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I've never done a " total " parasite cleanse, but I've used products with wormwood

in it sporatically and have never noticed anything particularly (is that due to

product quality, or quantity ued???).

I have read through (I believe Edgar Cayce writing - which I am far from an

" authority " on) the English interpretation of one of the prophecies in

Revelations talks of the bitterness of wormwood being the " poison " that taint

the water and multitudes fall ill/die; BUT, even with that said, that is of

massive " dosage " , not what's in tinctures.

Not much help, but a direction,



I have some misgivings about doing Dr. Hulda's parasite regimen because two

older friends of mine who know a little about herbs told me that Wormwood is

dangerous. They have explained that it could cause emotional problems. Has

anyone on the cleanse noticed any side effects? They even suggested that it

may cause certain insanities. I'm just looking for advice.


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I have been taking wormwood regularly for a few months now with no emotional

side effects. I am an emotional person by nature, and I know most

of my triggers, but this isn't one of them. Last week I gave 10 capsules

of wormwood (along with the other parasite herbs) to my son who has been

diagnosed as bipolar. He didn't have any emotional reaction to it

either. Dr. says that parasites are the cause of mental disorders.

I hope that by following the parasite cleanse program (and some of her

other advice) that he will continue to become more emotionaly stable.


otter111@... wrote:

I have some misgivings about doing Dr. Hulda's parasite


because two older friends of mine who know a little about herbs told

me that Wormwood is dangerous. They have explained that it could

cause emotional problems. Has anyone on the cleanse noticed any


effects? They even suggested that it may cause certain insanities.

I'm just looking for advice.


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Perhaps ask your friends if they have had personal experience with it,

or if they are going by what their friends told them, who in turn

relied on still others.


> I have some misgivings about doing Dr. Hulda's parasite regimen

> because two older friends of mine who know a little about herbs told

> me that Wormwood is dangerous. They have explained that it could

> cause emotional problems. Has anyone on the cleanse noticed any


> effects? They even suggested that it may cause certain insanities.

> I'm just looking for advice.


> Thanks

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Perhaps your friends could suggest a comparably effective vermifuge or

anti-parasitic herb, if you are still interested in addressing the parasites

but skeptical of using wormwood.


In a message dated 10/20/2001 11:12:49 AM Eastern Daylight Time,

leoelfie@... writes:

<< Perhaps ask your friends if they have had personal experience with it,

or if they are going by what their friends told them, who in turn

relied on still others.


> I have some misgivings about doing Dr. Hulda's parasite regimen

> because two older friends of mine who know a little about herbs told

> me that Wormwood is dangerous. They have explained that it could

> cause emotional problems. Has anyone on the cleanse noticed any


> effects? They even suggested that it may cause certain insanities.

> I'm just looking for advice.


> Thanks


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When I was doing her program under her guidance, I had to back off on the

wormword simply because it impacted my vitality negatively. Each person

needs to be aware of his/her body and adjust accordingly. I backed down and

told her why. CB Wormwood

> I have some misgivings about doing Dr. Hulda's parasite regimen

> because two older friends of mine who know a little about herbs told

> me that Wormwood is dangerous. They have explained that it could

> cause emotional problems. Has anyone on the cleanse noticed any side

> effects? They even suggested that it may cause certain insanities.

> I'm just looking for advice.


> Thanks

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  • 2 years later...
Guest guest

I've used Artemesinin and while I did have a bladder tumor recurrence one

cannot say it might have been worse or Artemesinin did nothing?

You need to go to the site of the University of Washington shown on that

page and look for the guy doing the research.

My problem is that I've gleaned from all of the good sites and books that

you need to do all you can, as many protocols as you can because you/we need

all the advantages we can get over this scourge.

The trouble with claims for effectiveness is that few have any human trials

but rather only have test tube evidence.

Go to the Cancer Reports of Dr. Ralph Moss, formerly of Sloan Kettering at:


You will find valuable information from his free newsletter as well as

reports on what appear to be scams or over-stated benefits. This is one

knowledgeable fellow.

Good luck with whatever you are doing.

Joe Castronovo

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  • 3 years later...

Wormwood is a potent Herb! http://www.rootgrafix.com/herbalnexus/h_wormwd.htm Wormwood - Artemisia absinthium: Appearance:Wormwood grows into a woody shrub, with distinctive and attractive pale bluish green leaves, which smell somewhat medicinal when bruised. Growing Info:This plant is a hardy perennial, and prefers full sun. Vigorously cut it back a couple times a year to keep the resulting shrub from getting too woody or taking over. One plant can supply quite a lot of wormwood. The herb has a somewhat medicinal smell as it hangs to dry, which may be annoying if it is hanging in a high-traffic

area of your home. Culinary Uses:Extract of wormwood containing absinthe is found in a few European alcoholic beverages (notably Strega), but due to health hazards from internal ingestion of absinthe, this use is fading fast. A turn of the century potent alcoholic drink called Absinthe was popular in Paris; frequent users were strongly prone to violent or self-destructive behavior well beyond that seen with plain alcohol. Today, very small amounts may be found in vermouth, as a flavoring which goes a long way. Internal or culinary use is strongly discouraged, especially long-term. Medicinal Uses in Folklore:Taken internally, wormwood is said to help aid gastrointestinal digestion, but there are less toxic remedies available. It may well be potent against parasitic intestinal worms, hence its name. On the short term, it may be soothing to the nervous system. It may promote menestruation, as well as help cool down fevers. It is also said

to help the liver. Poultices to help heal bruising may be effective. Either place the wormwood in boiling water, allow the resulting liquid to cool, and use that, or wrap the wormwood in a cloth, run warm water over this, and apply to the injured area, over unbroken skin, for fifteen minutes. This appears to be most effective before the full bloom of bruising occurs. (As I have seen no data one way or the other as to whether the toxic component of wormwood can cross the skin barrier, frequent external applications are not recommended.) "Absinthe makes the heart grow fonder" relates to early observations on the aforementioned beverage and its desired effect (which was not always its actual effect). Scanning the Scientific Literature:NOTE: This is one of the 'Problem Herbs'. The bitter taste of wormwood comes from absinthin and anabsinthin. Another

constituent is thujone, an oil known to cause convulsions in rats in relatively low concentrations. One half ounce of wormwood oil caused convulsions and unconsciousness in a human foolish enough to tempt it. Long term use builds up toxic effects. Wormwood pollen is an extremely common allergen, often resulting in upper airway distress. People allergic to mugwort tend to be allergic to wormwood as well. Other Info:In ancient Greece, this herb was sacred to Artemis, while Culpeper declares this to be an herb of Mars. Wormwood is not to be confused with 'sweet wormwood' (Artemesia annua), found in many parts of the world, especially China. In the early 1970s Chinese scientists recognized this second herb's potential for treating malaria and isolated the active principle, artemesinin or qinghaosu.

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