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Re: Dr notes from my last and new PCP visit

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How Do I get the two Dr to see that PA isn't all that " very rare " ?


> As I posted before about this visit this PCP has no clue about PA. You will

also note LVH Doesn't seem to be a concern for him. Has no relationship to

shortness of breath.


> LOCAL TITLE: Primary Care Clinic


> DATE OF NOTE: OCT 27, 2011@13:34





> Note

> ENTRY DATE: OCT 27, 2011@13:35







> *** Primary Care Clinic Note Has ADDENDA ***

> Chief Complaint: 1.) Chronic shortness of breath 2.) " Brain fog "

> HPI:

> This is a morbidly obese (BMI 45) 64 yo male with pmhx notable for HTN, OSA


> BPV presenting with dyspnea on exertion that has been ongoing for 6 weeks and

> prompted a visit to the ED on 9/24/11. In the ED he was worked up with


> CE's, negative CXR and EKG notable only for LVH. He has had intermittent

> episodes of DOE for the past 6 years and has had an extensive cardiac work-up

> including ETT X 3 most recently 2/2011 that was notable only for decreased

> functional capacity (58% of expected). He states that his DOE has not improved

> much since he was seen in the ED and that he gets sob with walking short

> distances. Prior to this most recent episode of DOE he developed vertigo type

> symptoms that lasted for a week but have since resolved. He denies any cp,

> palpitations, PND, orthopnea or sob at rest. He states that " breathing into a

> paper bag " does help his sob and he feels that he has " Conns syndrome " . I

> explained that hyperaldosteronism is very rare and that he would have low

> pottasium and a higher blood pressure if he had Conns.

> He is also c/o chronic fatigue, lightheadedness and " brain fog " that also

> started about 6 years ago. He endorses compliance with his BiPap. He has

> gained 28 pounds in the last 6 years. He exercises very little 2/2 decreased

> tolerance.

> ROS:

> Cons- Denies fevers, chills or unintentional weight loss

> Skin- Denies any new rashes, sores or ulcers


> PATIENT NAME AND ADDRESS (Mechanical imprinting, if available) VISTA

Electronic Medical Documentation






> HEENT- Denies any vision changes, ringing in ears or sore throat

> CV- Denies any chest pain or palpitations

> Resp- + for SOB as above

> GI- Denies any abdominal pain, changes in bowel habits or blood in stool

> GU- Denies any dysuria or obstructive symptoms

> MSK- Denies any arthralgias or myalgias

> Hem- Denies any easy bruising or bleeding

> Endo- Denies any cold or heat intolerance

> Neuro- Denies any weakness, numbness or tingling

> Pmhx:

> # Morbid obesity

> - BMI of 45

> # Hypertension

> # DOE

> - ETT- 4/10/2009: Negative for ischemia, Functional capacity 58% of expected

> - ECHO- 5/19/2008: EF of 55-60%, No obvious WMA

> - PFT's 11/2005: Normal spirometry

> # Dizziness and tachycardia

> - see neuro consultation 5/16/06

> - 6/06 CT= frontal atrophy of brain

> - 9/05 ETT- 6 mets, negative

> 10/05 holter- rare PACSi freq islated PVCSi underlying rhythm sinus averaging

> 71

> - 11/05 PFTs- normal spirometry

> - 11/05 carotid studies- minimal stenosis

> -11/05 loop monitor- sypmtoms sometimes with sinus tach, someties with NSR

> - 12/05 echocardiogram normal

> - 12/08 MRI of brain- mild to moderate cerebral atrophy.

> # Chronic fatigue

> # Hearing loss/tinnitus

> # RLL lung nodule

> - CT of chest 12/06= 7 mm RLL nodule

> - followup CT 5/08= stable

> # L adrenal adenoma

> - CT of chest 12/06- L adrenal nodule, likely adenoma

> - 8/7/06 VMA normal

> - 2/23/06 serum cortisol (random) normal

> - 11/09- stable appearance

> # Sleep apnea, on CPAP

> - Sleep study- 3/21/2007 -> probable sleep apnea

> # Hepatic cysts

> # Stable hyperdense cyst L kidney on 11/09 CT

> # sip laparoscopic appendectomy 12/14/D8

> Meds:

> Active Outpatient Medications (excluding Supplies) :





> Active Outpatient Medications














> Active Non-VA Medications






> 5 Total Medications

> Allergies:


> Symptoms: DIZZINESS






> (historical)




> Sochx:

> Pt lives by himself in Enfield. He worked at Hitchcock hospital in the

> boiler-room for 15 years and later worked as a gardener and handyman. He is


> on disability. He denies any tobacco or ETOH use. He exercises very rarely and

> states that he eats sensibly but does occasionally eat junk food.








> Vitals:


> 10/27/11 @ 1323

> 95% on RA



> 99.4





> 80






> BP

> 142/73




> o




> 308




> Physical exam:

> Gen: Obese male in NAD

> Skin: No rashes, sores or ulcers

> HEENT: EOMI, PERRL, poor dentition, op clear with mmm

> Neck: Supple with normal ROM, JVD not appreciated

> CV: RRR without murmur

> Pulm: CTAB without wheezes, rales or rhonchi. SOB with getting up to the exam

> table.

> Abd: Obese, S/NT/ND, NABS, No HSM

> Ext: 1+ and equal DPP BL, 1+ pretibial pitting edema bl

> Neuro: Non-focal, moving all 4 extremities equally

> Labs:




> CBC:

> WBC: 7.4 (09/24/11 15:15)


> HCT: 44.0 (09/24/1115:15)

> HGB: 14.9 (09/24/11 15:15)

> PT : 12.2 (09/24/11 15: 15)












> BMP:


> 9/24/11 15: 15 131 H 11 0.91 140 3.9 107 23


> 9/24/11 15: 15 10 84

> A/P:

> This is a 64 yo morbidly obese male with HTN, OSA, and chronic DOE with

> extensive negative cardiac workup. I had a frank discussion with the pt

> regarding his obesity and how it is contributing to his decreased functional

> status and the likely cause of most of his symptoms. Pt seems a bit unwilling

> to accept this and thinks that his symptoms might be 2/2 hyperaldosterinism


> mentioned talking to a specialist here at the VA. I assured him that it was

> very unlikely that he had hyperaldo and described to him why. He may benefit

> from talking to a health psychologist and was introduced to Glenna. In regards

> to his HTN, we did discontinue his atenolol as it may be worsening his


> He was started on lisinopril and scheduled for a BP clinic appt in 2 weeks.


> # DOE 2/2 deconditioning/obesity

> - Encouraged pt to exercise daily as tolerated

> # HTN

> - Stop Atenolol

> - Start lisinopril 5 mg qd

> - F/u at BP clinic in 2 weeks with lytes drawn

> # LE edema

> - Continue lasix 60 mg QD

> - Continue triamterene 50 mg QD

> #Preventative

> - Flu shot today

> Colonoscopy ordered

> HIV ordered

> Lipid panel ordered

> Hgb A1C ordered

> RTC in 4 months

> Patient seen and discussed with Dr. Grosssman who agrees with plan of care

> Dean , PGY-1

> BP>=140/90 or BP>=130/80 + DM:

> Repeat BP: 136/75


> The patient's medication regimen was adjusted to improve BP control.

> The patient was counseled on the importance of regular exercise

> and/or physical activity in the control of blood pressure.

> The patient was instructed to try to exercise at least 30 minutes

> 3 times per week if possible and that any increase in physical

> activity may be useful in controlling BP.

> The patient has a limited ability to exercise but was encouraged

> to increase physical activity as much as possible since any

> increase in activity may be beneficial in improving BP control.

> The patient was counseled on the importance of diet and weight

> control in the control of blood pressure.

> Co1orectal Cancer Screening:

> Patient is scheduled for a colonoscopy.

> HIV Screening

> Patient has given verbal consent for HIV antibody testing, and written

> educational materials have been provided. An order for an HIV Antibody

> test has been entered - see orders tab.

> Home Telehealth (CCHT) Referral:

> Patient declines participation in CCHT Program at this time.

> Lipid Screening(M):

> Lipid profile ordered.


> Resident MD

> Signed: 10/27/2011 17:17


> Staff MD

> Cosigned: 10/30/2011 20:22

> Receipt Acknowledged By:

> 12/02/2011 16:13 /es/ GLENNA S ROUSSEAU

> Clinical Psychologist


> I discussed this patient with Dr. and agree with his assessment and



> Staff MD

> Signed: 10/30/2011 20:22

> LOCAL TITLE: Telephone Note-Primary Care


> DATE OF NOTE: SEP 26, 2011@09:14 ENTRY DATE: SEP 26, 2011@09:14:07






> Letter about labs



> Your hemoglobin A1C is a measure of your long-term blood sugar control. Your

> A1C was 5.7, indicating pretty good blood sugar management.

> Your cholesterol levels were very good:




> CHOL: 200

> HDL: 43

> LDL: 128

> TRIG: 145






> HDL is the good cholesterol and should be greater than 40 which yours is.

> Triglycerides are a type of bad cholesterol and should be less than 150 which

> yours is.

> LDL is the bad cholesterol and should be less than 130 which yours is.

> Don't forget that you have a blood pressure check on November 10th. You should

> get your blood drawn prior to that appointment. I hope changing your blood

> pressure medication improves your energy.

> Wishing you the best of health,

> Dean , DO

> VA Medical Center, White River Junction, VT


> Resident MD

> Signed: 10/31/2011 13:58


> Staff MD

> Cosigned: 11/03/2011 16:14


> 64 M NH vet with HTN Possable since 1966 but most B/P at that time were normal

a few with top 140, K went to 3.2 with HCTZ (2007). Sx of CHF. CT 2 cm L adrenal

adenoma(2006). Aldo Renin not classic for PA but done on meds. Never tried on

spiro or eplere but trying to get VA to try. B/P is arould 140/80 on diuretics

eating less NA not at DASH goal. Normal Echo and stress tests.


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How Do I get the two Dr to see that PA isn't all that " very rare " ?


> As I posted before about this visit this PCP has no clue about PA. You will

also note LVH Doesn't seem to be a concern for him. Has no relationship to

shortness of breath.


> LOCAL TITLE: Primary Care Clinic


> DATE OF NOTE: OCT 27, 2011@13:34





> Note

> ENTRY DATE: OCT 27, 2011@13:35







> *** Primary Care Clinic Note Has ADDENDA ***

> Chief Complaint: 1.) Chronic shortness of breath 2.) " Brain fog "

> HPI:

> This is a morbidly obese (BMI 45) 64 yo male with pmhx notable for HTN, OSA


> BPV presenting with dyspnea on exertion that has been ongoing for 6 weeks and

> prompted a visit to the ED on 9/24/11. In the ED he was worked up with


> CE's, negative CXR and EKG notable only for LVH. He has had intermittent

> episodes of DOE for the past 6 years and has had an extensive cardiac work-up

> including ETT X 3 most recently 2/2011 that was notable only for decreased

> functional capacity (58% of expected). He states that his DOE has not improved

> much since he was seen in the ED and that he gets sob with walking short

> distances. Prior to this most recent episode of DOE he developed vertigo type

> symptoms that lasted for a week but have since resolved. He denies any cp,

> palpitations, PND, orthopnea or sob at rest. He states that " breathing into a

> paper bag " does help his sob and he feels that he has " Conns syndrome " . I

> explained that hyperaldosteronism is very rare and that he would have low

> pottasium and a higher blood pressure if he had Conns.

> He is also c/o chronic fatigue, lightheadedness and " brain fog " that also

> started about 6 years ago. He endorses compliance with his BiPap. He has

> gained 28 pounds in the last 6 years. He exercises very little 2/2 decreased

> tolerance.

> ROS:

> Cons- Denies fevers, chills or unintentional weight loss

> Skin- Denies any new rashes, sores or ulcers


> PATIENT NAME AND ADDRESS (Mechanical imprinting, if available) VISTA

Electronic Medical Documentation






> HEENT- Denies any vision changes, ringing in ears or sore throat

> CV- Denies any chest pain or palpitations

> Resp- + for SOB as above

> GI- Denies any abdominal pain, changes in bowel habits or blood in stool

> GU- Denies any dysuria or obstructive symptoms

> MSK- Denies any arthralgias or myalgias

> Hem- Denies any easy bruising or bleeding

> Endo- Denies any cold or heat intolerance

> Neuro- Denies any weakness, numbness or tingling

> Pmhx:

> # Morbid obesity

> - BMI of 45

> # Hypertension

> # DOE

> - ETT- 4/10/2009: Negative for ischemia, Functional capacity 58% of expected

> - ECHO- 5/19/2008: EF of 55-60%, No obvious WMA

> - PFT's 11/2005: Normal spirometry

> # Dizziness and tachycardia

> - see neuro consultation 5/16/06

> - 6/06 CT= frontal atrophy of brain

> - 9/05 ETT- 6 mets, negative

> 10/05 holter- rare PACSi freq islated PVCSi underlying rhythm sinus averaging

> 71

> - 11/05 PFTs- normal spirometry

> - 11/05 carotid studies- minimal stenosis

> -11/05 loop monitor- sypmtoms sometimes with sinus tach, someties with NSR

> - 12/05 echocardiogram normal

> - 12/08 MRI of brain- mild to moderate cerebral atrophy.

> # Chronic fatigue

> # Hearing loss/tinnitus

> # RLL lung nodule

> - CT of chest 12/06= 7 mm RLL nodule

> - followup CT 5/08= stable

> # L adrenal adenoma

> - CT of chest 12/06- L adrenal nodule, likely adenoma

> - 8/7/06 VMA normal

> - 2/23/06 serum cortisol (random) normal

> - 11/09- stable appearance

> # Sleep apnea, on CPAP

> - Sleep study- 3/21/2007 -> probable sleep apnea

> # Hepatic cysts

> # Stable hyperdense cyst L kidney on 11/09 CT

> # sip laparoscopic appendectomy 12/14/D8

> Meds:

> Active Outpatient Medications (excluding Supplies) :





> Active Outpatient Medications














> Active Non-VA Medications






> 5 Total Medications

> Allergies:


> Symptoms: DIZZINESS






> (historical)




> Sochx:

> Pt lives by himself in Enfield. He worked at Hitchcock hospital in the

> boiler-room for 15 years and later worked as a gardener and handyman. He is


> on disability. He denies any tobacco or ETOH use. He exercises very rarely and

> states that he eats sensibly but does occasionally eat junk food.








> Vitals:


> 10/27/11 @ 1323

> 95% on RA



> 99.4





> 80






> BP

> 142/73




> o




> 308




> Physical exam:

> Gen: Obese male in NAD

> Skin: No rashes, sores or ulcers

> HEENT: EOMI, PERRL, poor dentition, op clear with mmm

> Neck: Supple with normal ROM, JVD not appreciated

> CV: RRR without murmur

> Pulm: CTAB without wheezes, rales or rhonchi. SOB with getting up to the exam

> table.

> Abd: Obese, S/NT/ND, NABS, No HSM

> Ext: 1+ and equal DPP BL, 1+ pretibial pitting edema bl

> Neuro: Non-focal, moving all 4 extremities equally

> Labs:




> CBC:

> WBC: 7.4 (09/24/11 15:15)


> HCT: 44.0 (09/24/1115:15)

> HGB: 14.9 (09/24/11 15:15)

> PT : 12.2 (09/24/11 15: 15)












> BMP:


> 9/24/11 15: 15 131 H 11 0.91 140 3.9 107 23


> 9/24/11 15: 15 10 84

> A/P:

> This is a 64 yo morbidly obese male with HTN, OSA, and chronic DOE with

> extensive negative cardiac workup. I had a frank discussion with the pt

> regarding his obesity and how it is contributing to his decreased functional

> status and the likely cause of most of his symptoms. Pt seems a bit unwilling

> to accept this and thinks that his symptoms might be 2/2 hyperaldosterinism


> mentioned talking to a specialist here at the VA. I assured him that it was

> very unlikely that he had hyperaldo and described to him why. He may benefit

> from talking to a health psychologist and was introduced to Glenna. In regards

> to his HTN, we did discontinue his atenolol as it may be worsening his


> He was started on lisinopril and scheduled for a BP clinic appt in 2 weeks.


> # DOE 2/2 deconditioning/obesity

> - Encouraged pt to exercise daily as tolerated

> # HTN

> - Stop Atenolol

> - Start lisinopril 5 mg qd

> - F/u at BP clinic in 2 weeks with lytes drawn

> # LE edema

> - Continue lasix 60 mg QD

> - Continue triamterene 50 mg QD

> #Preventative

> - Flu shot today

> Colonoscopy ordered

> HIV ordered

> Lipid panel ordered

> Hgb A1C ordered

> RTC in 4 months

> Patient seen and discussed with Dr. Grosssman who agrees with plan of care

> Dean , PGY-1

> BP>=140/90 or BP>=130/80 + DM:

> Repeat BP: 136/75


> The patient's medication regimen was adjusted to improve BP control.

> The patient was counseled on the importance of regular exercise

> and/or physical activity in the control of blood pressure.

> The patient was instructed to try to exercise at least 30 minutes

> 3 times per week if possible and that any increase in physical

> activity may be useful in controlling BP.

> The patient has a limited ability to exercise but was encouraged

> to increase physical activity as much as possible since any

> increase in activity may be beneficial in improving BP control.

> The patient was counseled on the importance of diet and weight

> control in the control of blood pressure.

> Co1orectal Cancer Screening:

> Patient is scheduled for a colonoscopy.

> HIV Screening

> Patient has given verbal consent for HIV antibody testing, and written

> educational materials have been provided. An order for an HIV Antibody

> test has been entered - see orders tab.

> Home Telehealth (CCHT) Referral:

> Patient declines participation in CCHT Program at this time.

> Lipid Screening(M):

> Lipid profile ordered.


> Resident MD

> Signed: 10/27/2011 17:17


> Staff MD

> Cosigned: 10/30/2011 20:22

> Receipt Acknowledged By:

> 12/02/2011 16:13 /es/ GLENNA S ROUSSEAU

> Clinical Psychologist


> I discussed this patient with Dr. and agree with his assessment and



> Staff MD

> Signed: 10/30/2011 20:22

> LOCAL TITLE: Telephone Note-Primary Care


> DATE OF NOTE: SEP 26, 2011@09:14 ENTRY DATE: SEP 26, 2011@09:14:07






> Letter about labs



> Your hemoglobin A1C is a measure of your long-term blood sugar control. Your

> A1C was 5.7, indicating pretty good blood sugar management.

> Your cholesterol levels were very good:




> CHOL: 200

> HDL: 43

> LDL: 128

> TRIG: 145






> HDL is the good cholesterol and should be greater than 40 which yours is.

> Triglycerides are a type of bad cholesterol and should be less than 150 which

> yours is.

> LDL is the bad cholesterol and should be less than 130 which yours is.

> Don't forget that you have a blood pressure check on November 10th. You should

> get your blood drawn prior to that appointment. I hope changing your blood

> pressure medication improves your energy.

> Wishing you the best of health,

> Dean , DO

> VA Medical Center, White River Junction, VT


> Resident MD

> Signed: 10/31/2011 13:58


> Staff MD

> Cosigned: 11/03/2011 16:14


> 64 M NH vet with HTN Possable since 1966 but most B/P at that time were normal

a few with top 140, K went to 3.2 with HCTZ (2007). Sx of CHF. CT 2 cm L adrenal

adenoma(2006). Aldo Renin not classic for PA but done on meds. Never tried on

spiro or eplere but trying to get VA to try. B/P is arould 140/80 on diuretics

eating less NA not at DASH goal. Normal Echo and stress tests.


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Francis, here is how I would approach it: I would make copies of 3 files from

our site, Stowasser etal, Chapter 23 and the evolution article. I would explain

that I was uncomfortable with the testing and conclusions that have been made

over the last 3-4 years. Since they all start with the premise that

Hyperaldosteronism is rare we need to make sure we are all working with current

information. (It is important to NOT use the term " CONN'S " because he will

instantly think 1950's and tumor and low K!)

I would provide him with the Stowasser document and explain it is the most

current and complete study you have found. The value starting here is the first

sentence tells him that he is wrong about how rare it is so you don't have to

and get into an arguement. (When I supervised the technical writers at the

insurance company I told them I never wanted to see the term " so therefore I

recommend " at the end

of an article! Start it with " I recommend... " ! The rest can flesh it out (the

why) and this is one of the best examples I have seen!

This is from " The 13 Second Manager " or however many seconds it was! What it

said is a busy executive will stray after that time so that is how long you hve

to make your point! Dr Goopman, " How Your Doctor Thinks " says most doctors will

interrupt within 18 seconds!

I would use Chapter 23 if I felt he needed/wanted more information but I

wouldn't insist he have it if he is ready to play my game! The same with the

evaluation article only if he wants to know " where he missed the train " ! In any

case, I would leave all 3 documents, he may decide he wants to study them!

If he agrees with you get started but don't take " NO " for an answer. Actually

he should take some time to review and discuss with his supervising doctor. If

they both refuse I would ask them to document im my record as to why they think

it is not necessary.

Make sure you read the Stowasser article before your appt. Also make a seperate

consult appointment and don't try to do it t your next RTC.

Good Luck, let me know.

> >

> > As I posted before about this visit this PCP has no clue about PA. You will

also note LVH Doesn't seem to be a concern for him. Has no relationship to

shortness of breath.

> >

> > LOCAL TITLE: Primary Care Clinic


> > DATE OF NOTE: OCT 27, 2011@13:34



> >

> >

> > Note

> > ENTRY DATE: OCT 27, 2011@13:35



> >

> >

> >


> > *** Primary Care Clinic Note Has ADDENDA ***

> > Chief Complaint: 1.) Chronic shortness of breath 2.) " Brain fog "

> > HPI:

> > This is a morbidly obese (BMI 45) 64 yo male with pmhx notable for HTN, OSA


> > BPV presenting with dyspnea on exertion that has been ongoing for 6 weeks


> > prompted a visit to the ED on 9/24/11. In the ED he was worked up with


> > CE's, negative CXR and EKG notable only for LVH. He has had intermittent

> > episodes of DOE for the past 6 years and has had an extensive cardiac


> > including ETT X 3 most recently 2/2011 that was notable only for decreased

> > functional capacity (58% of expected). He states that his DOE has not


> > much since he was seen in the ED and that he gets sob with walking short

> > distances. Prior to this most recent episode of DOE he developed vertigo


> > symptoms that lasted for a week but have since resolved. He denies any cp,

> > palpitations, PND, orthopnea or sob at rest. He states that " breathing into


> > paper bag " does help his sob and he feels that he has " Conns syndrome " . I

> > explained that hyperaldosteronism is very rare and that he would have low

> > pottasium and a higher blood pressure if he had Conns.

> > He is also c/o chronic fatigue, lightheadedness and " brain fog " that also

> > started about 6 years ago. He endorses compliance with his BiPap. He has

> > gained 28 pounds in the last 6 years. He exercises very little 2/2 decreased

> > tolerance.

> > ROS:

> > Cons- Denies fevers, chills or unintentional weight loss

> > Skin- Denies any new rashes, sores or ulcers

> >

> > PATIENT NAME AND ADDRESS (Mechanical imprinting, if available) VISTA

Electronic Medical Documentation


> >

> >

> >

> >

> > HEENT- Denies any vision changes, ringing in ears or sore throat

> > CV- Denies any chest pain or palpitations

> > Resp- + for SOB as above

> > GI- Denies any abdominal pain, changes in bowel habits or blood in stool

> > GU- Denies any dysuria or obstructive symptoms

> > MSK- Denies any arthralgias or myalgias

> > Hem- Denies any easy bruising or bleeding

> > Endo- Denies any cold or heat intolerance

> > Neuro- Denies any weakness, numbness or tingling

> > Pmhx:

> > # Morbid obesity

> > - BMI of 45

> > # Hypertension

> > # DOE

> > - ETT- 4/10/2009: Negative for ischemia, Functional capacity 58% of expected

> > - ECHO- 5/19/2008: EF of 55-60%, No obvious WMA

> > - PFT's 11/2005: Normal spirometry

> > # Dizziness and tachycardia

> > - see neuro consultation 5/16/06

> > - 6/06 CT= frontal atrophy of brain

> > - 9/05 ETT- 6 mets, negative

> > 10/05 holter- rare PACSi freq islated PVCSi underlying rhythm sinus


> > 71

> > - 11/05 PFTs- normal spirometry

> > - 11/05 carotid studies- minimal stenosis

> > -11/05 loop monitor- sypmtoms sometimes with sinus tach, someties with NSR

> > - 12/05 echocardiogram normal

> > - 12/08 MRI of brain- mild to moderate cerebral atrophy.

