). WARNING! This common food additive not only promotes inflammation —it's also associated with a high risk of colon cancer. Thanks for Telling ItLike It Is! "I just subscribed and am really learning a lot from your articles. Thanks so much for telling it like it is!" M. The single factor that could prevent up to 90% of colon cancer cases. Why drinking milk is not the answer to obtaining the vitamin D you need to counteract your colon cancer risk. The "fishy" solution to colon cancer prevention (Plus, the four types of fish you'll want to avoid — at all costs!). 6 common cooking oils to throw out

(They not only increase the development of colon cancer, but also turn existing cancers into aggressive, metastasizing monsters). The special tea containing anti-cancer compounds that you should be drinking twice a day (Hint: no, it's not green tea). The good news and bad news about those new high-tech virtual colonoscopies… 11 often-overlooked supplements that hold great promise in avoiding the development of colon cancer. Appreciates the Unbiased and Timely

Newsletter Thank you for producing the most clearly written, unbiased, timely medical newsletter that I know of. I especially appreciate that your newsletter is not merely a front for your own clinic, supplement line, or other products."-Dennis Cantwell, Traverse City, MI The smart oil that works to block those nasty inflammation-causing COX enzymes (Just like aspirin and NSAIDSs like Advil and Naprosyn, but without the side effects). Why probiotics containing "friendly" bacteria can help reduce your risk of colon cancer… What never to buy when shopping in the meat section of your grocery store (Avoid these cancer "fertilizers" like the plague). Are you making these common exercise mistakes? How certain types of exercise could actually increase the buildup of free radicals that ultimately lead to

cell damage and even cancer. And much, much more. Discover the Truth About Colon Cancer Now! Useful, life-saving information like this is why I depend on Dr. Blaylock's monthly newsletter — to give me the honest-to-goodness truth. And that's why I encourage you to share this information with your friends and loved ones. Especially because you won't get the whole story elsewhere… And in this issue, he tackles more than colon cancer. You'll also pick up invaluable gems like these: Brain cells can't repair themselves, right? Wrong! New studies show that the brain contains numerous stem cells that can be transformed into new brain cells by a process called plasticity (Great news for

those who've suffered a stroke or brain injury). 5 ways to remove toxic aluminum from your body (Studies show that ridding yourself of built-up aluminum can reduce your risk of Alzheimer's dementia substantially). Why scientists now think that schizophrenia could be caused by a food allergy. The best types of exercise to lower blood sugar — and blood pressure. The great flu vaccine delusion (Why you'll likely be pressured to get that yearly shot). Recovering from Ovarian

Cancer At age 53, I'm in recovery from ovarian cancer, stage 3, both ovaries. Doing fine – in great part with thanks to your supportive and so very wise reports. Thank you,E . Long 10 things your doctor should check during your periodic physical exam (And no, you probably don't need one every single year). PROOF! A new study from the state of Minnesota proves how doctors have been "on the take" from big pharmaceutical companies. The secret natural solution to calming colicky babies (This works even better than a commonly-used anti-colic drug). 2 places where you can find a doctor dedicated to nutrition-based treatment. The truth about nattokinase (A natural statin drug substitute — without the side effects). And much more. Grab Your Own Blaylock Wellness Report Now! Don't Expect Straight Answers from Traditional Media Coverage DR. RUSSELL BLAYLOCKDoctor, Neurosurgeon, Author, Health Advocate Blaylock, M.D. not only compiles and edits

Newsmax.com's Blaylock Wellness Report. He's also a nationally recognized board-certified neurosurgeon, health practitioner, author and lecturer. He attended the Louisiana State University School of Medicine in New Orleans and completed his internship and neurosurgical residency at the Medical University of South Carolina in ton. For over a quarter of a century, he practiced in the demanding field of neurosurgery in addition to having a nutritional practice. He recently retired from his neurosurgical duties to devote his full attention to nutritional studies and research. Dr. Blaylock has authored three books on nutrition and wellness: Excitotoxins: The Taste That Kills Health and Nutrition Secrets That Can Save Your Life Natural Strategies for the Cancer Patient An in-demand guest for radio and TV programs, he lectures extensively

to both lay audiences and other physicians on a variety of nutrition-related subjects. He is the 2004 recipient of the Integrity in Science Award granted by the Weston A. Price Foundation. He serves on the editorial staff of the Journal of the American Nutraceutical Association and is a member of the editorial board of the Journal of American Physicians and Surgeons, official publication of the Association of American Physicians and Surgeons. He previously served as Clinical Assistant Professor of Neurosurgery at the University of Mississippi Medical Center in , MS, and is currently a visiting professor of biology at the Belhaven College, also in . Why? Pharmaceutical companies spend billions of dollars on ads with the traditional media. It seems like every time you turn on the TV, you're likely to see a commercial for some drug or another. Even when searching

for information on the computer (even on colon cancer), your search is likely to turn up dozens of sites sponsored by pharmaceutical companies.And mainstream medical journals are literally infested with drug ads as well. All those commercials and print ads equal big money — money the media and the journals don't want to give up by rocking the boat with a small thing like the truth!Thank goodness Dr. Blaylock says "thanks but no thanks" to the medical establishment. And he's no shill for the traditional media, either.He's considered something of a medical renegade, because: He accepts NO commissions or payment for any of the products he recommends. He takes NO money from the multi-billion dollar drug companies. He does

