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I love buying the 1% fat ground turkey and grilling with some Jamaican jerk

spice, making chili, or just grilling to put on a salad...an excellent break

from chicken!!


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Collen- I eat a ton of Turkey but I get ground white meat turkey from

the butcher. I love it. I cook it in a pan sprayed with Pam and use

it in many recipes including Chunky Turkey Chili and Whole Wheat

Lasagna with Turkey and Spinach (deelish!) - AMY

> I'm going to make this brief as I'm of course pushed

> for time. LOL


> everyone talks about eating chicken breast. what

> about turkey? I bought some frozen pre portioned

> turkey breast from the schwans guy and it says they

> have 17grm of protein and 1 gr carb. is this an ok

> thing. again I know " read the book " I haven't had

> time and this would be so easy for me to cook. Thanks

> in advance.


> C


> __________________________________________________


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Like someone else said, turkey is leaner. It should be

fine. But be careful, it will make you drowsy. >>

Why would it make me more drowsy than chicken?



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Turkey has triptophan. Chicken doesn't. Triptophan makes you

sleepy. However, I have heard it may be a myth that turkey is

entirely to blame for the sleepiness. Most people get sleepy after

Thanksgiving Dinner. However, the cause is likely from the high

carbohydrate meal.

However, if you have trouble sleeping, maybe you could eat some

turkey for the last meal of the day.


> Like someone else said, turkey is leaner. It should be

> fine. But be careful, it will make you drowsy. >>


> Why would it make me more drowsy than chicken?


> C


> __________________________________________________


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I'd stay away from any butter.

Cheryl C.


>I had some country crock low fat butter on 1/2 a bagel this morning with cottage cheese on the side. Can you have low fat butter? >

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  • 4 years later...


definately consult an attorney AND show him/her the letter your ex husbands wife has sent you...... Document everything they do or say. Write everything down... Thats your ticket... But dont let them know you are doing so. I doubt the court will give your ex custody if he posessed child porn and he and his wife are so agressive...... Definately consult a lawyer on this one.....

in Lancaster, Ca Plain <likeawillow@...> wrote:

Sorry that I haven't been online much lately. I hurtmy lower back in August and haven't felt much likesitting at the computer for long periods of time dueto the pain. Had an MRI today, so hopefully will knowexactly what is going on sometime later this week.Hoping it isn’t what the doctor fears .... a ruptureddisk.I have a quick question for those of you who eitherhave older kids (teens) or kids with ADHD and/or AS. There is a situation brewing here that I am not surehow to handle.As some of the older members may remember, my son isnow 16 and AS, ADHD, and mood disorder - NOS. He maybe 16 in chronological years, but emotionally andsocially he is more like 9 or 10. My ex-husband (his father) was convicted of possessingchild pornography six years ago. I don't know ifother

states are doing this, but Iowa recentlyenforced a 2000 ft. rule, meaning that sex offendersliving within 2000 ft. or about 5 blocks of a schoolor daycare are forced to find new housing. Thisincludes his father. They had moved close to us(about one mile) in August, then found out in midSeptember that they were going to be forced to move. They have now found another home about ten milesoutside of town, and are waiting to sell the housethat they currently live in. My question is ... like most teens, is somewhatrebellious. Things here have been stressful, as Ihave been out of work -except for seven weeks - sincelast November and money is really tight. Each time weget into a disagreement, spouts off that he isgoing to move in with Dad and Wendi (dad's wife) assoon as they relocate. This idea is being fed by hisdad and stepmom - illustrated by this email I got

whenthey found out that they would have to move.From : and WendiSent : Monday, September 19, 2005 7:00 PMTo : <likeawilllow@...>, Subject : you stupid bitchYou know I have had it with you, I am sick and tiredof your sorry ass, I hope you are fucking happy nowthat we have to move you stupid cow. This is all yourfucking fault,if you and your petty insecurities wouldhave waited before you turned Steve in for "alleged'child porn we wouldnt be going thru this now, thanksto you i have 4 more years of hell thanks to you. Areyou happy? I bet you fucking are,you stupid bitch.you are no longer allowed to call steve or this houseunless is sick or dying, you are not allowed tocall him on his cell unless