> > # Chronic fatigue

> > # Hearing loss/tinnitus

> > # RLL lung nodule

> > - CT of chest 12/06= 7 mm RLL nodule

> > - followup CT 5/08= stable

> > # L adrenal adenoma

> > - CT of chest 12/06- L adrenal nodule, likely adenoma

> > - 8/7/06 VMA normal

> > - 2/23/06 serum cortisol (random) normal

> > - 11/09- stable appearance

> > # Sleep apnea, on CPAP

> > - Sleep study- 3/21/2007 -> probable sleep apnea

> > # Hepatic cysts

> > # Stable hyperdense cyst L kidney on 11/09 CT

> > # sip laparoscopic appendectomy 12/14/D8

> > Meds:

> > Active Outpatient Medications (excluding Supplies) :

> >

> >

> >

> >

> > Active Outpatient Medications

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >





> >

> >

> >

> > Active Non-VA Medications




> >

> >

> > 5 Total Medications

> > Allergies:


> > Symptoms: DIZZINESS

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >

> > (historical)

> >

> >

> >

> > Sochx:

> > Pt lives by himself in Enfield. He worked at Hitchcock hospital in the

> > boiler-room for 15 years and later worked as a gardener and handyman. He is


> > on disability. He denies any tobacco or ETOH use. He exercises very rarely


> > states that he eats sensibly but does occasionally eat junk food.

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >

> > Vitals:


> > 10/27/11 @ 1323

> > 95% on RA

> >

> > TEMP

> > 99.4

> >

> >

> >


> > 80

> >

> >

> > RESP

> >

> >

> > BP

> > 142/73

> >

> >

> > PAIN

> > o

> >

> >


> > 308

> >

> >

> >

> > Physical exam:

> > Gen: Obese male in NAD

> > Skin: No rashes, sores or ulcers

> > HEENT: EOMI, PERRL, poor dentition, op clear with mmm

> > Neck: Supple with normal ROM, JVD not appreciated

> > CV: RRR without murmur

> > Pulm: CTAB without wheezes, rales or rhonchi. SOB with getting up to the


> > table.

> > Abd: Obese, S/NT/ND, NABS, No HSM

> > Ext: 1+ and equal DPP BL, 1+ pretibial pitting edema bl

> > Neuro: Non-focal, moving all 4 extremities equally

> > Labs:

> >

> >

> >

> > CBC:

> > WBC: 7.4 (09/24/11 15:15)

> >

> > HCT: 44.0 (09/24/1115:15)

> > HGB: 14.9 (09/24/11 15:15)

> > PT : 12.2 (09/24/11 15: 15)

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >

> > BMP:


> > 9/24/11 15: 15 131 H 11 0.91 140 3.9 107 23


> > 9/24/11 15: 15 10 84

> > A/P:

> > This is a 64 yo morbidly obese male with HTN, OSA, and chronic DOE with

> > extensive negative cardiac workup. I had a frank discussion with the pt

> > regarding his obesity and how it is contributing to his decreased functional

> > status and the likely cause of most of his symptoms. Pt seems a bit


> > to accept this and thinks that his symptoms might be 2/2 hyperaldosterinism


> > mentioned talking to a specialist here at the VA. I assured him that it was

> > very unlikely that he had hyperaldo and described to him why. He may benefit

> > from talking to a health psychologist and was introduced to Glenna. In


> > to his HTN, we did discontinue his atenolol as it may be worsening his


> > He was started on lisinopril and scheduled for a BP clinic appt in 2 weeks.

> >

> > # DOE 2/2 deconditioning/obesity

> > - Encouraged pt to exercise daily as tolerated

> > # HTN

> > - Stop Atenolol

> > - Start lisinopril 5 mg qd

> > - F/u at BP clinic in 2 weeks with lytes drawn

> > # LE edema

> > - Continue lasix 60 mg QD

> > - Continue triamterene 50 mg QD

> > #Preventative

> > - Flu shot today

> > Colonoscopy ordered

> > HIV ordered

> > Lipid panel ordered

> > Hgb A1C ordered

> > RTC in 4 months

> > Patient seen and discussed with Dr. Grosssman who agrees with plan of care

> > Dean , PGY-1

> > BP>=140/90 or BP>=130/80 + DM:

> > Repeat BP: 136/75

> >

> > The patient's medication regimen was adjusted to improve BP control.

> > The patient was counseled on the importance of regular exercise

> > and/or physical activity in the control of blood pressure.

> > The patient was instructed to try to exercise at least 30 minutes

> > 3 times per week if possible and that any increase in physical

> > activity may be useful in controlling BP.

> > The patient has a limited ability to exercise but was encouraged

> > to increase physical activity as much as possible since any

> > increase in activity may be beneficial in improving BP control.

> > The patient was counseled on the importance of diet and weight

> > control in the control of blood pressure.

> > Co1orectal Cancer Screening:

> > Patient is scheduled for a colonoscopy.

> > HIV Screening

> > Patient has given verbal consent for HIV antibody testing, and written

> > educational materials have been provided. An order for an HIV Antibody

> > test has been entered - see orders tab.

> > Home Telehealth (CCHT) Referral:

> > Patient declines participation in CCHT Program at this time.

> > Lipid Screening(M):

> > Lipid profile ordered.

> > /es/ DEAN J TAYLOR

> > Resident MD

> > Signed: 10/27/2011 17:17


> > Staff MD

> > Cosigned: 10/30/2011 20:22

> > Receipt Acknowledged By:

> > 12/02/2011 16:13 /es/ GLENNA S ROUSSEAU

> > Clinical Psychologist


> > I discussed this patient with Dr. and agree with his assessment and



> > Staff MD

> > Signed: 10/30/2011 20:22

> > LOCAL TITLE: Telephone Note-Primary Care


> > DATE OF NOTE: SEP 26, 2011@09:14 ENTRY DATE: SEP 26, 2011@09:14:07


> >

> >

> >

> >

> > Letter about labs

> >

> >

> > Your hemoglobin A1C is a measure of your long-term blood sugar control. Your

> > A1C was 5.7, indicating pretty good blood sugar management.

> > Your cholesterol levels were very good:

> >

> >

> >

> > CHOL: 200

> > HDL: 43

> > LDL: 128

> > TRIG: 145

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >

> > HDL is the good cholesterol and should be greater than 40 which yours is.

> > Triglycerides are a type of bad cholesterol and should be less than 150


> > yours is.

> > LDL is the bad cholesterol and should be less than 130 which yours is.

> > Don't forget that you have a blood pressure check on November 10th. You


> > get your blood drawn prior to that appointment. I hope changing your blood

> > pressure medication improves your energy.

> > Wishing you the best of health,

> > Dean , DO

> > VA Medical Center, White River Junction, VT

> > /es/ DEAN J TAYLOR

> > Resident MD

> > Signed: 10/31/2011 13:58


> > Staff MD

> > Cosigned: 11/03/2011 16:14

> >

> > 64 M NH vet with HTN Possable since 1966 but most B/P at that time were

normal a few with top 140, K went to 3.2 with HCTZ (2007). Sx of CHF. CT 2 cm L

adrenal adenoma(2006). Aldo Renin not classic for PA but done on meds. Never

tried on spiro or eplere but trying to get VA to try. B/P is arould 140/80 on

diuretics eating less NA not at DASH goal. Normal Echo and stress tests.

> >


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Francis, here is how I would approach it: I would make copies of 3 files from

our site, Stowasser etal, Chapter 23 and the evolution article. I would explain

that I was uncomfortable with the testing and conclusions that have been made

over the last 3-4 years. Since they all start with the premise that

Hyperaldosteronism is rare we need to make sure we are all working with current

information. (It is important to NOT use the term " CONN'S " because he will

instantly think 1950's and tumor and low K!)

I would provide him with the Stowasser document and explain it is the most

current and complete study you have found. The value starting here is the first

sentence tells him that he is wrong about how rare it is so you don't have to

and get into an arguement. (When I supervised the technical writers at the

insurance company I told them I never wanted to see the term " so therefore I

recommend " at the end

of an article! Start it with " I recommend... " ! The rest can flesh it out (the

why) and this is one of the best examples I have seen!

This is from " The 13 Second Manager " or however many seconds it was! What it

said is a busy executive will stray after that time so that is how long you hve

to make your point! Dr Goopman, " How Your Doctor Thinks " says most doctors will

interrupt within 18 seconds!

I would use Chapter 23 if I felt he needed/wanted more information but I

wouldn't insist he have it if he is ready to play my game! The same with the

evaluation article only if he wants to know " where he missed the train " ! In any

case, I would leave all 3 documents, he may decide he wants to study them!

If he agrees with you get started but don't take " NO " for an answer. Actually

he should take some time to review and discuss with his supervising doctor. If

they both refuse I would ask them to document im my record as to why they think

it is not necessary.

Make sure you read the Stowasser article before your appt. Also make a seperate

consult appointment and don't try to do it t your next RTC.

Good Luck, let me know.

> >

> > As I posted before about this visit this PCP has no clue about PA. You will

also note LVH Doesn't seem to be a concern for him. Has no relationship to

shortness of breath.

> >

> > LOCAL TITLE: Primary Care Clinic


> > DATE OF NOTE: OCT 27, 2011@13:34



> >

> >

> > Note

> > ENTRY DATE: OCT 27, 2011@13:35



> >

> >

> >


> > *** Primary Care Clinic Note Has ADDENDA ***

> > Chief Complaint: 1.) Chronic shortness of breath 2.) " Brain fog "

> > HPI:

> > This is a morbidly obese (BMI 45) 64 yo male with pmhx notable for HTN, OSA


> > BPV presenting with dyspnea on exertion that has been ongoing for 6 weeks


> > prompted a visit to the ED on 9/24/11. In the ED he was worked up with


> > CE's, negative CXR and EKG notable only for LVH. He has had intermittent

> > episodes of DOE for the past 6 years and has had an extensive cardiac


> > including ETT X 3 most recently 2/2011 that was notable only for decreased

> > functional capacity (58% of expected). He states that his DOE has not


> > much since he was seen in the ED and that he gets sob with walking short

> > distances. Prior to this most recent episode of DOE he developed vertigo


> > symptoms that lasted for a week but have since resolved. He denies any cp,

> > palpitations, PND, orthopnea or sob at rest. He states that " breathing into


> > paper bag " does help his sob and he feels that he has " Conns syndrome " . I

> > explained that hyperaldosteronism is very rare and that he would have low

> > pottasium and a higher blood pressure if he had Conns.

> > He is also c/o chronic fatigue, lightheadedness and " brain fog " that also

> > started about 6 years ago. He endorses compliance with his BiPap. He has

> > gained 28 pounds in the last 6 years. He exercises very little 2/2 decreased

> > tolerance.

> > ROS:

> > Cons- Denies fevers, chills or unintentional weight loss

> > Skin- Denies any new rashes, sores or ulcers

> >

> > PATIENT NAME AND ADDRESS (Mechanical imprinting, if available) VISTA

Electronic Medical Documentation


> >

> >

> >

> >

> > HEENT- Denies any vision changes, ringing in ears or sore throat

> > CV- Denies any chest pain or palpitations

> > Resp- + for SOB as above

> > GI- Denies any abdominal pain, changes in bowel habits or blood in stool

> > GU- Denies any dysuria or obstructive symptoms

> > MSK- Denies any arthralgias or myalgias

> > Hem- Denies any easy bruising or bleeding

> > Endo- Denies any cold or heat intolerance

> > Neuro- Denies any weakness, numbness or tingling

> > Pmhx:

> > # Morbid obesity

> > - BMI of 45

> > # Hypertension

> > # DOE

> > - ETT- 4/10/2009: Negative for ischemia, Functional capacity 58% of expected

> > - ECHO- 5/19/2008: EF of 55-60%, No obvious WMA

> > - PFT's 11/2005: Normal spirometry

> > # Dizziness and tachycardia

> > - see neuro consultation 5/16/06

> > - 6/06 CT= frontal atrophy of brain

> > - 9/05 ETT- 6 mets, negative

> > 10/05 holter- rare PACSi freq islated PVCSi underlying rhythm sinus


> > 71

> > - 11/05 PFTs- normal spirometry

> > - 11/05 carotid studies- minimal stenosis

> > -11/05 loop monitor- sypmtoms sometimes with sinus tach, someties with NSR

> > - 12/05 echocardiogram normal

> > - 12/08 MRI of brain- mild to moderate cerebral atrophy.

> > # Chronic fatigue

> > # Hearing loss/tinnitus

> > # RLL lung nodule

> > - CT of chest 12/06= 7 mm RLL nodule

> > - followup CT 5/08= stable

> > # L adrenal adenoma

> > - CT of chest 12/06- L adrenal nodule, likely adenoma

> > - 8/7/06 VMA normal

> > - 2/23/06 serum cortisol (random) normal

> > - 11/09- stable appearance

> > # Sleep apnea, on CPAP

> > - Sleep study- 3/21/2007 -> probable sleep apnea

> > # Hepatic cysts

> > # Stable hyperdense cyst L kidney on 11/09 CT

> > # sip laparoscopic appendectomy 12/14/D8

> > Meds:

> > Active Outpatient Medications (excluding Supplies) :

> >

> >

> >

> >

> > Active Outpatient Medications

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >





> >

> >

> >

> > Active Non-VA Medications




> >

> >

> > 5 Total Medications

> > Allergies:


> > Symptoms: DIZZINESS

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >

> > (historical)

> >

> >

> >

> > Sochx:

> > Pt lives by himself in Enfield. He worked at Hitchcock hospital in the

> > boiler-room for 15 years and later worked as a gardener and handyman. He is


> > on disability. He denies any tobacco or ETOH use. He exercises very rarely


> > states that he eats sensibly but does occasionally eat junk food.

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >

> > Vitals:


> > 10/27/11 @ 1323

> > 95% on RA

> >

> > TEMP

> > 99.4

> >

> >

> >


> > 80

> >

> >

> > RESP

> >

> >

> > BP

> > 142/73

> >

> >

> > PAIN

> > o

> >

> >


> > 308

> >

> >

> >

> > Physical exam:

> > Gen: Obese male in NAD

> > Skin: No rashes, sores or ulcers

> > HEENT: EOMI, PERRL, poor dentition, op clear with mmm

> > Neck: Supple with normal ROM, JVD not appreciated

> > CV: RRR without murmur

> > Pulm: CTAB without wheezes, rales or rhonchi. SOB with getting up to the


> > table.

> > Abd: Obese, S/NT/ND, NABS, No HSM

> > Ext: 1+ and equal DPP BL, 1+ pretibial pitting edema bl

> > Neuro: Non-focal, moving all 4 extremities equally

> > Labs:

> >

> >

> >

> > CBC:

> > WBC: 7.4 (09/24/11 15:15)

> >

> > HCT: 44.0 (09/24/1115:15)

> > HGB: 14.9 (09/24/11 15:15)

> > PT : 12.2 (09/24/11 15: 15)

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >

> > BMP:


> > 9/24/11 15: 15 131 H 11 0.91 140 3.9 107 23


> > 9/24/11 15: 15 10 84

> > A/P:

> > This is a 64 yo morbidly obese male with HTN, OSA, and chronic DOE with

> > extensive negative cardiac workup. I had a frank discussion with the pt

> > regarding his obesity and how it is contributing to his decreased functional

> > status and the likely cause of most of his symptoms. Pt seems a bit


> > to accept this and thinks that his symptoms might be 2/2 hyperaldosterinism


> > mentioned talking to a specialist here at the VA. I assured him that it was

> > very unlikely that he had hyperaldo and described to him why. He may benefit

> > from talking to a health psychologist and was introduced to Glenna. In


> > to his HTN, we did discontinue his atenolol as it may be worsening his


> > He was started on lisinopril and scheduled for a BP clinic appt in 2 weeks.

> >

> > # DOE 2/2 deconditioning/obesity

> > - Encouraged pt to exercise daily as tolerated

> > # HTN

> > - Stop Atenolol

> > - Start lisinopril 5 mg qd

> > - F/u at BP clinic in 2 weeks with lytes drawn

> > # LE edema

> > - Continue lasix 60 mg QD

> > - Continue triamterene 50 mg QD

> > #Preventative

> > - Flu shot today

> > Colonoscopy ordered

> > HIV ordered

> > Lipid panel ordered

> > Hgb A1C ordered

> > RTC in 4 months

> > Patient seen and discussed with Dr. Grosssman who agrees with plan of care

> > Dean , PGY-1

> > BP>=140/90 or BP>=130/80 + DM:

> > Repeat BP: 136/75

> >

> > The patient's medication regimen was adjusted to improve BP control.

> > The patient was counseled on the importance of regular exercise

> > and/or physical activity in the control of blood pressure.

> > The patient was instructed to try to exercise at least 30 minutes

> > 3 times per week if possible and that any increase in physical

> > activity may be useful in controlling BP.

> > The patient has a limited ability to exercise but was encouraged

> > to increase physical activity as much as possible since any

> > increase in activity may be beneficial in improving BP control.

> > The patient was counseled on the importance of diet and weight

> > control in the control of blood pressure.

> > Co1orectal Cancer Screening:

> > Patient is scheduled for a colonoscopy.

> > HIV Screening

> > Patient has given verbal consent for HIV antibody testing, and written

> > educational materials have been provided. An order for an HIV Antibody

> > test has been entered - see orders tab.

> > Home Telehealth (CCHT) Referral:

> > Patient declines participation in CCHT Program at this time.

> > Lipid Screening(M):

> > Lipid profile ordered.

> > /es/ DEAN J TAYLOR

> > Resident MD

> > Signed: 10/27/2011 17:17


> > Staff MD

> > Cosigned: 10/30/2011 20:22

> > Receipt Acknowledged By:

> > 12/02/2011 16:13 /es/ GLENNA S ROUSSEAU

> > Clinical Psychologist


> > I discussed this patient with Dr. and agree with his assessment and



> > Staff MD

> > Signed: 10/30/2011 20:22

> > LOCAL TITLE: Telephone Note-Primary Care


> > DATE OF NOTE: SEP 26, 2011@09:14 ENTRY DATE: SEP 26, 2011@09:14:07


> >

> >

> >

> >

> > Letter about labs

> >

> >

> > Your hemoglobin A1C is a measure of your long-term blood sugar control. Your

> > A1C was 5.7, indicating pretty good blood sugar management.

> > Your cholesterol levels were very good:

> >

> >

> >

> > CHOL: 200

> > HDL: 43

> > LDL: 128

> > TRIG: 145

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >

> > HDL is the good cholesterol and should be greater than 40 which yours is.

> > Triglycerides are a type of bad cholesterol and should be less than 150


> > yours is.

> > LDL is the bad cholesterol and should be less than 130 which yours is.

> > Don't forget that you have a blood pressure check on November 10th. You


> > get your blood drawn prior to that appointment. I hope changing your blood

> > pressure medication improves your energy.

> > Wishing you the best of health,

> > Dean , DO

> > VA Medical Center, White River Junction, VT

> > /es/ DEAN J TAYLOR

> > Resident MD

> > Signed: 10/31/2011 13:58


> > Staff MD

> > Cosigned: 11/03/2011 16:14

> >

> > 64 M NH vet with HTN Possable since 1966 but most B/P at that time were

normal a few with top 140, K went to 3.2 with HCTZ (2007). Sx of CHF. CT 2 cm L

adrenal adenoma(2006). Aldo Renin not classic for PA but done on meds. Never

tried on spiro or eplere but trying to get VA to try. B/P is arould 140/80 on

diuretics eating less NA not at DASH goal. Normal Echo and stress tests.

