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Re: When Should You Use Conventional Medicine?

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Excellent article, Michele! I am in total agreement! I would add another time for using Conventional (Allopathic) medicine. Surgeries such as hip replacements. Diagnosis, necessary surgeries, and acute trauma are the only times we use them. Fortunately not too often, other than for my Dad's heart. Love, Joy

[ ] When Should You Use Conventional Medicine?

When Should You Use Conventional Medicine? Q : by Dr. Sopchak from Kirksville, Missouri View Dr.Sopchak from Kirksville, Missouri's Profile Add Dr. Sopchak from Kirksville, Missouri to Friends Receive Updates from Dr. Sopchak from Kirksville,Missouri By News Feed I am a second year medical Student in an Osteopathicinstitution. What are the strengths and weaknesses ofthe conventional medical educational system as you seeit? What items that I am learning should I put stockin and which should I take with a grain of salt? A : Answer (Published April 03, 2007 ) Great question as the answer has very broadimplications. Conventional medicine, I really don'tthink it is at all appropriate to call it traditionalmedicine as that would imply that the model has beenaround for centuries and that simply is not the caseat all.Conventional is far more appropriate a term as it iswhat is typically being practiced today and has beenfor about the last century when the AMA in the US,with the help of the drug companies, help to squashthe true traditional medicine, which today isfrequently referred to as alternative medicine. Myfavorite term for this type of practice though isnatural medicine as it is a system based on thousandsof years of empirical data that relies on theassumption that your body has an innate and intrinsichealing ability if it is given what it needs andexposure to toxic influences are minimized.Getting back to your question, conventional medicinecertainly has is place. I believe its most appropriateif restricted to two areas, one is diagnosis and theother is the treatment of acute trauma. The use ofblood tests, diagnostic imaging and pathologicalevaluation can provide a very useful tool to rule outserious illness that can easily be overlooked by wellintentioned natural medical practitioners.So I would learn very well the diagnostic tools thatyou will learn in school as they will serve you will.Where you will need to exercise extreme caution isbelieving the treatment recommendations. You can bevirtually 100% guaranteed that the model has beenflawed by massive conflict of interests at the highestlevel. Virtually all conventional physicians areunaware, as I was when I was in the system, that theyhave been seriously brainwashed by the multinationaldrug corporations.Drugs are virtually never the long-term answer to anymedical problem. They can provide short-term reliefwhen addressing the underlying cause of the problem.Once you understand that you can teach your patientsthis so they can use you appropriately as a healthcoach to guide them in their process of taking controlof their own health.See the video http://v.mercola.com/QA/When-Should-You-Use-Conventional-Medicine--2732.aspx My comment:Being a person that doesnt like to be going to doctorsat all, but had to because of my herniated discs, I dounderstand that conventional medicine is important todiagnose, and even MRI's are a very good way to seewhat's going on when Xrays will not show herniateddiscs.The issue I am raising is that drugs can be used for ashort term when necessary, however on the long termusing alternative medicine has healing benefits.Whereas drugs cover up the problem and don't heal andare addictive. They are the bandage.Preventive medicine, and nutrition and healing are theway to go, preventing disease with nutrition andsuppliments, and excersice, drinking water, yoga, andso on. Blessings,Michele ____________________________________________________________________________________Be a better friend, newshound, and know-it-all with Mobile. Try it now. http://mobile./;_ylt=Ahu06i62sR8HDtDypao8Wcj9tAcJ

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