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http://www.dicksutphen.com/html/webcol302.htmlMASTER OF LIFE COLUMNDick SutphenDate: 1-11-08BORN TO SUFFERA recent client named Jeff gave me permission to share this condensed version of his story, which unfolded over two hypnosis phone sessions. Jeff loves his wife, Sharon, but the relationship is not working. "She cannot allow herself to be happy," he said. "She views everything darkly. When things start looking good, she finds some way -- I'm sure unconsciously -- to cause them to turn out bad. It's as if she is only happy when she's suffering." Sharon had no interest in exploring metaphysically so it was up to Jeff to learn the cause of their plight. I offered a controversial technique if he wanted to explore it. "I could connect you psychically to Sharon with a 'chakra-link,'" I said. "She would not be consciously involved. Then I'd direct you to scan her memory banks to learn the cause of her current viewpoint."Our first phone session involved hypnosis conditioning and some basic past-life explorations. I directed Jeff to explore a lifetime he and Sharon had shared if they had ever incarnated to be together. If they had been together in many lives, I asked his Higher-Self to choose the past life most influencing their current life.Jeff was soon perceiving himself together with Sharon in an 1800s incarnation. They were married and experiencing the same gender roles they do today. "But Sharon, in the past life, seemed to be as miserable as she is today," Jeff said after the session.In the second phone session, I asked Jeff to vividly imagine his wife and to make the chakra-link connection as I directed. Next he asked for help from Spirit and then scanned her memory banks in an attempt to learn why Sharon is so negative. Spirit then made the connection and he was soon describing the events he perceived:In 1783 Sharon was a male farmer living in a sod hut on the Great Plains. Married, with four young children, the couple went into winter without enough cut wood. During a long blizzard when temperatures plummeted and the snow was too deep to traverse, the family began to freeze to death. Huddled together, the children died first. For two days the wife ranted at her husband (Sharon in this life). She told him over and over that he was idiot for not preparing them for winter. "The children are dying because of you. Little is already gone. We're all going to die because of you. I will never, ever, ever forgive you. I hope you're damned to hell for what you've done. It's what you deserve ..."The family died. The farmer, reincarnating as Sharon, is still punishing himself for what happened in the sod house on the prairie. Obviously she is putting herself through the hell she believes on a soul level she deserves. She reincarnated to suffer. No joy. No pleasure. Just pain.Jeff was not the wife in the sod hut cursing her husband. But they obviously have karma because they've been together in three incarnations since 1783. I directed a forgiveness process with him, and he feels like a huge weight has been lifted. But Sharon does not accept reincarnation and refuses to open a door that could end her suffering. No one else can do the necessary forgiving that will eventually purge her soul.Jeff wants to take a break before a exploring a third session in which he hopes to find out why he has needed to be with Sharon and support her during these lifetimes of suffering.* * * * * .
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