> >


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Did he look at your home BPs?CE Grim MDOn Jan 23, 2012, at 12:13 PM, Francis Bill SUSPECTED PA wrote: As I posted before about this visit this PCP has no clue about PA. You will also note LVH Doesn't seem to be a concern for him. Has no relationship to shortness of breath. LOCAL TITLE: Primary Care Clinic STANDARD TITLE: PRIMARY CARE NOTE DATE OF NOTE: OCT 27, 2011@13:34 AUTHOR: TAYLOR,DEAN J URGENCY: Note ENTRY DATE: OCT 27, 2011@13:35 EXP COSIGNER: GROSSMAN,ALEXANDRA STATUS: COMPLETED Printed at WHITE RIVER JCT VAMROC *** Primary Care Clinic Note Has ADDENDA *** Chief Complaint: 1.) Chronic shortness of breath 2.) "Brain fog" HPI: This is a morbidly obese (BMI 45) 64 yo male with pmhx notable for HTN, OSA and BPV presenting with dyspnea on exertion that has been ongoing for 6 weeks and prompted a visit to the ED on 9/24/11. In the ED he was worked up with negative CE's, negative CXR and EKG notable only for LVH. He has had intermittent episodes of DOE for the past 6 years and has had an extensive cardiac work-up including ETT X 3 most recently 2/2011 that was notable only for decreased functional capacity (58% of expected). He states that his DOE has not improved much since he was seen in the ED and that he gets sob with walking short distances. Prior to this most recent episode of DOE he developed vertigo type symptoms that lasted for a week but have since resolved. He denies any cp, palpitations, PND, orthopnea or sob at rest. He states that "breathing into a paper bag" does help his sob and he feels that he has "Conns syndrome". I explained that hyperaldosteronism is very rare and that he would have low pottasium and a higher blood pressure if he had Conns. He is also c/o chronic fatigue, lightheadedness and "brain fog" that also started about 6 years ago. He endorses compliance with his BiPap. He has gained 28 pounds in the last 6 years. He exercises very little 2/2 decreased tolerance. ROS: Cons- Denies fevers, chills or unintentional weight loss Skin- Denies any new rashes, sores or ulcers PATIENT NAME AND ADDRESS (Mechanical imprinting, if available) VISTA Electronic Medical Documentation BILL, FRANCIS HENRY HEENT- Denies any vision changes, ringing in ears or sore throat CV- Denies any chest pain or palpitations Resp- + for SOB as above GI- Denies any abdominal pain, changes in bowel habits or blood in stool GU- Denies any dysuria or obstructive symptoms MSK- Denies any arthralgias or myalgias Hem- Denies any easy bruising or bleeding Endo- Denies any cold or heat intolerance Neuro- Denies any weakness, numbness or tingling Pmhx: # Morbid obesity - BMI of 45 # Hypertension # DOE - ETT- 4/10/2009: Negative for ischemia, Functional capacity 58% of expected - ECHO- 5/19/2008: EF of 55-60%, No obvious WMA - PFT's 11/2005: Normal spirometry # Dizziness and tachycardia - see neuro consultation 5/16/06 - 6/06 CT= frontal atrophy of brain - 9/05 ETT- 6 mets, negative 10/05 holter- rare PACSi freq islated PVCSi underlying rhythm sinus averaging 71 - 11/05 PFTs- normal spirometry - 11/05 carotid studies- minimal stenosis -11/05 loop monitor- sypmtoms sometimes with sinus tach, someties with NSR - 12/05 echocardiogram normal - 12/08 MRI of brain- mild to moderate cerebral atrophy. # Chronic fatigue # Hearing loss/tinnitus # RLL lung nodule - CT of chest 12/06= 7 mm RLL nodule - followup CT 5/08= stable # L adrenal adenoma - CT of chest 12/06- L adrenal nodule, likely adenoma - 8/7/06 VMA normal - 2/23/06 serum cortisol (random) normal - 11/09- stable appearance # Sleep apnea, on CPAP - Sleep study- 3/21/2007 -> probable sleep apnea # Hepatic cysts # Stable hyperdense cyst L kidney on 11/09 CT # sip laparoscopic appendectomy 12/14/D8 Meds: Active Outpatient Medications (excluding Supplies) : Active Outpatient Medications 1) FUROSEMIDE 20MG TAB TAKE THREE TABLETS BY MOUTH EVERY ACTIVE DAY TO REMOVE FLUID/CONTROL BLOOD PRESSURE 2) POTASSIUM CHLORIDE 10MEQ SA TAB TAKE TWO TABLETS BY ACTIVE MOUTH EVERY DAY TO SUPPLEMENT POTASSIUM Active Non-VA Medications Non-VA ASPIRIN 325MG TAB 325MG MOUTH EVERY DAY Non-VA FISH OIL CAP/TAB 2 EVERY DAY Non-VA MULTIVITAMIN/MINERALS TAB 1 MOUTH EVERY DAY 5 Total Medications Allergies: DILTIAZEM Symptoms: DIZZINESS (historical) Sochx: Pt lives by himself in Enfield. He worked at Hitchcock hospital in the boiler-room for 15 years and later worked as a gardener and handyman. He is now on disability. He denies any tobacco or ETOH use. He exercises very rarely and states that he eats sensibly but does occasionally eat junk food. Vitals: DATE/TIME 10/27/11 @ 1323 95% on RA TEMP 99.4 PULSE 80 RESP BP 142/73 PAIN o WEIGHT 308 Physical exam: Gen: Obese male in NAD Skin: No rashes, sores or ulcers HEENT: EOMI, PERRL, poor dentition, op clear with mmm Neck: Supple with normal ROM, JVD not appreciated CV: RRR without murmur Pulm: CTAB without wheezes, rales or rhonchi. SOB with getting up to the exam table. Abd: Obese, S/NT/ND, NABS, No HSM Ext: 1+ and equal DPP BL, 1+ pretibial pitting edema bl Neuro: Non-focal, moving all 4 extremities equally Labs: CBC: WBC: 7.4 (09/24/11 15:15) HCT: 44.0 (09/24/1115:15) HGB: 14.9 (09/24/11 15:15) PT : 12.2 (09/24/11 15: 15) BMP: GLU,BUN,CREAT,LYTES GLUCOSE BUN CREAT SODIUM K CHLOR CO2 9/24/11 15: 15 131 H 11 0.91 140 3.9 107 23 GLU, BUN,CREAT,LYTES ANION eGFR 9/24/11 15: 15 10 84 A/P: This is a 64 yo morbidly obese male with HTN, OSA, and chronic DOE with extensive negative cardiac workup. I had a frank discussion with the pt regarding his obesity and how it is contributing to his decreased functional status and the likely cause of most of his symptoms. Pt seems a bit unwilling to accept this and thinks that his symptoms might be 2/2 hyperaldosterinism and mentioned talking to a specialist here at the VA. I assured him that it was very unlikely that he had hyperaldo and described to him why. He may benefit from talking to a health psychologist and was introduced to Glenna. In regards to his HTN, we did discontinue his atenolol as it may be worsening his fatigue. He was started on lisinopril and scheduled for a BP clinic appt in 2 weeks. # DOE 2/2 deconditioning/obesity - Encouraged pt to exercise daily as tolerated # HTN - Stop Atenolol - Start lisinopril 5 mg qd - F/u at BP clinic in 2 weeks with lytes drawn # LE edema - Continue lasix 60 mg QD - Continue triamterene 50 mg QD #Preventative - Flu shot today Colonoscopy ordered HIV ordered Lipid panel ordered Hgb A1C ordered RTC in 4 months Patient seen and discussed with Dr. Grosssman who agrees with plan of care Dean , PGY-1 BP>=140/90 or BP>=130/80 + DM: Repeat BP: 136/75 The patient's medication regimen was adjusted to improve BP control. The patient was counseled on the importance of regular exercise and/or physical activity in the control of blood pressure. The patient was instructed to try to exercise at least 30 minutes 3 times per week if possible and that any increase in physical activity may be useful in controlling BP. The patient has a limited ability to exercise but was encouraged to increase physical activity as much as possible since any increase in activity may be beneficial in improving BP control. The patient was counseled on the importance of diet and weight control in the control of blood pressure. Co1orectal Cancer Screening: Patient is scheduled for a colonoscopy. HIV Screening Patient has given verbal consent for HIV antibody testing, and written educational materials have been provided. An order for an HIV Antibody test has been entered - see orders tab. Home Telehealth (CCHT) Referral: Patient declines participation in CCHT Program at this time. Lipid Screening(M): Lipid profile ordered. /es/ DEAN J TAYLOR Resident MD Signed: 10/27/2011 17:17 /es/ ALEXANDRA GROSSMAN Staff MD Cosigned: 10/30/2011 20:22 Receipt Acknowledged By: 12/02/2011 16:13 /es/ GLENNA S ROUSSEAU Clinical Psychologist 10/30/2011 ADDENDUM STATUS: COMPLETED I discussed this patient with Dr. and agree with his assessment and plan. /es/ ALEXANDRA GROSSMAN Staff MD Signed: 10/30/2011 20:22 LOCAL TITLE: Telephone Note-Primary Care STANDARD TITLE: PRIMARY CARE TELEPHONE ENCOUNTER NOTE DATE OF NOTE: SEP 26, 2011@09:14 ENTRY DATE: SEP 26, 2011@09:14:07 AUTHOR: DATTILIO, LINDA EXP COSIGNER: Letter about labs Your hemoglobin A1C is a measure of your long-term blood sugar control. Your A1C was 5.7, indicating pretty good blood sugar management. Your cholesterol levels were very good: CHOL: 200 HDL: 43 LDL: 128 TRIG: 145 HDL is the good cholesterol and should be greater than 40 which yours is. Triglycerides are a type of bad cholesterol and should be less than 150 which yours is. LDL is the bad cholesterol and should be less than 130 which yours is. Don't forget that you have a blood pressure check on November 10th. You should get your blood drawn prior to that appointment. I hope changing your blood pressure medication improves your energy. Wishing you the best of health, Dean , DO VA Medical Center, White River Junction, VT /es/ DEAN J TAYLOR Resident MD Signed: 10/31/2011 13:58 /es/ ALEXANDRA GROSSMAN Staff MD Cosigned: 11/03/2011 16:14 64 M NH vet with HTN Possable since 1966 but most B/P at that time were normal a few with top 140, K went to 3.2 with HCTZ (2007). Sx of CHF. CT 2 cm L adrenal adenoma(2006). Aldo Renin not classic for PA but done on meds. Never tried on spiro or eplere but trying to get VA to try. B/P is arould 140/80 on diuretics eating less NA not at DASH goal. Normal Echo and stress tests.

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Until I can know if my home BPs are right I can see no point in using them. Did

take BP device to VA to have it checked. First they did 2 readings using auto bp

device over my shirt. They then had my use my device I took my shirt off and

took BP this reading was higher then there reading. Based on this was told my

devise wasn't accurate Was told they would send me a new device. This was almost

3 months ago and am still waiting.


> > As I posted before about this visit this PCP has no clue about PA.

> > You will also note LVH Doesn't seem to be a concern for him. Has no

> > relationship to shortness of breath.

> >

> > LOCAL TITLE: Primary Care Clinic


> > DATE OF NOTE: OCT 27, 2011@13:34



> >

> >

> > Note

> > ENTRY DATE: OCT 27, 2011@13:35



> >

> >


> > *** Primary Care Clinic Note Has ADDENDA ***

> > Chief Complaint: 1.) Chronic shortness of breath 2.) " Brain fog "

> > HPI:

> > This is a morbidly obese (BMI 45) 64 yo male with pmhx notable for

> > HTN, OSA and

> > BPV presenting with dyspnea on exertion that has been ongoing for 6

> > weeks and

> > prompted a visit to the ED on 9/24/11. In the ED he was worked up

> > with negative

> > CE's, negative CXR and EKG notable only for LVH. He has had

> > intermittent

> > episodes of DOE for the past 6 years and has had an extensive

> > cardiac work-up

> > including ETT X 3 most recently 2/2011 that was notable only for

> > decreased

> > functional capacity (58% of expected). He states that his DOE has

> > not improved

> > much since he was seen in the ED and that he gets sob with walking

> > short

> > distances. Prior to this most recent episode of DOE he developed

> > vertigo type

> > symptoms that lasted for a week but have since resolved. He denies

> > any cp,

> > palpitations, PND, orthopnea or sob at rest. He states that

> > " breathing into a

> > paper bag " does help his sob and he feels that he has " Conns

> > syndrome " . I

> > explained that hyperaldosteronism is very rare and that he would

> > have low

> > pottasium and a higher blood pressure if he had Conns.

> > He is also c/o chronic fatigue, lightheadedness and " brain fog " that

> > also

> > started about 6 years ago. He endorses compliance with his BiPap. He

> > has

> > gained 28 pounds in the last 6 years. He exercises very little 2/2

> > decreased

> > tolerance.

> > ROS:

> > Cons- Denies fevers, chills or unintentional weight loss

> > Skin- Denies any new rashes, sores or ulcers

> >

> > PATIENT NAME AND ADDRESS (Mechanical imprinting, if available) VISTA

> > Electronic Medical Documentation


> >

> > HEENT- Denies any vision changes, ringing in ears or sore throat

> > CV- Denies any chest pain or palpitations

> > Resp- + for SOB as above

> > GI- Denies any abdominal pain, changes in bowel habits or blood in

> > stool

> > GU- Denies any dysuria or obstructive symptoms

> > MSK- Denies any arthralgias or myalgias

> > Hem- Denies any easy bruising or bleeding

> > Endo- Denies any cold or heat intolerance

> > Neuro- Denies any weakness, numbness or tingling

> > Pmhx:

> > # Morbid obesity

> > - BMI of 45

> > # Hypertension

> > # DOE

> > - ETT- 4/10/2009: Negative for ischemia, Functional capacity 58% of

> > expected

> > - ECHO- 5/19/2008: EF of 55-60%, No obvious WMA

> > - PFT's 11/2005: Normal spirometry

> > # Dizziness and tachycardia

> > - see neuro consultation 5/16/06

> > - 6/06 CT= frontal atrophy of brain

> > - 9/05 ETT- 6 mets, negative

> > 10/05 holter- rare PACSi freq islated PVCSi underlying rhythm sinus

> > averaging

> > 71

> > - 11/05 PFTs- normal spirometry

> > - 11/05 carotid studies- minimal stenosis

> > -11/05 loop monitor- sypmtoms sometimes with sinus tach, someties

> > with NSR

> > - 12/05 echocardiogram normal

> > - 12/08 MRI of brain- mild to moderate cerebral atrophy.

> > # Chronic fatigue

> > # Hearing loss/tinnitus

> > # RLL lung nodule

> > - CT of chest 12/06= 7 mm RLL nodule

> > - followup CT 5/08= stable

> > # L adrenal adenoma

> > - CT of chest 12/06- L adrenal nodule, likely adenoma

> > - 8/7/06 VMA normal

> > - 2/23/06 serum cortisol (random) normal

> > - 11/09- stable appearance

> > # Sleep apnea, on CPAP

> > - Sleep study- 3/21/2007 -> probable sleep apnea

> > # Hepatic cysts

> > # Stable hyperdense cyst L kidney on 11/09 CT

> > # sip laparoscopic appendectomy 12/14/D8

> > Meds:

> > Active Outpatient Medications (excluding Supplies) :

> >

> >

> > Active Outpatient Medications

> >

> >





> >

> >

> > Active Non-VA Medications




> >

> >

> > 5 Total Medications

> > Allergies:


> > Symptoms: DIZZINESS

> >

> >

> > (historical)

> >

> >

> > Sochx:

> > Pt lives by himself in Enfield. He worked at Hitchcock hospital

> > in the

> > boiler-room for 15 years and later worked as a gardener and

> > handyman. He is now

> > on disability. He denies any tobacco or ETOH use. He exercises very

> > rarely and

> > states that he eats sensibly but does occasionally eat junk food.

> >

> >

> > Vitals:


> > 10/27/11 @ 1323

> > 95% on RA

> >

> > TEMP

> > 99.4

> >

> >

> >


> > 80

> >

> >

> > RESP

> >

> >

> > BP

> > 142/73

> >

> >

> > PAIN

> > o

> >

> >


> > 308

> >

> >

> > Physical exam:

> > Gen: Obese male in NAD

> > Skin: No rashes, sores or ulcers

> > HEENT: EOMI, PERRL, poor dentition, op clear with mmm

> > Neck: Supple with normal ROM, JVD not appreciated

> > CV: RRR without murmur

> > Pulm: CTAB without wheezes, rales or rhonchi. SOB with getting up to

> > the exam

> > table.

> > Abd: Obese, S/NT/ND, NABS, No HSM

> > Ext: 1+ and equal DPP BL, 1+ pretibial pitting edema bl

> > Neuro: Non-focal, moving all 4 extremities equally

> > Labs:

> >

> >

> > CBC:

> > WBC: 7.4 (09/24/11 15:15)

> >

> > HCT: 44.0 (09/24/1115:15)

> > HGB: 14.9 (09/24/11 15:15)

> > PT : 12.2 (09/24/11 15: 15)

> >

> >

> >

> >

> > BMP:


> > 9/24/11 15: 15 131 H 11 0.91 140 3.9 107 23


> > 9/24/11 15: 15 10 84

> > A/P:

> > This is a 64 yo morbidly obese male with HTN, OSA, and chronic DOE

> > with

> > extensive negative cardiac workup. I had a frank discussion with the

> > pt

> > regarding his obesity and how it is contributing to his decreased

> > functional

> > status and the likely cause of most of his symptoms. Pt seems a bit

> > unwilling

> > to accept this and thinks that his symptoms might be 2/2

> > hyperaldosterinism and

> > mentioned talking to a specialist here at the VA. I assured him that

> > it was

> > very unlikely that he had hyperaldo and described to him why. He may

> > benefit

> > from talking to a health psychologist and was introduced to Glenna.

> > In regards

> > to his HTN, we did discontinue his atenolol as it may be worsening

> > his fatigue.

> > He was started on lisinopril and scheduled for a BP clinic appt in 2

> > weeks.

> >

> > # DOE 2/2 deconditioning/obesity

> > - Encouraged pt to exercise daily as tolerated

> > # HTN

> > - Stop Atenolol

> > - Start lisinopril 5 mg qd

> > - F/u at BP clinic in 2 weeks with lytes drawn

> > # LE edema

> > - Continue lasix 60 mg QD

> > - Continue triamterene 50 mg QD

> > #Preventative

> > - Flu shot today

> > Colonoscopy ordered

> > HIV ordered

> > Lipid panel ordered

> > Hgb A1C ordered

> > RTC in 4 months

> > Patient seen and discussed with Dr. Grosssman who agrees with plan

> > of care

> > Dean , PGY-1

> > BP>=140/90 or BP>=130/80 + DM:

> > Repeat BP: 136/75

> >

> > The patient's medication regimen was adjusted to improve BP control.

> > The patient was counseled on the importance of regular exercise

> > and/or physical activity in the control of blood pressure.

> > The patient was instructed to try to exercise at least 30 minutes

> > 3 times per week if possible and that any increase in physical

> > activity may be useful in controlling BP.

> > The patient has a limited ability to exercise but was encouraged

> > to increase physical activity as much as possible since any

> > increase in activity may be beneficial in improving BP control.

> > The patient was counseled on the importance of diet and weight

> > control in the control of blood pressure.

> > Co1orectal Cancer Screening:

> > Patient is scheduled for a colonoscopy.

> > HIV Screening

> > Patient has given verbal consent for HIV antibody testing, and written

> > educational materials have been provided. An order for an HIV Antibody

> > test has been entered - see orders tab.

> > Home Telehealth (CCHT) Referral:

> > Patient declines participation in CCHT Program at this time.

> > Lipid Screening(M):

> > Lipid profile ordered.

> > /es/ DEAN J TAYLOR

> > Resident MD

> > Signed: 10/27/2011 17:17


> > Staff MD

> > Cosigned: 10/30/2011 20:22

> > Receipt Acknowledged By:

> > 12/02/2011 16:13 /es/ GLENNA S ROUSSEAU

> > Clinical Psychologist


> > I discussed this patient with Dr. and agree with his

> > assessment and plan.


> > Staff MD

> > Signed: 10/30/2011 20:22

> > LOCAL TITLE: Telephone Note-Primary Care


> > DATE OF NOTE: SEP 26, 2011@09:14 ENTRY DATE: SEP 26, 2011@09:14:07


> >

> >

> >

> > Letter about labs

> >

> > Your hemoglobin A1C is a measure of your long-term blood sugar

> > control. Your

> > A1C was 5.7, indicating pretty good blood sugar management.

> > Your cholesterol levels were very good:

> >

> >

> > CHOL: 200

> > HDL: 43

> > LDL: 128

> > TRIG: 145

> >

> >

> > HDL is the good cholesterol and should be greater than 40 which

> > yours is.

> > Triglycerides are a type of bad cholesterol and should be less than

> > 150 which

> > yours is.

> > LDL is the bad cholesterol and should be less than 130 which yours is.

> > Don't forget that you have a blood pressure check on November 10th.

> > You should

> > get your blood drawn prior to that appointment. I hope changing your

> > blood

> > pressure medication improves your energy.

> > Wishing you the best of health,

> > Dean , DO

> > VA Medical Center, White River Junction, VT

> > /es/ DEAN J TAYLOR

> > Resident MD

> > Signed: 10/31/2011 13:58


> > Staff MD

> > Cosigned: 11/03/2011 16:14

> >

> > 64 M NH vet with HTN Possable since 1966 but most B/P at that time

> > were normal a few with top 140, K went to 3.2 with HCTZ (2007). Sx

> > of CHF. CT 2 cm L adrenal adenoma(2006). Aldo Renin not classic for

> > PA but done on meds. Never tried on spiro or eplere but trying to

> > get VA to try. B/P is arould 140/80 on diuretics eating less NA not

> > at DASH goal. Normal Echo and stress tests.

> >

> >


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Until I can know if my home BPs are right I can see no point in using them. Did

take BP device to VA to have it checked. First they did 2 readings using auto bp

device over my shirt. They then had my use my device I took my shirt off and

took BP this reading was higher then there reading. Based on this was told my

devise wasn't accurate Was told they would send me a new device. This was almost

3 months ago and am still waiting.


> > As I posted before about this visit this PCP has no clue about PA.

> > You will also note LVH Doesn't seem to be a concern for him. Has no

> > relationship to shortness of breath.

> >

> > LOCAL TITLE: Primary Care Clinic


> > DATE OF NOTE: OCT 27, 2011@13:34



> >

> >

> > Note

> > ENTRY DATE: OCT 27, 2011@13:35



> >

> >


> > *** Primary Care Clinic Note Has ADDENDA ***

> > Chief Complaint: 1.) Chronic shortness of breath 2.) " Brain fog "

> > HPI:

> > This is a morbidly obese (BMI 45) 64 yo male with pmhx notable for

> > HTN, OSA and

> > BPV presenting with dyspnea on exertion that has been ongoing for 6

> > weeks and

> > prompted a visit to the ED on 9/24/11. In the ED he was worked up

> > with negative

> > CE's, negative CXR and EKG notable only for LVH. He has had

> > intermittent

> > episodes of DOE for the past 6 years and has had an extensive

> > cardiac work-up

> > including ETT X 3 most recently 2/2011 that was notable only for

> > decreased

> > functional capacity (58% of expected). He states that his DOE has

> > not improved

> > much since he was seen in the ED and that he gets sob with walking

> > short

> > distances. Prior to this most recent episode of DOE he developed

> > vertigo type

> > symptoms that lasted for a week but have since resolved. He denies

> > any cp,

> > palpitations, PND, orthopnea or sob at rest. He states that

> > " breathing into a

> > paper bag " does help his sob and he feels that he has " Conns

> > syndrome " . I

> > explained that hyperaldosteronism is very rare and that he would

> > have low

> > pottasium and a higher blood pressure if he had Conns.

> > He is also c/o chronic fatigue, lightheadedness and " brain fog " that

> > also

> > started about 6 years ago. He endorses compliance with his BiPap. He

> > has

> > gained 28 pounds in the last 6 years. He exercises very little 2/2

> > decreased

> > tolerance.

> > ROS:

> > Cons- Denies fevers, chills or unintentional weight loss

> > Skin- Denies any new rashes, sores or ulcers

> >

> > PATIENT NAME AND ADDRESS (Mechanical imprinting, if available) VISTA

> > Electronic Medical Documentation


> >

> > HEENT- Denies any vision changes, ringing in ears or sore throat

> > CV- Denies any chest pain or palpitations

> > Resp- + for SOB as above

> > GI- Denies any abdominal pain, changes in bowel habits or blood in

> > stool

> > GU- Denies any dysuria or obstructive symptoms

> > MSK- Denies any arthralgias or myalgias

> > Hem- Denies any easy bruising or bleeding

> > Endo- Denies any cold or heat intolerance

> > Neuro- Denies any weakness, numbness or tingling

> > Pmhx:

> > # Morbid obesity

> > - BMI of 45

> > # Hypertension

> > # DOE

> > - ETT- 4/10/2009: Negative for ischemia, Functional capacity 58% of

> > expected

> > - ECHO- 5/19/2008: EF of 55-60%, No obvious WMA

> > - PFT's 11/2005: Normal spirometry

> > # Dizziness and tachycardia

> > - see neuro consultation 5/16/06

> > - 6/06 CT= frontal atrophy of brain

> > - 9/05 ETT- 6 mets, negative

> > 10/05 holter- rare PACSi freq islated PVCSi underlying rhythm sinus

> > averaging

> > 71

> > - 11/05 PFTs- normal spirometry

> > - 11/05 carotid studies- minimal stenosis

> > -11/05 loop monitor- sypmtoms sometimes with sinus tach, someties

> > with NSR

> > - 12/05 echocardiogram normal

> > - 12/08 MRI of brain- mild to moderate cerebral atrophy.

> > # Chronic fatigue

> > # Hearing loss/tinnitus

> > # RLL lung nodule

> > - CT of chest 12/06= 7 mm RLL nodule

> > - followup CT 5/08= stable

> > # L adrenal adenoma

> > - CT of chest 12/06- L adrenal nodule, likely adenoma

> > - 8/7/06 VMA normal

> > - 2/23/06 serum cortisol (random) normal

> > - 11/09- stable appearance

> > # Sleep apnea, on CPAP

> > - Sleep study- 3/21/2007 -> probable sleep apnea

> > # Hepatic cysts

> > # Stable hyperdense cyst L kidney on 11/09 CT

> > # sip laparoscopic appendectomy 12/14/D8

> > Meds:

> > Active Outpatient Medications (excluding Supplies) :

> >

> >

> > Active Outpatient Medications

> >

> >





> >

> >

> > Active Non-VA Medications




> >

> >

> > 5 Total Medications

> > Allergies:


> > Symptoms: DIZZINESS

> >

> >

> > (historical)

> >

> >

> > Sochx:

> > Pt lives by himself in Enfield. He worked at Hitchcock hospital

> > in the

> > boiler-room for 15 years and later worked as a gardener and

> > handyman. He is now

> > on disability. He denies any tobacco or ETOH use. He exercises very

> > rarely and

> > states that he eats sensibly but does occasionally eat junk food.

> >

> >

> > Vitals:


> > 10/27/11 @ 1323

> > 95% on RA

> >

> > TEMP

> > 99.4

> >

> >

> >


> > 80

> >

> >

> > RESP

> >

> >

> > BP

> > 142/73

> >

> >

> > PAIN

> > o

> >

> >


> > 308

> >

> >

> > Physical exam:

> > Gen: Obese male in NAD

> > Skin: No rashes, sores or ulcers

> > HEENT: EOMI, PERRL, poor dentition, op clear with mmm

> > Neck: Supple with normal ROM, JVD not appreciated

> > CV: RRR without murmur

> > Pulm: CTAB without wheezes, rales or rhonchi. SOB with getting up to

> > the exam

> > table.