NO medical "research" funded by Big Pharma, either. This way, he has NO conflict of interest. A refreshing change, isn't it? Get Dr. Blaylock's Special Colon Cancer Issue Now! Smart Natural Solutions for the Health Issues That Impact Your Life Dr. Blaylock comes from the "traditional" world of medicine. In fact, he was a prominent neurosurgeon. So he knows far too well the extent of the propaganda physicians are exposed to — propaganda that puts your health at risk. That's why he has devoted himself to writing about options you won't find anyplace else. Passed His Physical with Flying Colors... "As a satisfied subscriber to your Blaylock Wellness Report I have benefited from your wise advice. Last year I had a complete physical and passed with flying colors. My personal physician said that my heart and cardio system was that of a 25 year old." B. (age 46) Every month, you'll receive Dr. Blaylock's briefing on

the latest cutting-edge research (particularly the helpful findings that never make it into the nightly news).And you'll get his recommendations for beneficial nutrients, simple lifestyle changes and easy dietary measures that will keep you in control of your own health.Never any spin. Never any nonsense.Best of all, The Blaylock Wellness Report costs so little that all Newsmax readers can afford it. Quality Newsmax Health Information for Just $4 Per Month? Really!! Our Newsmax subscribers qualify for the best pricing on this monthly newsletter.For only 13 cents a day — $4 a month — you'll have instant, round-the-clock access to Dr. Blaylock's monthly newsletter, The Blaylock Wellness

Report.Where else can a mere 13 cents help you save thousands of dollars on worthless — and potentially dangerous — drugs, bogus supplements, or unproven treatments?Every month, Dr. Blaylock tackles major diseases and health issues that could affect you and those you love — like diabetes, cancer, headaches, strokes, high blood pressure, Alzheimer's disease, high cholesterol, and dozens more. And with his special "Ask Dr. Blaylock" section, you'll also have the opportunity to submit your questions for him to answer in the newsletter. Best of all, 12 issues are yours for only $4 a month — $48 for the entire year!That's more than fair, wouldn't you agree?And, if you subscribe for two years, you can slash the price even more — to $3.29 per month. Don't Wait — Grab Dr. Blaylock's Newsletter Right Now! No matter which subscription you take, you can access The Blaylock Wellness Report easily over the web anytime you'd like. We also email it to you monthly as a convenient PDF attachment you can save to your hard drive for easy reference. If you prefer, you can have the print edition of this Newsmax publication mailed to you for only 50 cents additional per month (or even less with your 2-year subscription).If that's not enough to convince you, how about our Newsmax guarantee? Your Satisfaction is Totally Guaranteed If you're not convinced yet, this should reassure you: we'll lift the risk from your shoulders and place it squarely on ours!At any point, if you don't feel you're getting much more in value than your small investment from this unbiased, cutting-edge health and wellness newsletter, you may cancel your subscription — with no obligation… and keep ALL the reports you've received.We'll send you back a pro-rated refund on the unused portion of the subscription price you paid. No hassles and no hard feelings.But just to make a great offer even greater, we'll sweeten the pot by also giving you something even more valuable. You'll Also Get Free Online Access to ALLPreviously-Published Blaylock Wellness Reports That means you get a "Free Pass" to all the previous newsletters Dr. Blaylock has written

(dozens and dozens of them to date). He's covered hundreds of health topics affecting people just like you. Here's just a small sample of the high-quality information you'll get (these reports sell individually for $15.00 — but you get them free!): Issue #8 and 9: "Prevent Cancer Before It's Too Late"Cancer is NOT inevitable. You can avoid this deadly disease if you have the right information. Read Dr. Blaylock's special double report now! VALUE $30 You'll see: 6 oils you should ban from your kitchen if you want to avoid cancer (and the 2 oils

should you never be without)... The single thing you can do to slash your cancer risk by 50%... What much-loved meal accompaniment increases your risk of developing cancer by a whopping 190%? A common spice that contains a powerful substance scientists have determined to be one of the most powerful cancer inhibitors found yet... Which one factor correlates to the early development of aggressive prostate cancer (and could cut your lifespan in half?)... Plus much more... Issue #7: "Health Exams That Can Save Your Life"The next time you see your doctor,

you need to ask for these tests — the ones your own doctor won't tell you about! VALUE $15 You'll also discover: The 4 "EXTRA" cardiovascular tests you must have to minimize your risk of heart attack and stroke (unfortunately, your doctor probably won't do them unless you specially request them by name)... SPECIAL WARNING FOR MEN: Why the PSA test for your prostate may be misleading (and 10 supplements to kiss that prostate inflammation goodbye)... Better than mammograms! 4 near-secret tests that are better & safer — and no more "smashed breast", either... Why having a yearly physical exam could lead to unnecessary testing resulting in complications... even death... And much, much more... Issue #3:

