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DE-STRESS --- Hopefully helpful -- just passing it on

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This is something a friend passed on to me. I haven't really checked it out but I did do the free PDF download to go back and read when I have more time than I do right now. Just passing it on -- if you're like me, anything that can de-stress in a healthy way is a good thing. We'll see!

Your friend,

Christy :-)


Dear Friends, We all know that millions of people are experiencing extra stress. Much outgoing care and compassion is needed to help ease the emotional pain that so many are increasingly experiencing. Doc Childre, founder of HeartMath, a leading stress research institute, has written a free booklet De-Stress Kit for the Changing Times that provides a few simple practices to help people intercept and manage stress during this period of challenge and uncertainty. We want to make this booklet available to as many people as possible, so we are asking you to please help distribute De-Stress Kit for the Changing Times to others at this time of increased need. Feel free to post the De-Stress Kit link or PDF file on your Web site. E-mail it to friends and family, send it to other Web sites and blogs or refer people to www.heartmath.org/destresskit

For banners that can be used on a Web site, the URL is www.heartmath.org/destressbanners

With genuine care, Your Friends at HeartMath

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