> > Abd: Obese, S/NT/ND, NABS, No HSM

> > Ext: 1+ and equal DPP BL, 1+ pretibial pitting edema bl

> > Neuro: Non-focal, moving all 4 extremities equally

> > Labs:

> >

> >

> > CBC:

> > WBC: 7.4 (09/24/11 15:15)

> >

> > HCT: 44.0 (09/24/1115:15)

> > HGB: 14.9 (09/24/11 15:15)

> > PT : 12.2 (09/24/11 15: 15)

> >

> >

> >

> >

> > BMP:


> > 9/24/11 15: 15 131 H 11 0.91 140 3.9 107 23


> > 9/24/11 15: 15 10 84

> > A/P:

> > This is a 64 yo morbidly obese male with HTN, OSA, and chronic DOE

> > with

> > extensive negative cardiac workup. I had a frank discussion with the

> > pt

> > regarding his obesity and how it is contributing to his decreased

> > functional

> > status and the likely cause of most of his symptoms. Pt seems a bit

> > unwilling

> > to accept this and thinks that his symptoms might be 2/2

> > hyperaldosterinism and

> > mentioned talking to a specialist here at the VA. I assured him that

> > it was

> > very unlikely that he had hyperaldo and described to him why. He may

> > benefit

> > from talking to a health psychologist and was introduced to Glenna.

> > In regards

> > to his HTN, we did discontinue his atenolol as it may be worsening

> > his fatigue.

> > He was started on lisinopril and scheduled for a BP clinic appt in 2

> > weeks.

> >

> > # DOE 2/2 deconditioning/obesity

> > - Encouraged pt to exercise daily as tolerated

> > # HTN

> > - Stop Atenolol

> > - Start lisinopril 5 mg qd

> > - F/u at BP clinic in 2 weeks with lytes drawn

> > # LE edema

> > - Continue lasix 60 mg QD

> > - Continue triamterene 50 mg QD

> > #Preventative

> > - Flu shot today

> > Colonoscopy ordered

> > HIV ordered

> > Lipid panel ordered

> > Hgb A1C ordered

> > RTC in 4 months

> > Patient seen and discussed with Dr. Grosssman who agrees with plan

> > of care

> > Dean , PGY-1

> > BP>=140/90 or BP>=130/80 + DM:

> > Repeat BP: 136/75

> >

> > The patient's medication regimen was adjusted to improve BP control.

> > The patient was counseled on the importance of regular exercise

> > and/or physical activity in the control of blood pressure.

> > The patient was instructed to try to exercise at least 30 minutes

> > 3 times per week if possible and that any increase in physical

> > activity may be useful in controlling BP.

> > The patient has a limited ability to exercise but was encouraged

> > to increase physical activity as much as possible since any

> > increase in activity may be beneficial in improving BP control.

> > The patient was counseled on the importance of diet and weight

> > control in the control of blood pressure.

> > Co1orectal Cancer Screening:

> > Patient is scheduled for a colonoscopy.

> > HIV Screening

> > Patient has given verbal consent for HIV antibody testing, and written

> > educational materials have been provided. An order for an HIV Antibody

> > test has been entered - see orders tab.

> > Home Telehealth (CCHT) Referral:

> > Patient declines participation in CCHT Program at this time.

> > Lipid Screening(M):

> > Lipid profile ordered.

> > /es/ DEAN J TAYLOR

> > Resident MD

> > Signed: 10/27/2011 17:17


> > Staff MD

> > Cosigned: 10/30/2011 20:22

> > Receipt Acknowledged By:

> > 12/02/2011 16:13 /es/ GLENNA S ROUSSEAU

> > Clinical Psychologist


> > I discussed this patient with Dr. and agree with his

> > assessment and plan.


> > Staff MD

> > Signed: 10/30/2011 20:22

> > LOCAL TITLE: Telephone Note-Primary Care


> > DATE OF NOTE: SEP 26, 2011@09:14 ENTRY DATE: SEP 26, 2011@09:14:07


> >

> >

> >

> > Letter about labs

> >

> > Your hemoglobin A1C is a measure of your long-term blood sugar

> > control. Your

> > A1C was 5.7, indicating pretty good blood sugar management.

> > Your cholesterol levels were very good:

> >

> >

> > CHOL: 200

> > HDL: 43

> > LDL: 128

> > TRIG: 145

> >

> >

> > HDL is the good cholesterol and should be greater than 40 which

> > yours is.

> > Triglycerides are a type of bad cholesterol and should be less than

> > 150 which

> > yours is.

> > LDL is the bad cholesterol and should be less than 130 which yours is.

> > Don't forget that you have a blood pressure check on November 10th.

> > You should

> > get your blood drawn prior to that appointment. I hope changing your

> > blood

> > pressure medication improves your energy.

> > Wishing you the best of health,

> > Dean , DO

> > VA Medical Center, White River Junction, VT

> > /es/ DEAN J TAYLOR

> > Resident MD

> > Signed: 10/31/2011 13:58


> > Staff MD

> > Cosigned: 11/03/2011 16:14

> >

> > 64 M NH vet with HTN Possable since 1966 but most B/P at that time

> > were normal a few with top 140, K went to 3.2 with HCTZ (2007). Sx

> > of CHF. CT 2 cm L adrenal adenoma(2006). Aldo Renin not classic for

> > PA but done on meds. Never tried on spiro or eplere but trying to

> > get VA to try. B/P is arould 140/80 on diuretics eating less NA not

> > at DASH goal. Normal Echo and stress tests.

> >

> >


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SighOn Jan 28, 2012, at 4:36 PM, Francis Bill SUSPECTED PA wrote: Until I can know if my home BPs are right I can see no point in using them. Did take BP device to VA to have it checked. First they did 2 readings using auto bp device over my shirt. They then had my use my device I took my shirt off and took BP this reading was higher then there reading. Based on this was told my devise wasn't accurate Was told they would send me a new device. This was almost 3 months ago and am still waiting. > > > As I posted before about this visit this PCP has no clue about PA. > > You will also note LVH Doesn't seem to be a concern for him. Has no > > relationship to shortness of breath. > > > > LOCAL TITLE: Primary Care Clinic > > STANDARD TITLE: PRIMARY CARE NOTE > > DATE OF NOTE: OCT 27, 2011@13:34 > > AUTHOR: TAYLOR,DEAN J > > URGENCY: > > > > > > Note > > ENTRY DATE: OCT 27, 2011@13:35 > > EXP COSIGNER: GROSSMAN,ALEXANDRA > > STATUS: COMPLETED > > > > > > Printed at WHITE RIVER JCT VAMROC > > *** Primary Care Clinic Note Has ADDENDA *** > > Chief Complaint: 1.) Chronic shortness of breath 2.) "Brain fog" > > HPI: > > This is a morbidly obese (BMI 45) 64 yo male with pmhx notable for > > HTN, OSA and > > BPV presenting with dyspnea on exertion that has been ongoing for 6 > > weeks and > > prompted a visit to the ED on 9/24/11. In the ED he was worked up > > with negative > > CE's, negative CXR and EKG notable only for LVH. He has had > > intermittent > > episodes of DOE for the past 6 years and has had an extensive > > cardiac work-up > > including ETT X 3 most recently 2/2011 that was notable only for > > decreased > > functional capacity (58% of expected). He states that his DOE has > > not improved > > much since he was seen in the ED and that he gets sob with walking > > short > > distances. Prior to this most recent episode of DOE he developed > > vertigo type > > symptoms that lasted for a week but have since resolved. He denies > > any cp, > > palpitations, PND, orthopnea or sob at rest. He states that > > "breathing into a > > paper bag" does help his sob and he feels that he has "Conns > > syndrome". I > > explained that hyperaldosteronism is very rare and that he would > > have low > > pottasium and a higher blood pressure if he had Conns. > > He is also c/o chronic fatigue, lightheadedness and "brain fog" that > > also > > started about 6 years ago. He endorses compliance with his BiPap. He > > has > > gained 28 pounds in the last 6 years. He exercises very little 2/2 > > decreased > > tolerance. > > ROS: > > Cons- Denies fevers, chills or unintentional weight loss > > Skin- Denies any new rashes, sores or ulcers > > > > PATIENT NAME AND ADDRESS (Mechanical imprinting, if available) VISTA > > Electronic Medical Documentation > > BILL, FRANCIS HENRY > > > > HEENT- Denies any vision changes, ringing in ears or sore throat > > CV- Denies any chest pain or palpitations > > Resp- + for SOB as above > > GI- Denies any abdominal pain, changes in bowel habits or blood in > > stool > > GU- Denies any dysuria or obstructive symptoms > > MSK- Denies any arthralgias or myalgias > > Hem- Denies any easy bruising or bleeding > > Endo- Denies any cold or heat intolerance > > Neuro- Denies any weakness, numbness or tingling > > Pmhx: > > # Morbid obesity > > - BMI of 45 > > # Hypertension > > # DOE > > - ETT- 4/10/2009: Negative for ischemia, Functional capacity 58% of > > expected > > - ECHO- 5/19/2008: EF of 55-60%, No obvious WMA > > - PFT's 11/2005: Normal spirometry > > # Dizziness and tachycardia > > - see neuro consultation 5/16/06 > > - 6/06 CT= frontal atrophy of brain > > - 9/05 ETT- 6 mets, negative > > 10/05 holter- rare PACSi freq islated PVCSi underlying rhythm sinus > > averaging > > 71 > > - 11/05 PFTs- normal spirometry > > - 11/05 carotid studies- minimal stenosis > > -11/05 loop monitor- sypmtoms sometimes with sinus tach, someties > > with NSR > > - 12/05 echocardiogram normal > > - 12/08 MRI of brain- mild to moderate cerebral atrophy. > > # Chronic fatigue > > # Hearing loss/tinnitus > > # RLL lung nodule > > - CT of chest 12/06= 7 mm RLL nodule > > - followup CT 5/08= stable > > # L adrenal adenoma > > - CT of chest 12/06- L adrenal nodule, likely adenoma > > - 8/7/06 VMA normal > > - 2/23/06 serum cortisol (random) normal > > - 11/09- stable appearance > > # Sleep apnea, on CPAP > > - Sleep study- 3/21/2007 -> probable sleep apnea > > # Hepatic cysts > > # Stable hyperdense cyst L kidney on 11/09 CT > > # sip laparoscopic appendectomy 12/14/D8 > > Meds: > > Active Outpatient Medications (excluding Supplies) : > > > > > > Active Outpatient Medications > > > > > > 1) FUROSEMIDE 20MG TAB TAKE THREE TABLETS BY MOUTH EVERY ACTIVE > > DAY TO REMOVE FLUID/CONTROL BLOOD PRESSURE > > 2) POTASSIUM CHLORIDE 10MEQ SA TAB TAKE TWO TABLETS BY ACTIVE > > MOUTH EVERY DAY TO SUPPLEMENT POTASSIUM > > > > > > Active Non-VA Medications > > Non-VA ASPIRIN 325MG TAB 325MG MOUTH EVERY DAY > > Non-VA FISH OIL CAP/TAB 2 EVERY DAY > > Non-VA MULTIVITAMIN/MINERALS TAB 1 MOUTH EVERY DAY > > > > > > 5 Total Medications > > Allergies: > > DILTIAZEM > > Symptoms: DIZZINESS > > > > > > (historical) > > > > > > Sochx: > > Pt lives by himself in Enfield. He worked at Hitchcock hospital > > in the > > boiler-room for 15 years and later worked as a gardener and > > handyman. He is now > > on disability. He denies any tobacco or ETOH use. He exercises very > > rarely and > > states that he eats sensibly but does occasionally eat junk food. > > > > > > Vitals: > > DATE/TIME > > 10/27/11 @ 1323 > > 95% on RA > > > > TEMP > > 99.4 > > > > > > > > PULSE > > 80 > > > > > > RESP > > > > > > BP > > 142/73 > > > > > > PAIN > > o > > > > > > WEIGHT > > 308 > > > > > > Physical exam: > > Gen: Obese male in NAD > > Skin: No rashes, sores or ulcers > > HEENT: EOMI, PERRL, poor dentition, op clear with mmm > > Neck: Supple with normal ROM, JVD not appreciated > > CV: RRR without murmur > > Pulm: CTAB without wheezes, rales or rhonchi. SOB with getting up to > > the exam > > table. > > Abd: Obese, S/NT/ND, NABS, No HSM > > Ext: 1+ and equal DPP BL, 1+ pretibial pitting edema bl > > Neuro: Non-focal, moving all 4 extremities equally > > Labs: > > > > > > CBC: > > WBC: 7.4 (09/24/11 15:15) > > > > HCT: 44.0 (09/24/1115:15) > > HGB: 14.9 (09/24/11 15:15) > > PT : 12.2 (09/24/11 15: 15) > > > > > > > > > > BMP: > > GLU,BUN,CREAT,LYTES GLUCOSE BUN CREAT SODIUM K CHLOR CO2 > > 9/24/11 15: 15 131 H 11 0.91 140 3.9 107 23 > > GLU, BUN,CREAT,LYTES ANION eGFR > > 9/24/11 15: 15 10 84 > > A/P: > > This is a 64 yo morbidly obese male with HTN, OSA, and chronic DOE > > with > > extensive negative cardiac workup. I had a frank discussion with the > > pt > > regarding his obesity and how it is contributing to his decreased > > functional > > status and the likely cause of most of his symptoms. Pt seems a bit > > unwilling > > to accept this and thinks that his symptoms might be 2/2 > > hyperaldosterinism and > > mentioned talking to a specialist here at the VA. I assured him that > > it was > > very unlikely that he had hyperaldo and described to him why. He may > > benefit > > from talking to a health psychologist and was introduced to Glenna. > > In regards > > to his HTN, we did discontinue his atenolol as it may be worsening > > his fatigue. > > He was started on lisinopril and scheduled for a BP clinic appt in 2 > > weeks. > > > > # DOE 2/2 deconditioning/obesity > > - Encouraged pt to exercise daily as tolerated > > # HTN > > - Stop Atenolol > > - Start lisinopril 5 mg qd > > - F/u at BP clinic in 2 weeks with lytes drawn > > # LE edema > > - Continue lasix 60 mg QD > > - Continue triamterene 50 mg QD > > #Preventative > > - Flu shot today > > Colonoscopy ordered > > HIV ordered > > Lipid panel ordered > > Hgb A1C ordered > > RTC in 4 months > > Patient seen and discussed with Dr. Grosssman who agrees with plan > > of care > > Dean , PGY-1 > > BP>=140/90 or BP>=130/80 + DM: > > Repeat BP: 136/75 > > > > The patient's medication regimen was adjusted to improve BP control. > > The patient was counseled on the importance of regular exercise > > and/or physical activity in the control of blood pressure. > > The patient was instructed to try to exercise at least 30 minutes > > 3 times per week if possible and that any increase in physical > > activity may be useful in controlling BP. > > The patient has a limited ability to exercise but was encouraged > > to increase physical activity as much as possible since any > > increase in activity may be beneficial in improving BP control. > > The patient was counseled on the importance of diet and weight > > control in the control of blood pressure. > > Co1orectal Cancer Screening: > > Patient is scheduled for a colonoscopy. > > HIV Screening > > Patient has given verbal consent for HIV antibody testing, and written > > educational materials have been provided. An order for an HIV Antibody > > test has been entered - see orders tab. > > Home Telehealth (CCHT) Referral: > > Patient declines participation in CCHT Program at this time. > > Lipid Screening(M): > > Lipid profile ordered. > > /es/ DEAN J TAYLOR > > Resident MD > > Signed: 10/27/2011 17:17 > > /es/ ALEXANDRA GROSSMAN > > Staff MD > > Cosigned: 10/30/2011 20:22 > > Receipt Acknowledged By: > > 12/02/2011 16:13 /es/ GLENNA S ROUSSEAU > > Clinical Psychologist > > 10/30/2011 ADDENDUM STATUS: COMPLETED > > I discussed this patient with Dr. and agree with his > > assessment and plan. > > /es/ ALEXANDRA GROSSMAN > > Staff MD > > Signed: 10/30/2011 20:22 > > LOCAL TITLE: Telephone Note-Primary Care > > STANDARD TITLE: PRIMARY CARE TELEPHONE ENCOUNTER NOTE > > DATE OF NOTE: SEP 26, 2011@09:14 ENTRY DATE: SEP 26, 2011@09:14:07 > > AUTHOR: DATTILIO, LINDA EXP COSIGNER: > > > > > > > > Letter about labs > > > > Your hemoglobin A1C is a measure of your long-term blood sugar > > control. Your > > A1C was 5.7, indicating pretty good blood sugar management. > > Your cholesterol levels were very good: > > > > > > CHOL: 200 > > HDL: 43 > > LDL: 128 > > TRIG: 145 > > > > > > HDL is the good cholesterol and should be greater than 40 which > > yours is. > > Triglycerides are a type of bad cholesterol and should be less than > > 150 which > > yours is. > > LDL is the bad cholesterol and should be less than 130 which yours is. > > Don't forget that you have a blood pressure check on November 10th. > > You should > > get your blood drawn prior to that appointment. I hope changing your > > blood > > pressure medication improves your energy. > > Wishing you the best of health, > > Dean , DO > > VA Medical Center, White River Junction, VT > > /es/ DEAN J TAYLOR > > Resident MD > > Signed: 10/31/2011 13:58 > > /es/ ALEXANDRA GROSSMAN > > Staff MD > > Cosigned: 11/03/2011 16:14 > > > > 64 M NH vet with HTN Possable since 1966 but most B/P at that time > > were normal a few with top 140, K went to 3.2 with HCTZ (2007). Sx > > of CHF. CT 2 cm L adrenal adenoma(2006). Aldo Renin not classic for > > PA but done on meds. Never tried on spiro or eplere but trying to > > get VA to try. B/P is arould 140/80 on diuretics eating less NA not > > at DASH goal. Normal Echo and stress tests. > > > > >

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Francis, you identified two major problems with this process. Who's problem is

it that they took your BP over your shirt? Let me help: YOUR'S, " NO " is the

word you are looking for! (We talked about this months ago!)

If they told me they were sending me a new meter 3 mos go and I hadn't recieved

it 2 1/2 months ago I'd call triage, you do have their number don't you? This

is a problem that doesn't even need your PCP providing he ordered it! (An

alternate method would be to e-mail your PCP. I believe he has 3 days to

respond and you can always check to make sure he opened it!)

> >

> > > As I posted before about this visit this PCP has no clue about PA.

> > > You will also note LVH Doesn't seem to be a concern for him. Has no

> > > relationship to shortness of breath.

> > >

> > > LOCAL TITLE: Primary Care Clinic


> > > DATE OF NOTE: OCT 27, 2011@13:34


> > > URGENCY:

> > >

> > >

> > > Note

> > > ENTRY DATE: OCT 27, 2011@13:35



> > >

> > >


> > > *** Primary Care Clinic Note Has ADDENDA ***

> > > Chief Complaint: 1.) Chronic shortness of breath 2.) " Brain fog "

> > > HPI:

> > > This is a morbidly obese (BMI 45) 64 yo male with pmhx notable for

> > > HTN, OSA and

> > > BPV presenting with dyspnea on exertion that has been ongoing for 6

> > > weeks and

> > > prompted a visit to the ED on 9/24/11. In the ED he was worked up

> > > with negative

> > > CE's, negative CXR and EKG notable only for LVH. He has had

> > > intermittent

> > > episodes of DOE for the past 6 years and has had an extensive

> > > cardiac work-up

> > > including ETT X 3 most recently 2/2011 that was notable only for

> > > decreased

> > > functional capacity (58% of expected). He states that his DOE has

> > > not improved

> > > much since he was seen in the ED and that he gets sob with walking

> > > short

> > > distances. Prior to this most recent episode of DOE he developed

> > > vertigo type

> > > symptoms that lasted for a week but have since resolved. He denies

> > > any cp,

> > > palpitations, PND, orthopnea or sob at rest. He states that

> > > " breathing into a

> > > paper bag " does help his sob and he feels that he has " Conns

> > > syndrome " . I

> > > explained that hyperaldosteronism is very rare and that he would

> > > have low

> > > pottasium and a higher blood pressure if he had Conns.

> > > He is also c/o chronic fatigue, lightheadedness and " brain fog " that

> > > also

> > > started about 6 years ago. He endorses compliance with his BiPap. He

> > > has

> > > gained 28 pounds in the last 6 years. He exercises very little 2/2

> > > decreased

> > > tolerance.

> > > ROS:

> > > Cons- Denies fevers, chills or unintentional weight loss

> > > Skin- Denies any new rashes, sores or ulcers

> > >

> > > PATIENT NAME AND ADDRESS (Mechanical imprinting, if available) VISTA

> > > Electronic Medical Documentation


> > >

> > > HEENT- Denies any vision changes, ringing in ears or sore throat

> > > CV- Denies any chest pain or palpitations

> > > Resp- + for SOB as above

> > > GI- Denies any abdominal pain, changes in bowel habits or blood in

> > > stool

> > > GU- Denies any dysuria or obstructive symptoms

> > > MSK- Denies any arthralgias or myalgias

> > > Hem- Denies any easy bruising or bleeding

> > > Endo- Denies any cold or heat intolerance

> > > Neuro- Denies any weakness, numbness or tingling

> > > Pmhx:

> > > # Morbid obesity

> > > - BMI of 45

> > > # Hypertension

> > > # DOE

> > > - ETT- 4/10/2009: Negative for ischemia, Functional capacity 58% of

> > > expected

> > > - ECHO- 5/19/2008: EF of 55-60%, No obvious WMA

> > > - PFT's 11/2005: Normal spirometry

> > > # Dizziness and tachycardia

> > > - see neuro consultation 5/16/06

> > > - 6/06 CT= frontal atrophy of brain

> > > - 9/05 ETT- 6 mets, negative

> > > 10/05 holter- rare PACSi freq islated PVCSi underlying rhythm sinus

> > > averaging

> > > 71

> > > - 11/05 PFTs- normal spirometry

> > > - 11/05 carotid studies- minimal stenosis

> > > -11/05 loop monitor- sypmtoms sometimes with sinus tach, someties

> > > with NSR

> > > - 12/05 echocardiogram normal

> > > - 12/08 MRI of brain- mild to moderate cerebral atrophy.

> > > # Chronic fatigue

> > > # Hearing loss/tinnitus

> > > # RLL lung nodule

> > > - CT of chest 12/06= 7 mm RLL nodule

> > > - followup CT 5/08= stable

> > > # L adrenal adenoma

> > > - CT of chest 12/06- L adrenal nodule, likely adenoma

> > > - 8/7/06 VMA normal

> > > - 2/23/06 serum cortisol (random) normal

> > > - 11/09- stable appearance

> > > # Sleep apnea, on CPAP

> > > - Sleep study- 3/21/2007 -> probable sleep apnea

> > > # Hepatic cysts

> > > # Stable hyperdense cyst L kidney on 11/09 CT

> > > # sip laparoscopic appendectomy 12/14/D8

> > > Meds:

> > > Active Outpatient Medications (excluding Supplies) :

> > >

> > >

> > > Active Outpatient Medications

> > >

> > >





> > >

> > >

> > > Active Non-VA Medications




> > >

> > >

> > > 5 Total Medications

> > > Allergies:


> > > Symptoms: DIZZINESS

> > >

> > >

> > > (historical)

> > >

> > >

> > > Sochx:

> > > Pt lives by himself in Enfield. He worked at Hitchcock hospital

> > > in the

> > > boiler-room for 15 years and later worked as a gardener and

> > > handyman. He is now

> > > on disability. He denies any tobacco or ETOH use. He exercises very

> > > rarely and

> > > states that he eats sensibly but does occasionally eat junk food.