justin is sick or dying ,your stupid sensless phone calls, your cry babyattitude is done at this house as far as I amconcerned, we don't fucking care about you so stopcalling. you know justin told us the other day that he wasseriously considering moving in with us. I hope hedoes cuz then you will have nothing. the only reasonyou want him around is for the money he brings you.and quit trying to guilt trip him into staying , heobviously likes the calmness of our house versus thechaos in yours, he tells us he's tired of beingbitched at for stupid shit. oh and if one of your so called friends ever lays ahand on him ()again their will be seriousproblems not only will this so called friend of yoursbe turned into the law , so will you for letting himdo it. told us all about how your so calledfriend "larry" sat on him to control him. well bitchit aint happening anymore , cuz if it

does there willbe hell to pay. its funny how steves justins ownfather gets the cops called on him for doing the samething your so called friend did but you turned stevein and not this larry asshole. you have some prettyfucked up sense of responsibility to your family. wendi"She makes no bones about her hatred of me. For thosewho don't remember or are new, my daughter found afile of child porn on my ex's computer six years ago. I turned him in. He told me and the police that itwas stuff that he had found on a computer at work andthat he was holding onto to keep the employee fromgetting fired (if that was the case, why was it on hishard disk? in addition to the disk that he broughthome) He was found guilty by a judge, sentanced totwo years probation, 30 days in jail (work release sohe was there only after work hours and weekends) and a$250 fine. During this time the only

time that did not see him was while he was serving the jail timeand for a month when he was required to wear an anklemonitor as he had not been following the guidelinesset for him.To explain some of what was in the note, Larry helpedsubdue the last time he had a severe meltdown. had kicked me in the face with boots on andLarry as well as another man and 's best friendall took him down to the ground. Larry happens toweigh all of 120 pounds soaking wet and justpicked him up and threw him. The other explanationis that at the present time our only income is's SSI and child support.. I recently cashed inmy only life insurance to pay the rent and theutilties for this month and next month, thus giving memore time to find a job. has said that his dad has already talked to anattorney about him moving in with them.

My question to you all is - do you think that with's emotional age at 9 or 10, he is cognizantenough/mature enough to make such a life alteringdecision? This is the kid that can't think beyondwhat he wants or thinks he needs. Both his dad andstepmom don't believe in the AS diagnosis and don'twant him on his meds, feel he is just a normal teen asillustrated by this passage from another email."You complain that you have no money, not our faultits yours you have been offered a few jobs and turnedthem all down because of , well guess what ? is just fine and needs to be treated as anormal teenager. Don't tell us you do. because youdon't."Note: turned down two jobs that were 50 miles outsideof town due to lack of dependable car - brakessquealing badly - and needing to be close to get to and from doctor appointments. I haveaccepted work here in town

.... sadly it has just beentemporary work ... nothing lasting.What do you all think? Should I consult an attorneyas well. I don't feel that is thinking muchbeyond the fact that both of them are working and hecan get what he wants when he wants it, instead ofhaving to have some kind of patience and waiting untilthe funds are there. Please, any input would be appreciated. __________________________________ - PC Magazine Editors' Choice 2005 http://mail.

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--- Annie <annie@...> wrote:

> Call a lawyer! These people are sick, and trying to

> get the jump on

> you! Make hard copies of every bit of filth this

> woman has sent to you,

> and give it to the attorney as well; gives you a

> pretty good case for

> harrassment.


I am planning on calling the attorney tomorrow and

since I can't print out the emails, I am going to get

his email addy at work and just forward them to him...

that way he can look them over at his convenience and

call me with what he thinks. Likely if anything were

to come of this he would not be able to represent me

as he used to be the lawyer for my husband's company

(disbanded in 1989), but he is a family friend and

would be able to answer what he thinks of the

situation from a personal standpoint and perhaps

recommend a good attorney if it does come to that.

> Above all, don't communicate with them

> in any but a calm

> and reasonalble manner...are document every bit of

> contact as well.

I only respond in a calm manner. I know better than

to let my temper get the best of me.

> I'd

> get a recorder attached to the phone and let them

> know they are being

> recorded from here on in, starting now.

Already doing so. My ex knows that I've been taping

all calls coming into the house for many years now.

My son is especially lousy at taking messages, so if I

want to know what someone wanted I replay the tape,

get the message and then reuse the tape. The only

time I have ever kept a call was when some of my

daughter's ex-friends were calling the house and

threatening her. I don't use it to evesdrop on calls

or such, just for the reasons outlined above.

> If you

> don't have an answering

> machine for when you're not there, get one...or get

> voice mail service

> on your phone (Qwest, our phone co. here, offers

> it).

