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Hawaii Moves To Ban Aspartame

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Hawaii Moves To Ban Aspartame (NutraSweet/ Equal, Etc)

From Dr. Betty i,D.Hum


Senate Bill 2506 introduced by Senator Kalani English,

and also signed by Senator Suzanne Chun-Oakland, as

well as House Bill 2580 sponsored by Representative

Millie Carroll will move to ban aspartame from the

State of Hawaii.

Efforts continue to ban this deadly excitoneurotoxic

carcinogenic drug that is addicting the public and

triggering so many symptoms and diseases from MS and

lupus and seizures to Parkinson's, diabetes and

obesity and even blindness and death. An aspartame

documentary, Sweet Misery: A Poisoned World, explains

how Don Rumsfeld got this marketed when the FDA said

no. http://www.soundand fury.tv/pages/ rumsfeld2. html

Masquerading as an additive it's a deadly drug that

interacts with other drugs and vaccines.

No one can forget the gallant efforts of Senator

Gerald Ortiz y Pino who sponsored the Senate bill to

ban aspartame in New Mexico. One picture that remains

in my mind is addressing the Senate with Senators

sipping Diet Coke. Dr. Ken Stoller said " It's hard to

believe we are going to get anywhere with you drinking

this but consider the children. " Aspartame is a

teratogen triggering birth defects and mental

retardation, reducing IQ, and triggering all types of

behavioral and psychiatric problems. http://www.mpwhi.

com/report_ on_aspartame_ and_children. htm

Fox of Santa Fe, Managing Editor of the Santa

Fe Sun News and prime New Mexico moving force behind

the legislature efforts to ban aspartame, commented on

the great consumer progress implicit in these two

bills in Hawaii:

" This is wonderful news coming from Hawaii; the

Legislators and their bill drafters saw the merit in

keeping almost all of the same language from the 2006

and 2007 New Mexico bills, especially regarding the

states' rights and their obligation to protect

citizens health, which are not " preempted " by massive

failures at the FDA.

" These New Mexico bills were overwhelmed and

eviscerated in New Mexico by some of the most vicious

corporate lobbyists I have ever encountered,

representing Ajinomoto of Japan, the world's largest

aspartame and MSG manufacturer, as well as their duped

American corporate henchmen/colleagues who use massive

amounts of Aspartame, like Coca Cola, Pepsi,

Altria/Kraft Corporate services, and others. The same

lobbyists will show up in Honolulu, make no mistake...

" These corporations have everything to lose if such

bills advance and ultimately lead to the inevitable

product liability and personal injury suits from those

damaged by aspartame, which number in the hundreds of

millions, despite their cooperate serving propaganda

and lies.

" My profoundest appreciation goes to the Hawaii

activists who brought up these imperative issues, and

to the Legislators who see the merit and need to

protect the health of all Hawaiians, no matter what

duplicity is perpetuated by the top brass and

corporate lackeys at the FDA. "

47 Members of the UK Parliament have asked for a ban

and efforts in New Zealand continue with a circulating

petition for ban.

Aspartame was never proven safe. Here is the Board of

Inquiry Report of the FDA that revoked the petition

for approval: http://www.mpwhi. com/fda_petition 1.doc

In the US a petition has been filed with the FDA to

ban aspartame based on an imminent health hazard.

Twelve toxicologists wrote the FDA Commissioner in

June asking for a ban having to do with the Ramazzini

Studies showing aspartame to be a multipotential

carcinogen. http://www.mpwhi. com/aspartame_

letter_to_ fda.pdf

We thank Hawaii for their efforts at safeguarding the

people of that state and standby to help in anyway

possible. SB 2506 is listed below for review.

Dr. Betty i, D.Hum, Founder

Mission Possible International (warning the world off


9270 River Club Parkway

Duluth, Georgia 30097

770 242-2599

www.mpwhi.com, www.dorway.com

Aspartame Toxicity Center, www.holisticmed.