> > >

> > >

> > > Vitals:


> > > 10/27/11 @ 1323

> > > 95% on RA

> > >

> > > TEMP

> > > 99.4

> > >

> > >

> > >

> > > PULSE

> > > 80

> > >

> > >

> > > RESP

> > >

> > >

> > > BP

> > > 142/73

> > >

> > >

> > > PAIN

> > > o

> > >

> > >

> > > WEIGHT

> > > 308

> > >

> > >

> > > Physical exam:

> > > Gen: Obese male in NAD

> > > Skin: No rashes, sores or ulcers

> > > HEENT: EOMI, PERRL, poor dentition, op clear with mmm

> > > Neck: Supple with normal ROM, JVD not appreciated

> > > CV: RRR without murmur

> > > Pulm: CTAB without wheezes, rales or rhonchi. SOB with getting up to

> > > the exam

> > > table.

> > > Abd: Obese, S/NT/ND, NABS, No HSM

> > > Ext: 1+ and equal DPP BL, 1+ pretibial pitting edema bl

> > > Neuro: Non-focal, moving all 4 extremities equally

> > > Labs:

> > >

> > >

> > > CBC:

> > > WBC: 7.4 (09/24/11 15:15)

> > >

> > > HCT: 44.0 (09/24/1115:15)

> > > HGB: 14.9 (09/24/11 15:15)

> > > PT : 12.2 (09/24/11 15: 15)

> > >

> > >

> > >

> > >

> > > BMP:


> > > 9/24/11 15: 15 131 H 11 0.91 140 3.9 107 23


> > > 9/24/11 15: 15 10 84

> > > A/P:

> > > This is a 64 yo morbidly obese male with HTN, OSA, and chronic DOE

> > > with

> > > extensive negative cardiac workup. I had a frank discussion with the

> > > pt

> > > regarding his obesity and how it is contributing to his decreased

> > > functional

> > > status and the likely cause of most of his symptoms. Pt seems a bit

> > > unwilling

> > > to accept this and thinks that his symptoms might be 2/2

> > > hyperaldosterinism and

> > > mentioned talking to a specialist here at the VA. I assured him that

> > > it was

> > > very unlikely that he had hyperaldo and described to him why. He may

> > > benefit

> > > from talking to a health psychologist and was introduced to Glenna.

> > > In regards

> > > to his HTN, we did discontinue his atenolol as it may be worsening

> > > his fatigue.

> > > He was started on lisinopril and scheduled for a BP clinic appt in 2

> > > weeks.

> > >

> > > # DOE 2/2 deconditioning/obesity

> > > - Encouraged pt to exercise daily as tolerated

> > > # HTN

> > > - Stop Atenolol

> > > - Start lisinopril 5 mg qd

> > > - F/u at BP clinic in 2 weeks with lytes drawn

> > > # LE edema

> > > - Continue lasix 60 mg QD

> > > - Continue triamterene 50 mg QD

> > > #Preventative

> > > - Flu shot today

> > > Colonoscopy ordered

> > > HIV ordered

> > > Lipid panel ordered

> > > Hgb A1C ordered

> > > RTC in 4 months

> > > Patient seen and discussed with Dr. Grosssman who agrees with plan

> > > of care

> > > Dean , PGY-1

> > > BP>=140/90 or BP>=130/80 + DM:

> > > Repeat BP: 136/75

> > >

> > > The patient's medication regimen was adjusted to improve BP control.

> > > The patient was counseled on the importance of regular exercise

> > > and/or physical activity in the control of blood pressure.

> > > The patient was instructed to try to exercise at least 30 minutes

> > > 3 times per week if possible and that any increase in physical

> > > activity may be useful in controlling BP.

> > > The patient has a limited ability to exercise but was encouraged

> > > to increase physical activity as much as possible since any

> > > increase in activity may be beneficial in improving BP control.

> > > The patient was counseled on the importance of diet and weight

> > > control in the control of blood pressure.

> > > Co1orectal Cancer Screening:

> > > Patient is scheduled for a colonoscopy.

> > > HIV Screening

> > > Patient has given verbal consent for HIV antibody testing, and written

> > > educational materials have been provided. An order for an HIV Antibody

> > > test has been entered - see orders tab.

> > > Home Telehealth (CCHT) Referral:

> > > Patient declines participation in CCHT Program at this time.

> > > Lipid Screening(M):

> > > Lipid profile ordered.

> > > /es/ DEAN J TAYLOR

> > > Resident MD

> > > Signed: 10/27/2011 17:17


> > > Staff MD

> > > Cosigned: 10/30/2011 20:22

> > > Receipt Acknowledged By:

> > > 12/02/2011 16:13 /es/ GLENNA S ROUSSEAU

> > > Clinical Psychologist


> > > I discussed this patient with Dr. and agree with his

> > > assessment and plan.


> > > Staff MD

> > > Signed: 10/30/2011 20:22

> > > LOCAL TITLE: Telephone Note-Primary Care


> > > DATE OF NOTE: SEP 26, 2011@09:14 ENTRY DATE: SEP 26, 2011@09:14:07


> > >

> > >

> > >

> > > Letter about labs

> > >

> > > Your hemoglobin A1C is a measure of your long-term blood sugar

> > > control. Your

> > > A1C was 5.7, indicating pretty good blood sugar management.

> > > Your cholesterol levels were very good:

> > >

> > >

> > > CHOL: 200

> > > HDL: 43

> > > LDL: 128

> > > TRIG: 145

> > >

> > >

> > > HDL is the good cholesterol and should be greater than 40 which

> > > yours is.

> > > Triglycerides are a type of bad cholesterol and should be less than

> > > 150 which

> > > yours is.

> > > LDL is the bad cholesterol and should be less than 130 which yours is.

> > > Don't forget that you have a blood pressure check on November 10th.

> > > You should

> > > get your blood drawn prior to that appointment. I hope changing your

> > > blood

> > > pressure medication improves your energy.

> > > Wishing you the best of health,

> > > Dean , DO

> > > VA Medical Center, White River Junction, VT

> > > /es/ DEAN J TAYLOR

> > > Resident MD

> > > Signed: 10/31/2011 13:58


> > > Staff MD

> > > Cosigned: 11/03/2011 16:14

> > >

> > > 64 M NH vet with HTN Possable since 1966 but most B/P at that time

> > > were normal a few with top 140, K went to 3.2 with HCTZ (2007). Sx

> > > of CHF. CT 2 cm L adrenal adenoma(2006). Aldo Renin not classic for

> > > PA but done on meds. Never tried on spiro or eplere but trying to

> > > get VA to try. B/P is arould 140/80 on diuretics eating less NA not

> > > at DASH goal. Normal Echo and stress tests.

> > >

> > >

> >


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I don't think the nurse would have listened to me anyway. If you remember a

while back Dr Grim said even when they are showed the right way to take BP they

only do in for a short time they go back to doing it wrong. Would guess the

nurse to be about 60. So she has been doing it wrong for many years.

She told me that my Dr would have to make the request for the BP device.

> > >

> > > > As I posted before about this visit this PCP has no clue about PA.

> > > > You will also note LVH Doesn't seem to be a concern for him. Has no

> > > > relationship to shortness of breath.

> > > >

> > > > LOCAL TITLE: Primary Care Clinic


> > > > DATE OF NOTE: OCT 27, 2011@13:34


> > > > URGENCY:

> > > >

> > > >

> > > > Note

> > > > ENTRY DATE: OCT 27, 2011@13:35



> > > >

> > > >

> > > > Printed at WHITE RIVER JCT VAMROC

> > > > *** Primary Care Clinic Note Has ADDENDA ***

> > > > Chief Complaint: 1.) Chronic shortness of breath 2.) " Brain fog "

> > > > HPI:

> > > > This is a morbidly obese (BMI 45) 64 yo male with pmhx notable for

> > > > HTN, OSA and

> > > > BPV presenting with dyspnea on exertion that has been ongoing for 6

> > > > weeks and

> > > > prompted a visit to the ED on 9/24/11. In the ED he was worked up

> > > > with negative

> > > > CE's, negative CXR and EKG notable only for LVH. He has had

> > > > intermittent

> > > > episodes of DOE for the past 6 years and has had an extensive

> > > > cardiac work-up

> > > > including ETT X 3 most recently 2/2011 that was notable only for

> > > > decreased

> > > > functional capacity (58% of expected). He states that his DOE has

> > > > not improved

> > > > much since he was seen in the ED and that he gets sob with walking

> > > > short

> > > > distances. Prior to this most recent episode of DOE he developed

> > > > vertigo type

> > > > symptoms that lasted for a week but have since resolved. He denies

> > > > any cp,

> > > > palpitations, PND, orthopnea or sob at rest. He states that

> > > > " breathing into a

> > > > paper bag " does help his sob and he feels that he has " Conns

> > > > syndrome " . I

> > > > explained that hyperaldosteronism is very rare and that he would

> > > > have low

> > > > pottasium and a higher blood pressure if he had Conns.

> > > > He is also c/o chronic fatigue, lightheadedness and " brain fog " that

> > > > also

> > > > started about 6 years ago. He endorses compliance with his BiPap. He

> > > > has

> > > > gained 28 pounds in the last 6 years. He exercises very little 2/2

> > > > decreased

> > > > tolerance.

> > > > ROS:

> > > > Cons- Denies fevers, chills or unintentional weight loss

> > > > Skin- Denies any new rashes, sores or ulcers

> > > >

> > > > PATIENT NAME AND ADDRESS (Mechanical imprinting, if available) VISTA

> > > > Electronic Medical Documentation


> > > >

> > > > HEENT- Denies any vision changes, ringing in ears or sore throat

> > > > CV- Denies any chest pain or palpitations

> > > > Resp- + for SOB as above

> > > > GI- Denies any abdominal pain, changes in bowel habits or blood in

> > > > stool

> > > > GU- Denies any dysuria or obstructive symptoms

> > > > MSK- Denies any arthralgias or myalgias

> > > > Hem- Denies any easy bruising or bleeding

> > > > Endo- Denies any cold or heat intolerance

> > > > Neuro- Denies any weakness, numbness or tingling

> > > > Pmhx:

> > > > # Morbid obesity

> > > > - BMI of 45

> > > > # Hypertension

> > > > # DOE

> > > > - ETT- 4/10/2009: Negative for ischemia, Functional capacity 58% of

> > > > expected

> > > > - ECHO- 5/19/2008: EF of 55-60%, No obvious WMA

> > > > - PFT's 11/2005: Normal spirometry

> > > > # Dizziness and tachycardia

> > > > - see neuro consultation 5/16/06

> > > > - 6/06 CT= frontal atrophy of brain

> > > > - 9/05 ETT- 6 mets, negative

> > > > 10/05 holter- rare PACSi freq islated PVCSi underlying rhythm sinus

> > > > averaging

> > > > 71

> > > > - 11/05 PFTs- normal spirometry

> > > > - 11/05 carotid studies- minimal stenosis

> > > > -11/05 loop monitor- sypmtoms sometimes with sinus tach, someties

> > > > with NSR

> > > > - 12/05 echocardiogram normal

> > > > - 12/08 MRI of brain- mild to moderate cerebral atrophy.

> > > > # Chronic fatigue

> > > > # Hearing loss/tinnitus

> > > > # RLL lung nodule

> > > > - CT of chest 12/06= 7 mm RLL nodule

> > > > - followup CT 5/08= stable

> > > > # L adrenal adenoma

> > > > - CT of chest 12/06- L adrenal nodule, likely adenoma

> > > > - 8/7/06 VMA normal

> > > > - 2/23/06 serum cortisol (random) normal

> > > > - 11/09- stable appearance

> > > > # Sleep apnea, on CPAP

> > > > - Sleep study- 3/21/2007 -> probable sleep apnea

> > > > # Hepatic cysts

> > > > # Stable hyperdense cyst L kidney on 11/09 CT

> > > > # sip laparoscopic appendectomy 12/14/D8

> > > > Meds:

> > > > Active Outpatient Medications (excluding Supplies) :

> > > >

> > > >

> > > > Active Outpatient Medications

> > > >

> > > >





> > > >

> > > >

> > > > Active Non-VA Medications




> > > >

> > > >

> > > > 5 Total Medications

> > > > Allergies:


> > > > Symptoms: DIZZINESS

> > > >

> > > >

> > > > (historical)

> > > >

> > > >

> > > > Sochx:

> > > > Pt lives by himself in Enfield. He worked at Hitchcock hospital

> > > > in the

> > > > boiler-room for 15 years and later worked as a gardener and

> > > > handyman. He is now

> > > > on disability. He denies any tobacco or ETOH use. He exercises very

> > > > rarely and

> > > > states that he eats sensibly but does occasionally eat junk food.

> > > >

> > > >

> > > > Vitals:

> > > > DATE/TIME

> > > > 10/27/11 @ 1323

> > > > 95% on RA

> > > >

> > > > TEMP

> > > > 99.4

> > > >

> > > >

> > > >

> > > > PULSE

> > > > 80

> > > >

> > > >

> > > > RESP

> > > >

> > > >

> > > > BP

> > > > 142/73

> > > >

> > > >

> > > > PAIN

> > > > o

> > > >

> > > >

> > > > WEIGHT

> > > > 308

> > > >

> > > >

> > > > Physical exam:

> > > > Gen: Obese male in NAD

> > > > Skin: No rashes, sores or ulcers

> > > > HEENT: EOMI, PERRL, poor dentition, op clear with mmm

> > > > Neck: Supple with normal ROM, JVD not appreciated

> > > > CV: RRR without murmur

> > > > Pulm: CTAB without wheezes, rales or rhonchi. SOB with getting up to

> > > > the exam

> > > > table.

> > > > Abd: Obese, S/NT/ND, NABS, No HSM

> > > > Ext: 1+ and equal DPP BL, 1+ pretibial pitting edema bl

> > > > Neuro: Non-focal, moving all 4 extremities equally

> > > > Labs:

> > > >

> > > >

> > > > CBC:

> > > > WBC: 7.4 (09/24/11 15:15)

> > > >

> > > > HCT: 44.0 (09/24/1115:15)

> > > > HGB: 14.9 (09/24/11 15:15)

> > > > PT : 12.2 (09/24/11 15: 15)

> > > >

> > > >

> > > >

> > > >

> > > > BMP:


> > > > 9/24/11 15: 15 131 H 11 0.91 140 3.9 107 23


> > > > 9/24/11 15: 15 10 84

> > > > A/P:

> > > > This is a 64 yo morbidly obese male with HTN, OSA, and chronic DOE

> > > > with

> > > > extensive negative cardiac workup. I had a frank discussion with the

> > > > pt

> > > > regarding his obesity and how it is contributing to his decreased

> > > > functional

> > > > status and the likely cause of most of his symptoms. Pt seems a bit

> > > > unwilling

> > > > to accept this and thinks that his symptoms might be 2/2

> > > > hyperaldosterinism and

> > > > mentioned talking to a specialist here at the VA. I assured him that

> > > > it was

> > > > very unlikely that he had hyperaldo and described to him why. He may

> > > > benefit

> > > > from talking to a health psychologist and was introduced to Glenna.

> > > > In regards

> > > > to his HTN, we did discontinue his atenolol as it may be worsening

> > > > his fatigue.

> > > > He was started on lisinopril and scheduled for a BP clinic appt in 2

> > > > weeks.

> > > >

> > > > # DOE 2/2 deconditioning/obesity

> > > > - Encouraged pt to exercise daily as tolerated

> > > > # HTN

> > > > - Stop Atenolol

> > > > - Start lisinopril 5 mg qd

> > > > - F/u at BP clinic in 2 weeks with lytes drawn

> > > > # LE edema

> > > > - Continue lasix 60 mg QD

> > > > - Continue triamterene 50 mg QD

> > > > #Preventative

> > > > - Flu shot today

> > > > Colonoscopy ordered

> > > > HIV ordered

> > > > Lipid panel ordered

> > > > Hgb A1C ordered

> > > > RTC in 4 months

> > > > Patient seen and discussed with Dr. Grosssman who agrees with plan

> > > > of care

> > > > Dean , PGY-1

> > > > BP>=140/90 or BP>=130/80 + DM:

> > > > Repeat BP: 136/75

> > > >

> > > > The patient's medication regimen was adjusted to improve BP control.

> > > > The patient was counseled on the importance of regular exercise

> > > > and/or physical activity in the control of blood pressure.

> > > > The patient was instructed to try to exercise at least 30 minutes

> > > > 3 times per week if possible and that any increase in physical

> > > > activity may be useful in controlling BP.

> > > > The patient has a limited ability to exercise but was encouraged

> > > > to increase physical activity as much as possible since any

> > > > increase in activity may be beneficial in improving BP control.

> > > > The patient was counseled on the importance of diet and weight

> > > > control in the control of blood pressure.

> > > > Co1orectal Cancer Screening:

> > > > Patient is scheduled for a colonoscopy.

> > > > HIV Screening

> > > > Patient has given verbal consent for HIV antibody testing, and written

> > > > educational materials have been provided. An order for an HIV Antibody

> > > > test has been entered - see orders tab.

> > > > Home Telehealth (CCHT) Referral:

> > > > Patient declines participation in CCHT Program at this time.

> > > > Lipid Screening(M):

> > > > Lipid profile ordered.

> > > > /es/ DEAN J TAYLOR

> > > > Resident MD

> > > > Signed: 10/27/2011 17:17


> > > > Staff MD

> > > > Cosigned: 10/30/2011 20:22

> > > > Receipt Acknowledged By:

> > > > 12/02/2011 16:13 /es/ GLENNA S ROUSSEAU

> > > > Clinical Psychologist


> > > > I discussed this patient with Dr. and agree with his

> > > > assessment and plan.


> > > > Staff MD

> > > > Signed: 10/30/2011 20:22

> > > > LOCAL TITLE: Telephone Note-Primary Care


> > > > DATE OF NOTE: SEP 26, 2011@09:14 ENTRY DATE: SEP 26, 2011@09:14:07


> > > >

> > > >

> > > >

> > > > Letter about labs

> > > >

> > > > Your hemoglobin A1C is a measure of your long-term blood sugar

> > > > control. Your

> > > > A1C was 5.7, indicating pretty good blood sugar management.

> > > > Your cholesterol levels were very good:

> > > >

> > > >

> > > > CHOL: 200

> > > > HDL: 43

> > > > LDL: 128

> > > > TRIG: 145

> > > >

> > > >

> > > > HDL is the good cholesterol and should be greater than 40 which

> > > > yours is.

> > > > Triglycerides are a type of bad cholesterol and should be less than

> > > > 150 which

> > > > yours is.

> > > > LDL is the bad cholesterol and should be less than 130 which yours is.

> > > > Don't forget that you have a blood pressure check on November 10th.

> > > > You should

> > > > get your blood drawn prior to that appointment. I hope changing your

> > > > blood

> > > > pressure medication improves your energy.

> > > > Wishing you the best of health,

> > > > Dean , DO

> > > > VA Medical Center, White River Junction, VT

> > > > /es/ DEAN J TAYLOR

> > > > Resident MD

> > > > Signed: 10/31/2011 13:58


> > > > Staff MD

> > > > Cosigned: 11/03/2011 16:14

> > > >

> > > > 64 M NH vet with HTN Possable since 1966 but most B/P at that time

> > > > were normal a few with top 140, K went to 3.2 with HCTZ (2007). Sx

> > > > of CHF. CT 2 cm L adrenal adenoma(2006). Aldo Renin not classic for

> > > > PA but done on meds. Never tried on spiro or eplere but trying to

> > > > get VA to try. B/P is arould 140/80 on diuretics eating less NA not

> > > > at DASH goal. Normal Echo and stress tests.