I, too, have Qwest and do have the voice mail. The

problem, hence the recorder, is when answers

the phone and then promptly forgets the message.

> The point is, not

> a word that comes out of their mouths (or keyboards)

> to you should not

> go unrecorded in some way or other.

I am doing so.

> If your ex is

> still on probation,

> you might want to get in touch with the presiding

> judge in that case and

> let him/her know what's going on.

He is no longer on probation. Probation only lasted

two years and was over in June of 2002. He is still

on the sex offender registry for another four years,

but then will be home free.


> But definitely talk to a lawyer. I think, with

> these sickos, you're

> probably gonna need one.

I agree. My main fear is that , who is already

picking up the abusive mental mindset that his dad has

had and probably a good portion of Wendi's as well, is

not emotionally mature enough to understand the

ramifications of moving to their house. All he can see

it as right now, from what he has told me, is that

they want him there, they are employed and I'm not.

I'm too much of a " bitch " (his words) because I am

constantly worried about money and finding a job and

he actually has FUN at their house. He has no chores

there, nothing is expected of him beyond him being

there and they are able to spend more one on one time

with him. says that I am just too damn grumpy

all the time. I try to explain to him that pain makes

one grumpy. I have a fairly high pain tolerance but I

will admit there are times that I can barely move and

I will be a bear about it. I still do all my chores,

still carry laundry to the basement and do it, still

carry garbage out, everything.

I've tried not to let this injury slow me down. I

will admit that I am terrified about the future.

Turning in my life insurance for cash was the last

straw. There are no other monies to be had when that

runs out if I don't have a job by then. I am truly

sorry that his home life here is just not FUN. God

never guaranteed that life would be easy or fun.

's social/emotional age is about 10 according to

his p-doc. In Iowa the age of being able to choose is

14. Chronologically is 16. Would the court

take into account his autism or would they just let

him leave?

I'll admit it... I am scared. Hopefully the attorney

will have something to say that will clear up the

questions and ease my mind. I sure hope so.

Thanks for writing Annie, as usual you are a wonderful

source of information, insights and hope.




> Annie, who loves ya annie@...




- PC Magazine Editors' Choice 2005


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  • 2 years later...

Usually 6 weeks. We just got 's done and will have his redrawn in Dec -

6 weeks later



Have courage for the great sorrows of life and patience for the small ones.

And when you have finished your daily task, go to sleep in peace. God is

awake. ~ Victor Hugo

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We just had this done and were told to wait three weeks!

Sue in NY

On Nov 23, 2007 11:43 AM, Misty <mistycmathis@...> wrote:







> Jake has been off IVIG for 6 months so we drew some levels and they did

> not come back so good. So we did the pneumovax (SP??) so now we need

> to have titer levels drawn. My question is How long do you wait to

> have titers drawn after pneumovax? His immunologist sent me the RX for

> the vaccination and titer draw he just failed to tell me how long to

> wait to get the blood drawn. We have done this song and dance before I

> just cannot remember for the life of me how long we waited! Thanks.

> Misty - mom to Jake age 5 selective antibody def.



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We generally do them after 3 weeks and then for some people if those come out

fairly good then they are repeated at 6 weeks to see if they have held. In our

case the 3 weeks has been enough to put him back on IVIg We were only off for 3

months or 100 days before we tested. Our doc did not want to go into the winter

months due to the increased risks. So it is good you are getting results soon.

Also if he was on IV then maybe he can try SubQ we love it.!


Quick Question

Jake has been off IVIG for 6 months so we drew some levels and they did

not come back so good. So we did the pneumovax (SP??) so now we need

to have titer levels drawn. My question is How long do you wait to

have titers drawn after pneumovax? His immunologist sent me the RX for

the vaccination and titer draw he just failed to tell me how long to

wait to get the blood drawn. We have done this song and dance before I

just cannot remember for the life of me how long we waited! Thanks.

Misty - mom to Jake age 5 selective antibody def.



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We did pre and post titers - pre on the day of the vaccination and post 4 -

6 weeks following. (Didn't work the 2 times we tried it so now we are

trying Prevnar...)