Aspartame Disease: An Ignored Epidemicwww.

sunsentpress. com, H. J. , M.D.

Excitotoxins: The Taste That Kills,

www.russellblaylock md.com, Blaylock, M.D.

Fox can be reached at stephen@santafefine


Timetable of Aspartame: http://www.mpwhi.

com/ecologist_ september_ 2005.pdf


Report Title:

Artificial Sweetener; Aspartame; Ban; Food


Bans the use of the artificial sweetener aspartame in

food products.


S.B. NO.





relating to food.



SECTION 1. The legislature finds it is imperative for

the public health, safety and welfare to declare that

aspartame and its derivative compounds, in all of

their trade names, are poisonous and deleterious food

additives due to their neurotoxic and carcinogenic


The legislature finds that federal authorities have

not intended to or expressed an intention to occupy

and preempt areas of concern regarding the prohibition

of toxic, neurotoxic, carcinogenic, poisonous or

deleterious food additives, and therefore the

legislature may prohibit the sale of products

containing aspartame and its derivative compounds in

order to protect and ensure the public health, safety

and welfare.

SECTION 2. Section 328-1, Hawaii Revised Statutes, is

amended by adding a new definition to be appropriately

inserted and to read as follows:

" " Aspartame " means the artificial sweetener with the

technical name L-aspartyl-L- phenylalanine methyl

ester. "

SECTION 3. Section 328-6, Hawaii Revised Statutes, is

amended to read as follows:

" '328-6 Prohibited acts. The following acts and the

causing thereof within the State by any person are


(1) The manufacture, sale, delivery, holding, or

offering for sale of any food, drug, device, or

cosmetic that is adulterated or misbranded;

(2) The adulteration or misbranding of any food, drug,

device, or cosmetic;

(3) The receipt in commerce of any food, drug, device,

or cosmetic that is adulterated or misbranded, and the

delivery or proffered delivery thereof for pay or


(4) The sale, delivery for sale, holding for sale, or

offering for sale of any article in violation of

section 328-11, 328-12, or 328-17;

(5) The dissemination of any false advertisement;

(6) The refusal to permit entry or inspection, or to

permit the taking of a sample, as authorized by

sections 328-22 and 328-23 to 328-27, or to permit

access to or copying of any record as authorized by

section 328-23;

(7) The giving of a guaranty or undertaking which

guaranty or undertaking is false, except by a person

who relied on a guaranty or undertaking to the same

effect signed by, and containing the name and address

of the person residing in the State from whom the

person received in good faith the food, drug, device,

or cosmetic;

(8) The removal or disposal of a detained or embargoed

article in violation of sections 328-25 to 328-27;

(9) The alteration, mutilation, destruction,

obliteration, or removal of the whole or any part of

the labeling of, or the doing of any other act with

respect to a food, drug, device, or cosmetic, if the

act is done while the article is held for sale and

results in the article being adulterated or


(10) Forging, counterfeiting, simulating, or falsely

representing, or without proper authority using any

mark, stamp, tag, label, or other identification

device authorized or required by rules adopted under

this part or regulations adopted under the Federal


(11) The use, on the labeling of any drug or in any

advertisement relating to the drug, of any

representation or suggestion that an application with

respect to the drug is effective under section 328-17,

or that the drug complies with that section;

(12) The use by any person to the person's own

advantage, or revealing other than to the department

of health or to the courts when relevant in any

judicial proceeding under this part, any information

acquired under authority of section 328-11, 328-12,

328-17, or 328-23, concerning any method or process

which as a trade secret is entitled to protection;

(13) In the case of a prescription drug distributed or

offered for sale in this State, the failure of the

manufacturer, packer, or distributor thereof to

maintain for transmittal, or to transmit, to any

practitioner who makes written request for information

as to the drug, true and correct copies of all printed

matter which is required to be included in any package

in which that drug is distributed or sold, or such

other printed matter as is approved under the Federal

Act. Nothing in this paragraph shall be construed to

exempt any person from any labeling requirement

imposed by or under other provisions of this part;