"Cholesterol Drugs Are Dangerous"Do you have a cholesterol problem? Then you must read Dr. Blaylock's report and learn about the all-natural supplement that reduces cholesterol without using dangerous statin drugs. VALUE $15 You'll find: The right — and the wrong — reasons to treat high cholesterol with statin medications (Hint: the right reason isn't to pay for some drug company bigwig's box seats at the pro games!). How having low cholesterol is not only bad for you. . . but can be just as dangerous, if not more so, than having elevated cholesterol levels. Why the "supposed" dangers of dietary cholesterol have been vastly exaggerated (Hint: there's big money involved!). And much. much more... Issue #10:

"Omega-3: Nature's Miracle Panacea"Are you worried about having a heart attack or stroke? Do you or a loved one suffer from depression? This one disease-preventing supplement can put a skidding stop to these problems (and many others) — and maybe even change your whole life. VALUE $15 Dr. Blaylock will share things with you in this issue like: 3 easy steps you can take to balance your good fat/bad fat ratio (it's really simple, once you get it)... The healthy supplemental oil your kids will actually take without a fight... How certain dietary fats can affect your brain chemistry (once you understand why, you can take your health to the next level!)... How bipolar disorder has been linked to low levels of specific dietary fats...and can be treated by simple nutritional correction... And much more... Issue #13: "Eliminate Hypertension Forever! The Natural Approach to Curing High Blood Pressure"50% of Americans are at risk, maybe even you. Do you know which natural supplement will lower your blood pressure inexpensively — and with no dangerous side effects? VALUE $15 In this issue, you'll discover: The natural and vital supplement that has demonstrated such dramatic improvement in cardiac function that some people have used it to avoid heart transplants... 11 ways to control hypertension naturally and safely, with methods confirmed by carefully-conducted clinical tests... How the statistics medical experts use to measure blood pressure can be shockingly deceptive... Plus, dozens of other useful gems to improve and maintain your

health... Your Free Pass to these Bonus Reports alone is worth over $600 — over ten times your shrewd investment in The Blaylock Wellness Report. We're making it easy for you because we're convinced you'll quickly see for yourself how invaluable this newsletter will be to you and your family. (Maybe you'll even recommend it to your friends...) Your Newsletter HasOpened Our Eyes... "I want you to know that your

newsletters have opened my husband's and my eyes to the importance of nutrition in our lives and our children's lives. Before I found you through the Newsmax organization, I felt like I was getting slanted information. Your newsletters are always so objective and forthright (give me truth, I can handle the facts — to heck with the PC crowd!!!)." R. from Houston So don't throw away this opportunity to protect yourself and your loved ones, with the latest unbiased insider information, the most recent research studies (he'll tell you which ones are sheer nonsense), and simple strategies to extend and enrich your life. And please don't wait to hear the news from your doctor, who doesn't have the time to read a fraction of the studies Dr. Blaylock monitors. Right now, you can grab your own copy of this urgent report:: "Colon

Cancer: Beating the Odds" Dr. Blaylock can supply the knowledge you need. All you have to do is take action.Is it a deal? Remember, you'll also receive your Free Bonus Reports with your no-risk subscription to The Blaylock Wellness Report. Click Here For Your Guaranteed No-Risk Trial Subscription Right Now Some of the topics Dr. Blaylock discusses in this report are: Colon cancer, probioics, vitamin d from sunlight, vitamin d-3, omega-3, omega-6, soybeans, mercury, fish, flavonoids, fiber, diarrhea, pectin, apples, quercetin, curcumin, hesperdin, white tea, red meat, nitrites, common symptom of colorectal cancer, change in

bowel habits, diarrhea or constipation, gas pains cramps, feeling tired all the time, nausea or vomiting, hidden dangers, friendly bacteria, special tea, plasticity, toxic aluminum, Alzheimer's dementia, schizophrenia, nattokinase, anti-colic drug, COX enzymes. Go Here to order Now! This e-mail is never sent unsolicited. You have received this Newsmax e-mail because you subscribed to it or someone forwarded it to you. To opt out, see the links below. TO ADVERTISE For

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