Kim, mom to , CVID or Hyper IgE, age 5

>From: " Misty " <mistycmathis@...>



>Subject: Quick Question

>Date: Fri, 23 Nov 2007 16:43:37 -0000


>Jake has been off IVIG for 6 months so we drew some levels and they did

>not come back so good. So we did the pneumovax (SP??) so now we need

>to have titer levels drawn. My question is How long do you wait to

>have titers drawn after pneumovax? His immunologist sent me the RX for

>the vaccination and titer draw he just failed to tell me how long to

>wait to get the blood drawn. We have done this song and dance before I

>just cannot remember for the life of me how long we waited! Thanks.

>Misty - mom to Jake age 5 selective antibody def.


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We're preparing to do this, too. Our current immunologist, the one who

actually deals with secondary immune deficiencies, plans to check titers

after 3 weeks, period. With everything that I've read, if you're only going

to do one check, it would make more sense to wait 6 weeks because, even if a

child makes antibodies initially, so many kids don't retain the antibodies

and it really makes no difference if they have them at 3 weeks, and they're

gone 3 weeks later.

Also, I really don't understand why, if one vaccine didn't create the

desired antibodies, it's necessary to do another kind. I would still worry

that my child didn't make the antibodies to the first vax; to me, that means

there's still an issue. We're dealing with a lot of allergies and a severe

past reaction to vaxes, so we're moving forward with this stage very

carefully. Plus, every time we've gotten ready to do the vax, Sterling's

been sick. When I asked Dr. Orange about using DT, he said that would be

enough for diagnosis. So why do immunologists insist on more?



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I know that with Jake our immunologist was hoping for possibly an

immature immune system. We did the prevnar and he did not mount a

response and then we did the pnuemovax and he still did not mount a

response therefore he started IVIG. He stayed on 3 1/2 years and is

trialing off. We have been off for six months and pre levels did not

look good so now he has had a second dose of the pneumovax and we

need post levels. We are hoping that it is an immature immune system

and he will hold a response but we are not holding our breath.

Clinically he has not done great since the fall came. So I guess

technically this will make it the second time we checked. I am

wondering though...when kids have problems with pneumochical (sp)

titers do they usually keep checking this periodically even though

they have never responded before? If Jake is not on IVIG he stays

sick but he really holds his own very well when he is own. He still

gets sick but the number of infections are cut almost 75%. It is

amazing what it does for him. The rest of his numbers look real good

it is just his response to prevnar and pneumovax.




> We're preparing to do this, too. Our current immunologist, the one


> actually deals with secondary immune deficiencies, plans to check


> after 3 weeks, period. With everything that I've read, if you're

only going

> to do one check, it would make more sense to wait 6 weeks because,

even if a

> child makes antibodies initially, so many kids don't retain the


> and it really makes no difference if they have them at 3 weeks, and


> gone 3 weeks later.


> Also, I really don't understand why, if one vaccine didn't create


> desired antibodies, it's necessary to do another kind. I would

still worry

> that my child didn't make the antibodies to the first vax; to me,

that means

> there's still an issue. We're dealing with a lot of allergies and a


> past reaction to vaxes, so we're moving forward with this stage


> carefully. Plus, every time we've gotten ready to do the vax,


> been sick. When I asked Dr. Orange about using DT, he said that

would be

> enough for diagnosis. So why do immunologists insist on more?


> Thanks!

> Missy


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In our case my son Lucas was tested at 2 which is not always accurate and then

again at almost 4 and that is when we started IVIG. We tested a broader part of

his immune system at 6 but he was still on IVIg so I do not believe most was

accurate. At 10 after 6 years on IVIg we went off of 100 days he was on antx the

entire time sick with Respiratory problems, sinus, lungs etc. We retested after

pneumovax and after 3 and 6 weeks he had lost the tiny bit that he had so we

restarted SubQ rather than IV. We were told that would be the last retesting

with our last doc but we move across country and the new doc said they may

retest at 14 to see where he is because my son wants to be off the

Gammaglobulin. Otherwise the only other indication I can see is for the look at

what puberty did . This has been our course for now. He still gets infection but

his numbers are much higher. Instead of 900 they are closer to 1300 and he seems

to have much more energy. He does

know the difference with and without his infusion. if I am late for some reason

he knows. We are dealing with an outbreak of MRSA in the school district and in

his school and we are trying to decide what to do . Keep him in school or not. I

did talk to the school but was not comfortable with their plan to keep things

maintained or cleaned for that matter. Lucas is allergic to 4 classed of

antibiotics so I am more concerned about what our options are than if he did not

have that issue. We really do not have too many options when he gets and

infection so what would we do it he got MRSA. I know that I cannot protect him

from the world but the way I am looking at it now is that this is a known

problem and I want to atleast be prudent. I am weighing what it means to pull

him out mid year. Sadly this is the first time in his life that he wants to be

in school. He has always been very upset about going to school so I have been

thinking he really needs the

social so have kept him in school but now I do not know.