(14) (A) Placing or causing to be placed upon any drug

or device or container thereof, with intent to

defraud, the trade name or other identifying mark, or

imprint of another or any likeness of any of the

foregoing; or

(B) Selling, dispensing, disposing of, or causing to

be sold, dispensed, or disposed of, or concealing or

keeping in possession, control, or custody, with

intent to sell, dispense, or dispose of, any drug,

device, or any container thereof, with knowledge that

the trade name or other identifying mark or imprint of

another or any likeness of any of the foregoing has

been placed thereon in a manner prohibited by

subparagraph (A); or

© Making, selling, disposing of, or causing to be

made, sold, or disposed of, or keeping in possession,

control, or custody, or concealing, with intent to

defraud, any punch, die, plate, or other thing

designed to print, imprint, or reproduce that trade

name or other identifying mark or imprint of another

or any likeness of any of the foregoing upon any drug,

device, or container thereof;

(15) Except as provided in part VI and section 461-1,

dispensing or causing to be dispensed a different drug

or brand of drug in place of the drug or brand of drug

ordered or prescribed without express permission in

each case of the person ordering or prescribing;

(16) The distribution in commerce of a consumer

commodity as defined in this part, if such commodity

is contained in a package, or if there is affixed to

that commodity a label, which does not conform to this

part and of rules adopted under authority of this

part; provided that this prohibition shall not apply

to persons engaged in business as wholesale or retail

distributors of consumer commodities except to the

extent that such persons:

(A) Are engaged in the packaging or labeling of such

commodities; or

(B) Prescribe or specify by any means the manner in

which such commodities are packaged or labeled;

(17) The selling or dispensing in restaurants, soda

fountains, drive-ins, lunch wagons, or similar public

eating establishments of imitation milk and imitation

milk products in place of fresh milk and fresh milk

products respectively; of liquid or dry products which

simulate cream but do not comply with content

requirements for cream in place of cream; of non-dairy

frozen desserts which do not comply with content

requirements for dairy frozen desserts in place of

dairy frozen desserts; and of any other imitation food

or one made in semblance of a genuine food in place of

such genuine food, unless the consumer is notified by

either proper labeling or conspicuous posted signs or

conspicuous notices on menu cards and advertisements

informing of such substitution, to include but not

limited to the substitution of imitation milk in milk

shake and malted milk drinks;

(18) Wilfully and falsely representing or using any

devices, substances, methods, or treatment as

effective in the diagnosis, cure, mitigation,

treatment, or alleviation of cancer. This paragraph

shall not apply to any person who depends exclusively

upon prayer for healing in accordance with teachings

of a bona fide religious sect, denomination, or

organization, nor to a person who practices such


(19) The selling or offering for sale at any food

facility which serves or sells over the counter

directly to the consumer an unlabeled or unpackaged

food that is a confectionery which contains alcohol in

excess of one-half of one per cent by weight unless

the consumer is notified of that fact by either proper

labeling or conspicuous posted signs or conspicuous

notices on menu cards and advertisements;

(20) The sale to a person below the age of twenty-one

years of any food which is a confectionery which

contains alcohol in excess of one-half of one per cent

by weight[.];

(21) After December 31, 2008, the manufacture, sale or

delivery or holding or offering for sale of any food

containing any amount of aspartame and its derivative

compounds in any of their trade names. "

SECTION 4. This section shall not apply to the sale,

delivery, holding, or offering for sale of any food

product containing aspartame prior to January 1, 2009.