> > > >

> > > >

> > >

> >


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But think of all the vets you will help if you get her to do it right. Complain to the clinic manager or online to the VA. CE Grim MDOn Jan 29, 2012, at 1:18 PM, Francis Bill SUSPECTED PA wrote: I don't think the nurse would have listened to me anyway. If you remember a while back Dr Grim said even when they are showed the right way to take BP they only do in for a short time they go back to doing it wrong. Would guess the nurse to be about 60. So she has been doing it wrong for many years. She told me that my Dr would have to make the request for the BP device. > > > > > > > As I posted before about this visit this PCP has no clue about PA. > > > > You will also note LVH Doesn't seem to be a concern for him. Has no > > > > relationship to shortness of breath. > > > > > > > > LOCAL TITLE: Primary Care Clinic > > > > STANDARD TITLE: PRIMARY CARE NOTE > > > > DATE OF NOTE: OCT 27, 2011@13:34 > > > > AUTHOR: TAYLOR,DEAN J > > > > URGENCY: > > > > > > > > > > > > Note > > > > ENTRY DATE: OCT 27, 2011@13:35 > > > > EXP COSIGNER: GROSSMAN,ALEXANDRA > > > > STATUS: COMPLETED > > > > > > > > > > > > Printed at WHITE RIVER JCT VAMROC > > > > *** Primary Care Clinic Note Has ADDENDA *** > > > > Chief Complaint: 1.) Chronic shortness of breath 2.) "Brain fog" > > > > HPI: > > > > This is a morbidly obese (BMI 45) 64 yo male with pmhx notable for > > > > HTN, OSA and > > > > BPV presenting with dyspnea on exertion that has been ongoing for 6 > > > > weeks and > > > > prompted a visit to the ED on 9/24/11. In the ED he was worked up > > > > with negative > > > > CE's, negative CXR and EKG notable only for LVH. He has had > > > > intermittent > > > > episodes of DOE for the past 6 years and has had an extensive > > > > cardiac work-up > > > > including ETT X 3 most recently 2/2011 that was notable only for > > > > decreased > > > > functional capacity (58% of expected). He states that his DOE has > > > > not improved > > > > much since he was seen in the ED and that he gets sob with walking > > > > short > > > > distances. Prior to this most recent episode of DOE he developed > > > > vertigo type > > > > symptoms that lasted for a week but have since resolved. He denies > > > > any cp, > > > > palpitations, PND, orthopnea or sob at rest. He states that > > > > "breathing into a > > > > paper bag" does help his sob and he feels that he has "Conns > > > > syndrome". I > > > > explained that hyperaldosteronism is very rare and that he would > > > > have low > > > > pottasium and a higher blood pressure if he had Conns. > > > > He is also c/o chronic fatigue, lightheadedness and "brain fog" that > > > > also > > > > started about 6 years ago. He endorses compliance with his BiPap. He > > > > has > > > > gained 28 pounds in the last 6 years. He exercises very little 2/2 > > > > decreased > > > > tolerance. > > > > ROS: > > > > Cons- Denies fevers, chills or unintentional weight loss > > > > Skin- Denies any new rashes, sores or ulcers > > > > > > > > PATIENT NAME AND ADDRESS (Mechanical imprinting, if available) VISTA > > > > Electronic Medical Documentation > > > > BILL, FRANCIS HENRY > > > > > > > > HEENT- Denies any vision changes, ringing in ears or sore throat > > > > CV- Denies any chest pain or palpitations > > > > Resp- + for SOB as above > > > > GI- Denies any abdominal pain, changes in bowel habits or blood in > > > > stool > > > > GU- Denies any dysuria or obstructive symptoms > > > > MSK- Denies any arthralgias or myalgias > > > > Hem- Denies any easy bruising or bleeding > > > > Endo- Denies any cold or heat intolerance > > > > Neuro- Denies any weakness, numbness or tingling > > > > Pmhx: > > > > # Morbid obesity > > > > - BMI of 45 > > > > # Hypertension > > > > # DOE > > > > - ETT- 4/10/2009: Negative for ischemia, Functional capacity 58% of > > > > expected > > > > - ECHO- 5/19/2008: EF of 55-60%, No obvious WMA > > > > - PFT's 11/2005: Normal spirometry > > > > # Dizziness and tachycardia > > > > - see neuro consultation 5/16/06 > > > > - 6/06 CT= frontal atrophy of brain > > > > - 9/05 ETT- 6 mets, negative > > > > 10/05 holter- rare PACSi freq islated PVCSi underlying rhythm sinus > > > > averaging > > > > 71 > > > > - 11/05 PFTs- normal spirometry > > > > - 11/05 carotid studies- minimal stenosis > > > > -11/05 loop monitor- sypmtoms sometimes with sinus tach, someties > > > > with NSR > > > > - 12/05 echocardiogram normal > > > > - 12/08 MRI of brain- mild to moderate cerebral atrophy. > > > > # Chronic fatigue > > > > # Hearing loss/tinnitus > > > > # RLL lung nodule > > > > - CT of chest 12/06= 7 mm RLL nodule > > > > - followup CT 5/08= stable > > > > # L adrenal adenoma > > > > - CT of chest 12/06- L adrenal nodule, likely adenoma > > > > - 8/7/06 VMA normal > > > > - 2/23/06 serum cortisol (random) normal > > > > - 11/09- stable appearance > > > > # Sleep apnea, on CPAP > > > > - Sleep study- 3/21/2007 -> probable sleep apnea > > > > # Hepatic cysts > > > > # Stable hyperdense cyst L kidney on 11/09 CT > > > > # sip laparoscopic appendectomy 12/14/D8 > > > > Meds: > > > > Active Outpatient Medications (excluding Supplies) : > > > > > > > > > > > > Active Outpatient Medications > > > > > > > > > > > > 1) FUROSEMIDE 20MG TAB TAKE THREE TABLETS BY MOUTH EVERY ACTIVE > > > > DAY TO REMOVE FLUID/CONTROL BLOOD PRESSURE > > > > 2) POTASSIUM CHLORIDE 10MEQ SA TAB TAKE TWO TABLETS BY ACTIVE > > > > MOUTH EVERY DAY TO SUPPLEMENT POTASSIUM > > > > > > > > > > > > Active Non-VA Medications > > > > Non-VA ASPIRIN 325MG TAB 325MG MOUTH EVERY DAY > > > > Non-VA FISH OIL CAP/TAB 2 EVERY DAY > > > > Non-VA MULTIVITAMIN/MINERALS TAB 1 MOUTH EVERY DAY > > > > > > > > > > > > 5 Total Medications > > > > Allergies: > > > > DILTIAZEM > > > > Symptoms: DIZZINESS > > > > > > > > > > > > (historical) > > > > > > > > > > > > Sochx: > > > > Pt lives by himself in Enfield. He worked at Hitchcock hospital > > > > in the > > > > boiler-room for 15 years and later worked as a gardener and > > > > handyman. He is now > > > > on disability. He denies any tobacco or ETOH use. He exercises very > > > > rarely and > > > > states that he eats sensibly but does occasionally eat junk food. > > > > > > > > > > > > Vitals: > > > > DATE/TIME > > > > 10/27/11 @ 1323 > > > > 95% on RA > > > > > > > > TEMP > > > > 99.4 > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > PULSE > > > > 80 > > > > > > > > > > > > RESP > > > > > > > > > > > > BP > > > > 142/73 > > > > > > > > > > > > PAIN > > > > o > > > > > > > > > > > > WEIGHT > > > > 308 > > > > > > > > > > > > Physical exam: > > > > Gen: Obese male in NAD > > > > Skin: No rashes, sores or ulcers > > > > HEENT: EOMI, PERRL, poor dentition, op clear with mmm > > > > Neck: Supple with normal ROM, JVD not appreciated > > > > CV: RRR without murmur > > > > Pulm: CTAB without wheezes, rales or rhonchi. SOB with getting up to > > > > the exam > > > > table. > > > > Abd: Obese, S/NT/ND, NABS, No HSM > > > > Ext: 1+ and equal DPP BL, 1+ pretibial pitting edema bl > > > > Neuro: Non-focal, moving all 4 extremities equally > > > > Labs: > > > > > > > > > > > > CBC: > > > > WBC: 7.4 (09/24/11 15:15) > > > > > > > > HCT: 44.0 (09/24/1115:15) > > > > HGB: 14.9 (09/24/11 15:15) > > > > PT : 12.2 (09/24/11 15: 15) > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > BMP: > > > > GLU,BUN,CREAT,LYTES GLUCOSE BUN CREAT SODIUM K CHLOR CO2 > > > > 9/24/11 15: 15 131 H 11 0.91 140 3.9 107 23 > > > > GLU, BUN,CREAT,LYTES ANION eGFR > > > > 9/24/11 15: 15 10 84 > > > > A/P: > > > > This is a 64 yo morbidly obese male with HTN, OSA, and chronic DOE > > > > with > > > > extensive negative cardiac workup. I had a frank discussion with the > > > > pt > > > > regarding his obesity and how it is contributing to his decreased > > > > functional > > > > status and the likely cause of most of his symptoms. Pt seems a bit > > > > unwilling > > > > to accept this and thinks that his symptoms might be 2/2 > > > > hyperaldosterinism and > > > > mentioned talking to a specialist here at the VA. I assured him that > > > > it was > > > > very unlikely that he had hyperaldo and described to him why. He may > > > > benefit > > > > from talking to a health psychologist and was introduced to Glenna. > > > > In regards > > > > to his HTN, we did discontinue his atenolol as it may be worsening > > > > his fatigue. > > > > He was started on lisinopril and scheduled for a BP clinic appt in 2 > > > > weeks. > > > > > > > > # DOE 2/2 deconditioning/obesity > > > > - Encouraged pt to exercise daily as tolerated > > > > # HTN > > > > - Stop Atenolol > > > > - Start lisinopril 5 mg qd > > > > - F/u at BP clinic in 2 weeks with lytes drawn > > > > # LE edema > > > > - Continue lasix 60 mg QD > > > > - Continue triamterene 50 mg QD > > > > #Preventative > > > > - Flu shot today > > > > Colonoscopy ordered > > > > HIV ordered > > > > Lipid panel ordered > > > > Hgb A1C ordered > > > > RTC in 4 months > > > > Patient seen and discussed with Dr. Grosssman who agrees with plan > > > > of care > > > > Dean , PGY-1 > > > > BP>=140/90 or BP>=130/80 + DM: > > > > Repeat BP: 136/75 > > > > > > > > The patient's medication regimen was adjusted to improve BP control. > > > > The patient was counseled on the importance of regular exercise > > > > and/or physical activity in the control of blood pressure. > > > > The patient was instructed to try to exercise at least 30 minutes > > > > 3 times per week if possible and that any increase in physical > > > > activity may be useful in controlling BP. > > > > The patient has a limited ability to exercise but was encouraged > > > > to increase physical activity as much as possible since any > > > > increase in activity may be beneficial in improving BP control. > > > > The patient was counseled on the importance of diet and weight > > > > control in the control of blood pressure. > > > > Co1orectal Cancer Screening: > > > > Patient is scheduled for a colonoscopy. > > > > HIV Screening > > > > Patient has given verbal consent for HIV antibody testing, and written > > > > educational materials have been provided. An order for an HIV Antibody > > > > test has been entered - see orders tab. > > > > Home Telehealth (CCHT) Referral: > > > > Patient declines participation in CCHT Program at this time. > > > > Lipid Screening(M): > > > > Lipid profile ordered. > > > > /es/ DEAN J TAYLOR > > > > Resident MD > > > > Signed: 10/27/2011 17:17 > > > > /es/ ALEXANDRA GROSSMAN > > > > Staff MD > > > > Cosigned: 10/30/2011 20:22 > > > > Receipt Acknowledged By: > > > > 12/02/2011 16:13 /es/ GLENNA S ROUSSEAU > > > > Clinical Psychologist > > > > 10/30/2011 ADDENDUM STATUS: COMPLETED > > > > I discussed this patient with Dr. and agree with his > > > > assessment and plan. > > > > /es/ ALEXANDRA GROSSMAN > > > > Staff MD > > > > Signed: 10/30/2011 20:22 > > > > LOCAL TITLE: Telephone Note-Primary Care > > > > STANDARD TITLE: PRIMARY CARE TELEPHONE ENCOUNTER NOTE > > > > DATE OF NOTE: SEP 26, 2011@09:14 ENTRY DATE: SEP 26, 2011@09:14:07 > > > > AUTHOR: DATTILIO, LINDA EXP COSIGNER: > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > Letter about labs > > > > > > > > Your hemoglobin A1C is a measure of your long-term blood sugar > > > > control. Your > > > > A1C was 5.7, indicating pretty good blood sugar management. > > > > Your cholesterol levels were very good: > > > > > > > > > > > > CHOL: 200 > > > > HDL: 43 > > > > LDL: 128 > > > > TRIG: 145 > > > > > > > > > > > > HDL is the good cholesterol and should be greater than 40 which > > > > yours is. > > > > Triglycerides are a type of bad cholesterol and should be less than > > > > 150 which > > > > yours is. > > > > LDL is the bad cholesterol and should be less than 130 which yours is. > > > > Don't forget that you have a blood pressure check on November 10th. > > > > You should > > > > get your blood drawn prior to that appointment. I hope changing your > > > > blood > > > > pressure medication improves your energy. > > > > Wishing you the best of health, > > > > Dean , DO > > > > VA Medical Center, White River Junction, VT > > > > /es/ DEAN J TAYLOR > > > > Resident MD > > > > Signed: 10/31/2011 13:58 > > > > /es/ ALEXANDRA GROSSMAN > > > > Staff MD > > > > Cosigned: 11/03/2011 16:14 > > > > > > > > 64 M NH vet with HTN Possable since 1966 but most B/P at that time > > > > were normal a few with top 140, K went to 3.2 with HCTZ (2007). Sx > > > > of CHF. CT 2 cm L adrenal adenoma(2006). Aldo Renin not classic for > > > > PA but done on meds. Never tried on spiro or eplere but trying to > > > > get VA to try. B/P is arould 140/80 on diuretics eating less NA not > > > > at DASH goal. Normal Echo and stress tests. > > > > > > > > > > > > > >

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I once tried to do a training at the MKE VA but the nurses refused as they already knew how to do it the Director of Nursing told me. I suspect if you all send enough complaints to the VA they might improve. Trying to improve it here.CE Grim MDOn Jan 29, 2012, at 1:18 PM, Francis Bill SUSPECTED PA wrote: I don't think the nurse would have listened to me anyway. If you remember a while back Dr Grim said even when they are showed the right way to take BP they only do in for a short time they go back to doing it wrong. Would guess the nurse to be about 60. So she has been doing it wrong for many years. She told me that my Dr would have to make the request for the BP device. > > > > > > > As I posted before about this visit this PCP has no clue about PA. > > > > You will also note LVH Doesn't seem to be a concern for him. Has no > > > > relationship to shortness of breath. > > > > > > > > LOCAL TITLE: Primary Care Clinic > > > > STANDARD TITLE: PRIMARY CARE NOTE > > > > DATE OF NOTE: OCT 27, 2011@13:34 > > > > AUTHOR: TAYLOR,DEAN J > > > > URGENCY: > > > > > > > > > > > > Note > > > > ENTRY DATE: OCT 27, 2011@13:35 > > > > EXP COSIGNER: GROSSMAN,ALEXANDRA > > > > STATUS: COMPLETED > > > > > > > > > > > > Printed at WHITE RIVER JCT VAMROC > > > > *** Primary Care Clinic Note Has ADDENDA *** > > > > Chief Complaint: 1.) Chronic shortness of breath 2.) "Brain fog" > > > > HPI: > > > > This is a morbidly obese (BMI 45) 64 yo male with pmhx notable for > > > > HTN, OSA and > > > > BPV presenting with dyspnea on exertion that has been ongoing for 6 > > > > weeks and > > > > prompted a visit to the ED on 9/24/11. In the ED he was worked up > > > > with negative > > > > CE's, negative CXR and EKG notable only for LVH. He has had > > > > intermittent > > > > episodes of DOE for the past 6 years and has had an extensive > > > > cardiac work-up > > > > including ETT X 3 most recently 2/2011 that was notable only for > > > > decreased > > > > functional capacity (58% of expected). He states that his DOE has > > > > not improved > > > > much since he was seen in the ED and that he gets sob with walking > > > > short > > > > distances. Prior to this most recent episode of DOE he developed > > > > vertigo type > > > > symptoms that lasted for a week but have since resolved. He denies > > > > any cp, > > > > palpitations, PND, orthopnea or sob at rest. He states that > > > > "breathing into a > > > > paper bag" does help his sob and he feels that he has "Conns > > > > syndrome". I > > > > explained that hyperaldosteronism is very rare and that he would > > > > have low > > > > pottasium and a higher blood pressure if he had Conns. > > > > He is also c/o chronic fatigue, lightheadedness and "brain fog" that > > > > also > > > > started about 6 years ago. He endorses compliance with his BiPap. He > > > > has > > > > gained 28 pounds in the last 6 years. He exercises very little 2/2 > > > > decreased > > > > tolerance. > > > > ROS: > > > > Cons- Denies fevers, chills or unintentional weight loss > > > > Skin- Denies any new rashes, sores or ulcers > > > > > > > > PATIENT NAME AND ADDRESS (Mechanical imprinting, if available) VISTA > > > > Electronic Medical Documentation > > > > BILL, FRANCIS HENRY > > > > > > > > HEENT- Denies any vision changes, ringing in ears or sore throat > > > > CV- Denies any chest pain or palpitations > > > > Resp- + for SOB as above > > > > GI- Denies any abdominal pain, changes in bowel habits or blood in > > > > stool > > > > GU- Denies any dysuria or obstructive symptoms > > > > MSK- Denies any arthralgias or myalgias > > > > Hem- Denies any easy bruising or bleeding > > > > Endo- Denies any cold or heat intolerance > > > > Neuro- Denies any weakness, numbness or tingling > > > > Pmhx: > > > > # Morbid obesity > > > > - BMI of 45 > > > > # Hypertension > > > > # DOE > > > > - ETT- 4/10/2009: Negative for ischemia, Functional capacity 58% of > > > > expected > > > > - ECHO- 5/19/2008: EF of 55-60%, No obvious WMA > > > > - PFT's 11/2005: Normal spirometry > > > > # Dizziness and tachycardia > > > > - see neuro consultation 5/16/06 > > > > - 6/06 CT= frontal atrophy of brain > > > > - 9/05 ETT- 6 mets, negative > > > > 10/05 holter- rare PACSi freq islated PVCSi underlying rhythm sinus > > > > averaging > > > > 71 > > > > - 11/05 PFTs- normal spirometry > > > > - 11/05 carotid studies- minimal stenosis > > > > -11/05 loop monitor- sypmtoms sometimes with sinus tach, someties > > > > with NSR > > > > - 12/05 echocardiogram normal > > > > - 12/08 MRI of brain- mild to moderate cerebral atrophy. > > > > # Chronic fatigue > > > > # Hearing loss/tinnitus > > > > # RLL lung nodule > > > > - CT of chest 12/06= 7 mm RLL nodule > > > > - followup CT 5/08= stable > > > > # L adrenal adenoma > > > > - CT of chest 12/06- L adrenal nodule, likely adenoma > > > > - 8/7/06 VMA normal > > > > - 2/23/06 serum cortisol (random) normal > > > > - 11/09- stable appearance > > > > # Sleep apnea, on CPAP > > > > - Sleep study- 3/21/2007 -> probable sleep apnea > > > > # Hepatic cysts > > > > # Stable hyperdense cyst L kidney on 11/09 CT > > > > # sip laparoscopic appendectomy 12/14/D8 > > > > Meds: > > > > Active Outpatient Medications (excluding Supplies) : > > > > > > > > > > > > Active Outpatient Medications > > > > > > > > > > > > 1) FUROSEMIDE 20MG TAB TAKE THREE TABLETS BY MOUTH EVERY ACTIVE > > > > DAY TO REMOVE FLUID/CONTROL BLOOD PRESSURE > > > > 2) POTASSIUM CHLORIDE 10MEQ SA TAB TAKE TWO TABLETS BY ACTIVE > > > > MOUTH EVERY DAY TO SUPPLEMENT POTASSIUM > > > > > > > > > > > > Active Non-VA Medications > > > > Non-VA ASPIRIN 325MG TAB 325MG MOUTH EVERY DAY > > > > Non-VA FISH OIL CAP/TAB 2 EVERY DAY > > > > Non-VA MULTIVITAMIN/MINERALS TAB 1 MOUTH EVERY DAY > > > > > > > > > > > > 5 Total Medications > > > > Allergies: > > > > DILTIAZEM > > > > Symptoms: DIZZINESS > > > > > > > > > > > > (historical) > > > > > > > > > > > > Sochx: > > > > Pt lives by himself in Enfield. He worked at Hitchcock hospital > > > > in the > > > > boiler-room for 15 years and later worked as a gardener and > > > > handyman. He is now > > > > on disability. He denies any tobacco or ETOH use. He exercises very > > > > rarely and > > > > states that he eats sensibly but does occasionally eat junk food. > > > > > > > > > > > > Vitals: > > > > DATE/TIME > > > > 10/27/11 @ 1323 > > > > 95% on RA > > > > > > > > TEMP > > > > 99.4 > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > PULSE > > > > 80 > > > > > > > > > > > > RESP > > > > > > > > > > > > BP > > > > 142/73 > > > > > > > > > > > > PAIN > > > > o > > > > > > > > > > > > WEIGHT > > > > 308 > > > > > > > > > > > > Physical exam: > > > > Gen: Obese male in NAD > > > > Skin: No rashes, sores or ulcers > > > > HEENT: EOMI, PERRL, poor dentition, op clear with mmm > > > > Neck: Supple with normal ROM, JVD not appreciated > > > > CV: RRR without murmur > > > > Pulm: CTAB without wheezes, rales or rhonchi. SOB with getting up to > > > > the exam > > > > table. > > > > Abd: Obese, S/NT/ND, NABS, No HSM > > > > Ext: 1+ and equal DPP BL, 1+ pretibial pitting edema bl > > > > Neuro: Non-focal, moving all 4 extremities equally > > > > Labs: > > > > > > > > > > > > CBC: > > > > WBC: 7.4 (09/24/11 15:15) > > > > > > > > HCT: 44.0 (09/24/1115:15) > > > > HGB: 14.9 (09/24/11 15:15) > > > > PT : 12.2 (09/24/11 15: 15) > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > BMP: > > > > GLU,BUN,CREAT,LYTES GLUCOSE BUN CREAT SODIUM K CHLOR CO2 > > > > 9/24/11 15: 15 131 H 11 0.91 140 3.9 107 23 > > > > GLU, BUN,CREAT,LYTES ANION eGFR > > > > 9/24/11 15: 15 10 84 > > > > A/P: > > > > This is a 64 yo morbidly obese male with HTN, OSA, and chronic DOE > > > > with > > > > extensive negative cardiac workup. I had a frank discussion with the > > > > pt > > > > regarding his obesity and how it is contributing to his decreased > > > > functional > > > > status and the likely cause of most of his symptoms. Pt seems a bit > > > > unwilling > > > > to accept this and thinks that his symptoms might be 2/2 > > > > hyperaldosterinism and > > > > mentioned talking to a specialist here at the VA. I assured him that > > > > it was > > > > very unlikely that he had hyperaldo and described to him why. He may > > > > benefit > > > > from talking to a health psychologist and was introduced to Glenna. > > > > In regards > > > > to his HTN, we did discontinue his atenolol as it may be worsening > > > > his fatigue. > > > > He was started on lisinopril and scheduled for a BP clinic appt in 2 > > > > weeks. > > > > > > > > # DOE 2/2 deconditioning/obesity > > > > - Encouraged pt to exercise daily as tolerated > > > > # HTN > > > > - Stop Atenolol > > > > - Start lisinopril 5 mg qd > > > > - F/u at BP clinic in 2 weeks with lytes drawn > > > > # LE edema > > > > - Continue lasix 60 mg QD > > > > - Continue triamterene 50 mg QD > > > > #Preventative > > > > - Flu shot today > > > > Colonoscopy ordered > > > > HIV ordered > > > > Lipid panel ordered > > > > Hgb A1C ordered > > > > RTC in 4 months > > > > Patient seen and discussed with Dr. Grosssman who agrees with plan > > > > of care > > > > Dean , PGY-1 > > > > BP>=140/90 or BP>=130/80 + DM: > > > > Repeat BP: 136/75 > > > > > > > > The patient's medication regimen was adjusted to improve BP control. > > > > The patient was counseled on the importance of regular exercise > > > > and/or physical activity in the control of blood pressure. > > > > The patient was instructed to try to exercise at least 30 minutes > > > > 3 times per week if possible and that any increase in physical > > > > activity may be useful in controlling BP. > > > > The patient has a limited ability to exercise but was encouraged > > > > to increase physical activity as much as possible since any > > > > increase in activity may be beneficial in improving BP control. > > > > The patient was counseled on the importance of diet and weight > > > > control in the control of blood pressure. > > > > Co1orectal Cancer Screening: > > > > Patient is scheduled for a colonoscopy. > > > > HIV Screening > > > > Patient has given verbal consent for HIV antibody testing, and written > > > > educational materials have been provided. An order for an HIV Antibody > > > > test has been entered - see orders tab. > > > > Home Telehealth (CCHT) Referral: > > > > Patient declines participation in CCHT Program at this time. > > > > Lipid Screening(M): > > > > Lipid profile ordered. > > > > /es/ DEAN J TAYLOR > > > > Resident MD > > > > Signed: 10/27/2011 17:17 > > > > /es/ ALEXANDRA GROSSMAN > > > > Staff MD > > > > Cosigned: 10/30/2011 20:22 > > > > Receipt Acknowledged By: > > > > 12/02/2011 16:13 /es/ GLENNA S ROUSSEAU > > > > Clinical Psychologist > > > > 10/30/2011 ADDENDUM STATUS: COMPLETED > > > > I discussed this patient with Dr. and agree with his > > > > assessment and plan. > > > > /es/ ALEXANDRA GROSSMAN > > > > Staff MD > > > > Signed: 10/30/2011 20:22 > > > > LOCAL TITLE: Telephone Note-Primary Care > > > > STANDARD TITLE: PRIMARY CARE TELEPHONE ENCOUNTER NOTE > > > > DATE OF NOTE: SEP 26, 2011@09:14 ENTRY DATE: SEP 26, 2011@09:14:07 > > > > AUTHOR: DATTILIO, LINDA EXP COSIGNER: > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > Letter about labs > > > > > > > > Your hemoglobin A1C is a measure of your long-term blood sugar > > > > control. Your > > > > A1C was 5.7, indicating pretty good blood sugar management. > > > > Your cholesterol levels were very good: > > > > > > > > > > > > CHOL: 200 > > > > HDL: 43 > > > > LDL: 128 > > > > TRIG: 145 > > > > > > > > > > > > HDL is the good cholesterol and should be greater than 40 which > > > > yours is. > > > > Triglycerides are a type of bad cholesterol and should be less than > > > > 150 which > > > > yours is. > > > > LDL is the bad cholesterol and should be less than 130 which yours is. > > > > Don't forget that you have a blood pressure check on November 10th. > > > > You should > > > > get your blood drawn prior to that appointment. I hope changing your > > > > blood > > > > pressure medication improves your energy. > > > > Wishing you the best of health, > > > > Dean , DO > > > > VA Medical Center, White River Junction, VT > > > > /es/ DEAN J TAYLOR > > > > Resident MD > > > > Signed: 10/31/2011 13:58 > > > > /es/ ALEXANDRA GROSSMAN > > > > Staff MD > > > > Cosigned: 11/03/2011 16:14 > > > > > > > > 64 M NH vet with HTN Possable since 1966 but most B/P at that time > > > > were normal a few with top 140, K went to 3.2 with HCTZ (2007). Sx > > > > of CHF. CT 2 cm L adrenal adenoma(2006). Aldo Renin not classic for > > > > PA but done on meds. Never tried on spiro or eplere but trying to > > > > get VA to try. B/P is arould 140/80 on diuretics eating less NA not > > > > at DASH goal. Normal Echo and stress tests. > > > > > > > > > > > > > >

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Jesus Francis, what happened to you taking charge? You are a big man and you

should be able to take control! When you enter the exam room bare your arm!

Period! Let nothing else happen until you do that. If she/he says anything

just explain you want to guarantee you are getting the best reading possible!

