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Why Your Health Won't Improve...

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This is an advertisement, but it has some interesting truths in it. Blessing, Joy

----- Original Message ----- Hi Joy,A few emails back we talked about thebiggest thing that creates grounds formany diseases.Right now over acidity gives rise to yourinternal environment being conducive todisease. Virtually all degenerative diseasesare associated with excess acidity in the body.Have you ever heard of Dr. Carrell (he wona Nobel Prize in Medicine)?No?... Well every person in medical communityknows his name because of his exceptionaldiscovery that rocked the establishment.Dr. Carrell said that "there's no diseases onlyan acidic body, change that and you will getrid of all diseases forever".Now, another way to relieve the disease is bymedical intervention, or prescription medicine.But let's look at what really happens when youtake prescription medicine to relieve a disease.Prescription medicine help you to cover up thesymptoms of the acidic body which over timeresult in a disease. But they don't help youtreat the cause of the problem which is theacidic body.Relieve the acidic body - make it morealkaline - by changing your diet to morehealthy alkaline foods - and you can see atremendous difference in your health andyour overall well-being.It's all laid out for you in easy, step-by-stephealthy techniques in the new Natural HealthProgram.You can read about it here:http://www.pH-health.com/getbetter.html If you have been suffering from weight gain,obesity, diabetes, heart damage, heartproblems, bladder and kidney conditions,including kidney stones, immune deficiency,any form of cancer, premature aging, weakbones, hip fractures, joint pain, achingmuscles, lactic acid buildups, low energy,chronic fatigue, headaches, sinus problems,irritability, colds, and flu - these are someof the symptoms of over acidic body.*****If you are ready to add years to your life,give a boot to all your sicknesses anddiseases you have been dealing for so longthen go here now:http://www.pH-health.com/getbetter.html *****Regardless of the particular symptom all ofthese conditions originate with a boostof the amount of acid in the body.But don't get upset thinking that there is nosolution. Because there is. And has beenknown and practiced by many holistic doctorsfor many years.It was first discovered by a Nobel Prizechampion, Doctor Carrell when he took cells fromthe heart of a dead chicken then put them inan alkaline solution of minerals andnutrients... and guess what, they remainedamazingly healthy. He kept those cells alivefor 28 years! And they didn't age, didn't getsick, they didn't die... until his assistantstopped cleaning the cell fluid.He concluded in the end of this experiment,"The cell is immortal. It's merely the fluidin which it floats which degenerates. Renewthis fluid at intervals, give the cells whatthey require for nutrition and as far as weknow, the pulsation of life may go onforever."One of the best things you can do foryourself and your body is to clean up yourdiet and your lifestyle. But you don't haveto go out there and research how to do itbecause it's already been done for you.I've collected valuable tools and resourcesthat can help you change your body frombeing too acidic to being more alkaline. Justlike it did for me and thousands of others.I've researched countless books, articles,interviews and anything else I could find andI've created a one stop source ofacid/alkaline balance information. Practicalinformation for understanding pH and itseffect on your health... and I'm convinced itwill help your body function properly to.You can get the full scoop here:http://www.pH-health.com/getbetter.html Here's just a taste of what's revealed in thisincredible health transforming system:* How to bring your health and body backto balance to experience better and healthierlifestyle.* A new philosophy of eating that provides youwith healing energy and nutrients.* Three reasons to avoid foods that havenegative effect on your health.* One step you need to take daily to boostyour level of energy, improve your vitality, achieve better health, and regain clarity of mind.* Why you permanently shed unwanted pounds when your bodily fluids have perfectly balanced pH.* 12 steps that will help your body reserve acidicwastes.* Steps to take to get rip of acidic wastes in yourtissues and cells, guaranteed.* Hidden secrets about digestion.* How to hydrate your body without having tocarry gallons of water with you.* Transition stages that will help you begin theproactive process of alkalizing your body.* General guidelines for taking and shoppingfor supplements.* Steps to take that will help you maintain yourbody's essential pH balance over many years tocome.And that's not nearly all.Get the full scoop at my special web page here:http://www.pH-health.com/getbetter.html Be Happy and Healthy,Beverly P.S. Right now, you can get my whole systemat a 51% discount! All I ask is your honesttestimonial in return. Please note the price willgo back to normal in a few days.So, head over tohttp://www.pH-health.com/getbetter.html and see what all the fuss is about.I promise you will be glad you did.

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