SECTION 5. Statutory material to be repealed is

bracketed and stricken. New statutory material is


SECTION 6. This Act shall take effect upon its




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Good! Now if the FDA will wake up, do their job, and start protecting us, it will be a step in the right direction for America! Thanks for posting this Michele. Lots of Love, Joy

[ ] Hawaii Moves To Ban Aspartame

Hawaii Moves To Ban Aspartame (NutraSweet/ Equal, Etc)>From Dr. Betty i,D.Hum1-23-8 Senate Bill 2506 introduced by Senator Kalani English,and also signed by Senator Suzanne Chun-Oakland, aswell as House Bill 2580 sponsored by RepresentativeMillie Carroll will move to ban aspartame from theState of Hawaii. Efforts continue to ban this deadly excitoneurotoxiccarcinogenic drug that is addicting the public andtriggering so many symptoms and diseases from MS andlupus and seizures to Parkinson's, diabetes andobesity and even blindness and death. An aspartamedocumentary, Sweet Misery: A Poisoned World, explainshow Don Rumsfeld got this marketed when the FDA saidno. http://www.soundand fury.tv/pages/ rumsfeld2. htmlMasquerading as an additive it's a deadly drug thatinteracts with other drugs and vaccines. No one can forget the gallant efforts of SenatorGerald Ortiz y Pino who sponsored the Senate bill toban aspartame in New Mexico. One picture that remainsin my mind is addressing the Senate with Senatorssipping Diet Coke. Dr. Ken Stoller said "It's hard tobelieve we are going to get anywhere with you drinkingthis but consider the children." Aspartame is ateratogen triggering birth defects and mentalretardation, reducing IQ, and triggering all types ofbehavioral and psychiatric problems. http://www.mpwhi.com/report_ on_aspartame_ and_children. htm Fox of Santa Fe, Managing Editor of the SantaFe Sun News and prime New Mexico moving force behindthe legislature efforts to ban aspartame, commented onthe great consumer progress implicit in these twobills in Hawaii: "This is wonderful news coming from Hawaii; theLegislators and their bill drafters saw the merit inkeeping almost all of the same language from the 2006and 2007 New Mexico bills, especially regarding thestates' rights and their obligation to protectcitizens health, which are not "preempted" by massivefailures at the FDA. "These New Mexico bills were overwhelmed andeviscerated in New Mexico by some of the most viciouscorporate lobbyists I have ever encountered,representing Ajinomoto of Japan, the world's largestaspartame and MSG manufacturer, as well as their dupedAmerican corporate henchmen/colleagues who use massiveamounts of Aspartame, like Coca Cola, Pepsi,Altria/Kraft Corporate services, and others. The samelobbyists will show up in Honolulu, make no mistake... "These corporations have everything to lose if suchbills advance and ultimately lead to the inevitableproduct liability and personal injury suits from thosedamaged by aspartame, which number in the hundreds ofmillions, despite their cooperate serving propagandaand lies. "My profoundest appreciation goes to the Hawaiiactivists who brought up these imperative issues, andto the Legislators who see the merit and need toprotect the health of all Hawaiians, no matter whatduplicity is perpetuated by the top brass andcorporate lackeys at the FDA." 47 Members of the UK Parliament have asked for a banand efforts in New Zealand continue with a circulatingpetition for ban. Aspartame was never proven safe. Here is the Board ofInquiry Report of the FDA that revoked the petitionfor approval: http://www.mpwhi. com/fda_petition 1.doc In the US a petition has been filed with the FDA toban aspartame based on an imminent health hazard.Twelve toxicologists wrote the FDA Commissioner inJune asking for a ban having to do with the RamazziniStudies showing aspartame to be a multipotentialcarcinogen. http://www.mpwhi. com/aspartame_letter_to_ fda.pdf We thank Hawaii for their efforts at safeguarding thepeople of that state and standby to help in anywaypossible. SB 2506 is listed below for review. Dr. Betty i, D.Hum, Founder Mission Possible International (warning the world offaspartame) 9270 River Club Parkway Duluth, Georgia 30097 770 242-2599 www.mpwhi.com, www.dorway.com Aspartame Toxicity Center, www.holisticmed.com/aspartame Aspartame Disease: An Ignored Epidemicwww.sunsentpress. com, H. J. , M.D. Excitotoxins: The Taste That Kills,www.russellblaylock md.com, Blaylock, M.D. Fox can be reached at stephensantafefineart