Barbie mom to Lucas 11almost 12 with CVID, Bipolar etc.


Re: Quick Question

I know that with Jake our immunologist was hoping for possibly an

immature immune system. We did the prevnar and he did not mount a

response and then we did the pnuemovax and he still did not mount a

response therefore he started IVIG. He stayed on 3 1/2 years and is

trialing off. We have been off for six months and pre levels did not

look good so now he has had a second dose of the pneumovax and we

need post levels. We are hoping that it is an immature immune system

and he will hold a response but we are not holding our breath.

Clinically he has not done great since the fall came. So I guess

technically this will make it the second time we checked. I am

wondering though...when kids have problems with pneumochical (sp)

titers do they usually keep checking this periodically even though

they have never responded before? If Jake is not on IVIG he stays

sick but he really holds his own very well when he is own. He still

gets sick but the number of infections are cut almost 75%. It is

amazing what it does for him. The rest of his numbers look real good

it is just his response to prevnar and pneumovax.




> We're preparing to do this, too. Our current immunologist, the one


> actually deals with secondary immune deficiencies, plans to check


> after 3 weeks, period. With everything that I've read, if you're

only going

> to do one check, it would make more sense to wait 6 weeks because,

even if a

> child makes antibodies initially, so many kids don't retain the


> and it really makes no difference if they have them at 3 weeks, and


> gone 3 weeks later.


> Also, I really don't understand why, if one vaccine didn't create


> desired antibodies, it's necessary to do another kind. I would

still worry

> that my child didn't make the antibodies to the first vax; to me,

that means

> there's still an issue. We're dealing with a lot of allergies and a


> past reaction to vaxes, so we're moving forward with this stage


> carefully. Plus, every time we've gotten ready to do the vax,


> been sick. When I asked Dr. Orange about using DT, he said that

would be

> enough for diagnosis. So why do immunologists insist on more?


> Thanks!

> Missy




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Hi Misty,

Our oldest son was trialed off his IVIG at age 5, and had the same


Hi Ig levels tested in low-normal range but he had little to no response on his


titres. Our immunologist said that although his total quantity had improved,

the quality

was still a problem. That added to his clinical picture got him back on IVIG.

He had a very

bad autumn that year without the IVIG. He's now on SubQ due to severe side

effects (aseptic meningitis)

and doing very well. I believe the next trial off will be when he is 10 (he is

now 8).

Good Luck!

, mom to:

(8) - CVID, asthma, migraines, possible siezure disorder, SubQ weekly

(5) - CVID, asthma, changing from IVIG every 3 weeks to SubQ weekly

(2) - CVID, asthma, neutropenia, changing from IVIG every 3 weeks to

SubQ weekly

<< I am wondering though...when kids have problems with pneumochical (sp)

titers do they usually keep checking this periodically even though

they have never responded before? If Jake is not on IVIG he stays

sick but he really holds his own very well when he is own. He still

gets sick but the number of infections are cut almost 75%. It is

amazing what it does for him. The rest of his numbers look real good

it is just his response to prevnar and pneumovax.



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  • 10 months later...

YES no problem. It should help her to get better.


Quick question

Tristen is sick with most likely another sinus infection, I'll take her to

the pedi tomorrow. But tomorrow is her infusion day (my first day on my

own) can I still give her the infusion? I'm assuming yes, since most kids

needing SCIg are kids that are always sick. But I just wanted to ask.



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Yes! She may not even need to go tomorrow! When ever shows signs of coming

down with something, we do his treatment (some times early) and 9 times out of

10 he is better the next morning. Good luck!