If she has been doing it wrong for 60 years does tht make it right? I wonder

how mny PTNs she has killed or caused to have a heart attack or stroke!

So did your doctor order your monitor? Did you talk with him? The doctor is

usually responsible for prescribing.

> > > >

> > > > > As I posted before about this visit this PCP has no clue about PA.

> > > > > You will also note LVH Doesn't seem to be a concern for him. Has no

> > > > > relationship to shortness of breath.

> > > > >

> > > > > LOCAL TITLE: Primary Care Clinic


> > > > > DATE OF NOTE: OCT 27, 2011@13:34


> > > > > URGENCY:

> > > > >

> > > > >

> > > > > Note

> > > > > ENTRY DATE: OCT 27, 2011@13:35



> > > > >

> > > > >

> > > > > Printed at WHITE RIVER JCT VAMROC

> > > > > *** Primary Care Clinic Note Has ADDENDA ***

> > > > > Chief Complaint: 1.) Chronic shortness of breath 2.) " Brain fog "

> > > > > HPI:

> > > > > This is a morbidly obese (BMI 45) 64 yo male with pmhx notable for

> > > > > HTN, OSA and

> > > > > BPV presenting with dyspnea on exertion that has been ongoing for 6

> > > > > weeks and

> > > > > prompted a visit to the ED on 9/24/11. In the ED he was worked up

> > > > > with negative

> > > > > CE's, negative CXR and EKG notable only for LVH. He has had

> > > > > intermittent

> > > > > episodes of DOE for the past 6 years and has had an extensive

> > > > > cardiac work-up

> > > > > including ETT X 3 most recently 2/2011 that was notable only for

> > > > > decreased

> > > > > functional capacity (58% of expected). He states that his DOE has

> > > > > not improved

> > > > > much since he was seen in the ED and that he gets sob with walking

> > > > > short

> > > > > distances. Prior to this most recent episode of DOE he developed

> > > > > vertigo type

> > > > > symptoms that lasted for a week but have since resolved. He denies

> > > > > any cp,

> > > > > palpitations, PND, orthopnea or sob at rest. He states that

> > > > > " breathing into a

> > > > > paper bag " does help his sob and he feels that he has " Conns

> > > > > syndrome " . I

> > > > > explained that hyperaldosteronism is very rare and that he would

> > > > > have low

> > > > > pottasium and a higher blood pressure if he had Conns.

> > > > > He is also c/o chronic fatigue, lightheadedness and " brain fog " that

> > > > > also

> > > > > started about 6 years ago. He endorses compliance with his BiPap. He

> > > > > has

> > > > > gained 28 pounds in the last 6 years. He exercises very little 2/2

> > > > > decreased

> > > > > tolerance.

> > > > > ROS:

> > > > > Cons- Denies fevers, chills or unintentional weight loss

> > > > > Skin- Denies any new rashes, sores or ulcers

> > > > >

> > > > > PATIENT NAME AND ADDRESS (Mechanical imprinting, if available) VISTA

> > > > > Electronic Medical Documentation


> > > > >

> > > > > HEENT- Denies any vision changes, ringing in ears or sore throat

> > > > > CV- Denies any chest pain or palpitations

> > > > > Resp- + for SOB as above

> > > > > GI- Denies any abdominal pain, changes in bowel habits or blood in

> > > > > stool

> > > > > GU- Denies any dysuria or obstructive symptoms

> > > > > MSK- Denies any arthralgias or myalgias

> > > > > Hem- Denies any easy bruising or bleeding

> > > > > Endo- Denies any cold or heat intolerance

> > > > > Neuro- Denies any weakness, numbness or tingling

> > > > > Pmhx:

> > > > > # Morbid obesity

> > > > > - BMI of 45

> > > > > # Hypertension

> > > > > # DOE

> > > > > - ETT- 4/10/2009: Negative for ischemia, Functional capacity 58% of

> > > > > expected

> > > > > - ECHO- 5/19/2008: EF of 55-60%, No obvious WMA

> > > > > - PFT's 11/2005: Normal spirometry

> > > > > # Dizziness and tachycardia

> > > > > - see neuro consultation 5/16/06

> > > > > - 6/06 CT= frontal atrophy of brain

> > > > > - 9/05 ETT- 6 mets, negative

> > > > > 10/05 holter- rare PACSi freq islated PVCSi underlying rhythm sinus

> > > > > averaging

> > > > > 71

> > > > > - 11/05 PFTs- normal spirometry

> > > > > - 11/05 carotid studies- minimal stenosis

> > > > > -11/05 loop monitor- sypmtoms sometimes with sinus tach, someties

> > > > > with NSR

> > > > > - 12/05 echocardiogram normal

> > > > > - 12/08 MRI of brain- mild to moderate cerebral atrophy.

> > > > > # Chronic fatigue

> > > > > # Hearing loss/tinnitus

> > > > > # RLL lung nodule

> > > > > - CT of chest 12/06= 7 mm RLL nodule

> > > > > - followup CT 5/08= stable

> > > > > # L adrenal adenoma

> > > > > - CT of chest 12/06- L adrenal nodule, likely adenoma

> > > > > - 8/7/06 VMA normal

> > > > > - 2/23/06 serum cortisol (random) normal

> > > > > - 11/09- stable appearance

> > > > > # Sleep apnea, on CPAP

> > > > > - Sleep study- 3/21/2007 -> probable sleep apnea

> > > > > # Hepatic cysts

> > > > > # Stable hyperdense cyst L kidney on 11/09 CT

> > > > > # sip laparoscopic appendectomy 12/14/D8

> > > > > Meds:

> > > > > Active Outpatient Medications (excluding Supplies) :

> > > > >

> > > > >

> > > > > Active Outpatient Medications

> > > > >

> > > > >





> > > > >

> > > > >

> > > > > Active Non-VA Medications




> > > > >

> > > > >

> > > > > 5 Total Medications

> > > > > Allergies:

> > > > > DILTIAZEM

> > > > > Symptoms: DIZZINESS

> > > > >

> > > > >

> > > > > (historical)

> > > > >

> > > > >

> > > > > Sochx:

> > > > > Pt lives by himself in Enfield. He worked at Hitchcock hospital

> > > > > in the

> > > > > boiler-room for 15 years and later worked as a gardener and

> > > > > handyman. He is now

> > > > > on disability. He denies any tobacco or ETOH use. He exercises very

> > > > > rarely and

> > > > > states that he eats sensibly but does occasionally eat junk food.

> > > > >

> > > > >

> > > > > Vitals:

> > > > > DATE/TIME

> > > > > 10/27/11 @ 1323

> > > > > 95% on RA

> > > > >

> > > > > TEMP

> > > > > 99.4

> > > > >

> > > > >

> > > > >

> > > > > PULSE

> > > > > 80

> > > > >

> > > > >

> > > > > RESP

> > > > >

> > > > >

> > > > > BP

> > > > > 142/73

> > > > >

> > > > >

> > > > > PAIN

> > > > > o

> > > > >

> > > > >

> > > > > WEIGHT

> > > > > 308

> > > > >

> > > > >

> > > > > Physical exam:

> > > > > Gen: Obese male in NAD

> > > > > Skin: No rashes, sores or ulcers

> > > > > HEENT: EOMI, PERRL, poor dentition, op clear with mmm

> > > > > Neck: Supple with normal ROM, JVD not appreciated

> > > > > CV: RRR without murmur

> > > > > Pulm: CTAB without wheezes, rales or rhonchi. SOB with getting up to

> > > > > the exam

> > > > > table.

> > > > > Abd: Obese, S/NT/ND, NABS, No HSM

> > > > > Ext: 1+ and equal DPP BL, 1+ pretibial pitting edema bl

> > > > > Neuro: Non-focal, moving all 4 extremities equally

> > > > > Labs:

> > > > >

> > > > >

> > > > > CBC:

> > > > > WBC: 7.4 (09/24/11 15:15)

> > > > >

> > > > > HCT: 44.0 (09/24/1115:15)

> > > > > HGB: 14.9 (09/24/11 15:15)

> > > > > PT : 12.2 (09/24/11 15: 15)

> > > > >

> > > > >

> > > > >

> > > > >

> > > > > BMP:


> > > > > 9/24/11 15: 15 131 H 11 0.91 140 3.9 107 23


> > > > > 9/24/11 15: 15 10 84

> > > > > A/P:

> > > > > This is a 64 yo morbidly obese male with HTN, OSA, and chronic DOE

> > > > > with

> > > > > extensive negative cardiac workup. I had a frank discussion with the

> > > > > pt

> > > > > regarding his obesity and how it is contributing to his decreased

> > > > > functional

> > > > > status and the likely cause of most of his symptoms. Pt seems a bit

> > > > > unwilling

> > > > > to accept this and thinks that his symptoms might be 2/2

> > > > > hyperaldosterinism and

> > > > > mentioned talking to a specialist here at the VA. I assured him that

> > > > > it was

> > > > > very unlikely that he had hyperaldo and described to him why. He may

> > > > > benefit

> > > > > from talking to a health psychologist and was introduced to Glenna.

> > > > > In regards

> > > > > to his HTN, we did discontinue his atenolol as it may be worsening

> > > > > his fatigue.

> > > > > He was started on lisinopril and scheduled for a BP clinic appt in 2

> > > > > weeks.

> > > > >

> > > > > # DOE 2/2 deconditioning/obesity

> > > > > - Encouraged pt to exercise daily as tolerated

> > > > > # HTN

> > > > > - Stop Atenolol

> > > > > - Start lisinopril 5 mg qd

> > > > > - F/u at BP clinic in 2 weeks with lytes drawn

> > > > > # LE edema

> > > > > - Continue lasix 60 mg QD

> > > > > - Continue triamterene 50 mg QD

> > > > > #Preventative

> > > > > - Flu shot today

> > > > > Colonoscopy ordered

> > > > > HIV ordered

> > > > > Lipid panel ordered

> > > > > Hgb A1C ordered

> > > > > RTC in 4 months

> > > > > Patient seen and discussed with Dr. Grosssman who agrees with plan

> > > > > of care

> > > > > Dean , PGY-1

> > > > > BP>=140/90 or BP>=130/80 + DM:

> > > > > Repeat BP: 136/75

> > > > >

> > > > > The patient's medication regimen was adjusted to improve BP control.

> > > > > The patient was counseled on the importance of regular exercise

> > > > > and/or physical activity in the control of blood pressure.

> > > > > The patient was instructed to try to exercise at least 30 minutes

> > > > > 3 times per week if possible and that any increase in physical

> > > > > activity may be useful in controlling BP.

> > > > > The patient has a limited ability to exercise but was encouraged

> > > > > to increase physical activity as much as possible since any

> > > > > increase in activity may be beneficial in improving BP control.

> > > > > The patient was counseled on the importance of diet and weight

> > > > > control in the control of blood pressure.

> > > > > Co1orectal Cancer Screening:

> > > > > Patient is scheduled for a colonoscopy.

> > > > > HIV Screening

> > > > > Patient has given verbal consent for HIV antibody testing, and written

> > > > > educational materials have been provided. An order for an HIV Antibody

> > > > > test has been entered - see orders tab.

> > > > > Home Telehealth (CCHT) Referral:

> > > > > Patient declines participation in CCHT Program at this time.

> > > > > Lipid Screening(M):

> > > > > Lipid profile ordered.

> > > > > /es/ DEAN J TAYLOR

> > > > > Resident MD

> > > > > Signed: 10/27/2011 17:17


> > > > > Staff MD

> > > > > Cosigned: 10/30/2011 20:22

> > > > > Receipt Acknowledged By:

> > > > > 12/02/2011 16:13 /es/ GLENNA S ROUSSEAU

> > > > > Clinical Psychologist

> > > > > 10/30/2011 ADDENDUM STATUS: COMPLETED

> > > > > I discussed this patient with Dr. and agree with his

> > > > > assessment and plan.


> > > > > Staff MD

> > > > > Signed: 10/30/2011 20:22

> > > > > LOCAL TITLE: Telephone Note-Primary Care


> > > > > DATE OF NOTE: SEP 26, 2011@09:14 ENTRY DATE: SEP 26, 2011@09:14:07


> > > > >

> > > > >

> > > > >

> > > > > Letter about labs

> > > > >

> > > > > Your hemoglobin A1C is a measure of your long-term blood sugar

> > > > > control. Your

> > > > > A1C was 5.7, indicating pretty good blood sugar management.

> > > > > Your cholesterol levels were very good:

> > > > >

> > > > >

> > > > > CHOL: 200

> > > > > HDL: 43

> > > > > LDL: 128

> > > > > TRIG: 145

> > > > >

> > > > >

> > > > > HDL is the good cholesterol and should be greater than 40 which

> > > > > yours is.

> > > > > Triglycerides are a type of bad cholesterol and should be less than

> > > > > 150 which

> > > > > yours is.

> > > > > LDL is the bad cholesterol and should be less than 130 which yours is.

> > > > > Don't forget that you have a blood pressure check on November 10th.

> > > > > You should

> > > > > get your blood drawn prior to that appointment. I hope changing your

> > > > > blood

> > > > > pressure medication improves your energy.

> > > > > Wishing you the best of health,

> > > > > Dean , DO

> > > > > VA Medical Center, White River Junction, VT

> > > > > /es/ DEAN J TAYLOR

> > > > > Resident MD

> > > > > Signed: 10/31/2011 13:58


> > > > > Staff MD

> > > > > Cosigned: 11/03/2011 16:14

> > > > >

> > > > > 64 M NH vet with HTN Possable since 1966 but most B/P at that time

> > > > > were normal a few with top 140, K went to 3.2 with HCTZ (2007). Sx

> > > > > of CHF. CT 2 cm L adrenal adenoma(2006). Aldo Renin not classic for

> > > > > PA but done on meds. Never tried on spiro or eplere but trying to

> > > > > get VA to try. B/P is arould 140/80 on diuretics eating less NA not

> > > > > at DASH goal. Normal Echo and stress tests.

> > > > >

> > > > >

> > > >

> > >

> >


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Very hard to take charge when it takes about you have in you just to go to your


> > > > >

> > > > > > As I posted before about this visit this PCP has no clue about PA.

> > > > > > You will also note LVH Doesn't seem to be a concern for him. Has no

> > > > > > relationship to shortness of breath.

> > > > > >

> > > > > > LOCAL TITLE: Primary Care Clinic


> > > > > > DATE OF NOTE: OCT 27, 2011@13:34


> > > > > > URGENCY:

> > > > > >

> > > > > >

> > > > > > Note

> > > > > > ENTRY DATE: OCT 27, 2011@13:35



> > > > > >

> > > > > >

> > > > > > Printed at WHITE RIVER JCT VAMROC

> > > > > > *** Primary Care Clinic Note Has ADDENDA ***

> > > > > > Chief Complaint: 1.) Chronic shortness of breath 2.) " Brain fog "

> > > > > > HPI:

> > > > > > This is a morbidly obese (BMI 45) 64 yo male with pmhx notable for

> > > > > > HTN, OSA and

> > > > > > BPV presenting with dyspnea on exertion that has been ongoing for 6

> > > > > > weeks and

> > > > > > prompted a visit to the ED on 9/24/11. In the ED he was worked up

> > > > > > with negative

> > > > > > CE's, negative CXR and EKG notable only for LVH. He has had

> > > > > > intermittent

> > > > > > episodes of DOE for the past 6 years and has had an extensive

> > > > > > cardiac work-up

> > > > > > including ETT X 3 most recently 2/2011 that was notable only for

> > > > > > decreased

> > > > > > functional capacity (58% of expected). He states that his DOE has

> > > > > > not improved

> > > > > > much since he was seen in the ED and that he gets sob with walking

> > > > > > short

> > > > > > distances. Prior to this most recent episode of DOE he developed

> > > > > > vertigo type

> > > > > > symptoms that lasted for a week but have since resolved. He denies

> > > > > > any cp,

> > > > > > palpitations, PND, orthopnea or sob at rest. He states that

> > > > > > " breathing into a

> > > > > > paper bag " does help his sob and he feels that he has " Conns

> > > > > > syndrome " . I

> > > > > > explained that hyperaldosteronism is very rare and that he would

> > > > > > have low

> > > > > > pottasium and a higher blood pressure if he had Conns.

> > > > > > He is also c/o chronic fatigue, lightheadedness and " brain fog " that

> > > > > > also

> > > > > > started about 6 years ago. He endorses compliance with his BiPap. He

> > > > > > has

> > > > > > gained 28 pounds in the last 6 years. He exercises very little 2/2

> > > > > > decreased

> > > > > > tolerance.

> > > > > > ROS:

> > > > > > Cons- Denies fevers, chills or unintentional weight loss

> > > > > > Skin- Denies any new rashes, sores or ulcers

> > > > > >

> > > > > > PATIENT NAME AND ADDRESS (Mechanical imprinting, if available) VISTA

> > > > > > Electronic Medical Documentation


> > > > > >

> > > > > > HEENT- Denies any vision changes, ringing in ears or sore throat

> > > > > > CV- Denies any chest pain or palpitations

> > > > > > Resp- + for SOB as above

> > > > > > GI- Denies any abdominal pain, changes in bowel habits or blood in

> > > > > > stool

> > > > > > GU- Denies any dysuria or obstructive symptoms

> > > > > > MSK- Denies any arthralgias or myalgias

> > > > > > Hem- Denies any easy bruising or bleeding

> > > > > > Endo- Denies any cold or heat intolerance

> > > > > > Neuro- Denies any weakness, numbness or tingling

> > > > > > Pmhx:

> > > > > > # Morbid obesity

> > > > > > - BMI of 45

> > > > > > # Hypertension

> > > > > > # DOE

> > > > > > - ETT- 4/10/2009: Negative for ischemia, Functional capacity 58% of

> > > > > > expected

> > > > > > - ECHO- 5/19/2008: EF of 55-60%, No obvious WMA

> > > > > > - PFT's 11/2005: Normal spirometry

> > > > > > # Dizziness and tachycardia

> > > > > > - see neuro consultation 5/16/06

> > > > > > - 6/06 CT= frontal atrophy of brain

> > > > > > - 9/05 ETT- 6 mets, negative

> > > > > > 10/05 holter- rare PACSi freq islated PVCSi underlying rhythm sinus

> > > > > > averaging

> > > > > > 71

> > > > > > - 11/05 PFTs- normal spirometry

> > > > > > - 11/05 carotid studies- minimal stenosis

> > > > > > -11/05 loop monitor- sypmtoms sometimes with sinus tach, someties

> > > > > > with NSR

> > > > > > - 12/05 echocardiogram normal

> > > > > > - 12/08 MRI of brain- mild to moderate cerebral atrophy.

> > > > > > # Chronic fatigue

> > > > > > # Hearing loss/tinnitus

> > > > > > # RLL lung nodule

> > > > > > - CT of chest 12/06= 7 mm RLL nodule

> > > > > > - followup CT 5/08= stable

> > > > > > # L adrenal adenoma

> > > > > > - CT of chest 12/06- L adrenal nodule, likely adenoma

> > > > > > - 8/7/06 VMA normal

> > > > > > - 2/23/06 serum cortisol (random) normal

> > > > > > - 11/09- stable appearance

> > > > > > # Sleep apnea, on CPAP

> > > > > > - Sleep study- 3/21/2007 -> probable sleep apnea

> > > > > > # Hepatic cysts

> > > > > > # Stable hyperdense cyst L kidney on 11/09 CT

> > > > > > # sip laparoscopic appendectomy 12/14/D8

> > > > > > Meds:

> > > > > > Active Outpatient Medications (excluding Supplies) :

> > > > > >

> > > > > >

> > > > > > Active Outpatient Medications

> > > > > >

> > > > > >





> > > > > >

> > > > > >

> > > > > > Active Non-VA Medications




> > > > > >

> > > > > >

> > > > > > 5 Total Medications

> > > > > > Allergies:

> > > > > > DILTIAZEM

> > > > > > Symptoms: DIZZINESS

> > > > > >

> > > > > >

> > > > > > (historical)

> > > > > >

> > > > > >

> > > > > > Sochx:

> > > > > > Pt lives by himself in Enfield. He worked at Hitchcock hospital

> > > > > > in the

> > > > > > boiler-room for 15 years and later worked as a gardener and

> > > > > > handyman. He is now

> > > > > > on disability. He denies any tobacco or ETOH use. He exercises very

> > > > > > rarely and

> > > > > > states that he eats sensibly but does occasionally eat junk food.

> > > > > >

> > > > > >

> > > > > > Vitals:

> > > > > > DATE/TIME

> > > > > > 10/27/11 @ 1323

> > > > > > 95% on RA

> > > > > >

> > > > > > TEMP

> > > > > > 99.4

> > > > > >

> > > > > >

> > > > > >

> > > > > > PULSE

> > > > > > 80

> > > > > >

> > > > > >

> > > > > > RESP

> > > > > >

> > > > > >

> > > > > > BP

> > > > > > 142/73

> > > > > >

> > > > > >

> > > > > > PAIN

> > > > > > o

> > > > > >

> > > > > >

> > > > > > WEIGHT

> > > > > > 308

> > > > > >

> > > > > >

> > > > > > Physical exam:

> > > > > > Gen: Obese male in NAD

> > > > > > Skin: No rashes, sores or ulcers

> > > > > > HEENT: EOMI, PERRL, poor dentition, op clear with mmm

> > > > > > Neck: Supple with normal ROM, JVD not appreciated

> > > > > > CV: RRR without murmur

> > > > > > Pulm: CTAB without wheezes, rales or rhonchi. SOB with getting up to

> > > > > > the exam

> > > > > > table.

> > > > > > Abd: Obese, S/NT/ND, NABS, No HSM

> > > > > > Ext: 1+ and equal DPP BL, 1+ pretibial pitting edema bl

> > > > > > Neuro: Non-focal, moving all 4 extremities equally

> > > > > > Labs:

> > > > > >

> > > > > >

> > > > > > CBC:

> > > > > > WBC: 7.4 (09/24/11 15:15)

> > > > > >

> > > > > > HCT: 44.0 (09/24/1115:15)

> > > > > > HGB: 14.9 (09/24/11 15:15)

> > > > > > PT : 12.2 (09/24/11 15: 15)

> > > > > >

> > > > > >

> > > > > >

> > > > > >

> > > > > > BMP:


> > > > > > 9/24/11 15: 15 131 H 11 0.91 140 3.9 107 23


> > > > > > 9/24/11 15: 15 10 84

> > > > > > A/P:

> > > > > > This is a 64 yo morbidly obese male with HTN, OSA, and chronic DOE

> > > > > > with

> > > > > > extensive negative cardiac workup. I had a frank discussion with the

> > > > > > pt

> > > > > > regarding his obesity and how it is contributing to his decreased

> > > > > > functional

> > > > > > status and the likely cause of most of his symptoms. Pt seems a bit

> > > > > > unwilling

> > > > > > to accept this and thinks that his symptoms might be 2/2

> > > > > > hyperaldosterinism and

> > > > > > mentioned talking to a specialist here at the VA. I assured him that

> > > > > > it was

> > > > > > very unlikely that he had hyperaldo and described to him why. He may

> > > > > > benefit

> > > > > > from talking to a health psychologist and was introduced to Glenna.

> > > > > > In regards

> > > > > > to his HTN, we did discontinue his atenolol as it may be worsening

> > > > > > his fatigue.

> > > > > > He was started on lisinopril and scheduled for a BP clinic appt in 2

> > > > > > weeks.

> > > > > >

> > > > > > # DOE 2/2 deconditioning/obesity

> > > > > > - Encouraged pt to exercise daily as tolerated

> > > > > > # HTN

> > > > > > - Stop Atenolol

> > > > > > - Start lisinopril 5 mg qd

> > > > > > - F/u at BP clinic in 2 weeks with lytes drawn

> > > > > > # LE edema

> > > > > > - Continue lasix 60 mg QD

> > > > > > - Continue triamterene 50 mg QD

> > > > > > #Preventative

> > > > > > - Flu shot today

> > > > > > Colonoscopy ordered

> > > > > > HIV ordered

> > > > > > Lipid panel ordered

> > > > > > Hgb A1C ordered

> > > > > > RTC in 4 months

> > > > > > Patient seen and discussed with Dr. Grosssman who agrees with plan

> > > > > > of care

> > > > > > Dean , PGY-1

> > > > > > BP>=140/90 or BP>=130/80 + DM:

> > > > > > Repeat BP: 136/75

> > > > > >

> > > > > > The patient's medication regimen was adjusted to improve BP control.