Timetable of Aspartame: http://www.mpwhi.com/ecologist_ september_ 2005.pdf www.wnho.net Report Title: Artificial Sweetener; Aspartame; Ban; Food Description: Bans the use of the artificial sweetener aspartame infood products. THE SENATE S.B. NO. 2506 TWENTY-FOURTH LEGISLATURE, 2008 STATE OF HAWAII A BILL FOR AN ACT relating to food. BE IT ENACTED BY THE LEGISLATURE OF THE STATE OFHAWAII: SECTION 1. The legislature finds it is imperative forthe public health, safety and welfare to declare thataspartame and its derivative compounds, in all oftheir trade names, are poisonous and deleterious foodadditives due to their neurotoxic and carcinogenicmetabolites. The legislature finds that federal authorities havenot intended to or expressed an intention to occupyand preempt areas of concern regarding the prohibitionof toxic, neurotoxic, carcinogenic, poisonous ordeleterious food additives, and therefore thelegislature may prohibit the sale of productscontaining aspartame and its derivative compounds inorder to protect and ensure the public health, safetyand welfare. SECTION 2. Section 328-1, Hawaii Revised Statutes, isamended by adding a new definition to be appropriatelyinserted and to read as follows: ""Aspartame" means the artificial sweetener with thetechnical name L-aspartyl-L- phenylalanine methylester." SECTION 3. Section 328-6, Hawaii Revised Statutes, isamended to read as follows: "'328-6 Prohibited acts. The following acts and thecausing thereof within the State by any person areprohibited: (1) The manufacture, sale, delivery, holding, oroffering for sale of any food, drug, device, orcosmetic that is adulterated or misbranded; (2) The adulteration or misbranding of any food, drug,device, or cosmetic; (3) The receipt in commerce of any food, drug, device,or cosmetic that is adulterated or misbranded, and thedelivery or proffered delivery thereof for pay orotherwise; (4) The sale, delivery for sale, holding for sale, oroffering for sale of any article in violation ofsection 328-11, 328-12, or 328-17; (5) The dissemination of any false advertisement; (6) The refusal to permit entry or inspection, or topermit the taking of a sample, as authorized bysections 328-22 and 328-23 to 328-27, or to permitaccess to or copying of any record as authorized bysection 328-23; (7) The giving of a guaranty or undertaking whichguaranty or undertaking is false, except by a personwho relied on a guaranty or undertaking to the sameeffect signed by, and containing the name and addressof the person residing in the State from whom theperson received in good faith the food, drug, device,or cosmetic; (8) The removal or disposal of a detained or embargoedarticle in violation of sections 328-25 to 328-27; (9) The alteration, mutilation, destruction,obliteration, or removal of the whole or any part ofthe labeling of, or the doing of any other act withrespect to a food, drug, device, or cosmetic, if theact is done while the article is held for sale andresults in the article being adulterated ormisbranded; (10) Forging, counterfeiting, simulating, or falselyrepresenting, or without proper authority using anymark, stamp, tag, label, or other identificationdevice authorized or required by rules adopted underthis part or regulations adopted under the FederalAct; (11) The use, on the labeling of any drug or in anyadvertisement relating to the drug, of anyrepresentation or suggestion that an application withrespect to the drug is effective under section 328-17,or that the drug complies with that section; (12) The use by any person to the person's ownadvantage, or revealing other than to the departmentof health or to the courts when relevant in anyjudicial proceeding under this part, any informationacquired under authority of section 328-11, 328-12,328-17, or 328-23, concerning any method or processwhich as a trade secret is entitled to protection; (13) In the case of a prescription drug distributed oroffered for sale in this State, the failure of themanufacturer, packer, or distributor thereof tomaintain for transmittal, or to transmit, to anypractitioner who makes written request for informationas to the drug, true and correct copies of all printedmatter which is required to be included in any packagein which that drug is distributed or sold, or suchother printed matter as is approved under the FederalAct. Nothing in this paragraph shall be construed toexempt any person from any labeling requirementimposed by or under other provisions of this