@...: daniellemina@...: Wed, 22 Oct 2008

20:45:00 -0700Subject: Quick question

Tristen is sick with most likely another sinus infection, I'll take her tothe

pedi tomorrow. But tomorrow is her infusion day (my first day on myown) can I

still give her the infusion? I'm assuming yes, since most kidsneeding SCIg are

kids that are always sick. But I just wanted to ask.Thanks,le[Non-text

portions of this message have been removed]


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HI everyone, Is anyone else having trouble getting their kids to do their

infusions. Lucas is being HORRIBLE. I already do it at night but he will not let

me right now. We are again 4 days late. Fortunately I used reverse peer pressure

and got blood work drawn last week. And his levels are great ( it was after

actually getting his infusion though) He is refusing to do sinus rinses, so his

nose is gross, and also his sub Q. He is 12 and I know he is sick of being sick

but I am just trying to figure out what to do. His doctor told me that it was my

responsibility until he turns 18. So basically I will have to take him to the

ER. UGH!!! What a waste of everyone's time and energy. His school principal even

talked to him about it yesterday. I have taken all his perks away etc but

remember this is a weekly issue. HELP!!!


Quick question

Tristen is sick with most likely another sinus infection, I'll take her tothe

pedi tomorrow. But tomorrow is her infusion day (my first day on myown) can I

still give her the infusion? I'm assuming yes, since most kidsneeding SCIg are

kids that are always sick. But I just wanted to ask.Thanks,le [Non-text

portions of this message have been removed]

____________ _________ _________ _________ _________ _________ _

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Honestly? I double dose with Binadryl on top of her Clonidine (her Dr

is aware of this and actually suggested it) to basically knock her out. Then

I run the infusion at night. Granted it means I'm up until 2am but I'd

rather missing 1 nights good sleep then dealing with a sick kid.

Quick question


> Tristen is sick with most likely another sinus infection, I'll take her

> tothe pedi tomorrow. But tomorrow is her infusion day (my first day on

> myown) can I still give her the infusion? I'm assuming yes, since most

> kidsneeding SCIg are kids that are always sick. But I just wanted to

> ask.Thanks,le

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I would do that but at age 12 he is very aware of what he is taking. Maybe I can

talk to him about it and come up with a time that he is willing for me to drug

him. HE IS A MONSTER with Benadryl but I could use his Trazadone. It does help

him sleep and maybe I can actually give him the full dose and get through his

infusion. I just have to find the night since it gives him a hangover. Thanks

that is making me think of new ideas.


Quick question


> Tristen is sick with most likely another sinus infection, I'll take her

> tothe pedi tomorrow. But tomorrow is her infusion day (my first day on

> myown) can I still give her the infusion? I'm assuming yes, since most

> kidsneeding SCIg are kids that are always sick. But I just wanted to

> ask.Thanks,le

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Macey is 13 so her infusions are her responsibility. She's infused herself for

alittle over a year now. She draws it up, checks her lot numbers and sticks


Right now with her stomach problem we are trying to encourage her to stick her

legs so that seems to be our biggest battle. But actually infusing is her job

and she's just always accepted the fact that this is what keeps her in school,

going to church and functioning so there really isn't any discussion to it.

It's a fact of life. We've never waivered on infusing or not so it's not even

up for discussion. She has on occasion quizzed her dad about why he doesn't

infuse but understands that when she is his age she will have the choice. Until

then she pops those needles in every week give or take a day. We do allow for

schedule problems but not by more than a day in either direction.

Ursula - mom to (15) and Macey (13, CVID)




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How nice that would be. Lucas would rather be sick or dead. I know he really

does not want to but that is what he says. I cannot get him near his infusion

process. It has NEVER been a choice so this is just the way he is handling it

for now. It is such a pain to work with him about everything right now. I am

glad Macey has taken on the responsibility. You might see what doing it in her

love handles does. It is the only place Lucas will let me infuse. I think it is

less painful than the abdomen or legs. I am diabetic and it works well for me



Re: Quick question

Macey is 13 so her infusions are her responsibility. She's infused herself for

alittle over a year now. She draws it up, checks her lot numbers and sticks


Right now with her stomach problem we are trying to encourage her to stick her

legs so that seems to be our biggest battle. But actually infusing is her job

and she's just always accepted the fact that this is what keeps her in school,

going to church and functioning so there really isn't any discussion to it.

It's a fact of life. We've never waivered on infusing or not so it's not even

up for discussion. She has on occasion quizzed her dad about why he doesn't

infuse but understands that when she is his age she will have the choice. Until

then she pops those needles in every week give or take a day. We do allow for

schedule problems but not by more than a day in either direction.

Ursula - mom to (15) and Macey (13, CVID)

http://www.primaryi mmune.org

http://www.jmfworld .org

http://caringbridge .org/ga/macey/

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