> > > > > > The patient was counseled on the importance of regular exercise

> > > > > > and/or physical activity in the control of blood pressure.

> > > > > > The patient was instructed to try to exercise at least 30 minutes

> > > > > > 3 times per week if possible and that any increase in physical

> > > > > > activity may be useful in controlling BP.

> > > > > > The patient has a limited ability to exercise but was encouraged

> > > > > > to increase physical activity as much as possible since any

> > > > > > increase in activity may be beneficial in improving BP control.

> > > > > > The patient was counseled on the importance of diet and weight

> > > > > > control in the control of blood pressure.

> > > > > > Co1orectal Cancer Screening:

> > > > > > Patient is scheduled for a colonoscopy.

> > > > > > HIV Screening

> > > > > > Patient has given verbal consent for HIV antibody testing, and


> > > > > > educational materials have been provided. An order for an HIV


> > > > > > test has been entered - see orders tab.

> > > > > > Home Telehealth (CCHT) Referral:

> > > > > > Patient declines participation in CCHT Program at this time.

> > > > > > Lipid Screening(M):

> > > > > > Lipid profile ordered.

> > > > > > /es/ DEAN J TAYLOR

> > > > > > Resident MD

> > > > > > Signed: 10/27/2011 17:17

> > > > > > /es/ ALEXANDRA GROSSMAN

> > > > > > Staff MD

> > > > > > Cosigned: 10/30/2011 20:22

> > > > > > Receipt Acknowledged By:

> > > > > > 12/02/2011 16:13 /es/ GLENNA S ROUSSEAU

> > > > > > Clinical Psychologist

> > > > > > 10/30/2011 ADDENDUM STATUS: COMPLETED

> > > > > > I discussed this patient with Dr. and agree with his

> > > > > > assessment and plan.

> > > > > > /es/ ALEXANDRA GROSSMAN

> > > > > > Staff MD

> > > > > > Signed: 10/30/2011 20:22

> > > > > > LOCAL TITLE: Telephone Note-Primary Care


> > > > > > DATE OF NOTE: SEP 26, 2011@09:14 ENTRY DATE: SEP 26, 2011@09:14:07


> > > > > >

> > > > > >

> > > > > >

> > > > > > Letter about labs

> > > > > >

> > > > > > Your hemoglobin A1C is a measure of your long-term blood sugar

> > > > > > control. Your

> > > > > > A1C was 5.7, indicating pretty good blood sugar management.

> > > > > > Your cholesterol levels were very good:

> > > > > >

> > > > > >

> > > > > > CHOL: 200

> > > > > > HDL: 43

> > > > > > LDL: 128

> > > > > > TRIG: 145

> > > > > >

> > > > > >

> > > > > > HDL is the good cholesterol and should be greater than 40 which

> > > > > > yours is.

> > > > > > Triglycerides are a type of bad cholesterol and should be less than

> > > > > > 150 which

> > > > > > yours is.

> > > > > > LDL is the bad cholesterol and should be less than 130 which yours


> > > > > > Don't forget that you have a blood pressure check on November 10th.

> > > > > > You should

> > > > > > get your blood drawn prior to that appointment. I hope changing your

> > > > > > blood

> > > > > > pressure medication improves your energy.

> > > > > > Wishing you the best of health,

> > > > > > Dean , DO

> > > > > > VA Medical Center, White River Junction, VT

> > > > > > /es/ DEAN J TAYLOR

> > > > > > Resident MD

> > > > > > Signed: 10/31/2011 13:58

> > > > > > /es/ ALEXANDRA GROSSMAN

> > > > > > Staff MD

> > > > > > Cosigned: 11/03/2011 16:14

> > > > > >

> > > > > > 64 M NH vet with HTN Possable since 1966 but most B/P at that time

> > > > > > were normal a few with top 140, K went to 3.2 with HCTZ (2007). Sx

> > > > > > of CHF. CT 2 cm L adrenal adenoma(2006). Aldo Renin not classic for

> > > > > > PA but done on meds. Never tried on spiro or eplere but trying to

> > > > > > get VA to try. B/P is arould 140/80 on diuretics eating less NA not

> > > > > > at DASH goal. Normal Echo and stress tests.

> > > > > >

> > > > > >

> > > > >

> > > >

> > >

> >


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I think Francis is too sick to fight for himself. I'm guessing HTN is only one of his problems. Val From: hyperaldosteronism [mailto:hyperaldosteronism ] On Behalf Of Clarence GrimBut think of all the vets you will help if you get her to do it right. Complain to the clinic manager or online to the VA. On Jan 29, 2012, at 1:18 PM, Francis Bill SUSPECTED PA wrote: I don't think the nurse would have listened to me anyway. If you remember a while back Dr Grim said even when they are showed the right way to take BP they only do in for a short time they go back to doing it wrong. Would guess the nurse to be about 60. So she has been doing it wrong for many years. She told me that my Dr would have to make the request for the BP device. > >> > Until I can know if my home BPs are right I can see no point in using them. Did take BP device to VA to have it checked. First they did 2 readings using auto bp device over my shirt. They then had my us e my device I took my shirt off and took BP this reading was higher then there reading. Based on this was told my devise wasn't accurate Was told they would send me a new device. This was almost 3 months ago and am still waiting. .

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Val you are quite probably right, many of us are in that position and we

sometimes have to decide which is our priority and we are going to persue first

if they can't all be taken care of at the same time. But making no headway in 3

years should not be an option! We don't even KNOW that he has HTN since the only

person taking his BP correctly is him with a bad monitor. In fact we don't even

know it is a flawed monitor since the test was invalid! IMO he and his PCP need

to agree that THEY are doing it right, not a nurse, tech or anyone else. Dr.

Grim never recommends checking a machine with a machine so his PCP should also.

There are also some other sounds he listens for which I don't understand.

I explained a while back how I did it with my PCP. She took it manually with

her LARGE manual cuff and wrote it down. I took it with my automatic monitor

and we compared her note to the screen. SBP was exactly the same, my DBP was 1

point higher than hers. She decided that was " close enough " and we agreed to

use mine because I have eliminated the variables.

I have suggested he take an advocate with him as the VA recommends and even

volunteered to sit down with him and even offered to help him a time or two if

he wanted. (I can't make that offer now with where I am in my treatment.) He

has a nephew or cousin or something who works there that appears to know his way

around! , the PTN advocate, has an office just inside the

entrance to GMF. And if all else fails his name is Geiling, MD, the Top

Dog, (Chief of Medical Services) at the local VA!

I'm going to stop for now but I think I've mde my point. Val, I hope you

realize none of this is aimed at you. And if anybody thinks I'm being

insensitive, arrogant or simply an asshole, save it - It's called TOUGH LOVE!

Francis, If you want to talk about it I'm at 8O2-249-l466. I can't give you

medical advice but I've always been able to make it happen (not that I always

liked what hppened!)

- 65 yo super ob., fastidious male - 12mm X 13mm rt. a.adnoma with

previous rt. flank pain. Treating with DASH. Stats w/o meds = BP 175/90 HR 59

BS 125. D/C Spironolactone 12/20/2011 due to adverse SX.

Other Issues/Opportunities: OSA w Bi-Pap settings 13/19, DM2, Gynecomastia, MDD

and PTSD.

Meds: Duloxetine hcl 80 MG, Metoprolol Tartrate 200 MG, AmlodipineBesylate

10mg, 81mg aspirin and Metformin 2000MG. Started washing Spironolactone 12/20/11

to prepare for AVS.

> > >

> > > Until I can know if my home BPs are right I can see no point in using

> them. Did take BP device to VA to have it checked. First they did 2 readings

> using auto bp device over my shirt. They then had my us e my device I took

> my shirt off and took BP this reading was higher then there reading. Based

> on this was told my devise wasn't accurate Was told they would send me a new

> device. This was almost 3 months ago and am still waiting.



> .


> <http://geo./serv?s=97359714/grpId=7299303/grpspId=1705132763/msgId

> =40621/stime=1327872558/nc1=3848640/nc2=5191949/nc3=5191951>


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After my last ED visit I was sent to Physical Therapy for so called

deconditioning. After second visit PT not so sure of DX of deconditioning. Now

has me keeping log of O2 and heart rate during exercises.

> > > >

> > > > Until I can know if my home BPs are right I can see no point in using

> > them. Did take BP device to VA to have it checked. First they did 2 readings

> > using auto bp device over my shirt. They then had my us e my device I took

> > my shirt off and took BP this reading was higher then there reading. Based

> > on this was told my devise wasn't accurate Was told they would send me a new

> > device. This was almost 3 months ago and am still waiting.

> >

> >

> > .

> >

> > <http://geo./serv?s=97359714/grpId=7299303/grpspId=1705132763/msgId

> > =40621/stime=1327872558/nc1=3848640/nc2=5191949/nc3=5191951>

> >


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If nothing else LVH would indicate I have or had HTN. My nephew tried to help

with Getting me a new PCP one he thought was one of the better ones. He was told

because He was related to me He couldn't do this.

> > > >

> > > > Until I can know if my home BPs are right I can see no point in using

> > them. Did take BP device to VA to have it checked. First they did 2 readings

> > using auto bp device over my shirt. They then had my us e my device I took

> > my shirt off and took BP this reading was higher then there reading. Based

> > on this was told my devise wasn't accurate Was told they would send me a new

> > device. This was almost 3 months ago and am still waiting.

> >

> >

> > .

> >

> > <http://geo./serv?s=97359714/grpId=7299303/grpspId=1705132763/msgId

> > =40621/stime=1327872558/nc1=3848640/nc2=5191949/nc3=5191951>

> >


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How are you getting O2 and HR readings?

Is your therapist saying you don't have deconditioning or that it is not your

only issue? From what you post I certainly would guess that would be a good

place to start! Are the early results in yet?

> > > > >

> > > > > Until I can know if my home BPs are right I can see no point in using

> > > them. Did take BP device to VA to have it checked. First they did 2


> > > using auto bp device over my shirt. They then had my us e my device I took

> > > my shirt off and took BP this reading was higher then there reading. Based

> > > on this was told my devise wasn't accurate Was told they would send me a


> > > device. This was almost 3 months ago and am still waiting.

> > >

> > >

> > > .

> > >

> > >


> > > =40621/stime=1327872558/nc1=3848640/nc2=5191949/nc3=5191951>

> > >

> >


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I am using my Pulse OX meter I watch what it does during exercises. I know I am

somewhat decondtioned. She is seeing something else that is not making since to

her. Same things I have seen but could not get my Dr to see that it was a

problem. Some results 01/29/2012 start O2% 96 Droped during EX 93 end of EX 97

HR start 96 end 120 On 01/30 O2 start 93 drop 83 end 90 HR start 91 end 120.

PT notes first visit.

Reason for Referral: deconditioning related to sedentary lifestyle/obesity

Diagnosis/ICD-9 code: 278.01

Referred by: Dr Mansfield

Initial visit: 1/11/12

Chief Complaint: shortness of breath

Patient's Goal: wants to know why he is short of breath - says " no one seems to

know " Has difficulty giving me a goal, but does state that he used to do a lot

of mechanical work and can't tolerate it anymore, and that he misses doing this.

Also complains of tremors without known cause that come and go in arms and legs

PMHx: fatigue, tinnitus, dizziness, HTN, tachycardia, obesity, hearing loss,

sleep apnea, tinnea, morbid obesity, sleep apnea

Medications: see chart

Social/Activity level: sedentary - short of breath with " pretty much

everything " and often without activity


WFL all extremities - trunk limited at end rages due to soft tissue

approximation with flexion

Vitals: 02 sats heart rate

rest 95 96

after 150'

walk and stairs 95 119

after 3 minute rest 95 96

with conversation 95 100

after one minute of 92 114


(takes 3 minutes to recover back to resting HR)

Ambulation: walks slowly and begins breathing heavily after about 50' -

independent with stairs

Tremors: pt has hand and arm tremors throughout the session, normally at rest

that go away when he starts to do a task


Veteran is a 64 year old male presenting to the clinic with diagnosis of

deconditioning. He is frustrated at the shortness of breath and the tremors he

is experiencing. He has difficulty telling me what his goals are. Based on his

dislike of the stationary cycle (bothers his legs) and his cardiovascular

response, as well as his timid nature surrounding exercise, developed a seated

home exercise program with 3 simple exercises (hip ADD, marching and chair push-

ups) that he is to do 3-4 times a day. Educated him that to build endurance it

is better to do frequent burst of activity throughout the day instead of one

long session.


Pt will be seen in this clinic for follow up in 2 weeks.

Veteran is pleased with this encounter. Veteran is in agreement with this plan

of care.

Session time: 50 minutes

PT evaluation 97001: 35 minutes

Therapeutic exercises 97110: 15 minutes


Physical Therapist

Signed: 01/11/2012 16:35

> > > > > >

> > > > > > Until I can know if my home BPs are right I can see no point in


> > > > them. Did take BP device to VA to have it checked. First they did 2


> > > > using auto bp device over my shirt. They then had my us e my device I


> > > > my shirt off and took BP this reading was higher then there reading.


> > > > on this was told my devise wasn't accurate Was told they would send me a


> > > > device. This was almost 3 months ago and am still waiting.

> > > >

> > > >

> > > > .

> > > >

> > > >


> > > > =40621/stime=1327872558/nc1=3848640/nc2=5191949/nc3=5191951>

> > > >

> > >

> >


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Looka likE A GOOD PLAN.On Jan 31, 2012, at 7:00 AM, Francis Bill SUSPECTED PA wrote: I am using my Pulse OX meter I watch what it does during exercises. I know I am somewhat decondtioned. She is seeing something else that is not making since to her. Same things I have seen but could not get my Dr to see that it was a problem. Some results 01/29/2012 start O2% 96 Droped during EX 93 end of EX 97 HR start 96 end 120 On 01/30 O2 start 93 drop 83 end 90 HR start 91 end 120. PT notes first visit. Reason for Referral: deconditioning related to sedentary lifestyle/obesity Diagnosis/ICD-9 code: 278.01 Referred by: Dr Mansfield Initial visit: 1/11/12 Chief Complaint: shortness of breath Patient's Goal: wants to know why he is short of breath - says "no one seems to know" Has difficulty giving me a goal, but does state that he used to do a lot of mechanical work and can't tolerate it anymore, and that he misses doing this. Also complains of tremors without known cause that come and go in arms and legs PMHx: fatigue, tinnitus, dizziness, HTN, tachycardia, obesity, hearing loss, sleep apnea, tinnea, morbid obesity, sleep apnea Medications: see chart Social/Activity level: sedentary - short of breath with "pretty much everything" and often without activity ROM: WFL all extremities - trunk limited at end rages due to soft tissue approximation with flexion Vitals: 02 sats heart rate rest 95 96 after 150' walk and stairs 95 119 after 3 minute rest 95 96 with conversation 95 100 after one minute of 92 114 cycling (takes 3 minutes to recover back to resting HR) Ambulation: walks slowly and begins breathing heavily after about 50' - independent with stairs Tremors: pt has hand and arm tremors throughout the session, normally at rest that go away when he starts to do a task Assessment: Veteran is a 64 year old male presenting to the clinic with diagnosis of deconditioning. He is frustrated at the shortness of breath and the tremors he is experiencing. He has difficulty telling me what his goals are. Based on his dislike of the stationary cycle (bothers his legs) and his cardiovascular response, as well as his timid nature surrounding exercise, developed a seated home exercise program with 3 simple exercises (hip ADD, marching and chair push- ups) that he is to do 3-4 times a day. Educated him that to build endurance it is better to do frequent burst of activity throughout the day instead of one long session. Plan: Pt will be seen in this clinic for follow up in 2 weeks. Veteran is pleased with this encounter. Veteran is in agreement with this plan of care. Session time: 50 minutes PT evaluation 97001: 35 minutes Therapeutic exercises 97110: 15 minutes /es/ ERIN UMPHREY Physical Therapist Signed: 01/11/2012 16:35 > > > > > > > > > > > > Until I can know if my home BPs are right I can see no point in using > > > > them. Did take BP device to VA to have it checked. First they did 2 readings > > > > using auto bp device over my shirt. They then had my us e my device I took > > > > my shirt off and took BP this reading was higher then there reading. Based > > > > on this was told my devise wasn't accurate Was told they would send me a new > > > > device. This was almost 3 months ago and am still waiting. > > > > > > > > > > > > . > > > > > > > > <http://geo./serv?s=97359714/grpId=7299303/grpspId=1705132763/msgId > > > > =40621/stime=1327872558/nc1=3848640/nc2=5191949/nc3=5191951> > > > > > > > > > >

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Have u had pulmonary function testing? Ever been a smoker?May your pressure be low!CE Grim MS, MDSpecializing in DifficultHypertensionOn Jan 31, 2012, at 7:00, Francis Bill SUSPECTED PA <georgewbill@...> wrote:

I am using my Pulse OX meter I watch what it does during exercises. I know I am somewhat decondtioned. She is seeing something else that is not making since to her. Same things I have seen but could not get my Dr to see that it was a problem. Some results 01/29/2012 start O2% 96 Droped during EX 93 end of EX 97 HR start 96 end 120 On 01/30 O2 start 93 drop 83 end 90 HR start 91 end 120.

PT notes first visit.

Reason for Referral: deconditioning related to sedentary lifestyle/obesity

Diagnosis/ICD-9 code: 278.01

Referred by: Dr Mansfield

Initial visit: 1/11/12

Chief Complaint: shortness of breath

Patient's Goal: wants to know why he is short of breath - says "no one seems to

know" Has difficulty giving me a goal, but does state that he used to do a lot

of mechanical work and can't tolerate it anymore, and that he misses doing this.

Also complains of tremors without known cause that come and go in arms and legs

PMHx: fatigue, tinnitus, dizziness, HTN, tachycardia, obesity, hearing loss,

sleep apnea, tinnea, morbid obesity, sleep apnea

Medications: see chart

Social/Activity level: sedentary - short of breath with "pretty much

everything" and often without activity


WFL all extremities - trunk limited at end rages due to soft tissue

approximation with flexion

Vitals: 02 sats heart rate

rest 95 96

after 150'

walk and stairs 95 119

after 3 minute rest 95 96

with conversation 95 100

after one minute of 92 114


(takes 3 minutes to recover back to resting HR)

Ambulation: walks slowly and begins breathing heavily after about 50' -

independent with stairs

Tremors: pt has hand and arm tremors throughout the session, normally at rest

that go away when he starts to do a task


Veteran is a 64 year old male presenting to the clinic with diagnosis of

deconditioning. He is frustrated at the shortness of breath and the tremors he

is experiencing. He has difficulty telling me what his goals are. Based on his

dislike of the stationary cycle (bothers his legs) and his cardiovascular

response, as well as his timid nature surrounding exercise, developed a seated

home exercise program with 3 simple exercises (hip ADD, marching and chair push-

ups) that he is to do 3-4 times a day. Educated him that to build endurance it

is better to do frequent burst of activity throughout the day instead of one

long session.


Pt will be seen in this clinic for follow up in 2 weeks.

Veteran is pleased with this encounter. Veteran is in agreement with this plan

of care.

Session time: 50 minutes

PT evaluation 97001: 35 minutes

Therapeutic exercises 97110: 15 minutes


Physical Therapist

Signed: 01/11/2012 16:35

> > > > > >

> > > > > > Until I can know if my home BPs are right I can see no point in using

> > > > them. Did take BP device to VA to have it checked. First they did 2 readings

> > > > using auto bp device over my shirt. They then had my us e my device I took

> > > > my shirt off and took BP this reading was higher then there reading. Based

> > > > on this was told my devise wasn't accurate Was told they would send me a new

> > > > device. This was almost 3 months ago and am still waiting.

> > > >

> > > >

> > > > .

> > > >

> > > > <http://geo./serv?s=97359714/grpId=7299303/grpspId=1705132763/msgId

> > > > =40621/stime=1327872558/nc1=3848640/nc2=5191949/nc3=5191951>

> > > >

> > >

> >


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Pulmonary function test was normal. Smoked a few years stopped in my early 20s

Have had job related asbestos exposure.

> > > > > > > >

> > > > > > > > Until I can know if my home BPs are right I can see no point in


> > > > > > them. Did take BP device to VA to have it checked. First they did 2


> > > > > > using auto bp device over my shirt. They then had my us e my device

I took

> > > > > > my shirt off and took BP this reading was higher then there reading.


> > > > > > on this was told my devise wasn't accurate Was told they would send

me a new

> > > > > > device. This was almost 3 months ago and am still waiting.

> > > > > >

> > > > > >

> > > > > > .

> > > > > >

> > > > > >


> > > > > > =40621/stime=1327872558/nc1=3848640/nc2=5191949/nc3=5191951>

> > > > > >

> > > > >

> > > >

> > >

> >

> >


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I was curious if they provided you with an Oximeter, they wouldn't provide me

one even when I was on oxygen! Your first O2 looks " normal " but what's going

with the second? When Dr. Webster tested me and my oxygen level went to 83 she

added F/T oxygen and referred me to Pulmonry, I had recently been RXed nocturnal


I see you have sleep apnea. Do you use a c-pap or bi-pap machine? When did you

have your last sleep study? Is there anyone around to witness your sleep

pattern? (I know that if my wife hadn't been there they probably wouldn't have

done the last one but she wouldn't take " NO " for an answer!) I actually had two

because I ran out of oxygen on the first one and the tech stopped it because he

couldn't get a good seal on the mask. The second caused an increase from 17/11

to 19/13 on my bi-pap, oxygen at 4L and a new mask! Consistently getting 8

hours of unterruped sleep makes a major difference. Stopping Spiro has also had

an impact, negatively!

With your " seated exersises " did they provide you with a contraption that looks

like bike peddles on a stand. Very portable and you can sit back and watch tv

or put it on the table an use your arms. I think it also helped reduce ankle

swelling when I used it if that is an issue.

> > > > > > >

> > > > > > > Until I can know if my home BPs are right I can see no point in


> > > > > them. Did take BP device to VA to have it checked. First they did 2


> > > > > using auto bp device over my shirt. They then had my us e my device I


> > > > > my shirt off and took BP this reading was higher then there reading.


> > > > > on this was told my devise wasn't accurate Was told they would send me

a new

> > > > > device. This was almost 3 months ago and am still waiting.

> > > > >

> > > > >

> > > > > .

> > > > >

> > > > >


> > > > > =40621/stime=1327872558/nc1=3848640/nc2=5191949/nc3=5191951>

> > > > >

> > > >

> > >

> >


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Very hard to catch the low O2 readings. Sometimes it is only a few seconds

sometimes it is about a minute.

I have a bi-pap machine more on this later.

She decided to not have me use the bike peddles as she put it at this time

Based on his dislike of the stationary cycle (bothers his legs) and his

cardiovascular response, as well as his timid nature surrounding exercise,

> > > > > > > >

> > > > > > > > Until I can know if my home BPs are right I can see no point in


> > > > > > them. Did take BP device to VA to have it checked. First they did 2


> > > > > > using auto bp device over my shirt. They then had my us e my device

I took

> > > > > > my shirt off and took BP this reading was higher then there reading.


> > > > > > on this was told my devise wasn't accurate Was told they would send

me a new

> > > > > > device. This was almost 3 months ago and am still waiting.

> > > > > >

> > > > > >

> > > > > > .

> > > > > >

> > > > > >


> > > > > > =40621/stime=1327872558/nc1=3848640/nc2=5191949/nc3=5191951>

> > > > > >

> > > > >

> > > >

> > >

> >


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