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Fw: [AwakeningCosmicConsciousness] EFT - FOR PHYSICAL PAIN/ FEARS/ GUILT/ ANGER ETC:

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[AwakeningCosmicConsciousness] EFT - FOR PHYSICAL PAIN/ FEARS/ GUILT/ ANGER ETC:

I've been using this and It works Great * Amazing. Check out the short video's on right column. You can also subscribe to this site and down load a free manual. Love & Light, Krystle

Support for your EFT Manual from Craig, EFT Founder(There is no charge for these messages)

Hi,I am so pleased you downloaded The EFT Manual. It is your beginning education in EFT and you should achieve impressive results with just these basics. It is fun, insightful and designed to give anyone a solid foundation in this extraordinary process. Please don't skim over it. If you do, you will miss many of the benefits.

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Three thoughts to get you started

1. Perspective: The EFT Manual is only a portion of the much more thorough EFT Course. That's why you will see references to videos and audios that are not included in the manual. The videos and audios are available on our website.

2. Try it on Everything: One of the delightful features of EFT is that you use the same procedure (The Basic Recipe--see pages 20-32) for everything. That's why we encourage you to bring it to your physician's attention. For example, instead of using Prozac for depression, Tylenol for a headache or Aleve for back pain you simply aim EFT at the issue and, in most cases, relief is obtained without meds.

Further, there appears to be no limit as to the benefits you can gain with EFT. The better you get at it, the more you can achieve. With experience and creativity you can address just about every pain, disease, emotional or performance issue you can name.

3. Start with a simple pain or physical discomfort: This is because physical issues tend to be easiest to work with for a beginner. Try it on several people so you get a good sense of how it works. This will increase your odds of achieving success and will give you confidence in the process. You can expand from there.

Remember, you are a beginner here and, although you can often do extraordinary things with just these basics, you will not have the same success ratio as a more seasoned EFT'er. You may stumble on your first try or two but, eventually, you can't help but get some astonishing successes. If not, re-read the manual because you are doing something wrong. Properly done, The EFT Basics work extraordinarily well. We have had ten year olds get quality results with this process.

More next time.


PS: If you wish to save time and dive right in, you can accelerate your skills by getting our Entire DVD Library at...


With the 50% discount you will be getting a $100,000 education for a fraction of the cost of a good business suit.

Witness EFT in ActionNote: these movies require a high speed Internet connection. EFT Introduction

Cigaratte Cravings

Post Traumatic Stress Disorder

Fears & Phobias

Food Cravings

EFT for Pain

EFT Skeptic

Childhood Trauma

Physical Issue

Your email address for this subscription is: angel91@...

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