part; (14) (A) Placing or causing to be placed upon any drugor device or container thereof, with intent todefraud, the trade name or other identifying mark, orimprint of another or any likeness of any of theforegoing; or (B) Selling, dispensing, disposing of, or causing tobe sold, dispensed, or disposed of, or concealing orkeeping in possession, control, or custody, withintent to sell, dispense, or dispose of, any drug,device, or any container thereof, with knowledge thatthe trade name or other identifying mark or imprint ofanother or any likeness of any of the foregoing hasbeen placed thereon in a manner prohibited bysubparagraph (A); or © Making, selling, disposing of, or causing to bemade, sold, or disposed of, or keeping in possession,control, or custody, or concealing, with intent todefraud, any punch, die, plate, or other thingdesigned to print, imprint, or reproduce that tradename or other identifying mark or imprint of anotheror any likeness of any of the foregoing upon any drug,device, or container thereof; (15) Except as provided in part VI and section 461-1,dispensing or causing to be dispensed a different drugor brand of drug in place of the drug or brand of drugordered or prescribed without express permission ineach case of the person ordering or prescribing; (16) The distribution in commerce of a consumercommodity as defined in this part, if such commodityis contained in a package, or if there is affixed tothat commodity a label, which does not conform to thispart and of rules adopted under authority of thispart; provided that this prohibition shall not applyto persons engaged in business as wholesale or retaildistributors of consumer commodities except to theextent that such persons: (A) Are engaged in the packaging or labeling of suchcommodities; or (B) Prescribe or specify by any means the manner inwhich such commodities are packaged or labeled; (17) The selling or dispensing in restaurants, sodafountains, drive-ins, lunch wagons, or similar publiceating establishments of imitation milk and imitationmilk products in place of fresh milk and fresh milkproducts respectively; of liquid or dry products whichsimulate cream but do not comply with contentrequirements for cream in place of cream; of non-dairyfrozen desserts which do not comply with contentrequirements for dairy frozen desserts in place ofdairy frozen desserts; and of any other imitation foodor one made in semblance of a genuine food in place ofsuch genuine food, unless the consumer is notified byeither proper labeling or conspicuous posted signs orconspicuous notices on menu cards and advertisementsinforming of such substitution, to include but notlimited to the substitution of imitation milk in milkshake and malted milk drinks; (18) Wilfully and falsely representing or using anydevices, substances, methods, or treatment aseffective in the diagnosis, cure, mitigation,treatment, or alleviation of cancer. This paragraphshall not apply to any person who depends exclusivelyupon prayer for healing in accordance with teachingsof a bona fide religious sect, denomination, ororganization, nor to a person who practices suchteachings; (19) The selling or offering for sale at any foodfacility which serves or sells over the counterdirectly to the consumer an unlabeled or unpackagedfood that is a confectionery which contains alcohol inexcess of one-half of one per cent by weight unlessthe consumer is notified of that fact by either properlabeling or conspicuous posted signs or conspicuousnotices on menu cards and advertisements; (20) The sale to a person below the age of twenty-oneyears of any food which is a confectionery whichcontains alcohol in excess of one-half of one per centby weight[.]; (21) After December 31, 2008, the manufacture, sale ordelivery or holding or offering for sale of any foodcontaining any amount of aspartame and its derivativecompounds in any of their trade names." SECTION 4. This section shall not apply to the sale,delivery, holding, or offering for sale of any foodproduct containing aspartame prior to January 1, 2009.SECTION 5. Statutory material to be repealed isbracketed and stricken. New statutory material isunderscored. SECTION 6. This Act shall take effect upon itsapproval. ____________________________________________________________________________________Be a better friend, newshound, and know-it-all with Mobile. Try it now. http://mobile./;_ylt=Ahu06i62sR8HDtDypao8Wcj9tAcJ

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