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Herbal Remedies for Gout Learn About Bleeding Ulcers, Gout and Gastrointestinial Distress

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http://www.healthynewage.com/gastro.html Digestive Enzymes for Bleeding Ulcers, Information about and Herbal Remedies for Gout What Are Peptic Ulcers? A peptic ulcer is an open sore or raw area in the digestive tract. They average between one-quarter and one-half inch in diameter. How do I know if I have bleeding ulcers? A procedure called an endoscopy is used to determine if the patient has ulcers and can also be used in treatment. According to The University of land Medical Center: "Endoscopy is effective in controlling bleeding in 90% and over of appropriate candidates. The most serious complication is perforation of the stomach or intestinal wall, which occurred in about 1.4% of patients in one large 2002 study." The lining of the stomach (called gastric ulcers), or The upper part of the small intestine - the duodenum

(called duodenal ulcers). In the US, duodenal ulcers are three times more common than gastric ulcers. A Natural Approach to Bleeding Ulcers Enzyme Essentials offers a pure, plant bacteria enzyme and herbal combination called GastroZyme which is specifically designed to address active or bleeding ulcers. If you would like to try a natural supplement targeted toward this condition, take 3-4 capsules of GastroZyme and the discomfort will diminish. Continue taking GastroZyme with your OxiCellZyme with meals, or anytime needed. With continued use, gastrointestinal discomfort should disappear. Who should take this enzyme and herb supplement? GastroZyme will be beneficial for those diagnosed with Crohn's Disease. Gastric or Duodenal ulcer, Heartburn, Gout, Diarrhea, Mucous congestion, Colitis, Diverticulosis or Gastritis GastroZyme was formulated for the person suffering from gastrointestinal distress. Those afflicted with indigestion

caused by gastric or duodenal ulcer as well as those with a stressed gallbladder or liver will benefit from using this product. Heartburn and gout relief is another issue effectively addressed with this healing supplemental product. Recommended Usage: Reach for the soothing help of GastroZyme instead of antacids. Take three to four capsules with every meal or snack (when used without OxiCellZyme and for gastrointestinal tract discomfort. 2-3 capsules may be taken after a meal when OxiCellZyme is ingested at the beginning of the meal. Click Here to Order GastroZyme Additional Benefits due to the synergy of ingredients: The ingredients in GastroZyme provide the body with pure plant enzymes for delivery along with nutrients specific to the

gastrointestinal region. Marshmallow Root: has a high protein and mucilage-carbohydrate content which the body can use to manufacture the necessary materials for new tissue production. Marshmallow also has mucilaginous (adhesive) properties enabling it to surround and expel foreign and toxic matter, having a soothing effect on the inflamed mucosal membrane tissue. Marshmallow has been found to relieve irritation and inflammation of the mucous membranes of the respiratory and gastrointestinal tracts and to help normalize mucous secretions. In conditions where inflammation is induced by excess accumulation of uric acid, Marshmallow Root helps remove this acid from the body. Papaya Leaf: has been known for its wonderful digestive work and contains proteolytic (acts on protein) enzymes. Papaya Leaf has inherited the reputation of "biological scalpel" because it selectively digests dead tissue without affecting the surrounding live tissue. It has been

used to treat many skin diseases, wounds and ulcers. Papaya Leaf has properties to protect the stomach mucosa from damage and ulcer formation. Prickly Ash: is known for its support of the glands and aid in tissue repair, colic, ulcers and gastrointestinal distress. Prickly Ash will fortify the nervous system as well. Gota Kola: is known in India as a longevity herb, it is uncommonly rich in B vitamins and potassium and is used as a natural diuretic. Click Here to Order GastroZyme Holistic Health Minute - About Gout (Information from the Wellington Regional Rheumatology Unit, Hutt Hospital, Lower Hutt, New Zealand) Gout is one of the most common forms of arthritis (joint inflammation) and can be aggravated by eating foods that cause gout. It appears as an acute

attack often coming on overnight. Within 12-24 hours there is severe pain and swelling in the affected joint. The skin over the joint may be red and shiny. Gout usually affects only one or two joints at a time - most often the feet and ankles. The ball of the big toe is the commonest site. Without treatment the attack subsides in a week or so and when patients first develop gout there may be intervals of many months or even years between attacks. As time goes by, these tend to become more frequent and more severe and eventually many joints may be involved, sometimes all at the same time. At this stage a state of chronic or continuous joint disease may develop with progressive joint damage, disability and crippling (chronic gout). Gout affects mostly men and is very rare in women until after the menopause when it is quite often seen. Gout is very common in New Zealand and it is particularly common in Maoris and Pacific Islanders. Some surveys have shown it to be

present in up to 10% of adult males. New Zealand Rheumatology Association for more information on gout, such as treatments, foods to avoid, etc. How to Conquer Gout, Safely And Effectively You will be able to eat interesting and delicious foods and learn about the foods that cause gout. You will be able to walk and even play tennis. No you won't be cured - since no one knows how to do this. But you will be able to knock gout on its ugly head, should it reappear to cripple your life. How? I will tell you all this in How to Conquer Gout, Safely And Effectively. You owe it to yourself, to a friend or loved one who suffers from this painful disease to find out how to conquer gout, safely and effectively. By Benny 2007-08-26 10:32:20 Is milk good while I still have bleeding ulcer? By Dr. Leia Melead 2007-08-28 19:26:25 Dear Benny, Milk can actually stimulate the stomach's production of hydrochloric acid, so it is not a good idea to drink lots of milk to quell the pain of a bleeding ulcer. In the short run, it may actually help to ease the burning pain, but in the long run it will not help to cure the ulcer, and it may actually make it worse! A better solution would be to use yogurt or fermented milk products instead, because these products actually will assist in the healing process. Some other suggestions might be to use healing agents such as slippery elm powder, raw cabbage juice, and cayenne pepper. Yes, cayenne

or capsicum actually helps to heal ulcers, and also licorice. Cayenne pepper is a strong agent for quelling bleeding. Do not be afraid of using it for your ulcer. There is a story about a man who was so beset with stomach pain from his ulcer that he decided that he didn't want to live with the pain any longer. So, when he went to the medicine cabinet to see what type of drugs he could use, he found that there was nothing there except cayenne pepper capsules. So, thinking that this would do him in, he proceeded to take the whole bottle and fell asleep only to be awakened in the morning by his wife. For the first time in a long while, he had slept soundly all night long, and upon awaking, he also realized that his ulcer was completely healed! We don't advocate that you take the whole bottle of capsules nor can we promise that it will completely cure your ulcer in one night, but with persistent continual use, it might help to ease the pain and assist in the healing of your

stomach mucosa.

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