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The Vital Importance of Inner Alignment

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The Vital Importance of Inner Alignment by Owen Waters Many people in society today work at jobs they don't like, and find themselves with little or no time for activities that increase the quality of their lives. Such people are out of alignment with their inner selves. Traditionally, society has pressured people into conformity. Peer pressure to conform to an immediate social group begins at school because, from an early age, people are taught that they should conform to outside standards. In England, the phrase "know your place" is used as a put-down to someone who has started to become outstanding in some way. In Australia, the traditional phrase is "cut down the tall poppies." In Japan, "The nail that sticks up shall be pounded down." However, this pressure towards conformity has been lessening in recent decades, and it will continue to lessen as people realize that there is strength in diversity. Diversity is natural. Conformity is unnatural. In the universe, every snowflake, every person, and even every proton is unique. Together, the sum of the parts makes up a perfect universe of infinite diversity. Diversity is designed into the universe because the universe exists in order that Infinite Being, the All That Is, may gain an infinite variety of experiences. In the case of human beings as expressions of the one source, we have free will so that we can makes choices. Making choices, and experiencing the results of those choices, is what human life is all about. Inner alignment means becoming more of your true self. Your inner being is your true self, and by developing your inner potential, you express more and more of your true self. In heart-centered, New Reality consciousness, mutual support is shared between people. That means that being different is good, developing personal skills is good, and exploring your own potential is good. Deep within, everyone is equal. However, in your unique form of expression in the outer world, you are different to everyone else. Not better or worse, not more-than or less-than; just different, because diversity is natural and is honored through mutual respect. The New Reality of heart-centered consciousness is being built on this Earth, one person at a time. New Reality consciousness is a supportive and empowered state of consciousness, rather than the Old Reality consciousness of separation and fear. When a person manifests their own unique, inner being, they become aligned, in the way that a laser beam is aligned, rather than being scattered by external should's and should-not's. When many people in society become aligned in their own personal power, the whole becomes far more influential than the sum of the parts. In fact, it becomes exponentially more powerful. When enough pioneers choose New Reality consciousness, there will come a day when their powerfully aligned influence will reach a critical mass. Then, it will transform the remainder of society and, suddenly, everyone will "get it." Society, as a whole, will then realize that heart-centered consciousness is the way forward into creating its bright, new future.This article was written by Owen Waters, author of the ground-breaking, new e-book, "Discover Your Purpose in Life." Finding your own unique purpose in life is essential to gaining inner alignment. The new e-book, "Discover Your Purpose in Life," will not only show you how to discover the purpose of your inner being and your own destiny, it will take you on a voyage of inner discovery. On this journey, you will pass through the layers of what used to be unsolved mysteries. At each step, we will go deeper still, always using the question "why" to go deeper still, until we reach the final layer and discover the answer to the ultimate mystery in life. Just imagine what it will be like to wake up every morning and know that you hold the key to the very reason for life itself. Not just to your own purpose, but the master key to the very reason for the existence of the universe! When you gain this profound depth of understanding, imagine the sense of purpose and destiny that will be yours each and every day! Discover your own unique purpose in life now. See how it fits in perfectly with the natural flow of the universe and even with the original reason for life itself. Your journey of discovery is waiting. Download your personal copy of "Discover Your Purpose in Life" now, at: http://www.infinitebeing.com/ebooks AOL users: <a href="http://www.infinitebeing.com/ebooks"> Click here for E-Books.</a> *If you enjoyed today's article, forward it to a friend! They will appreciate your thoughtfulness. The Infinite Being newsletter brings you spiritual insights for the New Awareness each Sunday at your request from Infinite Being Publishing LLC, 73 Greentree Dr #54, Dover DE 19904, USA. 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